The Do Over (33 page)

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Authors: A. L. Zaun

BOOK: The Do Over
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Damn, she wants me bad.
"Whatever you say, love. Now, what the fuck is a Turkey Trot?"

Leave it to Madison to drag me to Tropical Park on Thanksgiving morning to run with literally a thousand other people. This was payback for every fucking bad thing I'd done in my life. After this, my debt was definitely paid in full with interest.
Who the hell is crazy enough to want to sign up for this shit? Madison Fucking Stuart, that's who.



I couldn't believe she actually tried to beat me.
Fuck that shit!
I was competitive. The kicker was that she had gotten pissed and said I was supposed to let her win. Apparently, she didn't get the memo that clearly stated I didn't lose to

"On top of being the world's biggest asshole, you cheat," Madison huffed as we walked back to my car.

"I won fair and square. Maddy, I'm bigger, stronger, and
Deal with it."

I smacked her ass and then jogged ahead of her. With laughter, I sang my own version of "We Are the Champions."

"I am the champion, no time for losers, 'cause I am the champion of the world."

Apparently, those were fighting words. In the middle of my revelry, Madison ran up behind me and jumped on my back, practically knocking me down.

"You're such a dick."

I regained my balance while she clung to me. As she tightened her legs around my midsection, she put me into a headlock.

I replied, "Yes, I am, and I know how to use it."

I ran the rest of the way to the car with Madison riding piggyback. All the while, she was making a sound I didn't know she was capable of



After I dropped Madison off at her condo, I went shopping. In a couple of hours, I'd pick her up again, so we could make our way to the homeless shelter. This would be a first. When I'd told my mother that I was volunteering, she had not believed me. That hurt. Daniela had laughed when I'd told her. That stung. They knew me well. Madison was the only one with the balls to tell me that I was going to do it. When I'd agreed to it, I'd been in a state of desperation, and she had taken full advantage of me.

It was not that I had an aversion to charity. My family was very philanthropic. We participated in events all the time, but they were the black-tie kind. At those, I was in the zone, wearing a custom-tailored Armani tuxedo. Now, I was staring at a fucking blue bag with white lettering that said GAP.

After feeding the homeless, I had plans to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I hadn't been attentive to my mother lately. This quest to win Daniela back and the work that it involved had taken the place of certain family responsibilities, like doting on my mother. She wasn't taking it well. I shook my head and sighed. On top of dealing with Madison's School of Castrating Rick and Daniela's
seduction, I now had my mother to contend with. I was going to need large doses of alcohol tonight.

But, one thing at a time. Now, I was subjecting myself to the next level of punishment by Madison. Wearing a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, I walked into the lobby of her building. I figured I would be safe wearing Liam-type clothes. To my surprise, Madison was already waiting for me downstairs and Walter was not sitting behind the counter. That was a first for both of them.

"Wow, Rick, I'm impressed. You look like a regular person and not a pompous son of a bitch. You're maturing. I like it."

When I refused to drive my car to the shelter, Madison's praises were soon replaced with a promotion to Supreme Asshole of the World. There was no way I was going to drive my BMW 640i Coupe. I wasn't about to risk getting it vandalized or stolen when I was doing a good deed. It was a decision I regretted when we got into her tiny red Audi TTS Roadster, which she drove like it was a fucking go-cart.

"I think you're overreacting. I wasn't being an asshole. I was being a smart man," I said, gripping the door handle. I felt like I was riding a fucking roller coaster.

"You're probably right, but I'm having fun with you now." She laughed and continued to drive like a maniac.

We pulled into a tan building that looked like a typical apartment complex. As we parked in the gated lot, I realized that my car would've been safe, and I could have avoided that near death experience. We got out of the car and made our way to the building.

As we were walking inside, Madison reached over, slid off my sunglasses, and put them in her purse. "I'm proud of you. You've come a long way in a short while." She winked and led me to the kitchen, waving and greeting people as we went.

"Maddy, you walk around this place like you own it."

"Apparently, you think I'm shallow and petty. I do believe in giving back to the community."

"Did I say you were shallow and petty? I had no doubt about your generosity. I figured it was just for keeping men happy, but I'm very impressed with your community service."

"I take back everything I said about being proud of you. You have retained your title of Asshole Extraordinaire."

I hated when she twisted my words. I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to find the right thing to say.

"Come here." I grabbed her hand and looked at her with the most sincere look I could muster. "You've been great to me. It's Thanksgiving, so I'm going to tell you what I'm thankful for." As I tapped her nose with my other hand, I winked. "You're a pain in the ass and the biggest bitch I know, but you not only put up with me, you also help me."

I looked away, searching the stained ceiling tiles for inspiration. I didn't do this nice shit unless I was working the pussy angle, and I hardly ever meant it. Madison was different though. She wasn't a hook up. She was growing on me, and in a sadistic way, I kind of liked her. She wasn't half bad, and she could actually be fun.

"You're my friend, maybe even my best friend," I admitted.

She smiled. "Rick, I'm not Daniela. You don't need to lay it on thick. I'm in it for the long haul until I'm not in it anymore."

