The Dirty Divorce Part 3 (5 page)

BOOK: The Dirty Divorce Part 3
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“My son was murdered and my daughter, well she…she’s not here anymore.”

“What happened to your daughter?” Dr. Ju questioned.

“Whatever they told you they lied!” I quickly yelled. At that moment, I got hyped. “I didn’t mean to kill Carlie, but when Rich took his brother, Carlos away from me and I found out Carlos wasn’t her father, I just couldn’t help myself.”

Dr. Ju looked at me strangly. “So, what did you do Lisa?”

“Rich did it. When he killed Carlos he messed everything up. It’s his fault.”

She wrote something down on her piece of paper once again. A part of me knew I shouldn’t have told a stranger my business, but it felt good getting everything out.

“So, you’re saying that Rich killed his brother?”


“What happened with your daughter?”

“I don’t have a daughter! You’re trying to trick me. I told yu it’s all Rich’s fault. He cheated on me for years. He messed up my life. He was the reason why I started messing with Carlos in the first place!”

Dr. Ju could tell that I didn’t want to talk about Carlie anymore, so she decided to keep the focus on Rich. We talked about his constant cheating for what seemed like hours, but when we got to the warehouse situation I froze. Anytime I went back to that place, it made me feel like I’d fallen inside of a dark hole. As I relived me getting raped, along with what I’d done to Denie in the same place, Denie walked in. I couldn’t even finish telling Dr. Ju what happened.

“I know damn well you people ain’t thinking about letting this looney bin bitch out of here. I came to let you know firsthand that she’s crazy!” Denie yelled.

“Who the hell let you in here Denie?” I screamed, then lunged at her. She wasn’t about to mess up my chances for freedom.

As my fists made contact with each section of her face, I was determined to make her ass pay for trying to kill me. I owed her this beat down.

“Look at my neck! You did this shit to me,” I shouted in a fit of rage.

“Lisa, stop!” Dr. Ju screamed as she shielded herself. “I’m not Denie!”

All of a sudden the office was filled with three male hospital orderlies dressed in all white uniforms. Moments later, another nurse came in and stuck something in my arm. I never had a chance to react before there was an instant cold rush in my veins and I passed out.




















Chapter 5


In exactly two days, I’d managed to go through the entire twenty g’s that I’d taken from Marisol. Not that it was hard, since it was short change to begin wit’. Even before Juan died my money was fucked up, but even more so after findin’ out my son was an informant. I’d been chillin’ tryin’ to get off of the Feds radar, so goin’ back to street narcotics wasn’t an option at the momemt. Now, I had to think of other ways to get dough. Wit’ Lisa in the crazy house, there was nothin’ stoppin’ me from breakin’ into her house in order to work on my next plan. The answer to all my problems was in my old home, and there was nothin’ anyone was goin’ to do to stop me. Not even that nosey, worrisome-ass mother of hers.

Since Lisa’s mother and I had admitted her into Saint Elizabeth a few months ago we had to keep contact, but it still didn’t stop us from our constant bickerin’. The reason for me callin’ my ex-mother-in-law once Lisa was damn near poisoned to death was to make sure Lisa had someone to take care of her. I knew Lisa’s ass was gonna be unstable after that shit, so what better person to take on that problem than her own mother. But sometimes I wondered if it was a mistake involvin’ her. The bitch seemed more interested in how much money Lisa got from me, and livin’ in some shit that wasn’t hers, then actually takin’ care of her daughter.

As I drove down Military Road, the more upset I got. Just because I’d chosen the wrong bitch as my wife, all the money I’d spent over the years to live comfortably and enjoy life was now gone. My life was a mess. The thought of Lisa made my blood boil. When I got to the street I once called my own, suddenly I felt a rush.

Parkin’ around back to go unnoticed, I thought of the best way to enter the house. Then it clicked,
the basement
. The bathroom window near the gym was the best place to go in undetected and was the easiest to repair later. After scopin’ out the house to make sure Lisa’s mother wasn’t there, I picked up a small brick, broke the window, and made my way inside.

This is some bullshit breakin’ into my own fuckin’ spot
, I thought to myself.

Once I walked up the stairs of the basement, I passed the kitchen and made my way to the foyer. After smellin’ the fresh scent of fried fish, it was obvious that Lisa’s mother had definitely moved in. At first I thought she might’ve been stayin’ just to handle some of Lisa’s business like bills and shit, but now it seemed like the bitch had a new address. If that was the case, I had to act fast.

