Read The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1) Online

Authors: Elle Raven,Aimie Jennison

The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1) (25 page)

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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When I found that deranged motherfucker, I was going to gut him from head to toe.

Nobody fucked with Sebastiano Morassi or my family.

No one.

Soon, Antonio would take his last breath.



God knows how long I’d been in there. It was probably only hours but it felt like days. Every part of my body ached. 

I was bruised and battered but elated and happy when I heard Sebastiano calling my name. As I turned around, I froze as I saw Antonio walking toward me. Quickly glancing around, I could see it was just Antonio and I in the room. 

“Who shall I put a hole through first when The Don gets here, you or lover boy?”
No way was I going to let him kill Sebastiano. I was not giving up. 

I’d rather die than him. I couldn’t live without him if he died. 

From the corner of my eye, I spotted a gun on the dresser. Antonio must have left it there when he walked in. I hadn’t seen it there before when one of his thugs escorted me to the bathroom after he’d finished beating me when I first woke up. I had to get it. Somehow, I had to. 

“Antonio,” one of his men called out to him from the door. 

Va fanculo!
What the fuck do you want?” Antonio growled. “I was getting ready to fuck the bitch. I reckon if we fucked her five or ten times a day, she’d enjoy it. Wouldn’t you, gorgeous?” he called out to me from the door. 

The minute he turned back to talk to the guy at the door, I quickly snagged the gun from the dresser, checking the safety switch. I put it inside the back of my jeans. Thank God, I wasn’t wearing a skirt. 

I had no idea how to use a gun, apart from the one time Riccardo gave Lorena and me a lesson. I didn’t pay too much attention but I was sure it’d all come back to me. I remembered the bit about the safety switch, so I was doing okay. 

As I lay back against the bed, so Antonio wouldn’t notice I’d moved to get the gun, I felt it jab me in the back. I couldn’t leave it there. The minute one of them tried to pin me to the bed, I wouldn’t have access to it. I slowly and carefully dropped my hand to the floor to see how close I was to the ground. Could I still reach it if I slotted it under the bed? 

Deciding it was the best option I had, I raised myself up enough to pull the gun out from where I had tucked it. I quickly placed it on the floor just under the bed frame where I could easily reach it before laying back down.

“There’s word Sebastiano knows where we are and he’s on his way. Teresa must have talked like you’d hoped,” his man at the door stated smugly. 

I took a moment to panic, listening to the smug bastards. Were they talking about Teresa, Sebastiano’s ex? What did she have to do with all of this? Shit was going to turn ugly. Then the relief at hearing Sebastiano was coming for me flooded my body. 

Antonio turned toward me. “Looks like we’ll have to make quick work of our time together. Bring the boys in. It’ll have to be a group session.” He walked toward me in a menacing manner. “You’ll enjoy that, won’t you, little whore?” 

By the time he reached me, five of his men had entered the room and closed the door behind them. I scrambled back on the bed, trying to get as far away from them as I could. Unfortunately, I hit the wall and had nowhere left to go. 

Grabbing my ankles, he dragged me down the bed until I was flat on my back. I struggled to get away. I wasn’t going to make it easy for him. He backhanded me across the face, stunning me for a few seconds.

“I forgot she likes it rough, boys. It’s such a pity we don’t have the time to really play with her. Come on, boys, hold her down.” 

I struggled as the men pinned me to the bed, one man to each limb. “Get your fucking hands off me. Sebastiano is going to kill every last one of you,” I shouted with a snarl.
If he doesn’t kill them, I will. I only need to delay them to give him more time to get here.

“Now, let’s get you out of these jeans and see what you’re hiding under there. Do you prune your bush or is it all natural?” He reached out and started to undo my button and fly. 

Silent tears ran down the sides of my face and into my ears as I listened to the bastards laughing at his disgusting words.

Antonio pulled on my pants, roughly dragging them down my legs, taking my underwear with them and effectively baring me to all their eyes. “Holy fuck! Will you look at that. She’s got a Brazilian.” 

I tried to squeeze my legs together to obstruct their view but the two men holding my legs stretched them further apart, opening me up to their eyes even more.

The eyes on the man holding my right leg widened in excitement. “Shit, Boss, I hope we all get a fucking turn with her.” 

Antonio trailed a finger over my exposed sex and roughly inserted a finger. There was nothing I could do to stop him. I’d take the beatings he was giving me earlier over this. I didn’t want Sebastiano to walk in on this. Would he think less of me? The tears came thick and fast at that thought. 

