The Divine Unleashed (Book 3) (8 page)

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Authors: Allen J. Johnston

BOOK: The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)
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Darcienna was flipping through the clothes when she came across what passed for towels.  She brought one to the edge of the water, dropped it on the ground and turned to walk away but hesitated as a smudge of dirt on his forehead caught her attention.  She got down on her knees and motioned for Kade to move closer.

“Almost,” Darcienna said as she reached out and scrubbed his forehead with her bare hand.  Kade enjoyed her touch and even found it a little arousing.  Her full lips were slightly parted as she focused on her task.  He could not help but to stare as she ran her tongue just behind her teeth.  He leaned closer, feeling an attraction building.  His body urged him on as his pulse quickened.  His breathing became deep as he moved even closer yet.  He looked into her eyes as the distance between them shrank little by little.  She leaned forward to inspect her work as she concentrated on removing the dirt.  He felt the soft caress of her breath on his face and inhaled.  His body started to react as thoughts of her in his arms drifted through his mind.  He ached to embrace her firmly and pull her into a kiss.  He moved closer to those lips that beckoned him, yearning to feel them against his.  She leaned down just a little more and then locked eyes with him.  Her hand stopped on his forehead as he moved slowly toward her.  Kade felt his heart pounding hard.  She closed her eyes, and her lips parted ever so slightly as she ran her tongue along them, preparing for the kiss that was just a hairs-breath away.  He felt just the lightest brush of her lips on his when a voice exploded in his mind, causing him to flinch back. 

The king is ready for us at the royal table
, Rakna thought to him.  Darcienna’s eyes flew open, and she looked at him in confusion.  Kade’s mind scrambled, trying to find the words to salvage this, but it was too late.  She quickly got to her feet and stalked away.

“It’s not what you…,” Kade was trying to say, but she had no interest in hearing what he had to say.  “Blood and Ash!” Kade swore. 

“You may get out anytime,” Darcienna said from next to the queen, tightness in her voice.

Kade reached for the towel and covered himself as he exited the water.  He dried off and then wrapped the towel around his waist.  He walked over to her, put his hand on her shoulder and turned her around.  She ducked out from under his arm and smiled but the smile did not make it to her eyes.

“Darcienna,” Kade said, but look in her eye said she was done listening.  “Your turn,” he said, thoroughly frustrated.

Kade kept his back to Darcienna as she disrobed and stepped into the water.  He could tell that she had entered the frigid pool by the way she inhaled a hiss through her clenched teeth.  He fought the urge to turn and stood facing the queen.

“I am going to get dressed,” Kade said over his shoulder.

“Your clothes are the ones on the bottom,” Darcienna said through chattering teeth.

“Thanks,” Kade called back as he bent and picked up the neatly folded pile.  He vowed that if he was able to get his hands on fate right then, he would have throttled her.

Kade walked around the corner, out of sight of the pool and let the towel fall.  The air felt good on his skin as he dried.  He shook out the clothes and surveyed them as they hung from his hands.  They were light, but not too light, nor were they too thin.  He rubbed them between his fingers and nodded, pleased with the feel.  He pulled the pants on and then pulled the top on.  It was snug around his shoulders but widened as it moved down his arm.  They stopped at his wrist and hang down almost a foot.  He could hide a loaf of bread in those sleeves.  The pants were the same.  He waved his arms around and smiled at the affect.  The sleeves flowed smoothly through the air.  It reminded him of the king and queen’s fur.  He walked up and down the tunnel, marveling at how comfortable the outfit felt.

“These move pretty good,” Kade said as he walked back into the open room.  Darcienna held a towel up to herself and waited for him to notice.  His eyes took in what was going on, and without slowing, immediately turned and walked back out.

“Sorry,” Kade called over his shoulder as he walked down the tunnel.

“Give me a minute,” Darcienna called back but her tone was still unfriendly.  There was definitely still ice there and it had nothing to do with the cold spring.

“Just call out when you are done,” Kade yelled back.  “The queen says they are waiting for us.”

