The Doctor's Baby (11 page)

Read The Doctor's Baby Online

Authors: Cindy Kirk

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Series, #Harlequin Special Edition

BOOK: The Doctor's Baby
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“It was nice to meet you, Mr. Evans,” July said.

“You too, miss.” The warmth in Ron’s tone took David by surprise. He’d always seemed cool around Celeste. Of course, he hadn’t really had the opportunity to know her.

“Ron,” David said when the man turned to go. This wasn’t really the time to speak of it, but their paths rarely crossed. He didn’t want another month to go by
without saying what he’d meant to say that day. “I didn’t get a chance to speak with you at Tim’s funeral, but I hope you know how sorry I am for your loss. Tim was a great guy. I know he would have approved of the organ donations.”

“Tim loved people.” The older man’s voice grew thick. “He would have wanted his death to mean something.”

The older man shifted his gaze briefly to July and nodded. Then, without another word, he hit the accelerator and in seconds he was out of sight.

“What happened to his son?” July spoke in a hushed tone though Ron was no longer in earshot.

“The day Adam was born, Tim died in a motorcycle accident.” David exhaled a breath. “I can’t imagine what it would be like to one day have a son…and the next day not.”

July’s eyes filled with tears. “I don’t even want to think what that would be like.”

It was amazing, he thought, that despite a horrible role model, she’d turned out to be a woman who could shed tears over a man she’d never met.

They sat in silence for several more seconds. Then David leaned over and zipped up her dress.

July shifted her gaze from the darkness to his face. “We better get back.”

“I need to do just one thing first.”

Her brows pulled together. “What?”

“This.” He kissed her firmly on the lips, fighting the urge to linger. Instead, he turned the cart in the direction of the clubhouse and hit the accelerator.


The fashion show was coming to a close when they reached the foyer. July sent David back to the table while she made a detour into the rest room. He’d wanted to wait but she insisted he go back to his seat without her.

Thankfully the ladies lounge was empty. July touched up her makeup then turned her attention to her hair. The cute little updo Mary Karen had done was now an up-and-mostly-down do.

July grimaced and pulled the pins from her hair. She fluffed the tangled strands with her fingers then stared into the mirror with a critical eye. Definitely more casual but at least she didn’t look as if she’d been rolling around the backseat of her boyfriend’s car on prom night.


What would it be like to have David as a boyfriend? For a moment she let herself imagine all the fun they’d have, all the places they could go, all the—

The door swung open. “I thought I’d find you hiding out in here.”

July smiled. “Mary Karen, it’s not called hiding out. It’s called ‘freshening up.’ David showed me around the golf course and it was a bit humid.”

“Humid?” Mary Karen’s disbelieving look made July smile.

“How was the fashion show?” she asked before Mary Karen could come up with any more questions.

“Fabulous,” Mary Karen gushed with unexpected enthusiasm. “Lots of beautiful outfits.”

“I’m sorry I missed it,” July said.

“No, you’re not.” The blonde laughed. “You’d much rather have been ‘surveying’ the golf course with my brother.”

“Perhaps.” July tried to play coy, but her smile gave her away.

“No ‘perhaps’ about it,” Mary Karen teased. “The hickey on your neck is a dead giveaway.”

“Hickey?” July gasped and leaned toward the mirror, scanning her neck and upper chest region for a red blotch. After several seconds she straightened. “I do not—”

She turned to find Mary Karen chuckling.

“You may not have one,” Mary Karen said. “But that response tells me you very easily could have had one.”

July opened her mouth to deny it, but instead just smiled. “David asked me to come over to his house tonight…after he takes Rachel home.”

Mary Karen’s eyes widened for a second then her gaze turned assessing. “What did you say?”

“I have Adam.”

“I can get up with the baby.” Mary Karen’s blue eyes—so like her brother’s—fixed on July. “If that’s your concern.”

“I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“Who are we talking about?” Mary Karen asked. “You? Him?”

July expelled a heavy sigh. “Both.”

“Because he doesn’t want a relationship and you
do? Or because you don’t want a relationship and he does?”

