The Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy (91 page)

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Dyakovs, the: 32, 533


Elizaveta Fyodorovna, (1864–1918), Grand Duchess: 107, 434

Elizaveta-Ottilia-Luisa (1843–1916) Queen of Romania, writer (pseudonym “Carmen Silva”): 293, 555

Elpatevsky, Sergei Yakovlevich (1854–1933): 307–9, 321, 328

Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803–82), American writer and philosopher: 316

Epictetus (
), Greek Stoic philosopher: 165, 316

Erdeli, Ivan Egorovich (born 1870), husband of M.A. Erdeli: 81, 116, 128

Erdeli, Maria Alexandrovna (née Kuzminskaya), (1869–1923), daughter of T.A. Kuzminskaya: 81, 126, 128

Erdenko, Yevgenya Iosifovna (1880–1953), pianist, wife of M.G. Erdenko: 357

Erdenko, Mikhail Gavrilovich (1866–1940), violinist: 357

Ergolskaya, Tatyana Alexandrovna (“Aunt”) (1792–1874), Tolstoy's aunt and guardian: xii, xiv–xv, 7, 11, 20–22, 44, 267, 400, 500, 504–5, 516, 529

Ermolova, Ekaterina Petrovna, German governess: 264, 278

Ernefeldt, Arvid (1861–1933), Finnish writer, fellow thinker of Tolstoy's

Ershova, Olga, Yasnaya Polyana peasant, a teacher at Tolstoy's school: 96, 413


Falz-Fein, Nikolai (born 1873), landowner in the Tavrichesky province: 294

Feinerman, Isaak Borisovich (pseudonym “Teneromo”) (1862–1925), writer: 68, 70, 538

Feofan, Prelate: 465

Feokritova, Varvara Mikhailovna (1875–1950), friend of Alexandra Lvovna Tolstaya, copyist at Yasnaya Polyana: 349, 351–2, 357, 368, 373, 375, 394, 398–9, 401, 409, 421, 449, 455, 482, 487, 564

Feoktistov, Yevgeny Mikhailovich (1828–98), head of the Chief Department for Press Affairs: 104–5, 115

Feoktistova, Sofia Alexandrovna (née Beklemisheva), wife of E.M. Feoktistov: 104

Feret, Nadezhda Nikolaevna (née Zinovieva) (1870–1942), daughter of N.A. Zinoviev: 172

Fet, Afanasy, Afanasyevich (1820–92), poet: 29, 80, 91, 116, 432, 469, 534, 540, 553, 577

Fet, Maria Petrovna (née Botkina), (1828–94), wife of A.A. Fet: 29

Fetler, Baltic preacher: 369

Feuillet, O.,
Le Journal d'une femme:

Fewson, governess to the Tolstoy children: 67

Fielding, C.,
The Soul of a People
: 320, 553

Le Figaro
, French newspaper published in Paris from 1826: 565

Filatov, Nil Fyodorovich (1847–1902), paediatrician, professor at Moscow University: 145, 147, 522–3

Filka, Yasnaya Polyana servant: 121, 368, 375

Filosofov, Vladimir Nikolaevich (“Vaka”) (born 1874), brother of S.N. Tolstaya: 171, 421, 456

Filosofova, Alexandra Nikolaevna (“Sasha”) (1878–97), sister of S.N. Tolstaya: 175

Filosofova, Natalya Nikolaevna (“Natasha”) (1872–1926): 80

Filosofova, Sofia Alexeevna (née Pisareva), (1847–1901), wife of director of the Moscow Institute of Art and Sculpture: 71, 73, 82, 217, 537

Filosofovs, the: 83, 116, 169

Florinsky, Vasily Markovich (1833–99) doctor: 70, 539

Fokanov, Taras Karpovich (1857–1927), Yasnaya Polyana peasant: 439–40

Fokanov, Timofei Mikhailovich, Yasnaya Polyana peasant, in the 1870s steward of Tolstoy's Samara estate: 118, 543

Fonvizin, S.I.,
Two Lives
: 143, 447

France, Anatole (1844–1924), French writer,
La Bûche; La Fille de Clémentine
: 242

