The Denim Dom (Siren Publishing Sensations) (43 page)

Read The Denim Dom (Siren Publishing Sensations) Online

Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Denim Dom (Siren Publishing Sensations)
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“Hey, it’s your big day,” Loren said. “Not every day a girl gets collared by her Prince, eh, Dom Charming.”

“By the way,” Tilly added, “Loren is a notary. So if you’re looking for someone to really make things legal, she’s your gal.”

“Would you?” Shayla asked her.

Loren grinned. “Of course I will! It’ll be my honor and pleasure.”

At ten o’clock, the DJ shut off the music and called for everyone’s attention. Tony had even brought Shayla’s pillow and placed it in front of the gazebo. With her pulse racing, she let Tony take her hand and lead her over to the gazebo. When he pointed at the pillow, she immediately dropped to her knees.

Loren had placed the gazebo strategically in a corner, allowing her to take pictures of the event for them without catching anyone in the background.

Shayla couldn’t remember ever hearing the dungeon sound so quiet, even that first afternoon she and Tony played together before his whip class. He had refused to tell her what he planned to say, only that she needed to have whatever she wanted to say as a vow ready to recite when he told her.

She would get free rein with the wedding plans.

He, however, got the collaring.

Tony looked down at her. “Tonight is a very special night. One that, for me, means even more than our wedding day.” He looked at the audience. “This woman is my life and my heart, and I stand in front of all of you to demonstrate that.”

He reached down, unbuckled the leather collar, and removed it from around her neck. She was surprised by this, but didn’t resist. He also gently lifted the amulet from around her neck. “I am uncollaring you, Shayla, so that you are free to make this decision. I stand before you offering to be your Master, your Owner, your Dominant. And yes, your husband.

“If death takes me first, then you are free to find another if you choose to do so. I only want you to be happy. But while we are both alive, I demand you place me above all others in our lives. You will obey me. You will respect me. You will take my punishments and the pleasure I give to you. I will never share you. I will protect you. I will consider your feelings and input, but I am, above all, the final word.

“The lifestyle we live is not always easy. There are many things we can’t share with others in our lives. There are times that giving over control is the hardest thing you will ever do. I promise to you I will not waste the gift, if you choose to give it to me, of your submission. I will cherish it and you and never forget what a precious, rare, and valuable thing I own.

“I promise to do my best to never let you down. I swear to own up to my mistakes, and I say this now before our friends and witnesses, that I will always strive to do and be the best person I can so that I can do right by you in all ways.”

His voice grew quiet. “I promise to love you, and hold you, and soothe your tears, even when I’m the one who draws them out of you. I promise to be as transparent as I can with you. I promise that even when I cannot physically be with you because of other responsibilities, that I will still always be your Master, Owner, and Dominant and make sure you know how much a part of me you are. I am an independent, complete person. But
you I am better. Without you, life is simply breathing. You are the air that makes life worth living.

“If you want to live this life with me, you will have to ask me to be my slave, my pet, my property, my beloved and cherished submissive…and my toy.” His mouth quirked in a smile. “I want our witnesses to see you make this choice freely and not through coercion.”

He stared into her eyes and she realized after a moment that it was her turn. She blinked, trying not to cry over his heartfelt words.

She started to speak, swallowed, and tried again, hoping she didn’t forget what she’d written. “When I met you, I had no idea what was in store for me. You took me and restored my trust and faith. You showed me who I could be, and made me realize who I want to be. I want to be your slave. I want you to own me. I love you and while I’m looking forward to being your wife, I want to first be your slave. I love being your pet. Nowhere else feels right anymore except in your arms or with your hand on my collar. I feel naked without my collar.”

She thought for a second, her scripted vow over. “Boy, do I feel naked without my collar.” The audience tittered softly. Tony smiled. “I hadn’t expected this. Being uncollared.” She looked out at everyone before looking back at him. “Please, Sir,” she asked, her voice trembling. “I need your collar. I
to wear it. I
to wear it. I’ve never been happier in my life than with your collar around my neck. Please collar me and make me yours. Please give me your collar.”

Somewhere in the back of the audience, a smart-ass let loose with a Gollum impression. “Give us the precious!”

Loren shot a stern look in the direction of the voice. “Someone put a ball gag in Gilo’s mouth!”

Tilly called out, “On it!” She stood and headed toward the offender, who began scrambling away from her.

The audience laughed, as did Shayla and Tony.

She looked up at him. “Yes, Sir. I want your collar and I want everyone here to know it.”

He pulled a black leather collar from his pocket, a collar that she hadn’t seen before. Supple and soft, narrower than the one she normally wore, it had a locking buckle. A silver tag hung from the ring in front.

He held it up to show everyone. “This is her collar, one I bought specially for her. No one else has worn it. The tag says ‘pet, Property of Tony’ and her slave registration number.” She pulled her hair out of the way while he buckled it around her neck.

When she heard the tiny Master lock click shut on the buckle, she felt a deep peace settle over her soul.

He straightened. “And your day collar.” He produced a beautiful gold chain, with a heart-shaped gold tag. “My initials are engraved on the back of the tag,” he said as he carefully fastened it around her neck. “Just like you’re engraved on my heart.”

He kissed her, slow and deeply, before helping her stand.

The club erupted into applause. As everyone gathered around to congratulate them, her only focus was on Tony. He pulled her into his arms and cupped the back of her neck.

“My sweet, beautiful pet,” he whispered.

She smiled. “My denim Dom.”


* * * *


Eight weeks flew by in a flurry of plans, payments, and Tony trying not to be bored to tears while he sat and watched Shayla, Loren, Leah, Tilly, and Clarisse, when she could make it down, hammer out the plans. Finally, the big day arrived. They’d have their kink-friendly wedding first, at Leah and Seth’s, followed by the “real” wedding for family and vanilla friends on the beach.

