The Demure Bride (19 page)

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Authors: Joannie Kay

BOOK: The Demure Bride
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"He's a Texas Ranger," Helene pointed out. "Isn't that wonderful?" Her smile was tremulous and full of pride as she clung to his arm. "I can't wait to tell Uncle Peter. He will be happy, too, because he likes you! And, I've got to go and tell Amanda the good news right now!"

She took off running for the big house and Matt had to grin. She was so full of energy that it amazed him, and he knew that Amanda would be planning a big party to celebrate the engagement. He just wanted the same for his daughter and Matt. "Men..." he began, "We could sure use some help around here. There's a man who calls himself Sir Gregory Flockton, and he is trying to kill my neighbor, Robert Thorne...."


Chapter Thirteen

The congratulations from Michael's family members were genuine, and Mary even had tears of happiness in her pretty eyes as she kissed Molly and told her she was very happy to have her for a daughter-in-law to be!

"When do you plan to get married?" Kathleen's eldest asked.

Michael just grinned and said, "The lady just said 'yes', honey. Molly and I will have to talk about a date."

"I want to come to the wedding!" the child persisted, and Molly assured her that she was invited, which satisfied her, and when another nephew spoke up, Molly nodded and said that everyone, even the smallest babies, would all be invited. She didn't know it, but she forever etched herself in Seamus' heart with those words. He loved his family and was proud of them, and to him, children belonged at weddings, too. Molly would be the perfect wife for Michael.

The rest of Christmas was a blur for Molly. She remembered helping with the dinner, and receiving so many hugs, and words of advice on living with Michael, which he hotly claimed was mostly slander and harassment! Laughter filled the air, and most of the family stayed late into the evening, playing games and just having a fun day of family.

The moment Molly went into work on Monday morning, Liz spotted her engagement ring and jumped up from her seat behind the high desk and came running to give Molly a big hug. "Oh, Molly! This is so wonderful! Your ring is simply beautiful!" she whispered, awed. Then she looked at Molly. "Do you like it?"

"I love it; Michael chose it for me," she explained, and then smiled and added, "I truly love it, though."

One of the other legal secretaries joined them and exclaimed over the heart shaped diamond. "If there is one thing I know, it is diamonds, and that man of yours loves you big bucks, girl!" she informed Molly. "That is one expensive ring!"

"What is going on?" Drake Bridges asked with a smile as he walked in and saw the group gathered around Molly.

"Molly is engaged, Mr. Bridges," Liz told him. "We are admiring her ring; it's so beautiful."

"Now that is wonderful news," Drake said sincerely, taking Molly's hand in his so he could see her ring. Michael has good taste, in women and in rings," he stated. He then gave Molly a hug. "Do you have a date set yet?" he asked.

"Not yet. We haven't had a minute alone to discuss a wedding," Molly admitted.

"Oh, that will all come in time!" Liz told her. "My sisters set dates several times before they actually found one that would work for everyone they wanted to be there."

"No need to rush things," Drake said softly. "But, I think we have a client or two coming in soon, so we should get busy, hmmmm?" The woman all agreed, and immediately wished each other a good day and hurried to do what needed to be done while Molly followed Drake to their offices upstairs.

Molly was grateful to be rescued by her boss. She wasn't used to being the center of attention, and while the attention was the good kind, it kind of bothered her to have her engagement ring scrutinized for value. Michael gave it to her with love, and she would value it even if it came out of a Cracker Jack box. She promised herself to tell Michael that at the first opportunity.

"Why so grim looking, Molly?" Drake asked, clearly puzzled. "You aren't having second thoughts, are you?"

"No," she quickly replied. "I know I'm being silly, but I don't need an expensive ring to know that Michael loves me. I don't want anyone to think that I'm marrying Michael for monetary reasons."

"Kasey, right?" Drake asked knowingly. "Don't let her upset you, Molly. She is a bit of a cynic when it comes to marriage, but she would be the first to tell everyone that you love Michael. And, I don't want you worrying about your wedding, either. We're all going to be there, Molly, filling up your side of the church. We are family, and I meant what I said about paying for your dress and cake. I'm claiming that privilege, and my feelings will be very hurt if you don't allow me to do this for you."

