The Devil's Cowboy (10 page)

Read The Devil's Cowboy Online

Authors: Kallista Dane

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Romance, #Anal Play, #BDSM

BOOK: The Devil's Cowboy
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“Not yet. You don’t come till I say you can.”

He got up again and Ellen shuddered when the belt cracked down on her ass once, then twice more. She heard him toss the belt across the room and walk away.

Ellen couldn’t see what he was doing but she heard him rummaging in his bag. She sensed him behind her again, then gasped when she felt his tongue, hot and wet, running along the stripes he’d laid down on her burning skin. When his lips moved down the crack of her ass, Ellen was overcome with embarrassment mixed with shameful desire.

He rimmed her tight bottom hole with his tongue. Ellen was shaking all over, both frightened and frantic for what was to come. His finger replaced his tongue, the tip easily invading her. She suddenly realized that he’d stepped away to coat it with some sort of lubricant. His finger moved, sliding in and out. Ellen nearly screamed at the sensation. She was lying naked on her stomach in front of a powerful, dominant male, her well-spanked ass in the air, her naughtiest secret desire finally coming true.

“Talk to me, Ellen. Tell me how much you’re loving this.”

“I… I never knew it would feel so good,” she whispered shyly.

“How good what would feel?” he demanded, sliding his finger in a little further. “Say it.”

“Having my… my ass played with,” she replied hesitantly, thankful she didn’t have to look at him.

“Do you want more?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

He slid his finger deeper. Ellen panicked. She squirmed and clenched and was rewarded with a hard smack to her ass from his other hand.

“I told you, you’re mine tonight to do with as I please. I want more and you’re going to open yourself to me—or I’ll spank you again. Now reach behind you with both hands and spread your ass apart like you did your pussy.”

Ellen shivered. How could she do something so humiliating? Spread herself willingly so this stranger could look at her ass, could probe her with his fingers? “I… I can’t,” she muttered.

“I think you need to remember the rules here,” he said sternly. “You said ‘yes’ to everything I want tonight.” He stood up.

“Get on your knees in front of me.”

Ellen slid off the footstool, trembling.

Rafe stripped off his shirt and pants. “Look at this cock.”

She tilted her head up. His erection was jutting out, huge and proud. “This cock has been waiting for you, aching for you for years. We’ve been lovers since the beginning of time. I’m going to take you to heights you never knew existed in this life, because my pleasure has always come from bringing you pleasure. And you’re going to do everything you’re told… because from now on, your pleasure will come from pleasing me any way I want. You don’t get to choose which things to say yes to and which things you’ll refuse. You’ve belonged to me over countless lifetimes. Your conscious mind may not remember me right now, but your body does. Your body thrills to my touch. Didn’t you every wonder why you’ve always craved kink, fantasized about being submissive? Those were lingering memories of us, of our past lives together.”

He sat down on the leather sofa. “Get that bottle of lube from the table. Then come here and lie across my lap.”

She reached for the bottle, then stood there, unable to move.

“I said come here.” His voice rose, took on that commanding tone that sent a delicious shiver up her spine. Three small steps put her in front of him. His naked body was lean and strong, well-muscled, without an ounce of fat. She stared at his powerful arms, his big hands and long fingers, knowing those fingers would violate her, probing deeper into her ass if she bent her naked body over his thighs—and she would be helpless to resist. The thought was shocking and indecent… and more wickedly arousing than anything she’d ever experienced before.

Ellen took another faltering step. Rafe never moved, never spoke, just watched her warring with her inner self.

I promised to do everything he told me to do tonight,
she reminded herself
. In return, he brought me incredible pleasure. And what did I do then? I responded by refusing to do something he asked of me because I was embarrassed.
Ellen knew she had a decision to make, that what she did in the next few moments would determine whether this relationship went any further.

She was drawn to him. He was everything in a man that she’d ever dreamed of. Smart, sexy, with a hot dom streak that fed her secret hungers. But it was scary to be confronted with reality when she’d lived so long in her fantasy world.
Damn him,
she thought
. Damn him for making me choose to do this. If he’s really a dom, why doesn’t he just drag me over his lap and get it over with?

