The Demure Bride (10 page)

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Authors: Joannie Kay

BOOK: The Demure Bride
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"That is a long time!" he pointed out, giving her a second stripe across her bottom.

Amanda refused to cry out. She was not about to give the sick man the satisfaction of hearing her beg. Rob and her Papa would find her! They would! And the longer Ted spent beating her, the more time it gave them to get here and rescue her before the vile man forced himself on her. She prayed they would hurry!

* * *

"I have a bad feeling, son. A real bad feeling." Matt paused to think a minute. "It sounds to me like someone fired those gunshots hoping to draw you away from Mandy. Only someone on the ranch who saw you two riding out would know to follow you out here. And there is only one person who would have the nerve to kidnap my girl. Let's go find her." He headed his horse in the opposite direction that Rob would have taken, but Rob trusted Matt to know what he was doing.

They rode to a line shack, and Rob felt rage consume him when he heard screams of pain coming from inside. Matt's expression was deadly, and if it was Amanda in that cabin, whoever was harming her was going to die.


Chapter Seven

Martha sobbed in genuine distress. Each time the Master received a telegram it put him in a bad mood and he summoned her into his study and punished her. The messenger boy arrived half an hour earlier and she was tiptoeing about the large house, praying he would not send for her as he had twice before. The last time he doubled her punishment and then demanded she continue her duties as if there was nothing wrong. She could barely walk, and the housekeeper, an elderly woman who ruled the staff with an iron hand, took her into her private rooms and applied a salve to take away most of the pain, clucking in disapproval at the harshness of the beating. She also gave her something to drink that numbed Martha's senses, but left her able to polish the silver in the dining room. The Master had checked to be sure she was working several times, and Mrs. Coddington seemed to think he was hoping to find the young maid shirking her duties, or crying and whining about her predicament. Martha said nothing of the incident to her parents. Her father had so little time left to live, and Martha needed her wages to pay for the medicine that kept his pain to a minimum.

"Martha, you shall present yourself in my study in fifteen minutes sharp." The Master's sharp voice cut through her reverie, and she felt fear course through her body like a sharp knife. Part of her wanted to run out the door and never come back, but the practical part of her knew that her father would suffer immensely if she did not do as she was told. It was with a heavy heart that she tapped on the door of the study exactly fifteen minutes later.

"Come in, Martha," the Master said in his sharp voice. "Close the door, please." He waited until she did his bidding, and then motioned for her to approach his desk, where he sat studying her. "Do you enjoy working here, Martha?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, sir. I need my job," she replied truthfully.

"Yes, yes. You have said that your father is very ill and needs medication."

"Yes, sir. My Ma can't work right now because it is all she can to do care for Pa and the little ones at home."

"I think it is commendable that you are willing to work so hard to provide for your family, Martha."

"Thank you, sir."

"However, a young girl your age needs constant supervision and someone to monitor her behavior and see to it that she is disciplined. Since your father is unable to fulfill his role as your guardian, I feel I would be remiss if I were to neglect to offer this guidance."

Martha felt her blue eyes fill with tears and she bowed her head so that the Master would not see how upset she was. She feared another beating with his cane. He was a harsh man.

"Tell me, Martha, have you told your parents that I have found it necessary to punish you on two separate occasions?"

"No, sir!" She looked at him in horror. Her Pa would do his best to get out of bed to deal with the Master, and he was too ill for that!

"I see. You do not wish to upset your father while he is ill, am I correct?" he asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, sir."

"Too ill to deal with a young girl your age, and at a time when discipline is most important." He appeared to be deep in thought, but Martha knew the man was simply stalling. He was going to punish her again! "You have done nothing for which you deserve punishment; is this correct?" he asked, surprising her.

"Yes, sir. I have worked hard and tried to please both you and Mrs. Coddington."

"This is good, and I wish to ensure such good behavior will continue. I think a mild spanking will help you keep your mind on your duties and will prevent misconduct. Since your father is unable to guide you at this time, I will offer my help with this matter as your concerned employer. Do you wish for me to ask your father's permission, Martha, or shall you accept my offer willingly and turn up your skirts and lower your drawers for a spanking?"