Frolov, peasant boy: 439

Fry, William: 538


Gachet, governess of Tatyana and Maria Lvovna Tolstaya: 50, 52–3

Gagarina, Maria Alexandrovna (née Golitsyna-Prozorovskaya), acquaintance of the Tolstoys: 281

“Ganya”, Yasnaya Polyana peasant woman: 66

“Gasha”, Maria Nikolaevna's maid: 247

Gastev, Pyotr Nikolaevich (born 1866), fellow thinker of Tolstoy's: 136, 408

Geiden, Countess M.F.: 433

Geiden, Count S.M.: 430

George, Henry (1839–97), American economist: 359, 379

Georgievsky, Grigory Petrovich (1866–1948), director of the Manuscript Department of the Rumyantsev Museum: 471

Georgievsky, Lev Alexandrovich, director of the Katovsky secondary school: 266

Ginzburg, Ilya Yakovlevich (1859–1939), sculptor: 124, 173–4, 176, 208, 324, 544

Giuliani, singer: 81, 540

Glazunov, Alexander Konstantinovich (1865–1936), composer: 224

Glebova, Lina: 277, 284–5

Glebovs, the: 144–5, 280, 284–5

Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–87), Austrian composer: 203, 461, 553

Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich (1809–52),
Dead Souls
: 73

Goldenblatt, Boris Osipovich (1864–
.1930), lawyer: 493

Goldenburg, Grigory (1856–80), Russian revolutionary: 57

Goldenweiser, Alexander Borisovich (1875–1961), pianist, professor at the Moscow Conservatoire, author of the book
Near Tolstoy
: 173, 175, 185, 194, 198, 214, 217, 241, 243, 248, 253, 256, 264, 275–6, 291, 299, 323, 332, 339, 351, 359–60, 363, 366, 368–9, 372, 374–5, 381, 385, 387, 392, 399, 415, 417, 427, 563

Goldenweiser, Anna Alexeevna (née Sofiano) (1881–1929), wife of A.B. Goldenweiser: 387

Goldenweisers, the: 415

Golitsyn, friend of Mikhail Tolstoy: 186

Golitsyna, L.A.: 327

Golitsyna, Vera Pavlovna, Princess, neighbour of the Sukhotins: 264

Golokhvastov, Pavel Dmitrievich (1838–92), writer: 72

Gorbunov, Ivan Fyodorovich (1831–95), actor and writer: 266, 322

Gorbunov-Posadov, Ivan Ivanovich (1864–1940), one of the editors and publishers of the Intermediary: 223, 275, 281, 418, 547

Gurbunovs, the: 362, 459

Gorchakov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1823–74), relative of Tolstoy's, led the Crimean army during the Sevastopol campaign: 324, 341

Gorchakova, Princess: 30, 32

Goremykin, Ivan Logginovich (1839–1917), statesman: 184

Gorky, Maxim (1868–1936), writer: 298–300, 540, 556

Goryainova, A.A.: 284

Grieg, Edvard Bergen (1843–1907), Norwegian composer: 175, 281

Grigoriev, Vasily Yakovlevich (“the skopets”) (1848–1926): 561

Grigory, butler at Yasnaya Polyana: 56, 69, 538

Grimm, Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm (1786–1859), German scholars;
Fairy Tales
: 144–5, 523

Gromov, Fyodor Vasilevich, Tula architect: 502

Gromova, Elizaveta Nikolaevna (née Karpova), wife of F.V. Gromov: 502

Grot, Nikolai Yakovlevich (1852–99), philosopher, professor at Moscow University, founder of the journal
Questions of Philosophy and Psychology
: 133

Gruzinsky, Alexei Yevgenevich (1858–1930), literary historian: 458, 462

Gruzinskys, the, family of N.I. Gruzinsky, a friend of the Tolstoys: 180

Guchkov, Nikolai Ivanovich, politician, from 1906 to 1913 mayor of Moscow: 434, 566–7

Guchkov, N.S.: 466

Gué Anna Petrovna (1832–91), wife of the artist N.N. Gué: 95

Gué, Nikolai Nikolaevich (“the old man”) (1831–94), artist: 69, 85, 95, 156, 269, 366–67, 369, 422, 540, 542

Gué, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1857–1940), son of the artist N.N. Gué, friend of the Tolstoy family: 86, 540

