The Dollhouse Society Volume I: Evelyn (Includes Indecent Proposal, Dreams in Black & White, Playing House, Freeze Frame, plus a bonus story!) (16 page)

BOOK: The Dollhouse Society Volume I: Evelyn (Includes Indecent Proposal, Dreams in Black & White, Playing House, Freeze Frame, plus a bonus story!)
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When Mr. Sterling
finished with the scarf, he pulled it up so my arms were elevated above my head. I didn’t
understand what he was doing until I realized he was rea
ching for one of the
steel hooks in the wall that supported the huge, glossy photographs hanging in the gallery. He slipped the knot over the hook so I was standing
on tiptoes
with my arms bound over my head. I immediately tested the fortitude of the ho
, but
this was
used for hanging eno
rmous lithographs in dust shields
that weighed as much as three hundred pounds
. A
women of
a hundred and fifty pounds
like myself
wouldn’t so much as e
ven challenge it
I pulled but the
t into my wrists until I stopped

Mr. Sterling
stood back and brought his fingers to his chin, looking me over
as if he didn’t quit
e know what to do with me

I couldn’t help myself.
I yanked compulsively on the scarf, hoping he would hurry, hurry
, whatever his plans

“Evelyn, behave yourself,” he said.
He used his other voice, the hard, metallic one
that said
that no amount of begging would work with him
. It was his boardroom voice. It was sometimes his bedroom voice
, too

I took a few deep breaths
to steady
my thundering
and worked at obeying him.
Fighting him wouldn’t help. When he w
as in this kind of mood,
fighting only excited him more. Instead, I tried to talk him down. I started promising him that he could do anything
he wanted to me
tonight, if only he’d let me go now
, b
ut he only looked at me with annoyance,
took a handful of my grandmother’s pearls
and stuffed them in my mouth. Then he went to work on my
dress. He’d asked me to wear my favorite wrap dress
, and I couldn’t hel
p but wonder if he’d planned all
this out in advance. It wouldn’
t have surprised me. He undid the red silken material
so the coolness of the gallery touched me and made my skin prickle. He unhooked my push-up bra and ripped away my panties. I scuffled in my heels
to escape him,
but he placed his hand against my belly, holding me still against t
he wall until I stopped struggling

He looked down the length of me for a moment as
if he were lost in some fugue
. It was a very sexual look, but it also held something else
, something
that went beyond sex
Possession, passion, love, greed—every emotion a man has for the
women who is his courtesan, his lover, his wife
his plaything,
the mother of his child

His palm
one of my breasts. They were much larger
and firmer
these days. They had filled out
considerably since
the birth of our
He in
clined his head, flicking his tongue over my nipple
then set to suckling
me, slow and hard
. He worked
until both
nipples were swollen and wet to his liking.
Then he drew his tongue
down over my belly
My whole body writhed for him.
“We should have another child, Evelyn,” he
finally said
I could tell from the way he said it that he had been thinking about it for some time.
He growled softly against my ticklish belly button. It was a very male sound. “I want to fuck you
, Evelyn
. I want to wa
tch your belly swell with my
child. I want to watch you
suckle him at your breasts

I grunted a slow response.
I still loved his pillow talk.
The sweetness of him.

He moved his mouth down in a slow line
toward my bikini scar. We were big people.
son had been
, almost ten pounds at the time of his birth
He was eight now, and destined to be as big as his father.
traced the scar, first
th his finger
s and then
his lips
. He loved my scar. He
treasured it.
He went to one knee in front of
and kissed my belly so I sighed
at the
touch of his lips.
He traced my scar
with his tongue. He was
gentle there.

“Would you like another child?” he asked very seriously, his eyes rolling up to find me.

I thought about that. “Yes.
tonight we can…”

“Not tonight
, Evelyn
. Now.”

My heart
started banging
against my ribs
he moved
his face down
so he could kiss
the softness of the
fur at my groin. He gripped me hard at t
he hips and breathed me in, then
darted his tongue out fast and hard. His tongue
scraped across my clit and t
he wet, teasing little touch made me tremble
in his grip
. It sent little spikes of frightening plea
sure racing
up my body, along
my sp
ine, and right into my brain.
I threw my head back and nearly cried out at the feel of him
there, licking me, tasting me, driving his tongue like a little flame
inside me
. I didn’t want this
The timing was all wrong...our guests were scheduled to be here any minute…
yet I was helpless…

“Open your legs, Evelyn.”