“It’s nothing that heavy.” July couldn’t hide her surprise. “We’re just trying to be…friends. That’s all.”

Mary Karen didn’t even blink. “Then what’s the issue?”

July’s heart skipped a beat. “You’re right. You sure you don’t mind watching Adam?”

Mary Karen smiled. “It’s the least I can do for your
with my brother.”

Chapter Fourteen

avid was surprised when Mary Karen and July said they wanted to stay for the dance. But the big shocker came when Rachel made no mention of leaving when the band took the stage. Apparently she was up for dancing, too.

Two hours later, after he’d paid for his silent auction items and danced numerous times with not only Rachel, but July and Mary Karen, as well, the women were finally ready to head home.

“I’m glad I stayed.” Rachel leaned her head back against the seat of his Suburban.

“It was fun.” David smiled, realizing he meant it. “I hadn’t heard some of those songs since high school.”

“Your sister seemed to be having a good time.”
Rachel slanted a sideways glance. “She and Dr. Fisher make a nice couple.”

“They’re not a couple,” David said, though he had to agree the two looked as if they belonged together out on the dance floor.

“I realize they’re not dating.” Rachel’s lips curved into a slight smile. “But that doesn’t negate the chemistry between them. They definitely have it. You and July have it, too.”

“July and I—”

“You don’t need to deny it.” Rachel reached over and touched his arm. “You were the perfect escort tonight and I had a wonderful evening. But when you look at July—and when she looks at you—well, it reminds me of when my husband was alive. I’m happy for you.”

“July and I aren’t dating.” Even as he protested, David thought of all the time they’d spent together recently. If that wasn’t dating, he didn’t know what you’d call it.

“It’s okay to take a chance.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m saying someone special doesn’t come around very often in life,” Rachel said. “When they do, it’s worth taking a chance.”


July barely had time to throw a few essentials into an oversize purse and change into something more comfortable when David called to say he’d dropped off Rachel.

“I’ll meet you at your place,” she said, her voice surprisingly composed. “Mary Karen offered to watch Adam.”

“I’ll come get you,” he said. “And I can take you home tomorrow. I don’t go in until three.”

“It’s no problem for me to drive. I—”

“Let me pick you up,” he said in a deep voice that sent sparks of excitement shooting up her spine. “Please.”

At that moment she found it difficult to deny him anything. “I’ll be waiting on the porch.”

Less than five minutes later his Suburban pulled into the driveway. Hitching her now heavy bag over her shoulder, July strolled to the truck, anticipation waging a war with fear. Was four weeks post-baby too soon to be intimate? Had the passion in Chicago been a fluke?

But when David rounded the truck and grabbed her bag, then took her hand to help her into the truck, the jolt of electricity she experienced at the simple touch told her she had nothing to worry about.

She settled into her seat, trying to act nonchalant. The trouble was she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

David handed July her bag. “I see you changed.”

July had traded Mary Karen’s cocktail dress for a simple cotton one. “I’m afraid I was in such a hurry, I forgot my panties.” She lifted one shoulder and gave an exaggerated sigh. “I’m sure it will work out.”

The impish gleam in her eyes told him the omission had been deliberate.

“That’s too bad,” he drawled, thinking it wasn’t too bad at all.

The few blocks to his house were the longest in David’s life. By the time he pulled into his garage his desire for her had surged to a fever pitch.

Take it slow,
he told himself as they walked inside.
Take it slow,
he repeated as he showed her around the house.
Take it slow, take it slow, take it slow,
he told himself when she paused and lingered in the doorway to his bedroom.

She gestured with one hand to the four-poster. “Is that as soft as it looks?”

“It’s very comforta—” David stopped when he realized she wasn’t listening.

Instead she made a beeline for the bed, kicking off her shoes along the way. When she reached it, she sat on the edge then flopped back onto the down comforter with a happy noise. “It
soft. I love it.”

