The Demure Bride (18 page)

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Authors: Joannie Kay

BOOK: The Demure Bride
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"You are going to get a spanking, Mandy. The next time you will tell me what you are feeling and why you are so frightened. Is that clear?"

"Yes! I do not need another spanking, Rob. Please listen to me. I am so sore right now that I could not sit down if I had to. I will tell you of my feelings in the future, I promise. Please do not spank me again! I could not bear it if you did!"

Rob was not about to listen to Amanda. "This is for running from me... and right after I warned you about riding around with Sir Gregory Flockton looking for the right opportunity to capture and harm you!" This time he used his hand. He wanted, no he
, to feel the heat under his hand and know that he was responsible for correcting the woman he loved.

Amanda was bawling, but she was too worn out to struggle. All she could do was lie there and accept the spanking. She knew that Rob was very upset with her and it made her cry even harder. "I am sorry, Rob. I am so sorry I frightened you! Do you not understand that I love you? You should have told me why you were staying away from me. You did not trust me to handle that knowledge. I feel this trust issue goes both ways!" To her surprise, the spanking stopped abruptly and Rob lifted her to her feet.

"Yes, my dear, you are quite correct."

"Do I get to spank you to make my point?" she asked petulantly. Her bottom was throbbing so much that she knew she would never be able to sit down or sleep if she was to go to her room and lie down!

"No, you most certainly do not!" he replied. "I will find another way to show you how sorry I am that I failed you."

"I would rather give you a throbbing bottom to match mine!" she insisted, sniffling and trying not to cry.

"You are welcome to try, but I guarantee that you are the one who would end up over my knee again," he told her, giving her a look of warning that she promptly decided to heed. "I think you should go upstairs and put on something pretty and feminine, Mandy. Your father is liable to give you another tanning when he comes home and learns you disobeyed him, and you need several layers of petticoats to give you some padding."

"Nothing would help!" she pouted, and then turned away and ran to the back stairwell and left him sitting in the kitchen all alone.

It was only a few minutes later that Matthew Chambers entered the house by way of the kitchen. It took mere seconds for Rob to realize that the older man was furious. "Where is she?" he demanded, his green eyes, so like Amanda's, were blazing and Rob realized that he was going to have to do some serious talking or Amanda was truly going to get another blistering.

"Mandy is upstairs pouting because I welted her backside for her." He told the absolute truth.

"Listen, boy... It's one thing for you to correct the girl if you intend to marry her, but it's not going to happen if you don't want her in your life. She might have earned a hiding, but it ain't your place to give it to her." Matt was furious.

"I do want to marry her, Matt. I told you that; it is just that I fear for her safety, especially now that I know who is trying to kill me. His name is Sir Gregory Flockton." Rob told the entire story while Matt listened patiently. He did not leave out anything, telling the older man a lot more than he shared with Amanda.

"He sounds like a sick bastard," Matt commented, his green eyes filled with horror.

"He is." Rob nodded in confirmation. "I reacted out of fear for Mandy, but I guarantee she will not wish to sit upon anything but a cushion for some time. While she is recovering I intend to hunt Flockton down and see that he is dealt with as he deserves. All the rumors of his death will then be true and all women can sigh in relief."

"Do you really think he would try riding right up here to the house to take Mandy?" Matt asked. "There are always hands around."

"He would kill anyone who got in his way, Matt. And, if you send Mandy away to stay with a friend, he would go after her. He has made her his target and he will not stop until he has her in his clutches."

"Damn. I'll kill the bastard with my bare hands if he comes around here!"

"Not if I find him first. I am going hunting, and all I want from you, Matt, is your promise to keep Mandy safe for me. If you have to spank her every day to keep her off Glimmer, then do it, please." With that he took his leave, anxious to find one Sir Gregory Flockton.

* * *

Sir Gregory Flockton was no fool. It was time for him to lay low and allow Robert Thorne to search and search without finding him anywhere. Flockton knew the value of patience and he used the virtue to his advantage. He would wait until they were all sure that he was gone from the area and relaxed their guard, and then he would strike quickly.

