The Devil's Tattoo (18 page)

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Authors: Nicole R Taylor

BOOK: The Devil's Tattoo
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"Get away from me!" I heard myself shriek.

A strong hand grasped my upper arm, fingers biting into my flesh,
another bruise added to the list. I had been happy. So happy, I'd been blind.

"Don't fucking touch me."

The hand let go and I wanted to run down those stairs, the stairs
I had walked up and down a thousand million times. I didn't need to run. I
didn't need to walk. There was a hand on my back that would help me get to the
bottom faster than I could have ever let my legs carry me.

The ground came rushing up towards my face and I let out a scream,
like the sound of my own terror would stop my forward momentum.

," came the sound of a voice. It was small,
like it came from a far away place and it took a long minute for it to register
that it wasn't a part of my nightmare. My eyes snapped open and I gasped for
air, my skin hot and sticky with sweat.

"Zoe, fucking hell." A hand was on my shoulder and
another came down on my forehead.

"Dee?" I rasped.

"It was just a dream," he said, his voice full of panic.

"A dream?"

"You let out an awful scream," he said, pulling my hair
from my wet face.

"I'm sorry," I gasped, sitting up. I rubbed my hands
over my face, trying to calm down. My heart was still thumping a million miles
an hour.

"What was it about?"

I pointed to my arm and he knew. Collapsing back into bed, I
couldn't help it when the tears started to flow. The dream had been so vivid it
was like an action replay. Dee slid into bed behind me and circled his arm
around my waist as sob after sob burst out of me.

"What happened?" he whispered into my hair.

"He called me... My arm," I choked out between heavy

"Did he hurt you?" Dee said quietly, knowing I was
talking about Will. "If he even..."

"He didn't hurt me."

He held me for a long time, waiting for me to calm down.

Finally he said, "What happened?"

"Nothing," I whispered. I couldn't say it.

"Something must have," he said. "It's you and me,
. Just you and me."

He forced me to turn around and look at him. The room was dark,
but the muted light from the street outside filtered in and I could just make
out the familiar features of his face. Tucking my hair behind my ear, he kissed
my forehead and I breathed in his familiar smell of leather and musk.

"He kissed me," I whispered.

"That's not a bad thing,

"He called me baby. It… when he said it all these things came
back. Memories. My arm…"

"Did he hurt your arm?"

"No. He didn't hurt me. He didn't. It was weird. It felt like
. The pain."

"Shit, Zoe," Dee cursed, pulling me against his chest.

"I panicked. I'm sorry."

"God," he murmured into my hair. "I understand,
. I get it. After everything, I get it."

"I can't just wake up one day and decide that I'm over it.
You know I haven't let anyone in.
No one but you.
not easy."

"I know, Zoe. I know."

"I can't."

"You can. When you're ready. I think you're ready."

"I don't want to get hurt again. I can't. I can't go through
that again."

"He's not Jason," Dee said. "He's nothing like that
prick. I was wrong about Will,
. He's
. He's one of the good ones. That guy would go to
hell and back for you."

I didn't know what to say to that, I was too afraid to believe. I
just buried myself harder against my best friend.

"Remember when he almost beat up on that guy for just talking
to you? He wants you bad and I think you should let him in. I mean
he'll protect you from sleazy guys like me. That's ten
points right there. And he's got nice shoes. I know how you are with

I don't know where he heard about that night from, but everything
else he said was right. The only one who had a problem with it was

"I know it's hard, but you've
face it."

"I know."

"I can only help you so much. The last bit you've
do on your own."

," I murmured.

"Are you okay now?" I knew he meant the dream, so I

He went to let me go, but I grasped hold of him tighter.

He let out a small laugh and pulled the cover up over my
shoulders. "The day I get a girlfriend,
she's going to be a jealous wreck."

"I want to see her resume first."

He ran a hand through my hair. "There's the Zoe I know and
love. Don't let her get away again."

