The Dirty Divorce Part 3 (7 page)

BOOK: The Dirty Divorce Part 3
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“If Daddy was here, he wouldn’t have committed me into this God forsaken place. This is your way of getting rid of me. I wouldn’t be surprised if your money hungry-ass wasn’t trying to take over my money.”

“Money hungry? Are you serious, Lisa? I don’t need anything from you, including your disrespect,” my mother said as she got up. It looked like she was about to leave.

“You think I’m crazy, but I know more than you give me credit for. Just like you think I don’t know my daddy had a will. He told me years ago that he was leaving me enough to get away from Rich and now all of a sudden there’s no will. You think you’re slick, but I know the real you. I know who the real Mrs. Carter is, underneath the big church hat.”

“I told you your father didn’t have a will dammit! That’s all you care about Lisa is the money! Is this what Rich turned you into?”

“Last time I checked I wasn’t stealing from the church behind Daddy’s back. He told me a lot of things about you. I know that my brother, Brent, isn’t Daddy’s child. Yeah, all these years Junior really wasn’t a junior. But you’re supposed to be so much better than me. You’ve always been so quick to judge me and you’re no different.”

She stared at me for a few seconds. “Last time
I checked
I wasn’t the one in a mental hospital, so at the end of the day Lisa, we’re not that much alike. Have a nice life. Let your dead beat ex-husband care for you.” She turned around. “Oh, speaking of the devil, Rich she’s all yours.”

My mother stormed out with angry tears, as Rich entered with a look in his eyes that I feared in the past. But today there was a new Lisa in town. I was ready for whatever his ass was serving.

Lately Rich had been looking back to his old self. For a minute it looked as if he’d fallen off, but today he’d cleaned up nice. The crisp grey Prada shirt he had on looked brand new. I wondered if he’d come into some money. I wondered if he was out flossing while I was wasting my time in a mental institution.

“And what can I help you with sir?” I asked sarcastically.

“Lisa, I don’t have time to play games wit’ you. What the fuck did you tell that doctor?”

I just had to snicker. “So, Rich the gangsta is here to off me. What the fuck do you mean what did I tell her?”

“Dr. Ju called questionin’ me about the warehouse and Los. What the fuck did you tell them people?”

“Mr. Sanchez, I didn’t ask to be here, remember? You and that fucked up ass mother of mine admitted me without my consent. If you hadn’t brought me here you wouldn’t have to worry about what I tell people now would you?”

“I’m so sick of your damn mouth.”

“I don’t care what you’re sick of. If you don’t get me out of here I just might keep running my mouth!”

Rich peeked his head out my room door before closing it. He then walked over to me, wrapped my hair around his hand to make sure he had a good grip, then yanked my head to the side. He was obviously getting tired of my sarcasm, but I thought it was funny how pissed off he was.

“Listen bitch, I’m gonna ask you one more time what the fuck you told that doctor about me. She seems to think that I killed Los, but more than that she told me that you admitted to killin’ Carlie.”

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. There was no way Dr. Ju would’ve known about Carlie, so I really must’ve been talking too much. I hated that I couldn’t remember exactly what I said. Me hackling Rich was no longer funny. The look in his eyes told me that he was ready for war and that it was only a matter of time before he would send me to my creator. Nobody fucked with a snitch. Even more than that, if he really knew that I’d killed the baby, I would definitely never make it out of this hospital alive. Suddenly, I was nervous about what I’d revealed.

“I didn’t tell her anything like that!” I yelled in defense mode. “You’re tripping.”

“Well, how the fuck does she know about the warehouse? If you told her all that, then why shouldn’t I believe that you killed my daughter?”

“You and Dr. Ju are making shit up. Why would I kill my own daughter? Carlie died of SIDS. And why would I incriminate myself by telling her about Carlos?”

“Bitch, because you’re crazy, that’s why.”

“I’m not crazy! Stop saying that!”

If I had a knife I would’ve stabbed his ass right in this chest for calling me that.

“How does she know about the warehouse?” Rich repeated.

“I don’t know, they…they drugged me up.”

“So, you’re admittin’ it?”

I shook my head back and forth. “No, I didn’t say that.”

