The Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy (93 page)

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Popov, Yevgeny Ivanovich (1864–1938), teacher, translator, fellow thinker of Tolstoy's: 79, 132, 134, 143, 297, 530, 539

Popov, Mikhail Pavlovich: 452

Popov, Nil Alexandrovich (1833–97), historian, corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of sciences: 18, 530

Popov, Sergei Mikhailovich (1887–1932), fellow thinker of Tolstoy's: 476, 481, 547, 572

Posse, Vladimir Alexandrovich (1864–1940), writer: 485

Potapenko, Ignaty Nikolaevich, writer, ‘The Janitors of Fame': 451

Potekhin, Alexei Antipovich (1829–1908), writer and dramatist, in the 1880s in charge of the repertory department of the St Petersburg Imperial Theatre: 538

Preobrazhensky, Pyotr Vasilevich (“the photographer”) (born 1851), professor at Moscow University: 243

Prévost, Eugène Marcel (1862–1941), French writer,
Les Demi-vierges
: 163, 549

“Prokofy”, see also Vlasov, Prokofy

Prugavin, Alexander Stepanovich (1850–1920), writer, author of books on the history of Russian sectarians and the Old Believers

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich (1799–1837), poet: 54, 379, 465

Puzin, Pavel Alexandrovich (1879–1918), landowner in the Novosilsk district of the Tula province and friend of Mikhail and Andrei Lvovich Tolstoy: 279

Pyotr I, see Peter the Great

“Pyotr”, worker at V.G. Chertkov's estate in Telyatinki: 404


Rachinskaya, Maria Konstantinova, see Tolstaya, M.K.

Rachinskaya, Maria Nikolaevna (“Manya”): see Tolstaya, M.N.

Raevskaya, Elena Pavlovna (née Evreinova) (1840–1907), wife of I.I. Raevsky: 256

Raevsky, Ivan Ivanovich (1835–91), friend of Tolstoy: 136

Raevsky, Ivan Ivanovich (1871–1931), son of I.I. Raevsky: 136

Raevsky, Pyotr Ivanovich (1873–1920), doctor, son of I.I. Raevsky: 116, 134

Raevskys, the: 90–1. 96–7, 100, 136

Rakhmanov, Vladimir Vasilevich (1865–1918), doctor: 73

Rasputin, Grigory Efimovich (1872–1916), adventurer who exerted great influence in the court of Nicholas II: 426, 466, 475, 479, 571

Radstock, Grenville (1831–1913), English preacher, and “Radstockist”: 362, 559

Repin, Ilya Efimovich (1844–1930), painter: 73, 123, 210, 442, 464, 539, 544

Rey, M. Jules (born 1848), tutor to the Tolstoys' sons from 1875 to 1877: 47, 535

Richet, Charles (1850–1935), French physiologist and psychologist: 128, 545

Ries, Fyodor Fyodorovich, proprietor of a printing works in Moscow: 41, 534

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreevich (1844–1908), composer: 210, 553

Rizkina, Elizaveta Vasilevna (née Zinger), daughter of V.A. Zinger, professor of mathematics: 393

Rod, Edouard (1857–1910), Swiss writer: 453, 570

Rolland, Romain (1866–1944), French writer,
Vie de Tolstoi
: 434, 478

Roman, head forester at Yasnaya Polyana: 84

Rossinsky, Vladimir Illiodovich (1874–1919), artist: 422

Rossolimo, Grigory Ivanovich (1860–1928), physician, professor at Moscow University: 374

Rostovtsov, Nikolai Dmitrievich (1846–1922),
activist, landowner in Voronezh province, fellow thinker of Tolstoy's: 181, 263

Rostovotsova, Maria Nikolaevna: 415

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–78), Swiss moralist and writer: 336

Rubinstein, Anton Grigorevich (1829–94), composer and pianist

Rubinstein, Nikolai Grigorevich (1835–81), pianist, conductor and director of the Moscow Conservatoire: 171, 174, 207, 244, 262

Rudnyov, Alexander Matveevich (born 1842), chief doctor at Tula provincial hospital: 115, 164, 175–6, 179, 260