"Thank you so much," Molly said with a tearful smile. The telephone on her desk rang, and she moved to answer it, and then said, "Mr. McGill is here, Mr. Bridges. I think we'd better get to work!" She touched his arm when he started toward his office, and when he stopped to look at her, she said, "Thank you so much. I can't tell you how good it feels to know you care so much about me."

"You are special to our family, Molly. We cared about you
you put your life in danger to save mine... But, believe me, my wife and my dad would give you the world if you asked. I know you aren't the type of woman who would consider that, and it makes you even more special to us. I want you to promise me you'll come to me if you need anything at all, Molly. Not just for the wedding. And not just now... I mean any time." To her surprise, he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek just as Mr. McGill entered the office, and the client's eyes grew large.

"Good morning, Mr. McGill," Molly said with a smile. "Would you like to congratulate me, too?" she asked, showing him her ring. "My finance and I are now officially engaged."

"That's a pretty ring, Molly," the elderly man said with a smile. "I sure hope you aren't going to quit working once you get married...?" he asked.

Molly is
permitted to quit work. She is the best secretary I've ever had, and I'll raise her salary to keep her!" Drake answered immediately and Molly couldn't help giggling at the uncustomary raised voice he used.

"I am not planning to quit work. Michael would never ask that of me," she said, reassuring her boss.

"Now, honey, you missed your chance to get a raise!" Mr. McGill teased.

"I think a raise is a good idea," Drake stated matter-of-factly. "We'll discuss that later, Molly." He invited his client into his office, and Molly hurried to make coffee to take to them. She didn't feel it was demeaning to make coffee because Drake took a turn, too. Once she took them their coffee, Molly listened to the messages left over the long weekend, and made the call backs she could take care of on her own. She also made a list of the ones that Drake would have to make himself.

Molly seldom had a slow day, and this day was no exception. Still, when Michael came to take her out to lunch, she made sure that Drake didn't need anything of her, and then she left with Michael.

"You have something you want to tell me, Molly?" Michael asked. She was very preoccupied, and he was already trying to figure out what she'd done that she didn't want to share with him. Certainly she hadn't been caught speeding again...?

Molly nodded, and shyly said, "I want to say this and I don't want you to take it all wrong. I really, really,
love my ring..."

"But...?" he asked patiently.

"I would have said yes even if you didn't give me a ring," she said so earnestly that he knew something or someone upset her.

"I know that, Molly. I wanted to give you a ring you would love, and when I saw this one, it had your name on it. You have such a sweet heart, and yellow gold is what all your other jewelry is made of. I've never seen you wear white gold. I picked it because it seemed perfect for you."

"Thank you. I really do love it, but I'm marrying you because I love you... not for what you can buy for me. I don't think the price of a ring indicates how much I am loved."

"I don't either," he agreed, and then asked, "Now, which one of the ladies you work with made a comment about the cost of your ring?"

"It was Kasey. She said you must love me a lot because this ring is expensive."

"I do love you a lot or I wouldn't have asked you to marry me, Molly. Pop didn't give Ma an expensive ring, but he loved her plenty, just as I love you... forever. Okay?"

"Yes. I just wanted you to know how I feel."

"Thank you," Michael said solemnly, doing his best not to smile. Molly was perfectly serious.

"I've been getting a lot of well-meaning advice this morning on the subject of our wedding."

"It is our wedding. We will plan it to suit us, Molly."

"I agree. I do want to tell you that Mr. Bridges is insisting on paying for my dress and the cake. He really wants to do this and said he would be hurt if I refused."

"He wouldn't offer if he didn't want to do it, Molly. I think you should accept."

"Good, because I did." She grinned then. "Could we just elope and spare ourselves all the good intentions and well-meaning suggestions of how we should do things?"

"Nope. We're going to do the church wedding. I called about some dates, and the first date the church is open is March 26. I would like to reserve that day, Molly. I'm impatient to make you mine."

"That is three months from now!"

"I know. Do you think we can pull it off?"

"It depends on the kind of wedding you want, Michael. If you want a family style wedding, instead of a formal-formal wedding, then yes, we can."

