The Dialogue Thesaurus: A Fiction Writer's Sourcebook of Dialogue Tags and Phrases (11 page)

BOOK: The Dialogue Thesaurus: A Fiction Writer's Sourcebook of Dialogue Tags and Phrases
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S – Nouns

sabotage; sacrifice; sacrilege; sadism; sadness; safety; sagacity / sagaciousness; salaciousness / salacity; sanctimony / sanctimoniousness; sanguinariness; sanguinity / sanguinness; sanity; sapience / sapiency; sarcasm; sardonicism; sassiness; satiation; satisfaction; saturnineness / saturninity; sauciness; savviness; scandal / scandalousness; scintillation; scorn / scornfulness; scrutiny / scrutinization; scurrilousness; seclusion; security; sedation; sedition; seduction; seductiveness; selectiveness; self-abasement; self-acceptance; self-aggrandizement; self-assurance; self-centeredness; self-confidence; self-consciousness; self-deprecation; self-destruction; self-discipline; self-hate; self-indulgence; self-love; self-pity; self-reliance; self-righteousness; self-sacrifice; self-satisfaction; selfishness; selflessness; senility; sensation; sensibility; sensitivity; sensuality; sensuousness / sensuosity; sentimentality; separation; serendipity; serenity; seriousness; servitude; sexiness; shakiness; shallowness; shame; shamefulness; sharpness; sheepishness; shock; shrewdness; shyness; sickness; significance; silence; silliness; simplicity; sincerity; sinfulness; single-mindedness; sinisterness; skankiness; skepticism; sketchiness; skill / skillfulness; skittishness; slackness; sleaziness; sleepiness; sloppiness; slothfulness; sloven; slowness; sluggishness; sluttiness; slyness; smallness; smarminess; smartness; smoothness; smugness; snarkiness; sneakiness; snobbiness; snoopiness; soberness; sociability / sociableness; soddenness; soft-heartedness; softness; solemnness; solitude; somberness; sophistication; sordidness; soreness; sorrow; sourness; speechlessness; spinelessness; spiritedness; spiritlessness; spite; splendiferousness; splendor; spontaneity / spontaneousness; sprightliness; spryness; spunkiness; squeamishness; stability; starvation; sternness; stiffness; stigmatization; stimulation; stinginess; stodginess; stolidity / stolidness; strain; strangeness; strength; stress; strictness; strongness; stubbornness; studiousness; stupefaction; stupendousness; stupidity / stupidness; style / stylishness; suaveness; subjugation; submission; subordination; subservience; subversion; subversiveness; success; suffocation; suicide; sulkiness; sullenness; sunniness; superciliousness; superficiality; superiority; superstition; support; supportiveness; suppression; sureness; surliness; surprise; surrealism; susceptibility; suspicion; sweetness; sympathy.


T – Adjectives

talkative; tame; tantalized; tantrumy; taunted; tearful; teary-eyed; teased; temperamental; temperate; tempestuous; tempted; tenacious; tender; tense; tentative; tenuous; tepid; terrible; terrific; terrified; territorial; terrorized; terse; testy; tetchy; thankful; thick; thickheaded; thirsty; thoughtful; threatened; threatening; thrilled; thwarted; timid; timorous; tingly; tipsy; tired; tireless; to blame; tolerant; tormented; torn; torpid; touched; touchy; tough; traitorous; tranquil; trapped; treacherous; treasonous; tremulous; triumphant; troubled; trusted; trusting; trustworthy; truthful; tumultuous; turned off; turned on; tyrannical.


T – Nouns

talkativeness; tameness; tantalization; tearfulness; temperateness; tempestuousness; tenacity / tenaciousness; tenderness; tensity / tenseness; tentativeness; tenuousness; tepidity / tepidness; terribleness; territoriality; terror; terseness; testiness; tetchiness; thankfulness; thickheadedness; thickness; thirst; thoughtfulness; threat; thrill; timidity / timidness; timorousness; tingle(s); tiredness; tirelessness; tolerance; torment; torpidity / torpidness; touchiness; toughness; traitorousness; tranquility; treachery; treason; tremulousness; triumph; trouble; trust; truth; tumult; tyranny.