Rusanov, Gavriil Andreevich (1846–1907), close friend of Tolstoy, until 1884 member of Kharkov circuit court: 208, 219

Rusanova: 204

Rusanovs, the: 219

Ruzhentsov, Nikolai Ivanovich: 342


“Sado”, see Miserbiev, Sado

Safonov, Vasily, Ilich (1852–1915), pianist, conductor, from 1889 director of the Moscow Conservatoire: 192, 551

Safonova, Varvara Ivanovna (née Vyshnegradskaya), wife of V.I. Safanov: 200, 551

St John, Arthur, former British Officer: 183, 205, 550

Saint-Saëns, Charles Camille (1835–1921), French composer: 232

Salomon, Charles (1862–1936), French writer, author of various articles about Tolstoy: 366–7

Saltanov, Sergei Nikolaevich (1870–1916), artist: 449, 454, 460

Samarin, Pyotr Fyodorovich (1830–1901), Tula landowner: 117

Samarins, the: 56

Schiller, Friedrich (1759–1805), German poet,
Don Carlos
: 92, 541

Schmidt, Maria Alexandrovna (1844–1911), close friend of Tolstoy and his followers: 72, 157, 168, 175, 179, 233, 238, 255, 258, 282–3, 285, 323, 353, 362, 364, 375, 387, 393, 398–9, 415, 418, 421–2, 432, 440–1, 559–60

Schubert, Franz (1797–1828), Austrian composer,
Tragic Symphony
: 53, 76, 146, 166, 175, 198, 262, 478

Schumann, Robert (1810–56), German composer, ‘Carnaval'
: 175, 195, 232, 244, 248, 280, 318, 323, 387, 434

Scriabin, Alexander Nikolaevich (1871–1915), pianist and composer: 193, 267

Semyonov, Leonid Dmitrievich (1880–1917), symbolist poet: 402

Semyonov, Sergei Terentevich (1868–1922), peasant writer: 281

Seneca, Lucius (
), Roman politician, philosopher and writer,
Consolation à Marcia; Consolation à Helvini
: 189, 200, 216

Sergeenko, Lev Petrovich (1896–1937), actor

Sergeenko, Mikhail Petrovich (1903–37), son of P.A. Sergeenko: 373, 404

Sergeenko, Natalya Petrovna (1891–1966), daughter of P.A. Sergeenko

Sergeenko, Pyotr Alexeevich (1854–1930), writer,
How L.N. Tolstoy Lives and Works (A Biography); Tolstoy and His Contemporaries
: 181, 187, 218, 221, 226, 241, 424, 487–93, 495, 574–5

Sergei Alexandrovich (1857–1905), govenor-general of Moscow: 114, 138

Serov, Georgy Valentinovich (1894–1929), actor, son of V.A. Serov: 461

Seuron, Anna (died 1922), governess to Tatyana and Maria Lvovna Tolstaya: 65, 159, 537

Severtsev: 148

Severtseva, Vera Petrovna (married name Istomina) (died 1901), niece of Sofia Tolstoy: 525

Shakespeare, William (1564–1616): 67, 300

Shakhovskoi, Dmitry Ivanovich (1861–1940), politician and
activist, member of the first state
and the Constitutional Democrat Party: 147, 548

Shcheglov, Mikhail Alexandrovich: 400

Shcheglovitov, Ivan Grigorevich (1861–1918), Minister of Justice: 452

Shcherbatov, Nikolai Sergeevich, president of the Historical Museum in Moscow: 340, 429–30

Shchurovsky, Vladimir Andreevich (1852–1939), doctor: 292, 304–8, 312, 325, 328–9, 413, 420

Sheremetev, Count: 168

Sheremetev, S.A., aide-de-camp to the Tsar: 577

Sheremeteva, Elena Grigorevna (née Stroganova) (1861–1908), Countess: 103, 107, 117

Shibunin, Vasily (“the military clerk”): 532–3

Shidlovskaya, Vera Alexandrovna (née Isleneva) (1825–1910), aunt of Sofia Tolstoy: 208