The way he said it made it sound easy. But, the conversation I
would have to have with
tomorrow would be one of
the hardest things I would ever have to do. And I still didn't know which way
it was going to go.







Giving Zoe space was one of the hardest things I'd had to do. I just
wanted to go and make it better, comfort her. I wanted to take her in my arms
and never let go. But, Dee had said to give her some time. He knew her better
than anyone and I had to trust him.

The show the other night had been gut wrenching. I mean, they
sounded great as per usual, but something was missing from Zoe. The spark she
had was all but gone and it broke my heart knowing that I might've had
something to do with it. Afterwards, she'd just left and the whole day after,
she'd didn't come out to dinner or anywhere.

This morning she'd even rode with Simone again. Something she
hadn't done since I'd been such a jerk to her. Dee had just shrugged and pulled
me onto the bus. He never said a word to me about what was going on and his
devotion to her was admirable. I mean, they weren't related, but he was her
family. Her brother. To anyone on the outside, they looked like they were
together. I'd thought the same thing at first. I totally got them now.

Today's sound check was already turning into another muted affair
and as the support did their thing, I sat in a corner and just watched everyone
go too and fro, putting Tab A into Tab B. That's when Zoe wandered by, not
noticing me in the shadows and my heart clenched.

I watched as she went into the band room, her shoulders hunched.
She looked utterly defeated. I waited to see if she would reappear and after
twenty minutes had gone by, no one had gone in or out. Dee had told me to give
her some time, but I was out of patience. I had to do something. I was done
feeling powerless while she was hurting.

Taking a deep breath, I strode over and opened the door.







I sat in the band room on a beat up couch as the
support band did their sound check. They're muffled, but their music filtered
into the room regardless of the soundproofing. Leaning forward,
elbows on my knees I rubbed my tired eyes, glad for the
short reprieve from the drama. Ever since the other day after
the pool, I'd been strung so tight, it was no wonder I'd had such a violent
dream. My life was spinning out of control and I had no idea how to reign it
back in.

I still hadn't confronted Will to
. Dee had said that I'd scared the shit out of him
and he was just as strung out as I was. Truth was,
I just don't know how to say what I wanted to. I didn’t know how
much I should say. I knew I should tell him the entire truth, but I wasn't
ready to hear it myself.

When I heard the door open, my head snapped up and
caught sight of
closing it behind him, his back
firmly against the door. My breathing instantly picked up and my heart thudded
painfully inside my chest. His eyes were on me and they were full of fire.
Anger, lust, I don't know.

"Zoe." His voice was so low and husky and I instantly
felt my body respond. Damn it.

I didn't say anything. I just watched him stare at me with a
fierce look that seemed a lot like hunger.

"What happened?" he asked.

I struggled with what to say. Either I didn't want to, or I was
by his presence. I didn't count on
this conversation going the way it was headed.

His brows knitted together in a frown and he crossed the room,
slowly and deliberately, sitting on the couch next to me. He was careful not to
touch me, though I was aware that he'd lowered his lips a mere inch from my
ear. My heart thumped so hard in my chest, I was positive he could hear it.

"I meant it," he murmured. "When I said I'd wanted
you for a long time."

My breathing hitched as his hot
breath tickled my neck.

"I will never do anything to hurt you.

Somehow, I managed to speak. "Will…"

"Zoe." His hand was on my face, making me look up at
him. "How do you go up to a beautiful woman and not have her think
you're only in it for the sex? I didn't want you to think you were like
those other women," he said. "I want to know you. I want to know
everything about you. I've
never not
had the guts to
talk to anyone before. I still don't know what it was about you that night.
But, I saw you in that crowd and you were different. I can't describe it."

I closed my eyes for a moment, just giving into the feeling of it.
The fact that he might feel the exact same longing I felt for him almost undid
me. At first I thought I might have been imagining it, but I felt the back of his
fingers trailing down the skin of my cheek and every place he's touched burned.
Despite all the things I had gone over in my mind to try and convince myself I
wasn't ready, I wanted him. I wanted him so much it hurt.