“No,” I told him. I
pressed my knees
together defiantly

He stood up and looked at me
with displeasure. He
grabbed a hank of my hair and pulled my head back
. He
used his other hand to pry my
legs apart. I resisted the pressure.
I would not give in so easily. He was being a tyrant.

“It’s li
ke I taught you
, Evelyn,”
he growled, sliding his knee between my legs
to keep me from completely closing myself to him. “I a
m still your gentleman. You are
my courtesan
. You’ll o
pen your legs
to me

He forced my legs apart and his
hand found me, three of his fingers
teasing my wetness before
penetrating me hard and fast
. H
is fingers moved
deep into the
of my cunt so I nearly convulsed around them.
I thrust against his invasion, whimpering and begging shamelessly as he pressed
, widening me and prepar
ing me for what was to come

He waited to see if I would use our safe word, if I would end our play. I didn’t.

“Who are you, Evelyn?” he

“Your…your courtesan…” I managed to mumble around the pearls in my teeth.



ell me your desires, my courtesan.
Tell me what you want more than anything
in this world

I tried to think. It was nearly impossible
with the way he was fucking me
making me thrash and dance to his rhythm.
“I want…I want
to serve my gentleman’s needs.”

do you want to serve your gentleman’s needs?”

His touch was driving me mad. “Anytime he calls on me, sir.”

ave you ever come for anyone like you’ve come for me?”

,” I said, and then added, “

“Do you want me to fuck you, little cat in heat?”

“Very much, sir.”

dropped to his knees, bent one of my legs
at the knee, and rested
the heel of my shoe
against his shoulder. He
kissed and licked at my cunny
. He wet my outer labia and then blew them dry.
He sucked at my clit, his teeth grazing me, bringing my pleasure to the knife-edge of pain
until I
bucked and
nearly screamed
for release
. He
finally let
me come, and I shuddered and
jerked spastically in my bonds
like some puppet on a string
. He let me go
watched me sag
, falling as far as I was able
while still hanging suspended from a hook in the ceiling
. My heart was ticking along like a clock
in my chest
the wetness of my release trickled down my legs. I
watched him bring his fi
ngers to his lips and taste my cream
. Then he
removed the pearls
from my mouth, grabbed me by the hair,
forced me t
o suck off
his fingers, shoving
deep into my mouth.

The f
ierceness of his
ice blue eyes pinned me
. “If you weren’t tied up, I’d make you suck my cock, Evelyn. I’
d fuck that beautiful mouth of yours until
you understood your place better.
Then I’d fuck that
pretty cunny
of yours
and make you lick me clean.” His
gripped my hair, jerking
my head back
until I groaned with the sensation
. “Would you like that
, Evelyn
? Would you like to suck my cock like the good little courtesan you are?”

I had
n’t seen him like this in years, and my breath caught in my throat
even as my cunt dampened further at his words
. It occurred to me that everyone I knew outside of the Dollhouse had been married and divorced several times over. Clarissa was onto her third husband now. She wondered what made our relationship tick, what made us so unbreakable, why it seemed we could never get enough of each other, but I couldn’t tell her the truth
I would never tell her about Ian and the Dollhouse and my job as his courtesan.
“I would be happy to suck your cock, sir,” I said.

“Would you?”

Very much, sir
I even licked my lips for him.

“Who are you, Evelyn?
What is your name, your title?

I didn’t say love
r, confident, mother, wife—
though I knew
those things to be true.
I wasn’t that right now.
I said, instead, “
My name is Evelyn Sterling. I am the p
rofessional courtesan to Mr. Ian Sterling.”

He smiled, then. It was a
predatory smile.
“Quite right.”

He undid his trousers so his cock lay fat and huge against his belly.
He let me see him. He let me tremble with fear and anticipation. Then h
held me against the wall
so I could feel his h
eat and
power pressing into me, subduing me.

I want you, Evelyn. Now
,” he said.

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