“You may come back in,” Darcienna called out.  “She said nothing of the kind,” she added as she glanced at the queen.

“She said it here,” Kade said as he walked around the corner and tapped his head.  She looked at him, studying him closely to see if he were playing games with her.  Kade did not see the suspicious look in her eyes or he may have realized that she was more confused after the explanation.  He turned to go and then stopped with his back to her.  Darcienna started to walk past him, but before she could take two steps, he grabbed her by the arm, spun her around, wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into a deep embrace.  Darcienna put both her hands on his shoulders, ready to push him away, but the moment his lips touched hers, every last little bit of strength in her body evaporated.  Her lips molded to his and she melted into his arms.  Her right hand slipped over his shoulder to mix with the hair at the back of his head.  After several long seconds, he let her go and confidently turned to walk up the tunnel. 

Darcienna was stunned to the very core of her being.  No calling or Nature’s gift could have affected her as profoundly as that kiss.  She fought to regain her breathing as her hand drifted up to her mouth.  She could still taste his kiss on her lips.  The queen stood by, watching curiously.

“Forgive me but I must ask.  Is that normal for a man to…do that to his mate?” Rakna asked curiously.  It took a long moment for Darcienna to realize that the queen was addressing her and even longer for her to formulate an intelligent response.

“It is,” Darcienna said.  That was the best she could do while her mind grappled with what had just happened.

Kade worked his way back to the Great Hall.  It was filled with spiders from wall to wall.  There were spiders in every doorway.  They were on the walls and some even hung on the ceiling.  Some had different markings on their body but they were all of the same shape and size.  Doren and the king were by the throne, talking.  Kade started toward the king, and the spiders parted easily for him.  He walked up the steps and stopped in front of Crayken.

“Many leaders from the other clutches will be here.  They all want to hear what you have to say,” Crayken said as he turned to lead them to a table that sat behind the thrones. 

Kade bent his arm at the elbow while holding his hand over his midsection.  Darcienna reached through to wrap her hand around his forearm as she was becoming accustomed to.  He smiled ever so slightly as he followed the royal couple to the table.  Rakna indicated for Darcienna to take her place at her side.  Kade surveyed the spiders already sitting and wondered what was to be expected of him.

He glanced at Doren, ready to ask a question, but before he could speak, he noticed a scratch on the master’s wrist.  Doren pulled his sleeve a bit lower.  Kade narrowed his eyes as he fixed Doren with a glare.  The master appeared not to notice Kade’s accusing look as he walked gracefully toward the table.  Kade, begrudgingly, let it go…for now.  Turning, he glanced at Darcienna on the other side of the table.  He was not sure where he should sit, but he was certain that there was going to be some order to bestow honor based on rank.

“Kade,” Crayken said as he indicated the seat directly to his left at the head of the table.

“Darcienna,” the white queen said, indicating the seat next to her.  Kade and Darcienna gave each other a glance and then took their seats.  Nothing was said to Doren so Kade motioned for the Master Chosen to sit on his left.  Doren hesitated.  Kade indicated more firmly and Doren sat.  The rest of the spiders then took their seats.  When everyone was settled, Crayken rose and addressed the congregation.

“This is the one I spoke of.  This is the mighty Kade, slayer of the black plague and savior of our kind; the wielder of the Divine and rider of dragons!” Crayken said dramatically as he looked each and every one of them in the eye.  He had the desired effect as all eyes turned to regard Kade closely.  Most nodded their head in approval while others just stared.  “He fights for our kind and all sentient beings.  He is our best hope to rid this land of an evil one named Morg.”

“And you would have us join this fight?” a king with gray climbing up his legs asked.

“I would,” Crayken said evenly but firmly.

“If this Morg is as powerful as you would have us believe, could he not destroy us easily?” another ageing spider asked.

“That is why we ally with him,” Crayken said as he indicated Kade.  “If we don’t work with this Chosen to stop Morg, then sooner or later, when Morg turns on us, we will have no hope of surviving.  We must stand with him now!” Crayken said as he put his front legs on the table and leaned toward the spider for emphasis.