U – Adjectives

ugly; unabashed; unaffected; unafraid; unambitious; unamiable; unamused; unashamed; unattractive; unbalanced; unbelieving; uncared for; uncaring; uncertain; uncheerful; uncomfortable; uncommunicative; uncontrollable; unconvinced; uncouth; undaunted; underestimated; understanding; understood; undeserving; undignified; uneasy; unemotional; unenlightened; unenthusiastic; unenvious; unfair; unfaithful; unfamiliar; unfazed; unfearing; unfeeling; unfocused; unforgiven; unforgiving; ungallant; ungenerous; unglamorous; ungracious; ungrateful; unguarded; unguilty; unhappy; unheard; unheroic; unholy; unimaginative; unimportant; unimpressed; unified; uninformed; uninhibited; uninspired; unintelligent; uninterested; unique; unkind; unknown; unloved; unmerciful; unmotivated; unmoved; unnerved; unperturbed; unpleasant; unpredictable; unprepared; unproductive; unprotected; unrepentant; unreserved; unresponsive; unrestrained; unromantic; unruffled; unsafe; unsatisfied; unscrupulous; unselfconscious; unselfish; unsettled; unshaken; unsociable; unsteady; unsuccessful; unsupported; unsure; unsurprised; unsympathetic; unthreatened; untrusted; untrusting; unvirtuous; unwanted; unwelcome; unwilling; unwise; uplifted; upset; used; used up; useless.


U – Nouns

ugliness; unaffectedness; unambitiousness; unamiableness; unashamedness; unattractiveness; unbalance; unbelievability; uncertainty; uncheerfulness; uncomfortability; uncouthness; undauntedness; underestimation; understandingness; undeservingness; undignifiedness; uneasiness; unemotionality; unenlightenment; unenthusiasm; unenviousness; unfairness; unfaithfulness; unfamiliarity; unfearingness; unfeelingness; unfocusedness; unforgivingness; ungenerousness; unglamorousness; ungraciousness; ungratefulness; unguardedness; unguiltiness; unhappiness; unheroicness; unholiness; unimaginativeness; unimportance; uninformedness; uninhibitedness; uninspiredness; unintelligence; uninterest; uniqueness; unity; unkindness; unmercifulness; unmotivatedness; unpleasantness; unpredictability; unpreparedness; unproductivity / unproductiveness; unprotectedness; unrepentance; unreservedness; unresponsiveness; unrestrainedness; unsafeness; unsatisfaction; unscrupulousness; unselfconsciousness; unselfishness; unsettledness; unsociability; unsteadiness; unsuccessfulness; unsupportedness; unsureness; unsurprisedness; unsympatheticness; untrustfulness; unvirtuousness; unwantedness; unwelcomeness; unwillingness; unwiseness; upliftedness; uselessness.


V – Adjectives

vacant; vacuous; vain; vainglorious; valiant; valued; vehement; vengeful; venomous; vexed; vibrant; vicious; victimized; victorious; vigilant; villainous; vindicated; vindictive; violated; violent; virtuous; vital; vivacious; volatile; voracious; vulnerable.


V – Nouns

vacancy; vacuity; vainglory; valiance; vanity; vehemence; vengeance; venom; vexation; vibrancy; viciousness; victimization; victory; vigilance; villainy; vindication; violation; violence; virtue; vitality; vivacity; volatility; voracity; vulnerability.


W – Adjectives

wacky; wanted; warm; wary; weak; weary; weepy; weird; well; whimsical; whiny; wicked; wild; willful; wise; wishful; wishy-washy; wistful; withdrawn; witty; woeful; wolfish; wonderful; woozy; worn out; worried; worthless; worthy; wounded; wound up; wrathful; wretched; wronged.


