The Demure Bride (6 page)

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Authors: Joannie Kay

BOOK: The Demure Bride
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"Because I think you need a bit of kindness right now, Amanda, and it would please me if you address me as Rob or Robert. Go on now before Matt returns and I am forced to scold him for being too severe."

Amanda smiled, and then she giggled. "I would almost like to see the look on Papa's face, and on yours when he chews you up and spits you out!" After those words, she lifted her skirts and left the room, running up the steps and shutting the door to her room just as Matt returned to the house.

"Where is Amanda?" Matt asked with a scowl as he stomped into the dining room.

"She is upstairs, sir. Surely you noticed she was ill?" he asked calmly.

"She is just pouting."

"No, sir, she is still ill from the soap. And she was in pain and trying to maintain her dignity by sitting still." He grinned at the older man and then said in a dry tone of voice, "It has obviously been a while since you were thrashed, and girls are delicate and bruise easily. Amanda is suffering, Matt, and needs compassion and forgiveness now."

"Do you think I injured her? Do I need to call Doc out here to tend her?" Matt demanded, his eyes full of worry for his child.

"Calling the Doctor would humiliate Amanda, sir. She will recover, but it will be some days before she willingly sits for any length of time, and I do not think she will attempt to ride her little mare, either. Perhaps that will give me time to uncover the rustlers and bring them to justice."

"I'll help you all I can, Rob." Matt suddenly pushed his plate away. "I feel like a jackass right now," he muttered angrily.

"I understand," Rob said softly, getting to his feet and picking up his hat from the sideboard and putting it on his head. "Thanks for dinner, Matt. Keep an eye out, and I will keep you informed if I discover anything."

Matt watched the young man leave and then smiled. Apparently a pie made of soap wasn't enough to turn the Englishman away from his feisty Amanda. He got to his feet and went upstairs. He knocked on his daughter's door and turned the knob and walked right in. Amanda let out a squeal of embarrassment and too late Matt realized that he should have waited for her to give him an invitation to enter. She was in the process of changing her clothing, and was dropping her nightdress over her nude body. Matt got a good look at her bruised backside before the gown hid her from view.

"Papa!" Amanda scolded, humiliated.

"Good God, Mandy!" Matt whispered in shock. "I'm sorry!"

"Ohhhhh!" She stomped her foot in outrage as she put her wrapper over her gown and tied it with angry motions. "Will you please wait for an answer before you barge in on me?" she demanded, her temper flaring. She raised her eyes to look at him, and saw tears in his eyes. "What's wrong, Papa?" she asked, walking over to where he stood staring at her.

"Oh, Mandy, how can you ever forgive me for bruising you like that? I was brutal! You're black and blue!" He reached for her and pulled her close to hug her tightly. "I'm so sorry, baby girl. Papa is so sorry! I'll send for Doc. He'll help you, baby."

"No! Don't you dare send for the Doctor, Papa! I will be fine," she insisted, mortified at the mere thought of her father sending for the Doctor to treat her because of a spanking! "I was already sore when you strapped me... and I had a few marks from when Robert struck me. Besides, what I did was deplorable. I am still smelling and tasting soap," she confessed. "I would safely say I have learned my lesson."

"I meant to give you a lesson, but I didn't mean to go as far as I did, honey. I will never take a belt to you again. You have my word on that," he said firmly. "Goldie was right when she told me a strap was too harsh for a delicate girl. Can you forgive an old fool, Mandy?" he asked so sincerely that Mandy was hard-pressed not to smile.

"Papa, how many times have you forgiven me?" she asked. "Of course I forgive you; you only spanked me because I was horrible, and it was my own fault for acting like a spoiled brat. If I'd served a normal piece of pie I wouldn't have ended up over the table for a strapping. Can we put this behind us now, please?" she asked. "By that I mean, please don't punish me further by asking me to sit at the table right now. I promise you I am not sulking and pouting or trying to punish you for punishing me."

"We'll put some pillows on your chair, Mandy," Matt promised. "And I'll ask Goldie what we can do to make your belly feel better, and if she knows of something to help with the bruises," he added guiltily.

"I already have something for that, Papa," she admitted, blushing. "Please don't be angry. I bruise easily," she told him matter-of-factly. "I wasn't trying to be defiant by asking Goldie for something... It just hurt so much after you spanked me the first time."