"Zoe," he said again. "I can't live another day and
not know you."

Opening my eyes, I found his stormy grey staring back and it's a
look so intense
I can't not do something about it
. So,
for the first time since I'd laid eyes on him, I gave in. I slid my palm up his
face, over the stubble that I found so irresistible and into his hair. His
mouth fell open slightly, lips parting. His breathing picked up as he leant
into my hand.

"Zoe?" It was hardly audible.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"If you don't stop touching me, I won't be able to stop myself
from kissing you."

I dragged my nails lightly down the back of his head, through his
hair and down his neck, pulling him towards me. "Then do it," I
murmured against his lips.

This time, his kiss was slow and deliberate. He teased me with the
tip of his tongue, lightly grazing it across my bottom lip, before claiming me
completely. My entire body came alive at the slightest touch and it felt just
as consuming as before.

His hand hooked under my knee, tugging me towards him. Following
his lead, I straddled him, my hair falling around us like a curtain, shutting
out the world. Grinding against him, he let out a deep moan into my mouth and I
could feel how hard he was already. I felt the effect I had on him
deep inside me and it took all of my strength not to
guide his hands under my shirt.

"God," he rumbled against my lips. "What have you
done to me?"

I ran a hand along his jaw, delighting in the rasp of the stubble
that always coated it, knowing I was done. That kiss had just blown whatever
strangled excuse I had tried to formulate right out of the water. I couldn't
stay away now. If this ended badly, then it would be a billion times worse than
the last time, but I didn't care. It was too late. Will had wormed his way
inside my heart, through all the walls I had built around it and I wanted him
to stay there. He had done it without me even knowing.

"I'm sorry," he gasped through heavy breaths. "For
trying to make you jealous. I'm such a jerk."

"You are." My lips curved into a small smile and the
ghost of that lopsided grin I'd come to
over tugged at his.

"I like you, Zoe. So much. I didn't know how to handle it. I
still don't know."

"Neither do I." His hands squeezed my hips gently,
making me squirm against him.

"What happened?" he asked again, the concern in his
voice tugging at my heart. "Did I do something to hurt you?"

"No," I whispered, winding my hands in his hair.
"When you called me baby, it brought back something I'd rather


I hesitated, not wanting to give all the details. I wasn't sure if
I remembered them all anyway. I dragged my teeth over my bottom lip, eyes

Will brought a thumb up and caressed it across my lips, making me
let go.

"I went through a bad break up."

"Does it have something to do with your scar?"

I stiffened at his words and there was no way he could have missed
it. "It had a bad effect on me," I said, blatantly ignoring him.
"I lost all my friends and my home. Dee saved me."

"Zoe..." I could see the pity in his eyes and I didn't
like it. I didn't want it.


"I would never hurt you," he said fiercely, his hands
leaving my hips and winding through my hair.

"I know."

He pressed his lips against mine again and after everything we'd just
confided in each other, it was the most intense kiss I'd ever had. Will's
entire body shuddered beneath me and he only had to shift his pelvis against
mine and I would have came then and there.

"While we're on the confession thing," I said carefully,
"I do remember you that night. You know, at that gig."

"But, you said you didn't."

I shrugged.

," he scolded me with a

"You raised your eyebrows at me," I smiled. "Very

"You think I'm hot," he declared and the intensity of a
moment ago shifted into something lighter.

"Does that work on all the girls?"

"Eventually." The smile fell from his face and he
let his gaze rake over my features, to my lips and back into my eyes.
"You're beautiful, Zoe Granger. You know that?"

He said it with such determination and raw hunger, that I believed
him. I hadn't thought I was remotely pretty or worth knowing for a long time
and now? "I'm beginning to believe it when you say it like that."