Because being my submissive means showing me you’re willing to do things you don’t want to do just to please me
. Her eyes widened. She’d heard that as clearly as if he’d spoken it out loud.

She took a deep breath, put one knee on the sofa, and draped her body over his rigid cock.

Chapter Seven



Rafe watched her. He felt her shame at the wild cravings he’d aroused in her body. He could almost hear her internal dialogue, feel her fighting deep-seated inhibitions to give in to what she saw as indecent dark desires.

When she moved, positioning herself over his lap, trapping his stiff cock between their bodies, he let out the deep breath he’d been holding without realizing it.

“That’s it, baby.” His voice was low, intense. “This is where you want to be, where you need to be.” His hands were busy. Stroking, caressing, teasing.

“Now spread your legs apart. Open yourself to me.”

Ellen complied, then gasped when he ground his rigid shaft up against her hot, wet pussy. The next moment, he felt her clench as his finger probed the tight opening of her ass again. She jerked when his other hand whacked her bottom.

“Don’t you dare,” he growled. “Don’t you dare refuse me. I want to feel you squirming against my cock while I play with your ass. I want to hear you tell me how much you love this, how hot you’re getting.”

All the while, his finger continued its relentless assault on her virgin ass. He slid it in, then withdrew, only to go deeper. Ellen moaned.

“Tell me. Tell me you love it.”

“It… it feels so wicked, so dirty,” she whispered.

“Tell me you want more.”

“Yes,” she breathed, then let out a cry when he began working a second finger inside her. “No!” She struggled wildly and he cracked an open palm down on her quivering bottom.

“You’re not allowed to say no to anything tonight.” He felt her shiver of arousal at his words and used the hand he’d smacked her with to reach down and fondle her throbbing clit. When her body began to relax, he moved quickly, sliding the second finger past her tight opening. Ellen moaned as he slowly, sensuously probed further.

“Tonight is all about remembering,” he declared. “Remembering our bodies together, remembering how you thrill to my touch.” He fingered her deeper, sliding both fingers in and out until she was grinding herself against his raging hard-on. “Next time, I’m going to put my cock where my fingers are… and you’re going to come for me when I do. But I promised to take it slow, to give you time. So tonight, I’m just going to let you get used to opening yourself to me again—any way I want.”


* * *


Ellen shuddered. She’d never known that she could be brought to the brink of orgasm by words alone. But his commanding tone, his brazen declarations, uncovered desires she’d never had the nerve to explore outside the pages of her books. This wasn’t some naughty scene from her latest erotic romance. This was
This forceful stranger she hardly knew had her lying, helpless and naked, across his lap while he slid his big fingers in and out of her ass, teasing her, making her pussy ache with the need to be filled up too… something she’d only imagined when she dreamed up her hottest scenes alone in her bed in the dark.

She wiggled, thrilling at the sensation of his iron-hard cock trapped between them, straining up against her.

Rafe laughed. “You like feeling how hard you’ve got me?”

“Oh, yeah,” she breathed, then let out a small cry as his fingers delved deeper.

“Slide back onto your knees,” he demanded.

Awkwardly, Ellen obeyed. Her head was in his lap now.

“Take me in your mouth.”

She opened her lips. He was so huge, so ready. Her tongue explored his rigid shaft. She was rewarded with a deep groan torn from his throat. Emboldened, Ellen fastened her mouth over the head, licking and sucking. Rafe responded, fucking her ass hard with his long fingers. Ellen let out a strangled cry and took him deeper in her mouth.

Rafe grabbed her head with his other hand, forcing her mouth down on him. Ellen had never felt so wild, so frantic. She sucked him in, all the while grinding her hips back against his hand. She felt his body shudder and knew he was on the verge of coming.

Suddenly, he took control again, flipping her onto her back on the couch. She looked up, stunned. Rafe was poised over her.

“Tell me,” he demanded as the head of his cock slid into her aching pussy.

Ellen gasped, digging her heels into the couch and shoving her hips up to draw him in further. He backed away, his eyes boring into her soul.

