The Devil's Cowboy

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Authors: Kallista Dane

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Romance, #Anal Play, #BDSM

BOOK: The Devil's Cowboy
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The Devil’s Cowboy





Kallista Dane


Copyright © 2014 by Stormy Night Publications and Kallista Dane





Copyright © 2014 by Stormy Night Publications and Kallista Dane


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.


Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.



Dane, Kallista

The Devil’s Cowboy


Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

Images by Period Images, Bigstock/Abramova Kseniya, and Bigstock/Wollwerth Imagery




This book is intended for
adults only
. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

Chapter One



“It’s time for you to go work on one of your hot spanking stories. But this time, I’m going to make sure you’re writing about what I like. Come here.”

Selena moved hesitantly toward her husband. This commanding tone in his voice was new… and she found it exciting.

“Bend over my lap,” he ordered. Hesitantly, she did as she was told.

Jason pulled up her tight skirt and yanked the black bikini panties down to her knees, baring her ass. Selena shivered as his rough palm stroked her bare flesh. Then she yelped at the first harsh whack. As he methodically began spanking one vulnerable cheek, then the other, he told her to start plotting her next story. She could barely concentrate on his words. Each time his hand descended, it set off another agonizing lick of fire on her naked bottom.

“You’re going to write this one and all the others from now on with your ass hot and red from a good spanking. Then tonight you’ll dress up for me. Wear that tight purple corset you bought that laces up the front with your black stockings and garter belt. Nothing else—except your black stiletto heels, of course. You’ll read me what you’ve written so far. If I hear anything I don’t like, you’re going to get spanked again, even harder. Then you’ll have to rewrite it to include scenes that you know will get me horny. And you’d better not dawdle. Because when you’re through, we’ll spend the rest of the night acting out whichever dirty part is my favorite.

“Just to make sure you’re thinking as slutty as I want you to while you write, I’m going to give you a little extra inspiration.”

Jason pulled her up and led her over to her desk in the adjoining sitting room, already set up with laptop open and ready to go. Selena hobbled along, her panties still around her knees.

He shoved the desk chair aside.

“Bend over the desk and pull your skirt back up to your waist.”

Selena did as she was told and felt Jason move away. The cool air on her burning bottom sent a little shiver down her spine, meeting the molten heat radiating from between her legs. She heard a drawer open and close in the bedroom, then his footsteps returning.

Suddenly she felt something smooth and hard rubbing against her ass. She jerked up and was immediately pushed back down and held there with a firm hand on her back.

“Don’t move.”

She caught a glimpse of the object in his hand and gasped. It was a gleaming stainless steel butt plug, small and rounded at the tip, then gradually flaring out to a frightening width until it narrowed again right above the flat base—just like the one she wrote about in her last story. He ignored her shocked reaction and shoved her legs wide apart. Then he began rubbing the cold tip of it back and forth, teasing her ass. After the spanking, she was so hot that she couldn’t stop squirming around.

Selena cried out in shock as she felt a hard swat.

“I said
don’t move

In one agonizingly slow motion, Jason slid the tip in, penetrating her tight hole. She tensed, expecting pain, but he’d coated it with lubricant to ease its entry into her virgin ass. He pulled the smooth toy back out abruptly and she groaned, feeling suddenly empty. He laughed, wicked and low, a sound she’d never heard before, and began sliding the cold hard plug in and out, each time burying it deeper inside her ass, stretching her tight opening wider and wider. She moaned, struggling to stay in place.

He pulled it out completely and she sagged against the desk top, half relieved, half shamefully disappointed. Then she felt the hard tip again, probing her slowly, relentlessly. She shivered, savage desire building inside as he thrust the plug into her ass, invading her deeper and deeper, increasing the pressure until he finally rammed it in all the way to the hilt. This time Selena couldn’t help herself. She cried out, wiggling frantically.

Jason held her in place bent over the desk, leaning forward to murmur in her ear.

“Sooner or later, you will learn that things have changed around here. I mean what I say… and you will do as you’re told from now on. Or your ass will be mine to torment or tease on a daily basis.”

Jason disappeared back into the bedroom and Selena heard him open a drawer in the nightstand. Too soon, he was back. His fingers roamed over her stinging bottom, past the hard object protruding from her ass, to dip into the velvet heat between her legs. She bit her lip and clung desperately to the far corners of the desk, forcing herself to stay still. He laughed again, as though enjoying her struggle, and fingered her clit as he grabbed the base of the plug in her ass, moving it back and forth a few times. She cried out, grinding her mound against the hard rounded edge of the desk. Suddenly, he plunged it all the way back in. Selena let out a scream.

He reached forward, showing her the object in his other hand. “Now all that wiggling around you did after I told you to stay still earned you ten good swats with this brand new wooden paddle you bought me a while back,” he went on. “You’ve been aching to feel it, haven’t you? Well, tonight you will. And if you move again before I say you can, you’ll get ten more.

“Now count,” he ordered.

Selena gasped as she felt the raw sting of the paddle.

“No, stop. It hurts!” she protested.