At that moment, Rich let go of my hair, but grabbed one of the pillows from behind me and attempted to place it over my face. If it wasn’t for the terrifying scream I let out, he probably would’ve suffocated me without a second thought.

“Get the hell out of my room. You need to be in here, not me!” I belted.

“You’re gonna pay for killin’ my daughter and runnin’ your fuckin’ mouth.”

“So, now you’re threatening me.”

“No, that’s a promise. I’ve given you way too many passes. You should’ve paid for what you did to Denie a long time ago,” Rich stated. “Consider yourself lucky to be breathin’ op w.”

All of a sudden my fear turned into bravery. “Rich, tell me what the fuck I have to live for anyway? If you kill me, who’s gonna come to my funeral. Nigga, just do what you gotta do.”

Just before he was about to respond, Dr. Ju walked in.

“Oh, hello Mr. Sanchez. Mrs. Carter stopped by before she left to let me know that you were here. I didn’t know you were coming so soon. Are you ready to sign those papers?”

Rich quickly dropped the pillow. “I sure am.”

“Wait, what papers? He’s not even my husband anymore. He shouldn’t even be talking to you!” I yelled.

“Dr. Ju, do you think I could ever sign Lisa out on a day pass or somethin’? Her birthday is comin’ up, so I wanna celebrate like we used to,” Rich said.

I hoped Dr. Ju could see the devious smile plastered across his face.

“He’s lying. He just wants me out of here so he can kill me!” I roared.

“Lisa, please. Stop makin’ up lies. Dr. Ju is on to you by now,” Rich spoke as he ushered Dr. Ju out of the room.

As soon as they left, I knew I was on borrowed time now. There was no way Rich was gonna believe me now. It was a matter of time before he sent me to heaven with my son.




Chapter 8


I made my way to the wine cellar and grabbed me something nice to calm my nerves. Normally, my dining room was only used for special occasions, but if things went as I hoped they would, this was certainly gonna be a night to remember. Popping open a bottle of white wine called
, that my St. Louis partner sent me, I played with my mother of pearl .380 pistol I’d named, Miss Pearlie.

It had been days since Javier had given me the letter, and after walking around the house like a complete zombie, I was finally ready to confront Rich about the allegations of Carlos’ death. Admiring the gun, I thought of how Rich had obviously betrayed me. It was still hard to believe that he was responsible for killing my husband. I’d been sleeping with the devil the entire time, and never had a clue. As I mourned Carlos’ death and dealt with Mia being sick, Rich was there every step of the way. Now, I wondered if it was out of guilt, or if was he trying to keep close tabs on me for some reason. Obviously, I didn’t really know who he was, so anything was possible at this point. He’d crossed me, and I felt stupid now for loving him.

Realizing that the kids didn’t need to be around, it was good that Denie was hanging out as usual and Maria had taken the girls to visit her sister in Alexandria. This was the perfect time for me to get to the bottom of all this, even if it meant me taking Rich’s life.

“So, what’s it gonna be lie, are you ready to put in some work?” I asked, then admired the beautiful cream handle.

Sipping my glass of wine, I was nice and relaxed. Even though I didn’t do well with alcohol, I still had a clear mind. I was focused and tried my best to control my feelings. Moments later, my Blackberry buzzed against the table. It was Rich.

“Yeah,” I tried my best to disguise my anger.

“You changed the gate code.”

“I sure did. I’ll buzz you in.”

“Yeah, alright,” he replied in a sarcastic tone.

Those days were over where he could come and go as he pleased in my home. I knew that move had fucked his head up, but he had no idea what was about to come next. I took a deep breath to try and get myself together. Taking my glass of wine to the head, I poured myself a second one, then downed that one was well. The shit definitely had me a little buzzed.

Maybe it’ll help me get through the night sane
, I thought.

Unlocking the door, I went back into the dining room and sat at the table.

“Marisol, where you at?” Rich yelled.

“I’m in the dining room!”

As soon as he walked inside, I had the gun aimed right at his chest.

Rich quickly raised both arms in the air. “What the fuck is this shit about?” He seemed surprised and cautious, not knowing whether to take me serious or not.

“You think I’m a joke, nigga. Have a seat. We have a lot to talk about.”

When Rich saw tears streaming down my face, he knew I meant business and complied.

“How could you, Rich? I trusted you.”