Shidlovsky, Stepan Vasilevich (born 1876), peasant: 549

Shingarev, Andrei Ivanovich (1869–1918), doctor and politician: 488, 574

Shirinsky-Shikhmatov, Andrei Alexandrovich, Prince: 278–9

Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich (1832–98), artist: 100

Shostak, Ekaterina Nikolaevna (née Isleneva) (died 1904), Sofia Tolstoy's first cousin once removed: 111

Shubinsky, Nikolai Petrovich, lawyer: 433

Shuraev, Ivan Osipovich (born 1887), Yasnaya Polyana peasant: 419

Sidorov, Alexander Alexandrovich: 432

Skalkovsky. Alexander Apollonovich (1841–93), from 1884 Assistant Chief Postmaster: 104

Snegiryov, Vladimir Fyodorovich (1847–1916), gynaecologist, professor at Moscow University: 151, 276, 425, 450, 569

Sobinov, Leonid Vitalevich (1872–1934), singer: 281

Sobolev, Mikhail Nikolaevich (born 1869), tutor to Mikhail Lvovich Tolstoy, later assistant professor at Moscow University: 170, 174, 342

Socrates (
), Greek philosopher: 232, 259, 316, 328, 382, 439, 491, 567

Soldantenkov, Kuzma Trentevich (1818–1901), owner of a publishing firm: 265

Sollogub, Vladimir Alexandrovich (1813–82), writer: xix, 32, 264

Solovyov, Alexander: 57

Solovyov, M.P. (1841–1901), member of the Chief Department on Press Affairs: 333

Solovyovs, the: 242

Spiers, English governess to the Tolstoy children: 141, 144, 146

Spinoza, Baruch (1632–77), Dutch philosopher: 85, 97, 99

Spiro, Sergei Petrovich, journalist: 421, 428, 567

Sreznevsky, Vsevolod Izmailovich (1867–1936), literary historian: 456

Stakhovich, Alexander Alexandrovich (1830–1913), landowner from Oryol, amateur actor: 443, 537

Stakhovich, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1861–1923), member of the State Council for the Oryol
, landowner: 88, 91–2, 94–5, 103, 213, 264, 288, 322, 422, 430, 560, 573

Stakhovich, Sofia Alexandrovna (“Zosya”) (1862–1942), close friend of the Tolstoy family: 323, 379, 415,

Stakhoviches, the: 286

Stamo, Eleonora Romanovna (“the lady”), Bessarabian landowner

Stasov, Vladimir Vasilevich (1824–1906), art and music critic: 208–9, 324, 551

Stolypin, Pyotr Arkadevich (1862–1911), statesman and politician: 426, 433

Storozhenko, Nikolai Ilich (1836–1906), professor at Moscow University of Western European Literature: 149, 460

Strakhov, Fyodor Alexeevich (1861–1923), fellow thinker of Tolstoy's: 540

Strakhov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1828–96), literary critic and philosopher; ‘Rumours about L.N. Tolstoy': 103, 128, 230, 454, 526, 534, 536, 542, 578

Strumensky, Stepan Yevgenevich, student, in 1902 in England to help V.G. Chertkov with his publishing work: 266

Sukhotin, Fyodor Mikhailovich (“Dorik”) (1887–1926), son of M.S. Sukhotin: 467

Sukhotin, Lev Mikhailovich (born 1879), son of M.S. Sukhotin: 467

Sukhotin, Mikhail Lvovich (“Mika”, “Mikushka”), grandson of M.S. Sukhotin: 395

Sukhotin, Mikhail Mikhailovich (“Misha”) (1884–1921), son of M.S. Sukhotin: 275, 318

Sukhotin, Mikhail Sergeevich (1850–1914), husband of Tatyana Lvovna Tolstaya: 162, 165–8, 171, 177, 179–80, 182, 192, 249, 261, 267, 271–2, 276, 295, 297, 322–3, 347, 394, 415, 442, 467