"I wish I'd paid attention to that. Your Papa made a big mistake, honey. I'll take better care of you now, I swear to that."

"I feel much better already," she said, smiling at him. "I couldn't bear having you so angry with me. That hurt more than my bottom."

Matt gave her another hug, and he was relieved when she hugged him back. He knew he was forgiven, too. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her goodnight before strapping on his gun and going out to hunt rustlers.

* * *

Two weeks!
Amanda fumed. She had been cooped up for two weeks now, and she didn't like it one little bit! Her Papa was adamant that she not go riding alone, and then said he couldn't spare anyone to go with her. He was staying up most of the night hunting for rustlers and his mood was grouchy as could be. Amanda had seen Robert Thorne twice, and both times he practically ignored her. That did not do one thing to improve her mood. She was going crazy, and she was not going to stay inside this house with nothing to do one more day!

Goldie said nothing as Amanda entered the kitchen, but got up to fix her something to eat. "Where is Papa, Goldie?" Amanda asked, pouring herself some coffee.

"Out already today."

"That tears it," she muttered angrily. Amanda ate her breakfast and thanked the older woman for cooking it. Just as she was ready to leave the kitchen, Goldie spoke.

"Better not do what you're thinking, Missy."

"I'll consider myself duly warned, Goldie." Amanda hurried upstairs and changed her clothing. She remembered her father's scathing remarks about her riding habits, the ones she wore back in Boston, and wondered what he would say now. She grinned as she pulled a pair of denim pants over her drawers. She added a white shirt, which she tucked into the pants, and a jacket that hid her curves from view. She plaited her hair into one braid, and then tucked it under her new hat. She pulled on her boots and then surveyed herself in the mirror. She looked exactly like a young boy, and she doubted her father would recognize her if he spotted her, and that suited Amanda just fine. If he wanted her to dismiss her upbringing, then she would do so.

She took the time to arm herself and then made her way to the barn. The hands were all busy and there was no one there to prevent her from putting a saddle on Glimmer and riding out.
Sweet freedom!
Amanda felt joy in the simple pleasure of riding her little mare. Unconsciously, or consciously, she headed for Robert Thorne's ranch. All of the rustling incidents had occurred on his ranch, and no one else seemed to be affected. Perhaps she might see something she could report and make herself useful to the investigation, Amanda reasoned. She did not stop to consider that she just might be putting herself at risk. If the rustlers wanted cattle, they certainly wouldn't notice one small woman going for a ride!

* * *

"Where is Mandy, Goldie?" Matt asked as he walked into the kitchen. He was agitated and if that fool girl didn't have a damn good excuse for taking her mare out for a ride, he was going to warm her backside.

Goldie shrugged.

"She didn't tell you where she was goin'?" he demanded, wishing for once his housekeeper was more like other women and talked too much!

Goldie looked at him and shook her head no, and the look in her eyes warned him to leave her alone. Matt wasn't a fool. Besides, he had to find his disobedient daughter. He mounted his stallion and went looking for Amanda, three of his men trailing along in case there was trouble. God knows Amanda had a talent for getting in over her head.

* * *

Amanda tried and tried to work her hands free of the ropes binding her so she could untie her feet. The men had taken her by surprise and she hadn't been able to get to her gun before one of them swept her from her saddle and held her. Two of them tried to catch Glimmer, but her little mare was fast and she ran for her life. Amanda hoped Glimmer went back to the ranch and caused her Papa to come looking, like the last time she was unseated. Of course, he couldn't come if he wasn't home to know that Glimmer returned without her. She cursed under her breath when the ropes proved stubborn.

"She's seen us; we have no choice but kill her," one man said, his voice low.

"I don't hold with hurting females," another replied.

"The boss said no more killing."

"The boss isn't the one who's going to hang," the first man sneered. "If you two are afraid to do the job, then it falls to me. But I aim to have me some fun first," he told the other two. "You boys can ride on out. I'll make it look good and no one will connect us to her."

"You ain't gonna hurt that girl, Amos."

"You gonna stop me, boy?" Amos asked in a surly voice.

"If I got to, yes." Those were the last words the man would say; Amos shot him between the eyes and he fell over, dead.

"What about you, Striker? You got any objections?" Amos demanded, the meaning behind his words clear.

