The Deviant Underground (Time Bandit) (26 page)

Read The Deviant Underground (Time Bandit) Online

Authors: Elisabeth Roseland

Tags: #Superhero Romance

BOOK: The Deviant Underground (Time Bandit)
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Kathryn raised one eyebrow. “You don't know what the hell you’re talking about.”

“I don't! I have no idea what I'm talking about.”

The crowded, noisy room swam in and out of focus as the last two shots really began to take hold. “Shit, Susan,” Kathryn slurred. “We had better get outta here or else we won't make it back.”

“Okay okay okay.” Susan slipped her hand into Kathryn's. “Let's go.”

Kathryn studied her GPS but had a hard time focusing on the directions. She thought she could kind of remember how to get back, but that memory was quickly beginning to slip away. “Here goes nothing.”


It took seven stops before they ended up at the cabin. A few times, Kathryn's landings were mistimed and they ended up crashing into a wall, falling to the pavement, or stumbling over each other. She was vaguely aware that she would probably have a few bruises the next day.

At the cabin, Kathryn landed at the top of the stairs, perilously close to the edge of the first step.

“Shit, we almost fell.” Susan glanced down into the dark living room.

“I know.” Kathryn grabbed the banister in an attempt to stop the room from spinning. It didn't work. “Sorry.”

“That's okay.” Susan's words came slowly. “At least we made it.” She let go of Kathryn's hand and stumbled into the bathroom.

The world started to fade away, and Kathryn teleported into the bedroom, landing face down on the bed. Finally, everything turned black.

The next thing she was aware of was someone kissing the back of her neck. She rolled over and found her lips meeting Charge's. She wrapped her arms around his naked back and kissed him fiercely. “Oh, baby,” she whispered. “I missed you so much.”

“I missed you, too.” Charge slowly unzipped her pants and pulled them off while she clumsily slipped her top over her head.

“When did you get back?” Kathryn slurred her words in between groans of pleasure as Charge softly kissed her breasts.

“Just now,” he said as he went down on her. Kathryn gasped with delight as Charge licked and kissed her. Kathryn gripped the sheets around her as she writhed and groaned. Finally, unable to stand it any longer, she reached down for him.

“Come here.” She gripped his shoulders and clumsily pulled him up to her. “I want you inside of me.”

Charge smiled and entered her. The force of him took her breath away, and she was unable to speak. She threw her legs back so that he could penetrate her further and closed her eyes as he smoothly and slowly made love to her. Kathryn smiled to herself as she felt her orgasm approaching. It came on the heels of her intoxication, surprising her with its intensity. She screamed as her body exploded, the room spinning gloriously and furiously. Caught up in the feeling, Kathryn's orgasm seemed to last forever, rising to a peak right before the world went black again.

Chapter Twenty Seven

The first thing Kathryn heard was a pounding noise. Unable to open her eyes, she concentrated on that sound. She listened for a few seconds in an attempt to locate the source, finally realizing that it was coming from inside her head. Kathryn slowly forced her eyes open and found herself face down on the bed. She groaned; she felt like shit. Unable to move, she lay there blinking in the hazy sunlight trying to piece together the events from the night before. Her body ached all over.
Why was that?
She vaguely had some memory of falling.
In an alley? Did I fall down in an alley?
The memory of hitting a wall somewhere flashed through her mind.
Was it is a bathroom? Why did I hit a bathroom wall?
The image of Bea's face popped into her head.
Yes, Bea. A fight.
Kathryn's right hand throbbed slightly
. A punch. I punched her. Why? Why did I punch her?
Kathryn frowned into the pillow.
Something she did?
Kathryn closed her eyes and struggled to piece together the events in the bathroom.
Yes. Bea threw me up against the wall. Telekinetic. But why?
Kathryn backtracked the conversation.
Charge, yes. She said Charge was her man. That's why she . . .