"I'm going to tell you every day." He captured my mouth
again, sucking on my bottom lip, dragging his teeth against the skin. Gasping,
I clutched the back of his head, pulling him closer. The feeling of his tongue
against mine was consuming as our kiss deepened. My skin began to prickle in
excitement as his fingertips brushed over my back, creeping underneath my shirt
and his fingers hovered just below the waistband of my jeans.

I had to move then, grinding myself forward over his erection and
pushing against my clit. We both let out a tortured moan, breathing hard. It
felt so overwhelming and we were both still fully clothed.

"Don't move," he murmured against my lips.

I didn't have to ask why.

"Not here," he whispered, kissing the corner of my jaw,
right underneath my ear.

"Later," I said, and it came out as a low gasp as I felt
his tongue tease against my neck.

"We'll see."

I went to move off him, but he grabbed my hips, holding me in

"Are you trying to drive me mad?" I asked with a small

"I don't want to let you go," he kissed my forehead.
"We've got a minute. Give me this minute."

We sat together for a moment, and previously it would have been
awkward as hell, but now it was the most natural thing in the world. We fit
together. I knew it and so did he.

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind. The day we were told about
the tour, Simone and Dee had both said The Stabs had asked for us. Did Will…?
"When we were asked on this tour, we were told you guys asked for


"Did you know it was me?"

"I went to your first gig," he said carefully. "I
saw you on that stage and I almost died. You were the last person I was
expecting to see."

"I wasn't expecting it either."

"You stood next to me at the bar and said, hey."

"Dee yanked me away."

"I'll never forget the look on your face," he smiled, tracing
my bottom lip with a thumb. "Until that moment, I thought you were a

"I can assure you I'm totally solid."

Will groaned at my joke. "We heard your song on the radio and
we were told that you'd signed with our label. Then I saw your video." He
licked his lips, almost sending my body into overdrive. "I'd hoped I'd see
you again, but I never did."

asked for us."

He nodded, slowly. "I drove Pete nuts with my pining over a
mystery woman. With him, Louie and Sticks, we had enough sway to get you guys
on tour. The fact that you're beyond brilliant helped, of course."

"You really are a class
jerk, Will

His eyes snapped up to meet mine and fear flashed through them.
Trailing my fingers across his lips, I smirked and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Zoe," he scolded me. "You'll give me a heart

"I think my heart does that every time I see you."

"Well," he said wickedly, "let me start it again
for you."

This was getting dangerously close to something else and I was
suddenly aware of where we were, but I didn't care one bit. Will's hands were
back in my hair, holding my mouth firmly to his.

We both jumped as the door banged open and Dee walked in. When his
eyes landed on
us and our position,
he stifled a
surprised laugh.

"Oh, shit," he exclaimed. "Didn't

"It's okay, Dee," I said, reluctantly getting up. I
really needed to cool off.

"We need to sound check."

"Okay, I'll be there in a sec."

He looked at us with a sly smile and closed the door behind him.

"I get it now,"
pulling my back flush with his chest.
and Dee."

"He means well."

"He loves you." When I tensed, he said, "Not like
that. He's your family. They all are. I mean I know, I have my own."

"What did he say to you?"


"After… what did he tell you?"

Will was quiet for a moment and I wasn't sure if that churning in
my stomach was dread. "Nothing. He told me it wasn't his place."

"And it's not." It came out a little harsher than I

"I'd go to hell and back for you. Anything you want from me,
it's yours." His hands settled on my hips and I pressed my backside into
his hard on and couldn't help but smile as he let out a low moan. "God,

"You better stay in here a while," I said, hoping that
he really meant every word. "You need to calm down."

As I walked out of the room, I looked back and gave him a sly
smile. The tension that had weighed itself on my shoulders had all but
disappeared. If one kiss from
could do that, then
what else could he do? Just thinking about it made that place between my legs

"You're wicked, Zoe Granger," he grimaced as I closed
the door behind me.

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