"Nope. But I ain't having none of it on my conscience, either. You shouldn't of killed off Willie. The boss is going to be mad." He tossed down the piece of grass he'd been chewing on and headed for his horse, half expecting the other man to shoot him in the back. Luckily, he mounted and rode off. But, instead of waiting at the appointed meeting place, Striker kept right on going. He was done with Amos... and with the man behind the rustling and murders. Taking a few cattle was one thing, but killing was something Amos enjoyed too much. Striker felt sorry for the poor girl; she didn't have a chance against Amos, but he wasn't a fool. If he tried to help her he would end up like Willie. He kicked his gelding and rode even faster, trying to put a lot of distance between himself and what was happening back there.

* * *

Rob heard the gunshot and headed in that direction. As far as he knew, none of his men were working that area of the ranch. He rode to the top of a hill, took out his field glasses and looked around, and spotted Amanda Chambers' mare running toward her home. Rob headed in the opposite direction, his heart in his throat. What if someone shot Amanda? The possibility didn't bear contemplation. He pushed his stallion as hard as he could and heard screams. He hurried faster and when he spotted the little hellcat she was trying to fend off a man with her hands tied! Enraged, Rob galloped closer. The man attacking Amanda finally heard horse's hooves and went for his gun. Rob drew without hesitation and fired.

Amanda burst into tears when the horrible man fell at her feet. She expected Robert to come to her immediately and untie her and hold her, but instead he knelt beside her attacker.

"Who put you up to this, and why?"

"I ain't tellin' you nothin', Dude. You got someone who hates your guts."

"Who?" Rob demanded, but Amos just cursed him and died.

Only then did Rob approach Amanda. "You little fool, what are you doing out here?" he demanded, pulling his knife and cutting the ropes from her wrists. She'd rubbed them raw trying to escape and Robert was furious with her. "I have a good mind to thrash you soundly!" he declared, putting his hands on her shoulders and giving her a shake. "Do you have any idea what that bastard intended to do to you, Amanda Chambers?" Another shake.

"I am not a fool, Robert Thorne; I figured that out when he cut the ropes on my feet and told me I could scream all I wanted because he would enjoy it! And you can just stop being so mean to me!" She drew back her foot and kicked him on the shin. Robert cursed in pain, and grabbed the injured spot, jumping on one foot. Amanda stood there, her hands on her hips, glaring at him, and when he turned his furious gaze on her she belatedly realized she should have been running. Now it was too late! He advanced on her and she backed away, but not quickly enough. "Don't. You.
!" she warned, but Robert paid her no heed. He grabbed her arm and just that quickly she was lifted off her feet with an arm wrapped around her middle to hold her in position for the spanking he intended. "No!" The cry was an order and a plea for mercy at the same time.

"You are an impossible hoyden, Amanda Chambers. You have the temper of a hellcat, and I am just the man to tame your wild ways." He dealt her a hard slap over the seat of her pants, and then another. "How dare you dress yourself as a boy?" Another hard swat left a stinging handprint where she sat, and she couldn't keep from crying out in pain and outrage. "Do you realize these pants show how womanly you are?" he scolded, sounding very scandalized. "You will not wear these ever again, do you hear me, young lady?" he demanded, spanking her soundly.

"I will wear what I damned well please!" Amanda raged. "Papa forbade me to wear my riding habits!"

"I am willing to gamble this ranch that he did not give you permission to wear pants!" Rob stated with conviction, spanking her sit spots and upper thighs with enthusiasm. She would not enjoy the ride back to her father's ranch, of that he was certain. "I will not permit you to dress immodestly."

Amanda kicked her legs helplessly, and swung her arms, trying to hit him. "You have no say in how I dress!" she pointed out. "Stop it!" she yelped when he spanked her sore left cheek again. "You are hurting me, Robert Thorne!"

"I am not nearly finished with this lesson, you little hellcat! You were told by your father to keep to the house, and yet, here you are! You disobeyed and found trouble... and if I had not been close by and heard a shot, you would be dead by now. That man intended to kill you!" he stated bluntly, continuing to spank her backside, and not caring one little bit that she was screaming bloody murder and cursing him for all she was worth. Finally, Rob released her and put her on her feet. "Damnation, Amanda. You frightened me!" he whispered, and then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

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