He followed her route across the room, discarding his own shoes and jacket. Taking a place beside her, he was acutely aware that there were no panties underneath her thin dress. All he’d need to do was push the cotton fabric up a little higher and…

Resisting the urge to roll over and bury himself inside her sweet flesh, he took her hand instead, reminding himself once again of the need to

She exhaled a sigh, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

“Penny for your thoughts,” he said.

“I had a really good time tonight.”

“You sound surprised.”

“I didn’t know what to expect.” Her eyes remained focused on the ceiling. “But I enjoyed talking to everyone and dancing and—”

“Don’t forget the moonlight golf cart ride.”

She turned to face him, propping herself up on one elbow. The floral scent of her perfume teased his nostril. “Forget that? Never. It was my favorite part of the evening.”

He rolled to face her. The back of his house looked out over the Elk Refuge. With the wood blinds open, the moonlight streaming through the window bathed her face in a golden glow.

“The fact that you came to see if I was okay meant so much to me,” July continued. “I liked the talking, too.”

She liked the

She laughed softly as if she’d read his mind. Her hands moved to unknot his tie. “But talking isn’t why I’m here.”

The tie soon flew over his head and her fingers moved to the shirt buttons. Before she could get a single one open, his hands closed over hers.

“I didn’t ask you over tonight just for sex.”

“Really?” She lifted a brow and that gleam was back in her eyes. “Because that’s why I’m here.”

David couldn’t help but laugh. With July he was learning to expect the unexpected.

“Okay, so maybe that was part of it,
part of it. But I wanted to spend time with you, too. Just you. It seems like someone is always around.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I like it when it’s the two of us.”

Her tense shoulders loosened up and there was no denying the awareness in the depths of her eyes. Yet, for all her boldness and bravado, he swore he’d seen a flicker of fear when her gaze had first settled on the bed.
As a physician, he knew it was important she be fully relaxed the first time she made love after giving birth. As a man, he wanted this to be as good for her as it was for him. That meant he needed to make sure she was ready, both emotionally and physically.

He trailed a finger slowly up her arm. “Have you ever had a massage?”

July blinked. “A couple of times.”

“Did you like it?” he asked, trailing those same fingers down the front of her dress.

July felt the tips of her breasts tighten and she mentally urged his fingers…just a little lower. She didn’t want to talk anymore. She wanted to hold him and for a few precious hours forget about the confession that loomed around the corner. “Massages can be…very relaxing.”

Satisfaction crossed his face. “I’m going to give you one,” he said. “But first—”

David took her mouth in a kiss that left her breathless and her body tingling all over.

Then with eyes black with passion, he stood. “I’ll grab some lotion. You get comfortable.”

He crossed the room and July couldn’t help noticing the way his pants hugged his lean hips from behind, the way the muscles in his back played beneath his shirt. She realized her mouth was practically watering. “Ah, David,” she called out when he reached the door. “The last time I had a massage I was naked except for a towel.”

David turned, his eyes glittering like sapphires in the dim light. “Works for me. I’ll be back in five.”

He pulled the door closed behind him.

July let the door click shut before springing into action. She stripped off her clothes then went in search of a towel. Though she’d hoped to come up empty, after rummaging around, she found a large one in the cabinet of the adjoining bathroom.

Ever since she’d come home from the hospital July had avoided mirrors. But with one wall of David’s bathroom filled with them she couldn’t help catching sight of her reflection. She took a deep breath and studied herself with a critical eye.

Her breasts, while larger than they’d ever been, were still perky. Her abdomen now had only the slightest pooch to it. All in all, not too bad. She smiled. At least not bad enough to send him screaming for the hills.

She cupped her heavy breasts in her palms and wondered where David was planning to put his hands.

Everywhere, I hope.

A knock sounded at the door. “Are you ready?”

July snagged the towel, then scurried across the room and dived on the bed. Her body quivered with anticipation. “Ready.”

The door opened. She raised herself up on one elbow, the towel carelessly draped over her breasts. July widened her eyes. Her heart fluttered.

Gone was the tux. In its place, gray gym shorts and a blue T-shirt. A five o’clock shadow dusted his cheeks. He looked…simply magnificent. And sexy as hell. “What took you so long?”