Tony stood behind Shayla where she sat in Leah and Seth’s guest room, his hands on her shoulders, and looked at her in the mirror over the dresser. “Last chance to back out, pet.”

She smiled into the mirror, her eyes on his. “No backing out, Sir.”

“And you’re okay with the fact I don’t want children? I am not getting my vasectomy reversed, and I’m not adopting.”

She nodded.

“Anything else you’d like to settle before we take our vows?”

She reached up with her right hand and laced her fingers through his. “Yes, Sir.”

His heart nearly seized.
Then again, this is why I asked. Better now than later.
“Go ahead.”

She took a deep breath. Then, in a soft voice she asked, “Can we get a cat, Sir?”

He didn’t want to bust out laughing and hurt her feelings, but his relief spiked through him. He gently squeezed her fingers. “No, pet. We cannot get

Her eyes clouded as her gaze dropped. “Yes, Sir.”

He blinked. “You don’t want to talk about it or ask me why?”

“If you say no, Sir, then that’s it.”

He pressed his lips together in an attempt to not laugh. He squeezed her fingers again. “
,” he warned.

She looked up again, meeting his gaze. “Why, Sir?” she quietly asked.

The smile finally broke through. “Because I think it’d be mean to have just one. It might get lonely. I’d rather we adopt two. But not until after we get back from our honeymoon.”

Her turn to blink in surprise. She turned to look up at him. “You mean it?”

“Of course I mean it. Silly pet. One of these days I’ll beat it into your ass that sometimes I want you to challenge me and to not just roll over.”

She grinned. “But maybe I like it when you beat my ass.”

He pulled her to her feet and kissed her. “I like it when I beat your ass, too, pet. That’s why we’re perfect for each other.”

Tilly knocked and walked in without waiting for an answer. “You, out!” she said to Tony. “I need to finish helping her with her hair and makeup. You can maul her tonight. Right now, she’s ours.”

Shayla laughed. “I think she means it, Sir.”

“I know she means it. That’s why I’m getting the hell out.” He headed for what he hoped was the safety of the kitchen.

Seth, Tony’s best man, walked up to him. “Ready? We’ve got everyone gathered outside.”

“I think so.” He straightened his jacket. Thank god Shayla hadn’t wanted formal tuxes. “How do I look?”

“Like you’re feeling better than I felt on my wedding day,” he said with a smirk. “Lucky bastard.”

Tony grinned. “I am definitely one lucky bastard,” he agreed.

Leah walked up and playfully poked him in the shoulder. “Hey, I have a message to pass along.” At both weddings, Leah would be Shay’s matron of honor.

“You do, huh?”

“From myself, Loren, Tilly, and Clarisse.”

“And how did you get to be the designated bearer of bad tidings?”

She frowned. “It’s not bad. And because it’s my house.”


She poked him in the chest. “If you ever leave her or break her heart, Tilly volunteers Landry and Cris to hold you down while the rest of us practice a game of Dom Disembowelment on you.
?” A smile broke through. She stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek before reaching up to straighten his tie. Her eyes looked too bright, like she was close to tears.

Happy ones this time, thank god. Such a great sight compared to the depths of her despair just a couple of years earlier.

He laughed and looked at Seth. “Can’t you get your damn mouthy slave under control?”

Seth hooked an arm around Leah’s waist and pulled her close. “Not until after the last ceremony. It’ll smear her makeup and Loren will noogie me.”


* * * *


The real wedding went off without a hitch. The men of the wedding party were shoved into one limo while the women gathered in another for the ride to the hotel on Siesta Key where Shayla’s parents and brother were staying, and where the reception was being held.

The weather cooperated for the beach wedding redux. Tony whispered in her ear after kissing her for the second time at Loren’s instruction. “If you weren’t mine before, you’re doubly mine now.”

She smiled and touched the heart-shaped tag on her necklace. “Triply, Sir,” she whispered. “And as many times as I need to know I’m yours.”

Seth leaned in. “Lucky bastard,” he said with a smile.



Shayla awoke early Saturday morning and pounced on Tony. “Wake up, Sir!”

He slowly peeled one eyelid open to peer at her. “What time is it, pet?” he groggily mumbled.

“Seven thirty.”

He groaned and closed his eyes. “Five more minutes. And coffee, dammit.”

She giggled. “Yes, Sir. Coming right up.” Wearing nothing but her collar and leather wrist cuffs, she bounced out of bed and went to the kitchen to get the coffee started. When she returned to the bedroom five minutes later, she carried his mug of coffee, which she’d prepared exactly the way he liked.

She set the mug on the bedside table before crawling under the sheets and finding his cock. He was already slightly hard from a morning woody. She engulfed him with her mouth and slowly laved her tongue around the head. In seconds, he was fully hard.

Tony let out a groan and rolled onto his back. She smiled to herself as his fingers tangled in her hair and held on, using it as leverage to urge her deeper and faster.

Shayla knew she’d get a spanking for this and didn’t care. In fact, she was counting on it.

Deeper, faster, his pre-cum sweetly salty on her tongue, rewarding her efforts. It only took a couple of minutes. She cupped his sac with one hand while encircling the base of his shaft with the other. When she felt his balls draw up tight against her palm, she knew he was close. She went deep, swallowing him and moaning as his fingers dug into her scalp and his whole body tensed. He let out a grunt and then jets of his cum filled her mouth.

She eagerly swallowed every drop. She wouldn’t let go after he went soft once again, either, gently coaxing every last drop she could from his cock.

He stroked her head before making her let go. “Good girl,” he mumbled. “That’s five.”

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