Sukhotin, Sergei Mikhailovich (1887–1926), son of M.S. Sukhotin: 467

Sukhotina, Tatyana Lvovna (1864–1950), the Tolstoy's eldest daughter,
Maria Montessori and the New Education; Tanya Tolstaya's Childhood at Yasnaya Polyana
: xix, xxv, 22–3, 25–30, 33, 46, 50–6, 58–9, 61, 63, 65, 68–9, 71, 75–81, 85, 86–7, 91–5, 100–2, 111–4, 131–2, 135–6, 138, 140–4, 146, 153–5, 157–8, 161–173, 175–80, 182, 184–5, 189, 192, 195, 200–3, 205, 208, 210, 212–3, 215, 217–9, 225–7, 230–1, 233–5, 238, 242, 249–51, 253–5, 259, 261–2, 264–5, 267–9, 271–2, 274–9, 283–6, 290–2, 296–7, 300, 302–3, 306–8, 314, 316–7, 319–20, 322–325, 332–3, 339, 345, 354–6, 362, 371–4, 377–9, 385–9, 391, 400–2, 409, 413, 415, 418, 420–4, 427, 431–2, 440, 444, 448, 456, 458, 465, 466–74, 476, 478–82, 484, 486–96, 500–2, 505, 509, 515, 522–5, 536–7, 541, 544, 547, 549, 551–2, 559–61, 563–4, 566–7, 570–3, 575

Sukhotina, Tatyana Mikhailovna (“Tanyushka”, “Tanechka”) (born 1905), daughter of Tatyana Lvovna Tolstaya: 345, 376, 387, 389, 391, 395–6, 414, 418–21, 442, 456, 469, 476, 478, 480, 483, 485, 493–4, 575

Sukhotins, the: 277, 279, 297, 307, 325, 339, 369, 394, 397, 421, 442, 456–7, 459, 539

Sukolyonova, Anna Stepanova (“Nurse”) (1828–1917), peasant from the village of Sudakovov, nurse to the younger Tolstoy children: 480, 571

Sulerzhitsky, Leopold Antonovich (1872–1916), literary critic and producer: 205, 225, 242, 263

Sutkovoy, Nikolai Grigorevich (1872–1930), lawyer: 360

Suvorin, Alexei Sergeevich (1834–1912), journalist and publisher, from 1876 editor of the paper
New Times
: 117, 224, 543

Sverbeevs, the: 90, 276, 278

Sverchkov, Nikolai Egorovich (1817–98), artist: 272

Syutaev, Vasily Kirillovich (1819–92), peasant from the village of
Shevelino in Tversk province, sectarian: xxii, 58, 134


Tabor, Emily, governess to the Tolstoy's children: 534

Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe (1828–93), French philosopher and literary historian,
Philosophie de l'art
: 177

Taneev, Sergei Ivanovich (1856–1915), composer: xxv, xxvii, 142, 152–4, 156–7, 165, 185–6, 191, 198, 204–5, 214, 219, 222, 224–5, 232, 254, 256, 281, 333, 335, 339, 397, 422, 431, 447, 471, 473–4, 549, 551–2, 554, 556, 564, 567

“Taras”, see Fokanov, Taras Karpovich

Tatarinova, Sofia Vladimirovna (née Vsevolozhskaya) (1859–1923), Tversk landowner: 321

Tatishchevs, family of N.D. Tatishchev, governor of Yaroslavl: 69

Tchaikovsky, Modest Illich (1850–1916), librettist and translator, brother of P.I. Tchaikovsky: 263, 265, 554

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilich (1840–93), composer,
Sleeping Beauty
: 90, 193, 195, 203, 262–3, 265, 334

Terskaya, Ekaterina Fyodorovna: 421, 423

Tikhonov, Vladimir Alexandrovich (born 1859), physician: 300–1

Tikhonovna, Antonina: 460, 470

Timiryazev, Vasily Ivanovich (1849–1919), Minister of Trade and Industry from 1908: 513

Toliverova (Peshkova-Toliverova), Alexandra Nikolaevna (1842–1918), editor of the magazines
The Toy
Woman's Cause
: 223, 527

Tolmacheva, Anna Leonidovna, friend of Andei Lvovich Tolstoy: 341

Tolstaya, Alexandra Andreevna (“Alexandrine”) (1817–1904), Tolstoy's first cousin once removed: 19, 22, 99, 296, 444, 531–3, 542, 577

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