"Sir, I have no need of a spanking!" Martha pleaded with the tall man. "I promise my behavior will be above reproach."

"Arguing with me over the matter is hardly above reproach," the Master frowned. "Will it be necessary to take out my cane after all?"

"Oh, no, sir!" Martha quickly answered. "I will accept a spanking," she said, feeling shamed to her very soul.

"Good girl," he replied, a small smile on his lips. He pushed his chair back from his desk. "Come around my desk and lie over my lap," he instructed.

Martha felt as though her feet were made of lead, but she did as she was told, moving slowly. At least he did not have that horrible cane in his hand, she told herself, trying to bolster her courage. As she rounded the desk, Martha saw the telegram lying on the surface of the gleaming, polished wood. She quickly read the words
: Man hired stop More after job complete stop
Martha had no clue what the words could mean. She was too worried and embarrassed over her own situation to care.

He enjoyed watching the pretty girl hesitate. It would give him an excuse to keep her over his knee even longer, making those chubby cheeks of hers bounce as they turned a deep, dark red. Today he was in the mood to savor the task of actually spanking a young bottom, rather than inflicting serious pain. Oh, she would be in pain long before he stopped, but today he would take his time and savor the experience. "If you do not wish to feel my cane, Martha, you will turn up your bottom right this minute." She all but threw herself over his lap in her anxiety. It pleased him immensely.

Martha felt tears of embarrassment as the Master raised her skirts and then lowered her drawers to bare her. She was shamed to be so exposed to his dark eyes. What he was doing was wrong, and she knew it was wrong, but she didn't know how to prevent it from happening without losing the job she needed so badly. Martha closed her eyes and tensed her muscles in preparation for the first stinging smack, but when it did not happen, she relaxed. That is when he spanked her, almost gently. The next dozen spanks were also gentle, and she decided this was going to be easy to handle; embarrassing, but not too painful. The Master suddenly started spanking harder, and the spanks were stinging, but not enough for her to cry out. She tried to lie still, thinking he would surely stop soon.

The man had no intention of stopping for a long while. The pale cheeks were now a pretty shade of pink, and he spanked a bit lower, making sure her upper thighs matched. Then he increased the severity of the spanking and she cried out in pain. "Now I am making an impression, young lady, and perhaps will impart a good lesson."

"Sir, I will be good now, I promise!" Martha pleaded with him.

"You are just now beginning to turn red," he replied. "A good spanking is a deep, dark burning red. Only then will I feel you have been instructed well enough for a first spanking."

Martha cried, and then sobbed. The Master spanked her until she was limp across his lap, thoroughly spent from the horrible experience. There wasn't one spot on her backside that wasn't burning as though she'd backed into the wood stove!

"Do you feel encouraged to behave as a young lady your age should behave, Martha?" he asked, his voice sharp and demanding she answer properly or face more punishment.

"Yes, sir," she managed to whisper between sobs.

"Very well. You may rise, adjust your clothing, and resume your duties for the day. I expect a full day's work or your wages will be adjusted to reflect the amount of time you took to pout and sulk over a little spanking."

Martha took great pains to get to her feet and pull up her drawers. She took her handkerchief to wipe the tears from her face and to delicately blow her nose. "Thank you for taking an interest in my behavior, sir," she said the words she knew she needed to say to keep her wages.

"You are welcome, Martha," he replied with a smile. "Now get to work. I will check on you later." And he did, and all three times he found her hard at work... in spite of the flaming sore bottom she hid beneath her clothing. He was satisfied, and satisfied that his man in Texas had finally hired someone to kill Robert Thorne. If the next wire he received was good news little Martha's pretty, plump bottom would get another spanking with just his hand. He smiled in anticipation.