* * *

Helene was disappointed as telegram after telegram reported that they had no knowledge of anyone matching Whitey's description. No one was reported missing, and no one looking like him was wanted by the law. She'd given up hope after nearly two weeks, and was doing her best to stay occupied, tearfully rolling out pie dough, but this time for cherry pies. Somehow she was going to make a trip out to the Circle C to see Whitey and take him one of the pies, in spite of her Uncle's orders to do no such thing. Helene loved Whitey and nothing on earth was going to stop that. She'd just placed the pies in the oven when she heard her Uncle calling for her. She prayed she would be back upstairs in time to salvage her pies. Uncle Peter rarely asked her to watch the shop because she knew so little about guns, but when he did, he expected her to do as she was asked.

"Yes, Uncle Peter...?" she said, looking at him as she saw the two men standing in front of the counter, studying her carefully.

"These two men are here to discuss Whitey with you. You tell them the truth and no hiding facts. Hear me?" Peter knew he needed to be firm. If the young man was wanted by the law, and it was clear as could be to him that they were the law, then he wouldn't let his niece try to hide him.

"Of course I will tell the truth!" Helene replied, offended. She wanted to know about Whitey's past, even if he was in some trouble. She couldn't plan marriage to him unless he was free, and to her, that meant free of any debts he owned to society.

"Miss, the man you described in your telegram to the Texas Rangers sounds like someone we have been looking for. Do you know where he is?"

"Yes, but why are you looking for him?" she asked, obviously upset.

"Miss, I promise we'll answer your questions in due time. Can you take us to this man right now...? Please...?" the tallest of the two asked.

"Uncle, may I ride with these two men out to the Circle C?" she asked permission.

"No. I don't know these men from any other drifters who wander into town." Peter was protective of his niece. "I'll give you directions," he told them, "but this little girl isn't riding anywhere with two men I don't know from Adam."

"Sir, I appreciate your concern. I would feel the same way in your place. Directions to the ranch would be fine," the man said, nodding his head.

Helene listened as her Uncle gave the two men directions and then she went upstairs, sat at the kitchen table and buried her face in her hands and cried. It didn't matter to her what Whitey had done, she wanted to be with him... be his wife... and have his children. She got to her feet in determination, took the baked pies from the oven... and then she ran to her bedroom and changed into riding clothes. It didn't take her long to run to the stable, rent a horse, and leave town at a gallop. If Whitey caught her riding like this he would spank her again, but she didn't care. She was going to save him!

* * *

Robert was discouraged. He had spent long hours each day hunting for Sir Gregory Flockton but there was no sign of the man anywhere. Rob was sure that Flockton was toying with him; hiding and allowing him to search without success. He decided to ride over to see Matt Chambers and see if they had had any problems at all. He was not a bit surprised to learn that Matt had stationed quite a few of his men around the house, doing odd jobs. He wanted his daughter safe, and Rob could well imagine the fit Mandy was having by now. He was sure that the spanking he had administered to her pretty bottom had worn off by now and she was back to normal and giving Matt a difficult time. Rob had to smile. He truly loved Amanda's feisty nature.

Rob knocked on the door and he heard running feet, and Matt's deep bellow ordering his daughter to stand back and let him get it. Rob grinned as he waited for the door to be unlocked and opened. "I gather our Mandy is back to normal?"

"She is and I'm about to cut me a switch!" Matthew declared, thoroughly exasperated that his daughter seemed to ignore all of his warnings as each opportunity presented itself.

"Papa, you are worrying too much!" Amanda scolded. "I'm not going to do anything rash. Please stop scolding me for every little thing!"

"I'll do more than scold you if you run to answer a door again!" Matt threatened.

"Mandy, I thought you promised you would behave...?" Rob asked, gently tapping the end of her nose with his index finger.

"I am behaving," she insisted. "Papa is just worrying too much. He won't even allow me to keep my bedroom window open at night and it is stifling in my room!" she complained.

"Thank you, Matt," Rob made his position clear.

"I might know you would take Papa's side!" she pouted.