Kathryn's eyes flew open.
Charge! He's back!
She forced herself to sit up so she could roll over to snuggle up next to him. Instead of Charge's large, powerful body laying on the bed, Susan slept peacefully beside her. Kathryn rubbed her eyes, unsure of what she was looking at. The pounding in her head had grown louder with her sudden move, and Kathryn was forced to lay back down to quiet it. The room was still swaying slightly, and she closed her eyes trying to get it to settle down.
Why is Susan here?
One thing Kathryn could remember was having sex with Charge last night.
His kiss, his touch, the amazing orgasm, it was all real, wasn't it?
Suddenly, it all clicked.

“It was you!” Kathryn shouted to the ceiling.

Susan groaned. “Why are you so damn loud?” She pulled the covers up over her naked body and rolled away from Kathryn.

Kathryn tried to hide her own nakedness with the bed sheet and then covered her face with her hands. “I don't believe it. You tricked me.” Susan mumbled something unintelligible and then was silent.

“Oh, god.” Kathryn exhaled deeply. Memories came flooding back to her. She could smell Charge, taste him, and feel him; he had made her orgasm just like he always did.
Damn. Susan is good.
“He's going to kill me.”

Susan mumbled something again.

“What did you say?” Kathryn still had her hands over her eyes. Pressing on her lids made her head pound a little less.

“No, he won't.” Susan mumbled a little louder.

“Yes, he will.” Kathryn rubbed her temples. It also helped, but just a little. “I had sex with someone else. But if I tell him that I thought it was him, that you tricked me, then maybe—”

“He's not going to care.” Susan continued talking to the wall. “It's not like this was the first time.”

Kathryn dropped her hands from her face and stared at Susan's back. “What did you say?”

Susan slowly rolled over to face her. Her hair was tousled and her blue eyes were bloodshot. She looked hungover as well. She said sheepishly, “Last night wasn't the first time.”

Kathryn closed her eyes again and covered them with her hand. Doing so seemed to help her think better. “Please explain this to me,” she said slowly.

Susan spoke tentatively. “Remember the first time we went to the Basement?”


“So when we got back, remember that you and Charge had sex.”

“Yes.” Kathryn still had her hands over her eyes. She clearly remembered that night. She was nowhere near as drunk that evening as she was last night.

“So remember that you came first and then Charge left for a second and then came back and you did it again?”

“Yes.” Kathryn remembered having an orgasm the second time as well. Both were fantastic.

“Okay, well . . .” Susan paused. “The first Charge was me.”

Kathryn slowly removed her hand from her eyes. Susan's eyebrows were raised in slight anticipation. “The first Charge was you?”

“Yep. Me.”

Kathryn shook her head in disbelief. “Wait.” She searched for the question she wanted to ask. She had so many. “Wait. And Charge knew about this?”

“Yep. I asked him if I could. I mean, I had to ask him, right?” Kathryn didn't know if she expected an answer to that question. Fortunately, Susan continued. “And he said that it was okay.”

Kathryn was overwhelmed by this information and confused. “But why?”

“Why what?”

“Why . . .” There were so many “whys.” Kathryn struggled to find the right one. “Why did you want to do it? Why did he agree to it?” The questions grew angrier as they continued. “And why didn't you tell me?”

“So, the kiss in the car?” Susan paused and Kathryn nodded slightly. “Well, it really got me so horny. I wanted you so badly, but you were all 'I need dick in my life. Sorry, Susan, you ain't got the goods.' So when you went upstairs I asked Charge if I could do it, and he said okay.”

“But why? Why would he agree to something like that?”

“Well . . .” Susan seemed hesitant to answer the question. Kathryn just stared at her, demanding an answer. “I sort of had to agree to let him watch.”

Kathryn shook her head in disbelief. “What?” She covered her eyes again for a moment and rolled over onto her back. “Are you telling me that you and Charge came to an agreement that you could have sex with me pretending to be him if you let him watch?”

The room was silent for a moment. Kathryn focused on the flashes of light appearing in front of her tightly closed eyes. Her head was pounding even louder now. After a few seconds, Susan's voice penetrated the rhythm in her head. “Yes.”