She might as well have kicked me in the balls.

"What?" she asked, confused.

"Nothing, Maddy, forget it. I'm an asshole, and you're a bitch."

So much for the cool Maddy from this morning.
This fucking Maddy was a royal pain in the motherfucking ass, and I hated her guts. I couldn't wait to get the hell out of here.

"Let's do this. I have people to see and places to go," I said impassively, staring over her.

She pulled something out of a box and sighed deeply. "Stop it. I don't want you to be mad, not today. Tomorrow, you can be, and then I'll whip your ass into shape." She tugged on my shirt and reached over for my arm. "Not today, Rick."

Looking down at her, I thought for a second that she might actually be human. It was that split second that always got me. I caved.

It was short-lived. She quickly pulled out a shower cap made out of some shit and told me I had to wear it. My feelings for her grew from hatred to full-blooded loathing. She was doing this on purpose.

"There's no fucking way I am putting that shit on my head," I said.

"You have to. We're serving food. Look, I'm going to do it, too."

People started pulling out large trays of food.
What on earth are they serving here?

"I'm not wearing that shit. What the fuck is

"Stop being so difficult. Wear the damn thing. And that's stuffing. Haven't you ever seen stuffing before?" She stood with one hand on her hip while the other twirled that fake shower cap thing. "Trust me, Rick. Wax on, wax off."

"You first." Standing there with my arms crossed, I shot lethal daggers at her.

Without hesitation, she put on the cap. She looked like a fucking moron. I couldn't keep a straight face as I tried to stifle my laughter. She handed me the other cap, and I put it on, joining the ranks of the moron-looking idiots that started circling around us.

"What do you think? Do I look as certifiably ridiculous as you do?" I asked.

Madison whipped out her phone and took a picture of me. "I love it!" Twirling around, she laughed her ass off.

I was insulted, but there was something about her laughter that almost made it bearable.

"Give me that."

When I reached for her phone, she pulled it away. Turning her back to me, she tucked the phone in her bra.

"Do you really think that it's safe there?" With her back pressed into my chest, I reached around. "I have no problem digging around for my treasure."

She leaned back into me, her ass pressing up against my dick. My left hand circled her waist as I buried my head in her neck. She smelled so much better than whatever they were cooking here. My dick was in fucking heaven.

I whispered in her ear, "This is your last chance, or I'm coming in."

Her hand rested on my arm. "It's mine. You need to trust me."

Her head reclined on my chest. She moved against my body with such ease and confidence. It was a fucking turn-on, and she could feel it. She loved having power and control over me.

"You two should get a room."

We both quickly straightened, startled out of whatever the hell that was.
Where the fuck was my head?

"Alex, it's been a while," Madison said. "Rick, this is Alex, an, um…old friend."

Old friend, my ass.
He was a fuck buddy. That son of a bitch was salivating as he eyed her from head to toe.

I reached out my hand. "Rick Marin, new friend."

I wasn't a fuck buddy, and I had no plans of
being one. I might cop a feel here and there, but that was it. This guy was an asshole. I should know. I was Asshole Extraordinaire.

"Alex Santana. I'll see you later, Madison." He winked at her and walked away.

It was then that I realized my arm was still wrapped around her waist. I let her go. I ran my hands through my shower-capped head and cursed that damn thing.

Madison pulled out her phone and tapped on the screen. "I just sent you the picture. You need to learn to trust me. Now, you have something to show Daniela."

She was back to business. I couldn't keep up with her mood swings or multiple personalities. The next time I came across one of her nice personalities, I was going to suggest medication.

She turned on her heels. "Let's go, Rick. The homeless are hungry."

I followed her to our post where she handed me some rubber gloves and a giant spoon. This was quickly becoming worse than the Turkey Trot.
Where the fuck did she come up with these activities.
Then, the doors opened, and I saw a really long line of people and some kids. I couldn't describe the words for how this felt. I looked over at Madison who glanced over at me and smiled. I guess the best way to describe it was—good.

After spooning food on to cardboard trays for over an hour, I was exhausted. It was an emotionally grueling day. I'd dealt with several of Madison's personalities, met one of her fuck buddies, and was humbled to be around people who actually thought I was giving them something good to eat.

I sent my mother a text.


Rick: Awesome day with the homeless.


Mom: I'm so proud of you.


Rick: Add this to your charities. I'll even help.


Mom: Anything for you.


Rick: Next year, they get real food. This shit was disgusting.


Mom: Language. Love to see your excitement.


Rick: We'll talk more tonight. I have to go.


I walked toward Madison, who was waiting for me by the door. "Maddy, I'm getting my mom involved in this cause. As soon as I get home, I'm donating these clothes, too. You'll see that I'm going to make things happen."

"Your enthusiasm is great." She smiled and pulled out her car keys. "Here." She handed them to me and then tucked her hair behind her ear. "Do you mind driving my car back? You can leave the keys with the doorman."

I shook my head. I couldn't look at her. "Madison, I can only take you in small doses. I've reached my fucking limit."

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