The Devil's Good Intentions (23 page)

Read The Devil's Good Intentions Online

Authors: Kari Miller

Tags: #historical romance, #erotica, #light bdsm

BOOK: The Devil's Good Intentions
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She cried out when he started to spread his fingers inside of her and felt herself stretch. He removed his fingers and got up from the bed. She was panting as though she had run a marathon and her butt muscles were clenching and unclenching from the assault.

When he returned to the bed, he removed the pillows from beneath her and before letting her head fall, he gripped her jaw. When she opened her mouth, he stuffed a bunched up cloth into it and then tied another scarf around her mouth to gag her.

She moaned out her protest and felt her heart beating against her chest.

Bite down on the cloth if you feel discomfort” He grunted out while ignoring her protests.

He flipped her struggling body onto her stomach and proceeded to shove two pillows underneath her hips, prompting her butt into the air.

Her adrenaline was pumping through her veins and she wasn’t sure if she was more turned on by being gagged while knowing her husband planned to sodomize her or if she was scarred out of her wits.


He decided that tonight he would start teaching her the pleasures of anal sex. He knew that her first few times there would be more pain than pleasure, but he was experienced enough to give her pleasure while her anus stretched to accommodate him. She would still reach an orgasm that she had never known before. He gagged her because it gave her something to clamp down on as he was breaking his way into her, but more than that it fed into his darker fantasies. He watched her struggle and listened to her muffled pleas and felt his groin ache.

He drenched his fingers with her arousal and continued to lube up her anus in preparation for him. When he dipped his three fingers back into her, she tried to jerk away from him again. He spanked her hard and then smoothed out the sting as he pumped his fingers in and out of her.

Her pussy muscles clenched around his fingers making him groan for how wet she was for him. Her body was fully accepting what he was doing and was about to do, again it was her mind that he was battling with.

He brought his fingers back to her hole and pressed them in deeper and stretched them out. Looking up, she was gasping and grunting. He took in the sight of her bound hands stretched over her head; her face was turned to the side showing her gagged and blind folded. The devil within him purred.

He brought his cock to her and used her arousal to lube it up. He could hear her struggled cries as her body tensed to what it knew was coming.

Crudely spitting into her hole, he pressed the crown of his shaft against her.

He delighted in her whimpering and felt power surge through him as she struggled beneath him.

Firming his grip on her and pressing the crown of his cock against her hole, he continued to increase the pressure until he felt it slip inside.

She tried to pull away from him with a strength he didn’t know she had, but luckily for him he was much stronger and expected the struggle.

I’m not going to lie to you Katherine and tell you this won’t feel painful the first few times, but I can tell you that you will also feel a great deal of pleasure from it as well. Trust me love, I would not put you through this if I had any doubt that you wouldn’t come to enjoy, it almost as much as I do.”

As he reassured her, he slowly pushed his way further into her by giving light strokes.

She continued to struggle beneath him but he could tell that she accepted what he was saying.

Every few strokes would gain him deeper entrance, but she was so tight that he needed to keep lubing her.

If you relax your muscles it will make it easier, Love.” He instructed her.

He could see that she was trying, which he admired her for. She wasn’t quite succeeding but at least she was trying.

Every few short thrusts, he would either spit into her opening or scoop up a finger full of her arousal and stroke his cock with it.

When he was half way in, he was barely able to control himself. He lubed himself one last time and then gave into temptation. Thrusting himself into her right up to the hilt, she gasped and jerked beneath him. Raising her hips up so that she was on her knees, he fed off her submissive pose while sodomizing her in the most primal way a man can do so to a woman. Her anal canal was stroking his cock at each thrust as her already narrow passage clamped around him. Each time he buried himself to the hilt she cried out in a muffled moan. When he felt her body accepting his forced entry and giving into him, he knew he had her. Every time she jerked beneath him he spanked her as he continued to thrust himself inside of her.

He pulled out, picked her up and dropped her on her back. He grunted at her gasp as he placed her lower back on the pillows and pushed her legs against her stomach. When he thrust back into her anal passage, she continued to moan and struggle beneath him, feeding his power over her. With his free hand, he thrust two fingers into her pussy and moved them in and out of her at the same pace as his cock. When he saw the sweat bead down her brow, he knew it was time. He peered down and watched himself plunge in and out of her, causing his cock to swell.

Oh yeah!” He grunted as he slipped his fingers out of her and smoothed the juices around her nub.

Her body started to convulse beneath him and the squeeze around his cock brought him to release at the same time.

He could hear her muffled mewing sounds as her body convulsed and thrashed beneath him. His body twitched and convulsed in like as her tight ass held onto his cock and milked it.

Katherine!” he gritted out, right before he collapsed.


Salvador collapsed beside her and his cock slipped out of her ass. She moaned as it slipped out and then revelled in the after effect.

Her entire body was humming from head to toe. She felt lethargic in the after effects of her orgasm. Both her pussy and her anus thumped in perfect rhythm, which that in itself would lead to another orgasm if she moved slightly.