“Man Trix…I mean Marisol, why the fuck you pointin’ that gun at me? Now, I gotta come in your crib strapped? Why the fuck you trippin’?”

“For starters, you should get a bullet for calling me that bitch’s name, and don’t try to play dumb because I heard you. Your secret has been exposed muthafucka!” I threw Jade’s letter at him.

As he scanned the paper, Rich shook his head in disbelief.

“Are you ready to come clean?” I questioned. Standing up, I walked over to him and this time placed the gun to this temple.

“As a matter of fact I am. I’m tired of holdin’ this shit in. Yes, I’m ready to tell you everything.”

“Speak, you fucking traitor!”

It looked like he wanted to fire off some type of sarcastic-ass response, but knew that would’ve been a dumb move.

“It all started one night I s Lisa out Baltimore while I was handlin’ some business. I wondered what the fuck she was doin’ out there, so I followed her. She ended up at some run- down hotel. I didn’t know what type of shit that bitch was involved in because around that time her attitude had changed. So…”

I pushed the gun further into the side of his head. “What the hell does this have to do with my husband?”

“Marisol, I’m gettin’ to that just calm down,” Rich responded. “Anyway, so I gave it a minute and figured that I would let Lisa get comfortable before I barged in the room to see what was up. Once I broke the door down, it was dark and I started bussin’ off. Once I turned the light on, the first thing I saw was Lisa naked in the bed screamin’. Man, my mind went crazy. I was so fuckin’ pissed that I wasn’t even focused on who she was in there wit’. Next thing I know, I had a gun to my head. Once he spoke, I couldn’t believe it was Los. I also couldn’t believe how the nigga had the audacity to tell me that he loved her. He went on and on about how I didn’t deserve Lisa because I didn’t know how to treat a real woman.”

“So, let me get this straight, my husband actually told you he loved Lisa?”


I smiled. “Is that the best you can do Rich? You know what, my patience is wearing thin, so please give me a reason not to fucking kill you right now!”

“Marisol, just listen to me!” he yelled as his eyes suddenly watered.

In all the years I’d known Rich, there was only one time I’d ever seen him cry, and that was when his mother died. He instantly got my attention once I saw some type of emotion.

“All I could think about was how me and you had slept together back in the day and maybe God was punishin’ me. I was hurt.”

“So, you killed him because of that bitch?”

“No, I didn’t kill him. I jumped on him and tried to beat the shit out of him, since I didn’t think he would shoot me. We were fightin’ like two dudes who didn’t even know each other when my gun fell. Next thing I knew Lisa was screamin’…tellin’ us to stop or she would shoot. She pointed my gun and everything, but we still didn’t stop. That’s when the gun went off a few times. At first I thought I was hit, but she’d missed me and hit Los. I didn’t know what to do at that point. The nigga I loved more than anything was dead in my arms. Lisa killed my brother, Marisol. Now you know why I hate her so much.”

To say that I was in shock would’ve been an understatement. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My husband who I loved and mourned had been fucking Lisa right up under my nose. My heart ached, and I didn’t know how to react to this news. Sitting back down, I placed the gun on the table before running my hands down my face. This shit was a devastating blow.

“So, Rich tell me, how did Carlos end up in The Chesapeake Bay left to die?”

“He was already dead. I panicked and figured that I had to protect my kids. I didn’t give a fuck about Lisa, but I knew that if Uncle Renzo found out what happened, not only would he kill Lisa, d shoottake Denie and Juan’s lives as well. I covered up his murder to protect my kids. I know that I kept this from you, but I just didn’t know how to tell you. I wondered if you would expose the truth to Renzo.”

For some reason the soft spot I had for Rich was my weakness. As crazy as it seemed, I actually believed him. What was I to do now? My mind was all over the place and I needed more answers.

“So, what did Jade have to do with this and why would she say you killed Carlos?”

“That night I had a room and Jade was waitin’ for me. I was distraught once I got there and told her what happened. She was upset that I followed Lisa to begin wit’. She made it more about me and Lisa than her really understandin’ the bigger fuckin’ picture. She was always threatened by Lisa, and when I catch that bitch she’s gonna pay for this shit!”

“Well, just in case you didn’t know, Jade is dead, and her family thinks that you’re responsible.”

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