Read The D'Karon Apprentice Online

Authors: Joseph R. Lallo

Tags: #magic, #dragon, #wizard

The D'Karon Apprentice (5 page)

BOOK: The D'Karon Apprentice
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The first plates of their meal, prepared by a
plump and motherly servant named Eliza, were being set on the table
when the door pushed open and Ether entered.

“Ether,” Myranda said, rising to greet her.
“I’m glad to see you. Thank you for coming so quickly.”

“Hi, Ether!” Ivy said, excited in spite of
herself to see her fellow Chosen. She pushed out her chair and
bounded over to the shapeshifter, pulling her into a tight and
thoroughly unwanted embrace. When she was through, she stepped back
and gestured around her. “What do you think of Myranda’s home?
Isn’t it beautiful?”

“I assume I was summoned for a reason?” Ether
said, ignoring the pleasantries.

visit first,” Ivy
reprimanded, hands on her hips. She paced back to her seat.

“I’m afraid there is a problem that concerns
you,” Myranda said, motioning to a chair. “Please, have a

“I would prefer to stand,” Ether said.

“Don’t be rude,” Ivy scolded. A plate was set
down before her. “
Thank you,
Eliza.” Ivy eagerly picked up
the sumptuous mutton chop from her dish and tore away a mouthful.
She continued to speak while chewing. “Eliza is the
cook. I hope you stay for dessert. She’s making a peach cake.”

“Now Guardian Ivy, that was to be a
surprise,” Eliza mock scolded.

“You can’t surprise this nose,” Ivy said. “I
just hope—”

“May we
see to the matter at
hand?” Ether said, her patience at its end.

Ivy narrowed her eyes. “I already remember
why I didn’t miss you.”

“We had a word with Caya, Ether,” Myranda
said. “She’s been in discussions with the Tressons, and there are
stories of creatures appearing in Tressor that sound very much like
D’Karon creations. There have been cloaks and dragoyles at the very
least, or things of similar description.”

“That is impossible. I spent months tracking
down anywhere the D’Karon blighted our world with their treachery.
I found and destroyed the last of their living creations six weeks
ago. And
had made their way any farther south than this
very city.”

“Yes,” Deacon nodded. “I’ve been focusing on
the task of detecting anything that has the feel of D’Karon
handiwork, and there is nothing that would suggest any new spells
or conjurings are at work.”

“Nevertheless, the Tressons see the D’Karon
creatures and the Alliance Army as one and the same. Their military
and leadership have been doing their best to keep the news of the
creatures a secret, but it is only a matter of time until word
spreads, and that could mean a new start to the war.”

“This does not concern me. It was never my
goal to end the war. I was created to rid this world of outsiders,
and I have done so.”

“Would you agree that if there is even a
chance that some D’Karon have been missed, then we cannot afford to
ignore them?”

“If there was a chance, then certainly it
would be our obligation to seek them out no matter where they might
hide. But there is
a chance. I am certain I have done my
diligence. No D’Karon or D’Karon creation lives. Is that your only
reason for summoning me?”

“No. Regardless of your feelings on the
subject, the rest of us are dedicated to preventing a new war if at
all possible. To that end, Deacon and I will be touring Tressor as
part of a diplomatic mission. The purpose of this tour will be to
locate and identify the cause of these attacks. If they are
D’Karon, we must eliminate them and make it clear they were not our
doing. If they are not, we should do our best to help our neighbors
to the south to be rid of them. In exchange for allowing us into
their kingdom, the Tressons would like permission to tour our land,
and they have requested the most honored among us to be their
guides. You specifically were requested to escort them on their
tour of the Ulvard region.”

“I cannot imagine a greater waste of time.
What possible reason would I have to agree to such a thing?” Ether

“Your queen as made this request of you. As a
subject and defender of her kingdom, your solemn duty is to honor
that request,” Myranda’s father said. His voice was steady, but the
rumble of anger hid behind his words.

“I am not a subject of this kingdom. I
existed long before your kind arose and began drawing lines and
carving away land for yourselves. I owe no loyalty or allegiance to
your queen or any other. If that is all, I shall be on my way,”
Ether said, turning to leave.