One of the spiders buzzed rapidly to Crayken.  It was large and black just like Crayken with the exception of a crimson shaped diamond on its chest.  Kade glanced at the white diamond shape on Crayken’s chest and wondered if there was a connection.  Crayken buzzed back angrily while gesturing to Kade.  Darcienna glanced at Kade and then back to Red Diamond.

“We will speak so all can understand,” Crayken hissed.  The angry spider took a breath and repeated his words for all to hear.

“What will keep Morg from tracking him here?” Red Diamond hissed.  “I have heard of this Morg.  It is known that he can track those that practice the ways of the Divine.  So I ask again,” the spider said as he stood challengingly, “what keeps him from coming here at this very moment?” the old king asked in an almost accusing tone.

“I have this,” Kade said as he produced the amulet.  “It keeps me hidden.”

“That is all very well and good for you, but is he not versed in the ways of the Divine?” the spider king asked as he violently jabbed a leg in Doren’s direction.

Kade froze.  The thought had not occurred to him that Morg might, indeed, track them through Doren.  He recalled how the Master Chosen had used the Divine to ready himself for battle against the spiders and felt panic well up in him.  Red Diamond was right.

“It is not just an amulet that protects the user but an amulet that protects an area,” Doren said smoothly and confidently. 

In a flash, it made complete sense.  How else would Morg have not found Zayle all these years?  He relaxed and hoped his fear had not shown on his face.  The old spider seemed mollified with this.

“We must be wise in our approach,” Red Diamond said.  “We will, most assuredly, have one chance at this.  I am certain that when Morg knows we stand against him in force, he will do everything in his power to destroy every last living spider,” the old king said loudly and then pounded the table for effect.

“You have vowed to follow,” Crayken reminded him firmly.

“Aye, I have, but only because I believe I have no other choice,” the spider said.  “I hope that our decisions here today do not prove to be fatal to our race,” the old king added with a considerable amount of doubt.  His statement hit home and the mood became deadly serious.  Kade’s head spun at the thought of a civilization coming to an end because of him.

“We have fought against the black creatures for centuries,” Crayken said and then paused dramatically to make his point.  “He wiped them out in one day!” Crayken roared as he leapt up onto the table.  “Completely eradicated them!” the king yelled.  All eyes were fixed on him.  Almost all of the spiders were nodding in approval, but Red Diamond still held his ground.

“I will give him credit for accomplishing such a feat, but Morg is a force of power that is well beyond that of the Morphites,” Red Diamond said as he turned his gaze on Kade challengingly.

Maybe a demonstration,
the queen said in his mind.  Kade was so focused on the old king that he visibly flinched.  The old spiders eyes widened slightly as he misunderstood, believing he had offended Kade.  In a rush, everything about the way these spiders ruled made sense.  It was obvious.  Even these kings and queens needed a reason to trust someone if they were to follow them.  Talk was all well and good, but a display of power is what made them believe.  For the third time, he recalled how the queen had done this on their first meeting.  He recalled how he and the king had done this just today with the spiders by the cave and now…it was his turn again.

“Do I appear weak to you?” Kade asked dangerously.  The king and queen exchanged quick glances and then Crayken slowly moved toward his chair.  Crayken lowered himself off the table and into his seat, making sure not to draw attention, ensuring that all eyes were watching Kade.  “Do you need a demonstration?” Kade hissed.  “Then I shall give you one,” Kade yelled as he threw his hand dramatically into the air.  Light exploded to fill the room.  It was blinding and every spider cringed.  As Kade suspected from their first meeting, they had a fear of this light.  Kade was also surprised as even Doren shrieked. 

The Apprentice Chosen leapt onto the table as Crayken had done.  He let the light fade…but only enough for the spider to be able to look upon him.  He glared at the old king.  The spider was visibly shaken and flinched when he saw that Kade was now on the table, but he still met the apprentice stare for stare.  This aged king did not get to be this old by folding at the first sign of power.  Kade’s respect grew.

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