The Devil's Good Intentions (58 page)

Read The Devil's Good Intentions Online

Authors: Kari Miller

Tags: #historical romance, #erotica, #light bdsm

BOOK: The Devil's Good Intentions
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What happened?” Charles asked Henry.

I was clocked on the head from behind but it was not hard enough to render me useless. When I tried to get to my feet, they snuffed me with a poisoned rag.” He defended himself. “I swear I went out like a light and woke up in the house.”

I want you guys to stay close. Percy, you’ll remain on as Katherine’s guard. When I or any of my brothers are not with her - you will be. The rest of you can find temporary quarters, my steward; Henry will help you find accommodations. John, you’ll be Percy’s replacement when he’s not on guard, the two of you can come up with a schedule. Henry, please show these gentlemen to their new quarters.”

Yes My Lord.” Henry replied as he gestured for them to follow.

Lord Salvador, I must advise you…” Percy started.

Not now Percy, I’ll come see you for a full report when I deal with the others.”

Yes My Lord.”

Paul, my footman will take you back to the city. Thank you for assisting us with this matter.” He continued on.

Nasty business taking a woman of fine breedin’ it is. Those men should rest with the fishes I reckon.” Paul commented as he left the room.

Salvador nodded to Charles to follow him.

Outside, Peter was wiping his bloody dagger on the unmoving body of his captive while both Alex and Ed had theirs laying face first on the ground with them on top.

Peter?” Charles called out.

The man had a death wish, I simply complied.” He responded as though he was relaying the weather.

Salvador nodded at him and then turned his attention to the other two.

Bring me that one.” Salvador nodded to the captive Alex was holding.

The man was sobbing as Alex brought him to Salvador and Charles. When Peter joined them, the man flinched away from him.

What is your name?” Charles asked the man.

B-Benny.” He sobbed out.

Benny, I’m assuming you can be bought.” Salvador drawled out lazily.

B-Bought? I-I…”

Yes Benny, bought! To the highest bidder - unless of course your loyalties are to Pennington.”

No! I-I tried to warn him” he pointed to the dead man “on the day of the kidnapping, I didn’t know he was working for Pennington too. When I went to warn Henry”, he pointed to the other man lying on the ground “caught up to me and told me that if I said a word he would turn me over to Pennington and then go after my family. I-I’m s-sorry My Lord b-but I only needed the money.”

Pennington knows you tried to turn traitor! I took care of that!” the man on the ground laughed out.

Without a word, Simon slit the mans throat and then wiped the blade on the mans shirt.

I can still use you. I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself. Pennington knows you tried to turn traitor so I cannot send you back to him. Once he learns his men have been disposed of, he’ll start cutting off all ties. I need you alive. There is a boat leaving port in three days, you and your family will be on that boat. I’m giving you a second chance at living and I suggest you do not disappoint me.”

T-Thank you My Lord!” the man spurted out.

Don’t thank me. If I need you to testify you will. Where you are going there is no lodging, I hope you are good with a hammer and a nail. Once you reach your destination, your family is not permitted to leave - ever. If you make the best of the situation, then you and your family can lead a happy life in peace. If you somehow manage to bring your family back to the continent then you will be hunted down by both Pennington and by myself and you will not survive. A life of peace versus a life on the run, it’s your choice.”

I’ll do what I have to do to make this right. I never wanted the little woman to be harmed and even after the fact, I informed Percy where he could find her as soon as I got the chance.”

When was that?” Simon asked.

These two kept me close so I was unable to say anything for two nights. Percy dispatched a crew to meet you in Gainesville when you docked. I assume they are still there.”

Peter, take Benny to a separate quarter and set a guard to him. Bring a quail and paper so he can inform his family to pack what they need and await their escort. I want a security guard with them as well, they are not to leave their quarters nor are they to contact anyone on the outside.” Salvador ordered out.

I’ll arrange it.” Peter grumbled as he took Benny by the collar and started hulling him off.

Ed, what else did you learn?” Salvador asked as they turned back to the house.

None of Cedric’s men have seen Pennington meet with his lawyer”

That’s probably because no such contract exists or it was never legalized and he knows he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.” Simon pitched in.

Yes well, Pennington visited the ship in the morning of the kidnapping and was seen exiting it just before the ship left port. Other than that, he has stuck to his usual routine.” Ed continued.

And nobody saw Katherine being brought on board?” Salvador asked.

No - none of our guys at least. It was dawn when Pennington entered the ship so she must have been on the ship for a while.” Simon answered.

What next?” Charles asked.

Pennington has a couple of bastards placed in the government; we’ll have to be careful.” Salvador pitched in.