“How. Dare. You.” Kathryn hissed.

“Kathryn, I—” Susan touched Kathryn's shoulder.

Kathryn's eyes snapped open, and she shrugged Susan off. “Don't you touch me.”

“I'm so sorry.” Tears welled up in Susan's eyes.

“You tricked me, Susan. You and Charge!”

“I am so sorry. It's just that I've always been attracted to you. I don't know if you know that.” Susan paused. Kathryn shook her head slowly. “And that night I had way too much to drink and you looked so beautiful and sexy, and that kiss . . .” Susan paused again. “It was so fantastic. And I wanted you. And I wanted to have sex with you just the way I am, but you rejected me. You said that you weren't into girls, so I just . . .” she stumbled for the words “. . . had to find another way. And Charge? Well, to be honest, Charge liked the idea of us together.” Her voice grew low and became tinged with sadness. “Then again, he's a guy, and all guys have this two girls fantasy so . . .” Her final words hung in the air for a moment. “I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me. I couldn't take it if you were.” She wiped away the tears that threatened to fall.

“But Susan.” Kathryn turned to face her. “Why didn't you tell me the next day? You or Charge? Why did you keep it a secret?”

“To be honest, I was embarrassed. I could apologize for the kiss, but I didn't know how to bring the rest of it up. How to start the conversation. And then we started talking about what was going down in the community and how Alex is missing, and I just . . . got preoccupied with other things and kind of forgot.” She glanced nervously at Kathryn.

“And last night? What's your excuse for last night?”

Susan's face turned a slight shade of red. “Too much alcohol and an inability to control myself. It's a failing of mine, but whenever I get close to you I just . . .” She finished the sentence by reaching out and softly touching the side of Kathryn’s face. Kathryn let her. Susan withdrew her hand and smiled sadly. “I'm so sorry.”

Kathryn rolled over onto her back and stared at the ceiling. She didn't know how to feel, and she didn't know what to say, so she let the silence fill the room. After a few minutes, she sighed. “So now what do we do?”

Susan's voice was tentative. “You forgive me, and I promise not to do it again. Then when Charge comes back, we both kick his ass for agreeing to it.” She chuckled softly. “I think that if we gang up on him, we can take him.”

Kathryn smiled slightly. “I like that second part.”

“And the first part?”

Kathryn turned to face her. Susan—her best friend—who had done things she regretted after having one too many. How many mornings had Kathryn awakened with similar regrets? And if she were honest with herself, she had to admit that Susan did make her feel good. Both times. “And the first part, too.”

Susan smiled, and the tears welled up in her eyes. She silently wiped them away.

Kathryn frowned. “Just out of curiosity, how did you do that anyway? I mean, I'm assuming that you don't have . . . I mean . . . but it felt so real . . . “

A slow smile spread over Susan's face. “The mind.” She raised her eyebrows. “It is a powerful thing.”

Kathryn simply looked at her, expecting to get more information. Susan only winked and said nothing more. Kathryn frowned. “Hmm . . . okay. That's an evasive answer, but I guess it will have to do.”

Susan grinned broadly. “I guess so.” She then winced. “Ouch. My head. I feel like I've been hit by a bus.”

Kathryn grimaced. “Me too. I drank way too much last night.”

“What happened to your primed and seasoned liver?”

Kathryn snorted. “I think that I pushed it a little beyond its limit last night.”

“Amen to that.” Susan laughed, and Kathryn joined her. An easy silence fell between them. Kathryn noticed how the sunlight illuminated Susan's golden hair. It lay haphazardly on her pillow like spun silk. Her tan arm rested comfortably on the crisp white sheet, firm and toned from all of their vigorous practices. Susan's sparkling eyes caught Kathryn's. “What?”


Susan smiled slowly and moved closer to her. “Are you sure it's nothing?”

“Um . . . yeah. It's nothing.” Susan's face was now inches from hers. Their bodies were still not touching, and Kathryn was unsure if she wanted them to. Susan reached out and gently touched Kathryn's face again.

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