* * *

Amanda was in so much pain she couldn't stand it!
How much longer would Ted Fox beat her? How long would it be before Rob or her Papa found her?
The belt landed another vicious blow and another scream was forced from her raw throat.
She would not beg. Never in a million years would she beg this unprincipled bastard for mercy!
In fact, if she could free herself, she would kill him! He did not deserve to live, and Amanda felt nothing but pity for Helene Patterson. The poor girl had fallen for this man's lies. Amanda screamed again as the belt left another welt. She'd long ago lost count of the number of times Ted struck her with his belt. He wanted her to beg, and she said she would die first. She couldn't help but wonder if anyone had ever died from a strapping?

"You bitch, start begging!" Ted screamed at her, striking her as hard as he could with the leather belt.

"Never!" Amanda refused. "I am a Chambers and Chambers do not beg!"

"You'll beg or I'll whip your tits until you do!" He was so intent on making the redhead bend to his will that he didn't hear the two men approach the cabin until it was too late and they were inside. Matt Chambers didn't even give him a chance to go for his gun. The older man fired, and Ted Fox fell to the floor of the dirty cabin, dead before he hit the floor.

"Oh, my God, Mandy! Honey, let Papa help you!" He took out his knife and cut the ropes binding her to the bed.

"Are you able to stand, Amanda?" Rob asked, furious with himself for allowing this to happen to the woman he loved. When her legs crumbled beneath her, he caught her and lifted her in his arms. "Let's get her home, Matt, and send for the Doctor," Rob said.

"I wish I could kill this sumbitch all over again!" Matt growled. He felt responsible and guilty as hell. If he'd only listened to Mandy when she told him the man was out to get her... He'd told Ted that Mandy wasn't interested in marrying him, but Ted kept insisting she would come around. Damn, why didn't he do something sooner?

Amanda didn't regain consciousness for the ride home. She wasn't aware that Rob held her in his strong arms for the long ride, or that they'd come across some of the Circle C hands and her father wasted no time in sending one of the men on a dead race to get the Doc out to the ranch in a big hurry. He also told him to ask the Sheriff to come, too.

When they arrived, Matt led the way inside, yelling for Goldie to come quick. The woman wiped her hands on her apron and came running, her eyes wide as she followed Rob up the staircase and down the hallway to Amanda's room.

"Be care with her, Goldie. That bastard Ted Fox was standing over her beating her with a belt when I shot him dead. She fainted when she tried to stand up. I don't know how bad he hurt her."

"Get out and give us some privacy. She's a modest young woman," Goldie said firmly and the two men obeyed, but paced the hallway in front of her door.

Matt finally couldn't stand it any longer. "Damn it, Goldie! How bad is Mandy hurt?" he bellowed through the door.

Goldie opened it and said, "Quiet! You don't want to wake her up right now. She's going to be in terrible pain if she wakes up. Send for Doc!" she ordered.

"I did that already. He should be on his way, unless he was on another call and Gus couldn't find him right off."

"Both of you go downstairs and eat what's on the stove. You can't do anything for Mandy. She's going to need care now and I can't take care of her with you two hovering out here in the hall. Send Doc up right away when he gets here. Hear me?" she demanded of Matt.

"We will, Goldie. Do you need anything?"

"No." She shut the door in their faces.

"Come on, son. Goldie don't boss me around often, but when she does, I got the sense to listen to her." Matt led the way downstairs and into the kitchen. "You look about like I feel."

"Sick to my stomach," Rob said. "I want to cry, but men are not supposed to do that!" He swallowed hard. "I am so sorry, Matt! I should have protected her better. I told her to stay where we were while I went to check out the shots. I should have taken her with me."

"It ain't your fault, boy. It's mine. I refused to fire that son of a bitch when my Mandy asked me to. I thought she was being uppish when she said he was trying to force her into marrying him. I said I'd talk to him and tell him to leave her be, but I should have fired him."

"What a sick excuse for a man," Rob muttered darkly. "If only I'd..."

"He would have ambushed you and shot you dead. Ted Fox was good with a gun," Matt stated, taking two plates from the cupboard. He filled them with ham, potatoes, and green beans, and carried them to the table, and then cut off thick slices of bread for each of them. He also poured two cups of coffee and sat them on the table. "Sit yourself down, Rob. We might as well eat or Goldie will be offended."

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