“I told you she couldn’t do it,” Ivy said
with a smirk. She tossed a boiled potato in her mouth, stuffing it
into one cheek to speak. “She can’t handle this sort of thing.”

Ether turned back to Ivy, shooting her a
vicious look. “Do not think me too foolish to realize that you are
trying to manipulate me.”

Ivy sipped at a tankard of water. “Doesn’t
matter if I’m manipulating you or not. It’s still true. To do this
tour you’d have to deal with people. You’d have to treat them with
dignity and respect. Answer questions and be patient if they didn’t
understand. You’d have to be
. And you can’t do

Myranda leaned back and tried to stifle a
smile. There were always sparks when Ivy and Ether got together,
but the malthrope had a special knack of pulling Ether’s strings in
the right directions.

“Don’t you
presume to tell me
what I cannot do,” Ether fumed.

“I’m looking forward to being a diplomat.
It’s all about chatting with people and trying to win them over,
right? Who has more experience at that than

“They have asked you to engage in this
folly?” Ether said.

“Yep! They asked for me

Ether practically sizzled with anger while
the rest of the plates were set out. Finally she sat at the table
and, as though doing so caused her physical pain, said, “What
precisely would you have me do?”

Ivy made a musical little hum of satisfaction
as she tore away another bite of mutton.

“In a few days a group of Tresson
representatives will arrive at a small, recently built border
crossing directly south of Territal. A group of Alliance soldiers,
a handful of servants, and a pair of ambassadors will be there as
well. You are to be host to the Tresson delegation. A short list of
points of interest has been selected, which the ambassadors and
soldiers will ferry you between. During the trip the delegation
will speak to you. You should treat them well and answer any
questions they might have that will not endanger the safety of the
Alliance,” Myranda said.

“I am to play nursemaid to a gathering of
self-important humans,” Ether said. “This is a task so thoroughly
beneath my status and abilities it baffles me that I am expected to
perform it. But if it will silence Ivy, then I will endure it.”

“Thank you, Ether,” Myranda said, sincere
relief in her voice. “I cannot express how important this is for
the Alliance and its people. If war sparks between our lands, there
will be much bloodshed and little hope for the Northern Alliance.
Deacon has prepared some notes for you.” At Myranda’s mention,
Deacon leaned aside to his bag and pulled free one of the small
communication books, handing it to Ether. Myranda continued, “Your
tour will take you up to the edge of Ravenwood, across the Low
Lands, and into the Melorn Woods as far as the mouth of the Cave of
the Beast.”

“Would you require that I lead them as far as
Entwell as well? What are the lengths of this foolishness?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Myranda said.

“In fact, we would ask that you not tell them
of Entwell unless pressed,” Deacon added.

“Why?” Ivy asked, tearing free a hunk of
bread that had been set on the table.

“With the war at an end, it is entirely
possible that the legend of the beast of the cave will bring new
wizards and warriors, hungry for glory, heading to the cave to
battle the beast again,” Deacon explained. “If near certain death
with the tiny chance of a legendary reputation is enough to send
people to their doom in the cave, imagine what might happen if
people knew that it held a paradise filled with the best trained
and most motivated fighters and spell casters in the world? The
lack of a beast does not make the cave any less dangerous. There
exists no map to reach the other side safely. Dozens could be
killed, even hundreds. To have that happen on Alliance soil so soon
after the war would be unacceptable. In time we can work to
reintroduce Entwell to the rest of the world, but such a thing must
be done carefully. Until then I must reluctantly agree that the
legend of the cave should stand as is.”

“And there is also the more practical
concern,” Myranda said, cutting into her own meal as it was set
before her. “It is likely that the Tressons would be highly
displeased to learn that a secret village of astonishingly potent
warriors is nestled within the mountains of the Alliance. Knowing a
recent enemy may have access to centuries of accumulated mystic
knowledge and an army of legendary fighters is not something apt to
settle an already stormy political climate.”

“I defer to your expertise on such matters,”
Ether said. “The logic of such squabbles and their motivations
escape me.”