"What do you mean by a family style wedding versus a formal-formal wedding?" he asked curiously, and then listened in surprise as Molly talked. It was easy for him to discern which type of wedding she preferred, and he was in agreement with her. "Family style it is," he stated firmly, and was rewarded when she clapped her hands. He called, reserved the church, and then winked at Molly when he called his mother. "Ma, will you call all the family and tell them to keep March 26 open on their calendars. That is when Molly and I are getting married. Tell them we'll be in touch because we are having a family style wedding." He listened, and then chuckled. "Yes, Ma. It was Molly's idea, and I'm all for it." He listened again, and then said, "Yes, ma'am. Ma wants to talk to you, honey."

"Hello, Mary," Molly dutifully took Michael's cell phone and greeted the other woman.

"Molly, is Michael rushing you, dear?" Mary came straight to the point.

"No, not at all, Mary. I know exactly what I want, and Michael is in agreement. Isn't that simply wonderful?"

"Well, yes, but the church..."

"Is already reserved, along with the hall. We'll do everything there."

"There is so much to do...!" Mary exclaimed.

"We'll handle it, and you'll be surprised at how quickly we accomplish everything."

* * *

Molly and Michael wasted no time in getting started with their plans. They sat down that night with a tablet and pen, made lists of everything that needed doing, and were surprised to realize that they agreed with almost everything concerning the wedding. Kathleen was asked to take care of the flowers, and to Bridget's shock, they asked her to do their wedding cake. Bridget was flustered and flattered, but both her parents were naturally worried at the idea of their youngest taking on such a huge responsibility.

"Michael and I are aware that Bridget is not a professional yet, but we know she'll do her very best, and that is all we want or expect of her," Molly said. "I know Bridget will practice and the cake will be beautiful, and we want to be able to tell everyone ten years from now that we were her first clients! We expect to pay you, Bridget."

"What if something awful happens and I totally ruin the cake?" Bridget asked in concern.

"Bridget, I've seen the birthday cakes and holiday cakes you've made; you won't ruin the cake, but if you should, we will still love you. That is our promise."

"I'll do it!" she said excitedly. "I'm going to go and start looking at designs. You'll have to tell me what kind of cake you want, and the colors you want to use. I'm going to do my very best cake ever," she promised, then flew from the room to go and start looking on line for ideas.

"I hope she doesn't get so worried and nervous she can't function when the time comes," Mary fretted.

"She won't, Mary. It will be good experience for the girl. If she can do a wedding cake for family, then she will be able to handle working in a bakery with all the pressure she'll have there," Seamus said. "I think it good of you both to give Bridget a chance. What else are you going to need help with?"

Molly and Michael spoke up and asked for the help they needed.

* * *

"Are you sure you aren't upset that we can't spend tonight together, honey?" Michael asked as they ate an early dinner at his parents' home.

"I know you have to work, Michael. I will find something to do. Maybe go to a movie...?"

"No, that isn't a good idea. I want your word that you won't go anywhere tonight, Molly. Too many people drive under the influence, and I need to know that you are here at home, safe."

"You are being silly, Michael. I'm a grown woman, and if I want to go somewhere, I will."

"No, not tonight," Michael said firmly, not caring that his parents and little sister were in the kitchen, too. "You need to stay home where you'll be safe."

"I am not a child, Michael. I'm not going to be grounded for the night simply because you have to work," Molly told him, her temper showing.

"Do we need to discuss this privately?" he demanded just as his cell phone rang. "O'Keefe...?" Michael growled into the phone, listened for a few minutes and said, "I'm on my way." He turned to Molly and said, "I have to go right now, but I'll be checking in with you later, young lady, and you'd best be right here." With those final words he left, banging the door behind him.

"I hope you aren't going to listen to Michael!" Bridget declared, her eyes flashing. "He's acting just like a cop!"

a cop, and you'd better not be giving advice to Molly, young lady. Michael wants to keep her safe." Seamus switched his gaze from his youngest daughter to Molly. "I suggest you do as Michael asks, Molly. It isn't much fun going out alone anyway, and Donna and Gene are coming over here for the evening. We'll set up a Monopoly game..."

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