We’ll poison him. I have relations with one of the barmaids at a tavern he frequents. We have never been seen there. It’ll be clean and efficient.” Ed offered.

Could they associate you with this wench?” Simon asked.

It was a long time ago and we met in another tavern she worked at. Even if they could tie me to her, there wouldn’t be strong enough evidence to associate me to her now.” He replied.

I’d rather see his throat slit, but it is the safest way of disposing of him.” Charles mumbled to himself.

Fine, Ed can you work out the details with your wench, you can offer her to serve on our island as a servant or offer to start a new life in Scotland or any other city of her choice.” Salvador said.

You want to bring wenches on our island?” Charles exploded.

No, I’m offering her an honest living that she doesn’t have to perform on her back. We need to start pulling together servants and guards…ones that nobody is likely to miss.” Salvador defended himself.

I’m sure our wives will love that…” Simon grumbled as he ran his hand through his hair.

Our wives are not judgmental and will only balk if they think we will be taking advantage of the help.” Alex piped in.

Like that’ll happen.” Salvador drawled out in disgust.

Simon, is there something we should know?” Charles asked as he caught on to what he had said.

You’ll meet her at our next get together. I plan to make her my wife.” Simon responded with a grin on his face.

You’ve decided now have you?” Charles beamed back.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder…speaking of, if we are done here I’d like to go pay a visit.”

Everyone laughed and then said their good-byes.

Salvador!” Peter called out from across the lawn just as he was about to step in.

He waited until Peter caught up.

Everything is taken care of with Benny, for some odd reason I trust the fellow. I also confirmed with Percy that Benny did tell him. I’m off to Gainesville to relieve the men who are waiting for us.”

Thank you Peter. Until this has blown over I would like for you to stay with us.” Salvador asked.

Peter grinned.

My trunks are already set up in my room. Not to worry old friend, I’m not going anywhere for a while.”

Thanks, I owe you one.”

You owe me many! I do however have some business in town that needs attention and I will be taking at least one night with my…friend.”

Do what you need to do. After all of this blows over, I want you to get serious about finding a wife. We’ll be taking off to the island in a year’s time and I would hope that the brotherhood would all be settled by then.”

These things take time. I’m not going to pick just any well-bred lady and hope she works out.” Peter defended himself.

I don’t expect you to do that but I do think that you have exhausted Oxford with no luck. Maybe it’s time you start your pursuit elsewhere.”

Are you trying to get rid of me?” Peter joked.

Katherine would have my head if I did! No, I’ll speak with Katherine; she once offered me a list of eligible bachelorettes for me to turn my attentions to…”

Salvador was cut off by Peter’s laughter.

You can take Ed with you as well.” Salvador grunted out in annoyance.

I’m sorry Salvador, but that is so like Katherine.” Peter laughed out. “What about Simon?”

Simon has chosen his bride…I suspect he’s killing his horse trying to get to her now.” Salvador grinned out.

I’ll check on Katherine then take off.” Peter grinned back.

She’s sleeping, leave her be.” Salvador warned.

I’ll just pop my head in.” Peter responded firmly.

Fine.” Salvador sighed out as they entered the study by the balcony.

Chapter 33 - Requests & Declarations

Lady Katherine you should be resting!” Jenna scolded as she pulled a gown over her head.

I’ve been doing nothing but resting and I’m tired of it! I need fresh air.” She stated bluntly. “Now are you going to help me latch up my gown or do I need to ring for Sarah?” She continued on with annoyance.

I should ring for your husband!” Jenna threatened her as she walked over and started buttoning up her gown against her better judgment.

Thank you. I’m just going to walk in the gardens, there’s no need to alarm everyone!” Katherine warned her as she searched for her shawl.

What’s this about walking in the gardens?” She heard Peter from the door.

Peter! Tell this woman I am more than fine to walk on my own two feet.” She said as she pulled out a cape instead.

I thought you were sleeping.”

If I sleep anymore I’ll turn into a prune.” Katherine laughed out.

Lord Salvador clearly wants her resting and I don’t think he’ll be happy to learn that she’s not.” Jenna scolded.

Lord Salvador is my husband…not my Father and I’m sure he would understand that his wife needs a little air.” Katherine defended her motives.

Peter stood back with a grin on his face as he watched the two women bicker at each other.

Don’t just stand there with a grin on your face, go get the Master!” Jenna tried to shoo him off.

Peter you will do no such thing!” Katherine shrieked.

Peter easily avoided Jenna’s clucking and walked over to Katherine to help her tie her cape around her neck.

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