“What about me? What should I be doing?” Ivy
said. She swabbed some gravy from her dish with bread, glancing to
Ether. “They made me wait until you showed up before they told me
any details, so we could learn together.”

“Your task would be much the same as Ether.
Deacon has some notes for you as well. Treat the visitors well, ask
them questions. Because the queen is going to be at a rather
important gathering at the border and conducting her own tour,
there are precious few trained diplomats remaining to handle these
tours. Given Ether’s… history of friction when it comes to delicate
matters such as these, she will be joined by the two nobles best
versed in Tresson affairs. My father will be helping you, Ivy.”

“He will?” Ivy squealed, leaning aside to
place a hand on the man’s arm. “I can’t wait! We’ve been in the
city together for so long, and we’ve shared so many meals, but you
hardly talk. I hardly know you. This will be a lovely way to get to
know each other.” She eagerly snatched up the notes regarding her
tour when Deacon offered them. “The distillery and brewery from
Caya’s family?” She bounced happily. “I’ve never been there! Do you
think they’ll let me sample some more wine when I’m there. I’d
to try some of their ice cider. And we’ll be spending
time along the coast. It is
beautiful there! Oh! The
first day is right here in New Kenvard. Can we have a big dinner? A

“I believe it would be expected of us,”
Myranda said.

“Eliza!” Ivy called out, just as the cook
emerged with a final plate.

“Calm yourself, Ivy. You needn’t shout,” she
said, setting the plate down before Ether.

“I do not eat,” Ether said, pushing the plate

“Nonsense. Everyone eats,” Eliza said,
tipping her head to the side. “Now what did you want, Ivy?”

“We’re going to throw a banquet for Tressons!
And you need to make pies and cakes…”

“I do
not eat
,” Ether repeated,
pushing the plate away again.

“You are a guest in this home, Guardian
Ether. It would be rude not to feed you. And you look just this
side of death,” Eliza said, pushing the plate back. “A good meal
will do you good.”

“… and cobblers!” Ivy continued in
excitement. “Apple and blueberry and strawberry…”

“Slow down, Ivy. What’s this, the Tressons?
Coming here? Did we invite them?”

“They invited themselves,” Greydon said

“I think it is an excellent sign,” Deacon
said, turning to him. “Opening communication and sharing knowledge
is always a fine way to build a lasting peace.”

Ether’s face was becoming increasingly stern
as the conversation grew louder and more vigorous.

“I suppose I’d best make a list of
ingredients I’ll need then,” Eliza said. She turned back to Ether,
nudging the plate forward again. “Surely you could at least try it.
If you don’t like it, I would be glad to prepare something else. I
refuse to let a guest go hungry in this house.”

Ether stood, a flare of wind accompanying her
motion, causing the flames of the lamps to flicker. “
I do not
Listen to my words, human! I do not require, nor do I
desire, the seared flesh and softened plants that you seem
insistent in foisting upon me.” The rest of the conversation
silenced as all eyes turned to her. She snatched up the book from
the table. “I will perform this demeaning task for you, but only on
the condition that upon its completion you promise not to summon me
again unless you are certain the D’Karon or some other threat
of my attention has arisen!”

She turned to the door and threw her hand
down, prompting a gale that heaved it open, then stormed outside. A
second gust pulled it shut behind her.

For a moment silence lingered in the

“And meat pies, too,” Ivy said, turning back
to Eliza. “Those ones with the beef and the onions and the

“If you’ll excuse me,” Myranda said, looking
to the door with concern.

She stood, leaving Ivy to continue to plan
out the rest of the menu.

When Myranda stepped outside, Ether was still
walking along as a human, fist clenched tightly about the book.

“Ether,” Myranda called, hurrying to her and
bearing down a bit against the sharp drop in temperature from
inside to out. “You are… shorter of temper than normal. And Eliza
is right, you
look exhausted. Is there something

Is there
…” the shapeshifter began
sharply. She paused to gather herself, then continued somewhat more
calmly. “How do you do this, human? The noise and commotion? The
tiny space, the smells of fires and other creatures. All of these
little details and pointless problems. How do you
that place? How do you tolerate being so set upon by such drudgery
and triviality?”

BOOK: The D'Karon Apprentice
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