“Tell me you remember this. Tell me you remember

He rose to his knees and grabbed her hips with both hands. Then, his eyes never leaving hers, he slowly, relentlessly, thrust himself inside her. Ellen cried out, wordless sounds of raw passion. Rafe drew back.

“No, no, no,” she moaned. “Please…”

“Please what?” His voice was hard, demanding.

“Fuck me!” she begged. “I need you inside me. Please, Rafe.”

“Is this what you want?” He lunged, burying himself deep, then grinding against her.

Ellen screamed again, a savage sound ripped from her. “Yes! Don’t stop. Please… I need you.” She wrapped her legs around his waist.

Rafe rammed his cock into her molten core, driving them both higher. He sat back, pulling her body up into his arms so he could capture her mouth. Ellen felt her orgasm building higher as he rocked her up and down on his rigid shaft. When he took her mouth roughly, fucking her with his tongue, she exploded.

Ellen rode the waves of savage pleasure as her pussy clenched around him. She sagged against his chest, only to squeal in surprise when she felt his finger invading her ass again.

“You’re not through. You’re going to come for me again—right now.”

He moved and Ellen was shocked when she realized he was still hard. When he began pumping his hips back and forth, rocking her against him again, her body responded instantly. She threw her head back and rode him, reveling in the forbidden sensation of being filled everywhere at once. She squeezed around his shaft and felt it throb inside her. The gatehouse disappeared and she was transported back in time—seeing him, feeling him, tasting him in endless lifetimes, her body flushing with desire at his slightest touch.

“Raphael,” she whispered, staring deep into his eyes. “I remember you. I remember

She bent her head to kiss him. He gave a triumphant cry, then his mouth devoured her, ravenous, as he finally let himself go. Ellen held him tight, shuddering as she climaxed along with him, together again at last.


* * *


Much later, as they lay sleepily side by side in the bedroom of the guesthouse, Ellen turned to face him.

“Did you see this? Did you see us—together—before we met the other day?”

Rafe laughed softly. “Beg your pardon, darlin’, but technically it was
that we met. It’s been less than twenty-four hours since I first laid eyes on you.”

She stared at him, shocked. “No. That’s impossible. It can’t have been.” She shook her head. “I’m not—I don’t…” Her voice trailed off.

“Don’t what?”

“I don’t sleep with guys I just met. This isn’t who I am.”

His arms tightened around her. “We didn’t just meet, Ellen. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all day—and all night. And you agreed. You said you remember.”

“Yes, I did.” She blushed, picturing herself when she’d cried it out, bucking wildly on his hard shaft as his finger slid up her ass.

He grinned. “Yes, ma’am. I liked that part best too.”

“Stop that!” She swatted him on the arm, embarrassed. “Stop reading my mind.”

His eyes narrowed and the grin turned lecherous. “If you’re gonna smack me, does that mean I can smack you too?”

She turned away, hoping he wouldn’t see the telltale flush of arousal his words brought. “No!”

“You’re lucky I’m feeling so generous—or I’d spank you again right now for saying no to me.”

“Seriously, Rafe, did you see this? Did you know we’d meet?”

“Yes… and no. Yes, I always knew I’d lived before, that I had a soul mate who experienced those lives with me. I didn’t actively look for you but I had a sense that we’d be together again in this lifetime. Did I know that Ellen Jacobs was going to walk into that coffee shop yesterday? Did I know you were the one? No.”

She nodded. “I don’t know about you, but I find that reading my own future is nearly impossible. I often have feelings, strong impressions about what I should or shouldn’t do in a particular situation, but I can’t see my own destiny the way I can predict the future for others when I do a reading.”

“Well, darlin’, I think that’s the spirit’s way of keepin’ life a sweet mystery for those of us who can see things others can’t. If we knew the future, the sorrows coming our way might overwhelm us and the joys wouldn’t be anywhere near as meaningful if we already expected them. Think of how boring Christmas morning would’ve been when you were a kid if you’d already found all your presents and opened them ahead of time.”

She snuggled in his arms. “You’re right. Finding you was the best surprise I’ve ever gotten. I might have lived my life differently if I’d known you were out there waiting for me, missed out on some of the experiences I’ve had.”

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