Gureli, Elena Konstantinovna (1878–1900), Princess, friend of Andrei Lvovich Tolstoy: 257

Gurevich, Lyubov Yakovlevna (1866–1940), writer, from 1891 publisher of the
Northern Herald
: 148–50, 201, 203, 205, 216

Gusev, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1882–1967), Tolstoy's secretary from 1907 to 1909, author of several books about Tolstoy: 348–9, 351–2, 415, 437–8, 451, 475, 484, 558


Halpérine-Kaminsky, Ilya Danilovich (1859–1935), translator of Tolstoy's works into French: 427, 432

Haydn, Franz Josef (1732–1809), Austrian composer: 53, 70, 95, 191, 322, 444, 478

Herzen, Alexander Ivanovich (1812–70), radical writer: xviii, 447

Hoffman, Iosif (1876–1957), Polish pianist, teacher and composer: 156, 334


Igumnov, Konstantin Nikolaevich (1873–1948), pianist, professor at the Moscow Conservatoire: 193, 262

Igumnova, Yulia Ivanovna (“Julie”) (1871–1940), artist, friend of Tatyana Lvovna Tolstaya: 277–8, 321, 431–3, 436, 440, 449

Ioann Kronstadtsky (Ioann Ilich Sergiyev; John of Kronstadt) (1829–1908), archpriest, scripture teacher at educational institutions in Kronstadt: 119

Islavin, Konstantin Alexandrovich (“Uncle Kostya”) (1827–1903), Sofia Tolstoy's uncle: 91, 117, 186, 203, 218, 221, 245, 248, 250, 256, 290, 309, 318, 334

Islenev, Alexander Mikhailovich (1794–1882), Sofia Tolstoy's grandfather, ensign, from 1819 retired captain: 4, 34, 499, 502–3, 576

Islenevs, the: 530, 569

Isleneva, Aglaya (“Adèle”) Alexandrovna (born 1844), daughter of A.M. Islenev, 499

Isleneva, Natalya Alexandrovna (married name Zhdanova) (born 1847), daughter of A.M. Islanev: 499

Isleneva, Olga Alexandrovna (married name Kiryakova) (1845–1909), daughter of A.M. Islenev: 499

Istomin, Dmitry Vladimirovich, husband of V.P. Severtseva, Sofia Tolstoy's cousin: 199

“Ivan” (Drozd), Yasnaya Polyana peasant: 187, 211, 440

Ivanova, Nadezhda Pavlovna (died 1926), Tula friend of the Tolstoys: 174

Ivanova, “a stupid old maid”: 246

Izyumenko, Nikolai Trofimovich (1867–1927), fellow thinker of Tolstoy's: 579


Jerome, Jerome K. (1859–1927), English writer: 257


Kalachyov, Alexander Vasilevich (
.1876–1931), teacher: 417

Kamolov, soldier: 275

Karakozov, Dmitry Vladimirovich (1840–66), Russian revolutionary: 30

Karnovich, Nadezhda Alexandrovna (née Islavina) (died 1900), aunt of Sofia Tolstoy: 499

Kasatkin, Nikolai Alexeevich (1859–1930), artist: 174, 525, 558

Kashkin, Nikolai Dmitrievich (1839–1920), music critic, music teacher to Sergei Lvovich Tolstoy: 191

Kashkina, Sofia Nikolaevna, daughter of N.D. Kashkin, music teacher to Alexandra Lvovich Tolstaya: 191

Kasso, Lev Aristidovich (1865–1914), Minister of Education: 430, 448, 568–70

Katkov, Mikhail Nikiforovich (1818–87) journalist and pamphleteer: 534

Kaufmann, Fyodor Fyodorovich (born 1837), tutor to Tolstoy's eldest sons: 534

Kerensky, Alexander Fyodorovich (1881–1970), politician, head of the Provisional Government after the February 1917 Revolution: 485

Kern, Eduard Eduardovich, forester: 79, 91

Khilkov, Dmitry Alexandrovich (1857–1914), officer, disciple of Tolstoy's: 211

Khilkova, Anna Mikhailovna: 199

Khokhlov, Pyotr Galaktyonovich (1863–96), student at Moscow Technical Institute, disciple of Tolstoy: 79, 120, 132, 142–3