“How many times do I need to tell you—from now on, it isn’t going to be all about how you feel or what you want. I want to hear you count… and until I do, I’m just going to keep spanking you. Then we’ll start all over on the ten swats you’ve earned.”

The paddle whacked her ass again, covering every inch of her burning bottom with one harsh stroke. Selena drew in a rough breath.


“That’s better.”

He grabbed the base of the plug, twisting it in her ass. Selena moaned, fingernails digging into the wood, desperately trying to stay in place. He followed with another stinging whack of the paddle. Selena cursed the day she’d brought it home a few months ago, handing it playfully to the man who had always been so gentle… until tonight.

“T… two,” she managed to stammer.

The long wooden paddle cracked down on her ass over and over. Selena forced herself to concentrate, her voice breaking, till she counted to ten. Each stroke of the paddle drove the butt plug deeper. Her legs trembled with the effort to maintain the wide stance he demanded. Between the hard, cold object invading her ass, the wicked sting of the paddle, and the sheer thrill of having her normally mild-mannered husband act out a fantasy straight from one of her stories, Selena was dripping wet.

Jason pulled the chair back to the desk. He pushed Selena down into a sitting position, making sure her skirt was still tucked up around her waist.

“Now write your story. Every time you move even a little, you’ll feel your bare ass stinging against the hard chair and you’ll rock that nice hard toy that’s still buried inside you. You’re not getting up until you’ve written a new story. When you’re ready for me to hear it, call me. I’ll be waiting. But this time, it will be
story you write… or you’ll have to start all over, beginning with another session across my lap.”

Jason headed for the bedroom, then stopped.

“By the way, I want you staying hot. You’re not allowed to play with yourself while you sit there, except to wiggle around so you feel that big butt plug I rammed up your ass. If your story is really good… or really, really bad… I may have to replace it with this.”

He stopped in the doorway and unzipped his pants to display the cock she knew so well. It was already stiff with desire, throbbing with need. To her surprise, he stood there and stroked himself openly, making sure she watched, before disappearing into their bedroom.

Selena moved experimentally in the chair. Jason was right. The rough fabric on the seat of the chair served as a constant reminder of how much her bare bottom stung. The plug sat firmly in place, deep in her ass, but if she squirmed around in the chair, she could tease herself, feeling it move inside her. She felt a stab of raw lust. It was all she could do not to reach down and slip a finger into her dripping slit. But that would be against the rules. Selena smiled a tiny smile… and began to type.


* * *


Wow! This was shaping up to be her hottest story yet—a hero with enough dom coming out in him to keep things edgy, lots of spanking, and this latest scene featuring ass play. Ellen pushed a limp strand of hair off her forehead and slumped back in the chair, rolling her shoulders to ease aching muscles. She sat up straighter, tightened the belt of her fuzzy brown bathrobe and scrolled back to reread tonight’s pages. She changed a few words, added a detailed description of how red Selena’s poor ass was getting while she was being paddled, and hit Save.

Suddenly she was starving. She glanced at her watch, surprised to see that it was nearly midnight. She’d been planted in front of the computer for hours.

“Come on, baby, let’s find ourselves something to eat.”

The gray cat rose effortlessly from the easy chair near the desk and padded along behind her to the tiny kitchen. “How can you sit in one position for hours and hours and never seem to mind?” she asked him. “Every muscle in my body is screaming at me right now. I really need to start going to the gym again.”

The cat ignored her as usual, wandering aimlessly around the room as if he wasn’t the least bit interested in what she was doing. Until he heard the can opener. Then he was all over her, rubbing sensuously against her bare ankles, purring as he wound his fur-covered body back and forth between her legs.

“I wish I had a guy who was half as interested in me as you are right now, JayJay. I’d love to have a guy like Jason—or any one of my male heroes, for that matter.”

Ellen split the can of tuna between them, dumping half into a bowl to mix with mayo and relish and adding a few slivers of water chestnut. The rest of the tuna she put on the floor in front of the cat, who immediately went back to ignoring her, focusing all his attention on the can.

She grabbed a fork and polished off her half of the midnight supper standing up, then headed back to the alcove off the living room where she’d set up her desk. Time to check the mail. Ellen was disciplined about that, never opening her emails until she’d finished writing the day’s quota. It was too easy to get sidetracked. Before she knew it, she’d be wasting hours reading the latest missives sent by other single friends who had nothing better to do with their evenings than Photoshop funny captions onto pictures of their cats, none of whom were as cute as her JayJay.

“Oh, great, here’s an offer to exchange dirty webcam pics with a Russian slut. And tonight we have three guaranteed penis enlargement ads.” Ellen scrolled through the day’s emails, keeping up a running commentary for the cat, who was once again ensconced on the soft cushions of the armchair nearby.

“That’s the trouble with going to all those X-rated sites to research my stories,” she muttered as she marked a whole row of emails and hit the delete button. “I’m telling you, JayJay, they must sell my email address to a whole array of smut peddlers. Otherwise why would I get a fresh load of this crap every day?”

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