Skippin’ steps, I ran straight upstairs to the master bedroom. I needed a get rich quick plan and I knew Lisa held the cards. Before I made my way to the bedroom that would hopefully be mine again, I stopped at Juan’s room. Everything was still the same. Lisa and her mother hadn’t even bothered to pick up his clothes from off the floor. I could still smell his scent, which surprisingly hurt me to the core. Although we didn’t get along most of the time, I couldn’t deny the fact that I missed my son. As I began to think about his laughter and flashy ways, my phone rang. I was instantly annoyed when the number popped up.

“Man, what do you want?” I snapped.

“I assume you’re on your way to get your daughter.”

“Trixie, don’t keep callin’ my phone. You gettin’ on my fuckin’ nerves. I told you I’m gonna pick her up. I’m takin’ care of somethin’ right now.”

“Well, I have something to do and you said you would be here a couple of hours ago.”

“Bitch, I don’t have to explain myself to you. Just sit there and wait!” I yelled, then hung up.

Decidin’ to turn off my phone, so Trixie couldn’t disturb me anymore, I continued toward Lisa’s bedroom. She didn’t think too far these days, so I was sure that it wouldn’t be long before I found the paperwork I needed. The first place I thought to look was her top lingerie drawer. She was known to keep odd and important items there in the past. When I opened the drawer, I didn’t find the paperwork, but I did find a huge mandingo dildo.

“Freaky bitch,” I said, shakin’ my head at the long, fake dick.

Then I found her journal. At first I told myself to put it back since we were no longer married, but my curiosity quickly got the best of me. Flippin’ through the pages, I rea few entries about how bad Lisa felt for what she’d done to Denie which was surprisin’. It was good to know that she felt completely responsible for her actions. Thinkin’ there would be more entries, I continued to flip. However, what I found next, made me sick to my stomach. The shit written on the page could’ve sent me straight to jail.

Dear Carlos,

I’m sorry for what has happened between us. You have to forgive me. I will never forgive Rich for taking your life. He did this to us, so I really hope you don’t blame me. I love you and the only reason I’ve gone along with his plan is because he threatened to kill me, too. My son and our unborn child needed me. I promise you I’ll make him pay one day. I promise you that.

Until tomorrow, Love you much.


There were pages and pages of letters like that written to Los. The more I read I realized that committin’ Lisa’s ass had definitely been the right choice. She was unstable, and needed to be put away for everyone’s own good.

Rememberin’ I had a job to do, the next place I looked was under the mattress. Pushin’ the king sized pillowtop up in the air, I immediately spotted a manila envelope. Thinkin’ it was exactly what I was lookin’ for, I grabbed the envelope before sittin’ the mattress back down. After takin’ a quick peek inside, I pulled everything out and sifted through the papers. Juan’s social security card, death certificate, even his old high school transcripts were all there. The envelope also included old bank statements, the deed to my old bar, Bottom’s Up and several other important items. Why she kept all those things under the bed and not in our home office, was beyond me. I was startin’ to think that I had to look somewhere else, until I glanced at the last piece of paper. Bam, there it was…life insurance documents. As I scanned one of the documents, a huge smile suddenly appeared on my face. This had turned into my lucky day because there it was in black and white. I was the beneficiary of a $750,000 policy if somethin’ ever happened to Lisa. The dumb bitch had obviously never bothered to change anything when we got divorced.

Grabbin’ the paperwork, I folded all the sheets in half then stuffed them into my back pocket. After placin’ the envelope back, I was just about to walk out of the bedroom door before noticin’ Lisa’s white Chanel ceramic watch with custom diamonds on the dresser. I’d paid a good ten stacks for that watch and I figured Lisa didn’t have a need for it now anyway.

I could get a good eight thousand for this shit,
I thought to myself

No sooner than I put it in my pocket, I then noticed a credit card on dresser as well. After lookin’ at the name, Doris L. Carter, I realized that it belonged to Lisa’s mother. Decidin’ to teach that bitch a lesson for stayin’ where she didn’t belong, I slipped that shit in my pocket, too.

Makin’ my way down the steps, I quickly jumped when I saw someone walkin’ in the front door. It was Lisa’s mother. We both scared the shit out of each other.

She immediately clenched her chest. “Rich, what in the world are you doing here? You almost gave a heart attack!”