Kholevinskaya, Maria Mikhailovna (born 1856),
doctor in the Krapivna district: 160–1, 549

Khomyakov, Alexei Stepanovich (1804–60), writer, poet and slavophile, ‘Stars' ‘At the Midnight Hour' ‘To Children': 278, 330, 554

Khrennikova, Elena Nesterovna, friend of the Tolstoy's: 286

Khreptovich-Butyonev, Konstantin Apollinarevich: 186, 253, 263

Klassen, Karl Khristianovich, steward of S.V. Panova's estate in Gaspra in the Crimea: 295, 298, 300, 303, 321

Klechkovsky, Mavriky Mecheslavovich (1868–1938), lawyer and music teacher: 396

Kleinmikhel, Nikolai Vladimirovich (born 1877), friend of Mikhail Lvovich Tolstoy: 148

Klobsky (“Klopsky”), Ivan Mikhailovich (1852–98), seminarist and fellow thinker of Tolstoy's: 540

Kogan, Alexander Eduardovich, editor of the journal
Sun of Russia
from 1910: 212

Kokoshkin, Fyodor Fyodorovich (1871–1918), politician, member of the first state
, and member of the Provisional Government: 488, 574

Kokovtsov, Vladimir Nikolaevich (1853–1943), politician: 433, 439, 446

Kolokoltsev, Grigory Apollonovich (born 1845), officer: 33

Kolokoltseva, Maria Dmitrievna (née Dyakova), (1850–1903), daughter of D.A. Dyakov: 262

Kolokoltseva, Natalya Nikolaevna, daughter of M.D. Kolokoltseva: 209

Kolokoltseva, Sofia Nikolaevna, daughter of M.D. Kolokoltseva: 193, 200, 259, 261

Kolokoltsevs, the: 225, 256

Koni, Anatoly Fyodorovich (1844–1927), public procurator of the St Petersburg circuit court: 188, 428, 551, 565

Konyshev, Vasily, Yasnaya Polyana peasant: 458

Koreshchenko, Arseny Nikolaevich (1870–1921), composer and music critic,
The Ice House
: 275, 554

Kornilov, L.G. (1870–1918), general in the Tsar's army. July–August 1917 commander-in-chief of the Russian Army: 485

Korotnyov, Viktor Semyonovich: 449, 457, 569

Kothing, governess to Alexandra Lvovna Tolstaya: 230

Kozhevnikov, Alexei Yakovlevich (1836–1902), neuropathologist, professor at Moscow University: 148

Kozlov, Danila, Yasnaya Polyana peasant: 382

Kozlovskaya, Sofia Petrovna (née Zavadovskaya) (died 1830), grandmother of Sofia Tolstoy: 502, 513, 576

Kropotkin, Pyotr Alexeevich (1842–1921), revolutionary, a theoretician of anarchy: 57, 330, 557

Kryukova, Praskovya Nikolaevna (née Rumyantseva), daughter of the cook N.M. Rumyanstev: 535

Ksyunin, A., journalist: 421, 428, 565

Kubasova, Marfa, Yasnaya Polyana peasant

Kudryavtsev, priest: 561

Kudryavtsov, doctor: 122

Kuhns, the: 262

Kurnosenkov, Yakov Petrovich, Yasnaya Polyana peasant: 84

Kursinsky, Alexander Antonovich (born 1872), poet, in 1895 Mikhail Lvovich Tolstoy's teacher: 186

Kushneryov and Co., printworks: 429, 492, 566

Kuteleva, Elizaveta Prokhorovna (1862–1913), midwife and doctor's assistant: 263

Kuzminskaya, Tatyana Andreevna (née Behrs) (1846–1925), younger sister of Sofia Tolstoy: xiii, xvii, 9, 21–2, 24, 26, 28–9, 32–4, 36, 39, 50, 70, 103, 104, 106–7, 118, 121–2, 130–1, 169, 189, 238–40, 267, 335, 339, 420–2, 424, 433–4, 442, 449–50, 452, 454, 468, 481, 484, 493, 499–500, 508, 514, 526, 531, 533, 536, 542, 554, 566, 569

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