The Doctor's Diet: Dr. Travis Stork's STAT Program to Help You Lose Weight & Restore Your Health (68 page)

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Bellavia, A., S. C. Larsson, M. Bottai, A. Wolk, and N. Orsini. “Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and All-Cause Mortality: A Dose-Response Analysis.”
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Food Prescription #8: Go Nuts Over Nuts

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Food Prescription #9: Fall in Love with Legumes

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Pan, A., Q. Sun, A. M. Bernstein, M. B. Schulze, J. E. Manson, M. J. Stampfer, W. C. Willett, and F. B. Hu. “Red Meat Consumption and Mortality: Results from 2 Prospective Cohort Studies.”
Archives of Internal Medicine
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Papanikolaou, Y., and V. L. Fulgoni III. “Bean Consumption Is Associated with
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Villegas, R., Y. T. Gao, G. Yang, H. L. Li, T. A. Elasy, W. Zheng, and X. O. Shu. “Legume and Soy Food Intake and the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in the Shanghai Women’s Health Study.”
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Zhang, Z., et al. “A High-Legume Low-Glycemic Index Diet Reduces Fasting Plasma Leptin in Middle-Aged Insulin-Resistant and -Sensitive Men.”
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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Food Prescription #10: Go for Yogurt

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Smit, L. A., A. Baylin, and H. Campos. “Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Adipose Tissue and Risk of Myocardial Infarction.”
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Wang H., L. M. Troy, G. T. Rogers, C. S. Fox, N. M. McKeown, J. B. Meigs, and P. F. Jacques. “Longitudinal Association between Dairy Consumption and Changes of Body Weight and Waist Circumference: The Framingham Heart Study.”
International Journal of Obesity
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“Yogurt: Wholesome Food for Every Body.” National Yogurt Association.


Weight-Loss Payoff #1: A Better YOU

“Causes and Consequences: What Causes Overweight and Obesity?” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Crowson, C. S., E. L. Matteson, J. M. Davis III, and S. E. Gabriel. “Contribution of Obesity to the Rise in Incidence of Rheumatoid Arthritis.”
Arthritis Care & Research
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Hayashi, Annie. “Pearls and Pitfalls: Orthopaedics and Obesity.”
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Lawson, R., and B. Pruitt. “Issues in Obesity,
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Pollack, Peter. “Is There a Systemic Link Between Obesity and OA?”
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