W – Nouns

wackiness; wariness; warmness; weakness; weariness; weirdness; well-being; whimsy; wickedness; wildness; willfulness; wishfulness; wistfulness; withdrawal; woe; wolfishness; wonder; wooziness; worry; worth; worthlessness; wrath; wretchedness.


X - Z – Adjectives

xenophobic; yucky; youthful; zany; zealous; zealless zestless; zesty; zippy; zoned in; zoned out; zonked; zonked out.


Y - Z – Nouns / Phrases

yearning (for); yearnings (of); zaniness; zeal; zest.



Emotion: Anger

abrasive; abusive; accusative / accusatory; acrid; acrimonious; aggravated; aggressive; agitated; angry; animalistic; annoyed; antagonistic; antipathetic; apoplectic; argumentative; arrogant; bad-tempered; baleful; ballistic; baneful; barbaric; barbarous; bearish; bellicose; belligerent; berserk; bestial; bilious; bitchy; bitter; bloodthirsty; blustered; boastful; bold; bossy; bratty; brutish; bullish; callous; cantankerous; captious; catty; caustic; chaotic; churlish; coarse; cold; cold-blooded; coldhearted; combative; confrontational; contemptuous; crabby; cranky; critical; cross; cruel; cunning; cynical; dangerous; dark; defiant; demanding; demeaning; demented; depraved; deranged; derisive; despising; destructive; devilish; devious; diabolical; dictatorial; disapproving; disdainful; disgruntled; disharmonious; disobedient; displeased; disrespectful; disruptive; disturbed; dominant; domineering; dour; draconian; edgy; enraged; evil; exacerbated; exploitative; exasperated; explosive; feral; ferocious; fervid; fierce; forceful; fractious; frantic; frenetic; frenzied; fretful; frustrated; furious; galled; glacial; glassy; gloomy; goaded; grouchy; grudging; grumpy; hard-hearted; hacked off; harmful; harried; harsh; hateful; heartless; hostile; hot; hot-headed; hot-tempered; heinous; horrible; hurtful; hypocritical; icy; ill-tempered; indignant; ingenious; infuriated; insane; insensitive; insidious; insolent; insubordinate; intense; intolerant; inconsiderate; irascible; irate; ireful; irked; irritable; insensitive; irritated; livid; loud; mad; malevolent; malicious; maligned; maniacal; masochistic; manipulative; mean; mean-spirited; menacing; merciless; minacious; megalomaniacal; militant; misanthropic; miscreant; monstrous; mordant; murderous; mutinous; mouthy; negative; nasty; obnoxious; ominous; outraged; peevish; patronizing; pessimistic; pettish; petulant; pitiless; pissed; pissed off; powerful; predatory; primitive; pugnacious; pushy; quarrelsome; querulous; rageful; reactionary; reckless; red-hot; refractory; relentless; remorseless; reprochful; resentful; retaliatory; revengeful; riled; rough; rude; ruffled; ruthless; sadistic; sarcastic; sardonic; scornful; sinister; selfish; serious; spiteful; sore; soulless; sour; spirited; spoiled; stern; strict; stubborn; sulky; surly; tantrumy; temperamental; tense; terse; territorial; testy; tetchy; threatening; touchy; tough; tumultuous; tyrannical; unamused; unapologetic; unmerciful; unpleasant; upset; vengeful; venomous; vexed; vicious; victorious; villainous; vindictive; violent; volatile; wicked; wild; wolfish; wrathful.



"Fine," she said,
. "You can go to hell."


"Close the door on your way out," she said, feeling


"Get away from me," Mary said,
in her voice.


"You dare to defy me?" Frank said,
at her refusal.


"I will kill you!" Matthew hissed,
dripping from every word.