She was light headed and completely relaxed – or was it exhaustion? Her nipples tingled and felt more sensitive than ever before. Her entire body was limp and she could still feel more liquid seeping from her pussy and leaking down her thigh. She didn’t care.

Did I hurt you badly?” Salvador’s gentle voice reached her ears.

She would have shaken her head no, but settled for a muffled “Mmm” from behind her gag, which he was at the moment undoing.

When the gag came off, he started on her blindfold. She knew from the last time to keep her eyes shut; truthfully she was too relaxed to open them.

Sitting her up, he unfastened the binds on her ankles and wrists.

Scooping her into his side, every inch of his skin that touched hers felt like searing heat. Her skin had taken a life of its own and when she felt his shaft press up against her butt cheeks, she felt another wave of ecstasy course through her body.

When she finally stopped twitching her body began to shiver.

It’s the endorphins” He murmured against her skin as he kissed her.

You’ll be sensitive for a while, Love.” He gently informed her after he snuffed out the last light and scooped her up against him.

Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked her again.

If she didn’t know any better, she would swear he sounded a bit guilty.

More than alright, now let me sleep” She mumbled out as she tried to stop shivering.


He chuckled while throwing the blankets over her. Kissing her shoulder again, he stumbled out of bed and headed for the bathing chamber. She was barely awake when he returned and smiled to himself as he gently cleaned between her legs.

She was asleep by the time he returned to bed and snuggled back into her.

The following day went by rather quickly. He had much to do around the estate and two meetings scheduled with investors. Katherine had slept through breakfast and he had warned Sarah to let her sleep. After his first meeting, he had a couple of hours to spare and caught up with Katherine in the garden. He asked if she wanted to go riding and then grinned when her eyes widened. She took a quick intake of breath before passing on the offer. He knew why she was passing and she knew why he was grinning. She hit his arm with her fan and called him a devil as she strolled away with a sexy sway to her hips.

After supper they played chess and then retired to bed. His appetite for her had been steadily growing to the point that he was starting to worry. He was having a hard time focusing when he was with or without her. When he wasn’t with her, his mind often wandered to her and found himself wondering what she was doing. When he was in her company, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her; he even felt the need to constantly touch her. He had taken her again that night and they had made wild love. He replayed the night before in his head over and over that day and cursed himself for being so rough. She didn’t say anything to him about it nor did she shun him, but even he had to admit that what he had done was borderline rape. He couldn’t help himself though. He needed her. And it was only when she was at his mercy that she showed her need for him. He wanted her needing him all the time though – and not just in the throes of passion.

He hadn’t realized just how desperate he was for the family life he craved while growing up until he had swept her away from her world. Now that he had her, he was terrified that she would become his mother and that family life would be lost to him. He needed her approval and adoration. When he felt smothered by the need he wouldn’t think – just act. He would take command of her body and drink in her need that only he could give her. He always had dark desires when it came to making love but if he wasn’t careful he would lose his control and then lose her forever. He couldn’t let that happen.

He tossed and turned all night and worried over what was happening to him. He knew without a doubt that he owned her body and she gave it to him freely, but until he possessed her heart and mind the madness would eat at him.

How could he make her love him?


The next day Rachel came to visit. They walked through the maze and Rachel caught her up on what she needed to know about Oxford life and who she could trust and who she should avoid. Rachel had confessed that like her, she felt over whelmed at times with the intensity of Charles love and that he too was a possessive man.

Can I ask you a personal question?” Katherine enquired while nervously biting her lip and wondering if she should just drop the subject she was about to embark on.

Of course! You and I are Sisters now and there is nothing that you can’t talk to me about or I you.” Rachel reassured her.

It’s just that…” Katherine ran her hands through her hair and let out a nervous giggle “I wanted to know…” She looked away trying to figure out how she could possibly word this without embarrassing Rachel, herself or even her husband.

You want to know if Charles has the same sexual appetites as Salvador.” Rachel stated rather than asked.

Katherine let out the breath she wasn’t aware she was holding and flushed greatly as she nodded her head.

Rachel laughed gently in understanding and then took her hand to lead her to a bench in the maze.

I have heard about Salvador’s…appetites and I can’t say that Charles has taken things quite that far. But I will reassure you that he does have a very healthy appetite and the bed is only a suggestion…”

Katherine gasped at her honesty and then covered her mouth to smother a giggle. She was grateful that Rachel could speak so openly about such inappropriate topics.

I’m sorry for asking, it’s just that I don’t have anybody else to turn to and no other experiences to compare.” Katherine admitted.

There is nothing to be sorry or embarrassed about. The way I look at it, Salvador is a very passionate man and it takes a passionate woman to manage him.” Rachel grinned.

I’m not entirely sure you understand how passionate he really is and truthfully I’m not certain that my reactions to it are normal.”

Are you displeased?” Rachel asked in genuine concern.

Heavens No! But I wonder if that’s why I am not normal.”

I believe I have a pretty good idea as to his genre of passion and I can assure you that your reaction is quite normal. My Mother worked at a brothel home that catered to such desires; I will assure you they never had a slow night.” Rachel grinned again as she squeezed Katherine’s hand.

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