“I was trying to find some lotion.” He lifted a pink
plastic bottle. His lips twisted in a wry smile. “This is all I could find.”

“Baby lotion?”

David grinned. “It was either that or cooking oil.”

His gaze dropped to the towel.

Though tempted to toss it aside and let the fun begin, July stayed strong and kept the towel firmly in place. Since David had gone to the trouble to find the lotion, she’d play along. For a while.

She plopped back on her stomach. “Ready when you are.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw him stop and fiddle with some wall controls. Soft melodic strains soon filled the air, the dulcet tones coaxing any remaining tension from her body.

“Is the music too…much?”

July heard the worry in his voice and her heart turned to mush. He obviously wanted everything to be perfect for her. Didn’t he realize
was the ingredient who’d make this night perfect?

“I love classical music,” she said quickly before he did something crazy like turn it off. “It’s so relaxing.”

“Okay. Good.” Relief underscored the words.

Finally, he came to her and took a seat on the bed. He rubbed his hands together and, after a second, poured the lotion into a palm.

“This may be a bit cold at first.” But it wasn’t cold at all. Heat followed everywhere he touched. In seconds she was on fire for him.

But he seemed determined to take it slow. As he
caressed her skin with his fingers, he talked about his childhood, his young adult years and what had brought him back to Jackson.

“I was running away from the memories. It took me awhile to realize that until I came to some sort of acceptance, I was going to be mired in the past no matter where I lived.”

If it was odd to be talking about such things while half-naked, it didn’t seem that way to July. But then, nothing with David had ever been ordinary.

Besides, his situation reminded July so much of her situation, she couldn’t help being curious. “How did you get past it?”

“I listened to other people who’d been in similar situations.” He squeezed more lotion into his hand. “Their stories reassured me that healing just takes time…and a desire to move forward.”

Speaking of desire…

His fingers were now skimming softly over her curves. July knew David didn’t want her to feel as if he’d invited her over simply to make love. But they both knew it was why she was here. Because it was something she wanted, too.

When he reached for the lotion bottle again, she flipped over and cast the towel aside. “It’s my turn.”

She didn’t have to ask twice. His gaze darkened and he immediately started shrugging off his clothes. When the shirt and shorts fell to the floor, her pulse quickened.

He was even more beautiful than she’d remembered. A smattering of dark hair covered his chest and ab
domen. The hard planes of his body, the lean muscular legs and the flat belly all registered but didn’t compute. Her eyes were too busy focusing on the part of his anatomy standing at stiff attention.

She moved closer and slid her hand down the length of him. “I think I’ll start here.”

He stood absolutely still, his eyes dark as midnight fixed on her.

Using long strokes, July caressed him from the base all the way to the smooth tip. Then she pushed him back to the bed and dropped to her knees.

“You don’t have to—”

“I want to,” she said, taking him deeply into her mouth.

His fingers laced through her hair as she began to suck. His breath grew rapid. She felt him grow even larger in her mouth. He moaned.

Then suddenly, without warning, he lifted her up and she was on the bed next to him.

“You didn’t like it?” she asked.

“I liked it a lot,” he said then proceeded to scatter kisses on her face and down her neck. “But tonight is about you, too. There are so many ways I want to give you pleasure.”

Then his mouth closed over hers and July knew nothing except the feel and the taste of him. She forgot that this was the first time since Adam because once he entered her she was more than ready for him. She dug her nails into his shoulders as he stroked long and hard and deep. Each thrust pushing her closer to the edge.
Each thrust binding him to her. When she finally shattered, he came with her, crying out her name.


David woke the next morning to find July asleep beside him. He raised himself on one elbow, reluctant to move farther and risk waking her up.

It had been a late night for both of them. After they’d made love the first time, they’d remained in each other’s arms and just talked. Though she’d shared bits of information about her childhood he got the feeling she was holding something back.

Where she didn’t hold back was in bed. It hadn’t been long before he wanted her all over again. And she was eager, too. With them, once never seemed enough.

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