"Only because I love you and want you to be safe. I know Sir Gregory Flockton, my dear, and you do not. Just because he is laying low right now does not mean he has not been making plans to come for you. You must be smarter than he and remain where we can hope to protect you. Your compliance is the only thing that will ease my mind."

Amanda looked into his dark eyes and saw his love for her reflected in their depths. "I will do as you ask, Rob, as long as you promise me something in return."

"What is that?" Unless it was too outrageous for words, he would grant her request. He smiled, waiting for her answer.

"I want you to be careful, too. I could not bear for you to be harmed."

"I will be very careful," he replied, then leaned down to kiss her to seal the pact, forgetting that Matt was only a few feet away.

"I'll go and see if Goldie is almost done with lunch. Rob, you look like you could use a good meal..."

"I am famished," Rob admitted, and while Matt was out of the room, he pulled Amanda close and hugged her tightly. "Thank you for obeying me in this matter, my love. I am so proud of you."

"I did not have much choice at first," she confessed. "Rob, I was welted and I do not want another spanking like that ever again!" she said firmly.

"I will not spank you again, my love... as long as you behave yourself, so that rather puts it in your hands." He smiled at her. "I promise I will find him, Mandy. And, after I do, we shall go riding and take a picnic lunch with us."

"I'll look forward to that."

"Come on, you two. Goldie has food hot and on the table," Matt called out. He was happy to see the two of them on good terms once again. He approved of Robert Thorne, and he liked the idea of his little girl living next door to him. After all, when he got too old to care, this ranch would go to Mandy and her husband and kids. He just might go hunting for this rotten polecat himself!

Goldie served them with a smile, her actions letting them know that she was pleased to have Rob at 'her' table once again. Perhaps the two kids would get married after all.

* * *

Helene knew the countryside better than the two lawmen and she was relieved to realize that she arrived at the ranch ahead of what she assumed were Texas Rangers. The Whitey she knew wasn't capable of doing anything wrong. She jumped down and ran into the barn, looking for him. "Whitey!"

"Helene, what are you doing here?" Whitey stepped out of the shadows to ask. He was happy to see her, but he could see that something was very wrong.

"You were right. I shouldn't have sent out those wires. Two men came into Uncle Peter's store and wanted me to lead them here. Uncle Peter said 'no', but he gave them directions, and they are on their way here as we speak. I am so very sorry."

"It is time I face up to my past, Helene. I can't have a future with you until I deal with my past."

"No! I want us to leave here right away. We'll ride north until we get to Canada!"

"Canada? Do you have any idea how far that is?"

"We can do it. I don't want you to go to prison." She pleaded with him, but Whitey was adamant. He meant to stay and face up to whatever he'd done.

Helene felt despair when the pair rode into the yard and asked another hand where they could find Whitey. He pointed them in the direction of the barn and Helene did the unthinkable. She pointed a gun at them and said, "You two can just turn your horses around and get out of here. Whitey is not a criminal, and I won't let you have him!"

"Miss, please put the gun down," the tall man said quietly. "We don't want any trouble."

"Mace...?" Whitey called out, his face pale as he recognized the other man.

"Yeah, little brother, it's me," Mace grinned. "I'd about given up hope. I was afraid you were lying dead somewhere."

"Helene, put the gun down, honey. This is my brother, Mace. And, I'm not wanted. I'm a Texas Ranger!" Whitey said proudly. He picked her up and spun her around. "Will you marry me, darlin'?"

Helene looked at Whitey, crying and laughing at the same time. "Yes, of course I will! I was ready to run away to Canada with you, wasn't I?"

"I ought to spank you for pulling that gun on Mace and Snyder, missy, but I won't. Not today, anyway. I'm too happy."

"Have you been here all along?" Mace asked curiously.

"Sure have. The Boss found me, half dead, and he nursed me back to health. I've been here since then, working for my keep."

"He thought he was involved in a robbery, but he wasn't. I knew it!"

"Is there a problem?" Matt Chambers suddenly materialized, standing beside Whitey in a protective manner.

"No, sir. I'd like for you to meet my brother, Mace Gibbons."

Matt shook hands with Mace. "I'm glad to meet you. I never did feel Whitey done anything wrong.

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