Emotion: Fear

afraid; aghast; agitated; alarmed; alert; angsty; antsy; anxious; apprehensive; breathless; bristling; careful; catatonic; cautious; chicken; chilly; circumspect; clammy; claustrophobic; clingy; concerned; constricted; cowardly; creeped out; daunted; defenseless; defensive; despairing; dire; direful; disconcerted; disempowered; distraught; distressed; distrustful; doomed; doubtful; dreadful; emotional; endangered; erratic; exposed; faint; fainthearted; fearful; feeble; fragile; frail; frantic; freaked; freaked out; frenzied; fretful; frightened; grave; guarded; gutless; haggard; harrowed; haunted; helpless; hesitant; hindered; horrified; horror-stricken; hunted; hypervigilant; hysterical; immobile; immobilized; indecisive; intimidated; irrational; jittery; jumpy; menaced; naked; nervous; neurotic; overanxious; overprotective; overwrought; panicked; panicky; paralyzed; paranoid; perturbed; petrified; piteous; pithless; plagued; powerless; precarious; pusillanimous; qualmish; queasy; quivery; rabid; ragged; rattled; reserved; rigid; scared; seized; shaken; shaky; shy; silent; skittish; spineless; spiritless; spooked; squeamish; stalked; stiff; strangled; stressed; stricken; subdued; submissive; suffocated; suspicious; taut; tearful; teary-eyed; tense; tentative; terrorized; threatened; timid; timorous; tingly; tormented; trapped; tremulous; trepid; trepidatious; uncertain; uncontrollable; uneasy; unnerved; unsettled; vigilant; vulnerable; wary; watchful; weak; weepy; worried; xenophobic.



"Please, let me go," he said, looking
. "I have a family."


"Is it safe?" Simone said,


of the distance, she spoke up. "I don't think I can make it."


"We need to find a way out," he said, feeling


"Did you hear that chair move?" she whispered,
creeping into her voice.



Emotion: Happiness

admiring; adoring; adventurous; affected; amused; animated; avid; beautiful; bemused; blessed; blissful; blithe; bouncy; breezy; bright; bright eyed; brilliant; bubbly; bursting; buzzed; captivated; casual; charged; charismatic; charming; chatty; cheeky; cheerful; cheery; chipper; chirpy; confident; content; contented; convivial; delighted; delightful; dreamy; eager; easy-going; ebullient; ecstatic; effervescent; effusive; elated; emotive; empowered; enamored; enchanted; enchanting; encouraged; encouraging; endearing; energetic; energized; engaged; enhanced; enjoyably; enlivened; enraptured; enriched; entertained; entertaining; enthralled; enthusiastic; entranced; entrancing; esteemed; euphoric; exalted; excellent; excitable; excited; exhilarated; expectant; expressive; extraordinary; extravagant; extroverted; exuberant; exultant; fabulous; fanciful; fancy; fantabulous; fantastic; fervent; festive; flamboyant; flashy; free; frivolous; fulfilled; fun; funky; funloving; funny; gay; genial; genuine; giddy; giggly; glad; glamorous; gleeful; glorious; glowing; glowingly; good; good-natured; goofy; grand; grandiose; grateful; gratified; great; gregarious; groovy; gushy; happy; happy-go-lucky; harmonious; hearty; high; high-spirited; hilarious; humorous; hyped-up; hyper; hyperactive; hysterical; illuminated; incredible; infectious; inspired; invigorated; inviting; jaunty; jazzy; jocular; jolly; jovial; joyful; joyous; jubilant; juiced; keen; kooky; laid back; light-hearted; lively; luminous; magnificent; marvelous; merry; mirthful; momentous; motivated; musical; nice; optimistic; over-enthusiastic; overeager; overjoyed; overzealous; peaceful; peppy; perky; piquant; placid; playful; pleasant; pleased; pleasurable; positive; psyched; pumped (up); quirky; radiant; rapturous; receptive; relaxed; responsive; rhapsodic; sanguine; sensational; serene; silly; sociable; social; special; splendid; sprightly; successful; sunny; super; superb; superior; swell; talkative; thrilled; tranquil; triumphant; vibrant; victorious; vivacious; voracious; warm; welcoming; well; wonderful; youthful; zany; zealous; zesty; zippy.

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