All of her groceries had fallen out of the bag and onto the floor of the foyer, broken eggs and all.

“What up, First Lady?” I stepped over the bag and walked toward the family room.

“You rude-ass bastard! Didn’t your mother teach you any manners? How the hell are you just gonna walk over the bag instead of helping me pick this stuff up. It’s your fault it fell in the first place.”

“Wow, is that the way a lady of the cloth is supposed to speak? Now, what would your husband have to say about that mouth of yours? Besides, you straight. It looks like you could do some more bends and reaches to help your mid area anyway.” I patted my stomach and smiled.

She gave me a look of death. “Don’t go there. If my husband was alive, you wouldn’t be here talking trash. Now, answer my question, why are you here? You don’t live here anymore. How the hell did you get in anyway? The locks were changed.”

“I have my ways. Besides, maybe I should be askin’ you the same question since your ass don’t live here either This isn’t your house.”

“Well, this is my daughter’s house, so I have a right to stay here as long as I want.”

“The entire time me and my family lived here, you never stepped foot in this damn house, so you should’ve kept it that way, First Lady.”

“That’s not my damn name. I’m Mrs. Carter to you.”

“If I were you, I wouldn’t get too comfortable. What…do you think some other money hungry Pastor muthafucka gon’ be livin’ up in here with you? I don’t think so. It’ll only be a matter of time before this place is mine again.”

“Over my dead body!”

“Now you know that can be arranged.”

She stared at me for what seemed like forever before breakin’ out into a prayer. “Father God, please keep me near the cross before I hurt this man. He’s the devil, the devil I tell you!” she shouted with her hands in the air.

Luckily, before she could start some sort of fake-ass sermon, the house phone rang. With the egg carton in her hand, she quickly turned around and walked into the kitchen. Mrs. Carter’s swagger had definitely changed since her husband passed away. I’d rarely been around her over the years, but every time I saw her she always looked like a preacher’s wife, church hat and all. Lately she’d been a different person, or maybe this is who she was all along. Her once gray hair was now red and cut into a short, Halle Berry spiky style and it looked as if her golden colored skin had a recent dose of Botox. Even her thick eyebrows had now been arched. If she wasn’t pushin’ sixty-five I would blame it on a mid life crisis. Maybe Lisa was just like her mother, a sheep in wolf’s clothin’.

Since I’d found what I was lookin’ for anyway, there was no need for me to argue wit’ the witch any longer. Just as I started out the door, the bitch called my name.

“Rich, oh my goodness, that was the hospital. Lisa had a session with her doctor the other day and attacked her. Apparently Lisa also said some things that have them concerned.”

“And please tell me why I should give a fuck. Lisa is always sayin’ crazy shit. What else is new?”

“First of all you need to show some respect. Last time I checked, this is something we both signed up for. Furthermore, her doctor is requesting to speak with you about the session.”

“Man, I’m not tryin’ to talk to no doctor about Lisa hittin’ her. They should be able to handle that. I got better shit to do. Lisa ain’t my problem no more.”

“I think it’s more than that. Whatever my poor child has told them, the doctor seems to only wanna discuss it with you.” She handed me a piece of paper that had a phone number on it. “That’s the doctor’s direct line.”

Now, I was concerned. “Aight, I’ll call her.”

“Lord Jesus, I need to go up to the hospital right now to see what’s going on. If something happens to my daughter, her blood is on your hands!”

“My hands. You just said we signed up for this shit together!”

“We did, but that doesn’t mean I trust you. Obviously, something isn’t right.”


As I walked out of the door actin’ as if I wasn’t phased, my heart was literally in my stomach. Just in case Lisa had said somethin’ to incriminate me, I needed to check into that patient confidentiality thing ASAP. My best bet was to call the hospital as soon as I got in the car so that Mrs. Carter didn’t try to pry. After jumpin’ inside, I quickly pulled out my phone, turned it on, then dialed the number from the piece of paper. Nervously waitin’ for someone to answer, the phone rung at least four times before Dr. Ju’s voicemail came on. I left her a message and decided to wait for her to call me back instead of just goin’ up there. It was no tellin’ what Lisa had said, so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t walkin’ into a set-up. For all I knew, the fuckin’ cop could’ve been waitin’ on me when I got there. Still feelin’ a little nervous, I pulled out the driveway before headin’ toward Trixie’s house since that bitch had already started blowin’ my phone up again.

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