“She’s as smooth as fucking silk. I’m not waiting any longer to sink my cock into her fucking wetness,” he said as he removed his finger from inside me and started to free himself from his jeans.

I amped up my fight, thrashing on the bed. I managed to catch one of the men off-guard, pulling my right hand free of his grasp and connecting with his face. 

He leaped back out of my reach. “Fuck!” he spat.

The guy who had been standing quietly by the foot of the bed took his spot and immobilised me once again.

Antonio knelt on the bed and started to jack himself off. “I’m gonna fuck you hard now, little whore, and then I’m going to give you to my men to do with you as they wish.”

The guy I punched came back and stood next to the bed so he was level with my head. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and ran it along my jaw. It was barely touching me but I knew it was there. It made it all the more terrifying.

“I’m going to enjoy fucking you up when we’ve all finished with you.” He placed the knife back in his pocket and proceeded to unzip his pants, freeing his own erection and palming it. “I would like to make you suck it but you’re likely to try to bite it off. I’m rather attached to my dick,” he said as he started to work it up and down in his palm.

The bed dipped from Antonio’s movements. He was between my legs. My eyes darted his way. I didn’t want him to get any closer. He was positioning himself with a hand on my hip so he could enter me. 

I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the sickening intrusion when the room erupted into chaos. The door burst open and the sound of gunshots filled the room. 

My arms were suddenly freed, so I quickly reached down under the bed and was grateful when my hand wrapped around the cool metal of the gun.



I couldn’t get through the door fast enough so I could get to Sierra. The sight before me sent me into a fit of rage.

“Get off her, you motherfucker!” I screamed at him, my body convulsing with anger.

My trigger-happy finger had a mind of its own. I shot the guy who had his cock in Sierra’s face, not stopping to see where he landed. I moved straight onto the next man who was holding her down, ensuring not to make a hit on Antonio. He was going to get a hell of a lot more pain than a pissy gunshot.

Antonio turned on the bed to face me as Riccardo, Dante and Vincenzo filed into the room, no doubt having dealt with Antonio’s men scattered throughout the farmhouse. He stumbled forward as Sierra kicked one of her legs out, knocking him off the bed. 

Sierra jumped to a standing position on the bed. Somehow amidst all the chaos, she had managed to pull up her underwear because she was standing in just her tank top and undies. She stood there with pure venom on her face, pointing a gun at Antonio. What surprised me was how the hell she managed to get her hands on a fucking gun.

Antonio turned back to Sierra. “You took my fucking gun?” he asked her.

Why the fuck was he so worried about her having his gun? He had five of my men with
guns trained on him, and he was worried about the one Sierra was holding. He was scared and his body was rigid, not knowing what our next move would be. He was no doubt thinking if he so much as moved, Sierra would shoot. 

“Put the gun down, baby, and let us deal with him,” I said as I slowly made my way towards her. 

She never took her hate-filled eyes off him, not even when she spoke. “Please, let me shoot him.” 

Raising the gun, she aimed it at Antonio’s exposed cock.

As much as I enjoyed seeing the strength in her, I didn’t like the fact that I’d brought her into this world of danger, greed and revenge. I’d made her hard.

“You wanted me to suck it before. How about I blow the fucker off?” she threatened him. 

The fear in Antonio’s eyes was as clear as day. He was fucking terrified of my woman. 

She smiled menacingly at him. 

My girl was gloating. 

“Sweetness, give me the gun. I’ll end him,” I said, wrapping my arm around her waist, rubbing her back and trying to convince her not to kill him.

She didn’t make a move to lower the gun. I couldn’t let her have Antonio’s blood on her hands.
She may be mad enough to kill him now, but in time, she will feel the guilt. She isn’t a natural born killer like I am.

“Let me do it, baby. You don’t need to dirty your hands. I’ll let you watch if you want but I’m warning you, it won’t be pretty.” 

She didn’t even hesitate to think about what I’d offered before responding, “I’m watching every fucking second of what you do to that sick fuck.” 

“That’s my girl,” I said as I took the gun from her hands and handed it to Dante.

Riccardo moved forward and apprehended Antonio, allowing me to focus more fully on Sierra. I gently turned her to face me and caressed her damaged cheek. “I will fix this, sweetness, I will, but I need you to focus and remember who you are. Don’t let him turn you into a monster. Let me be your monster.” The sight of her battered face enraged me to the point that I knew Antonio’s time was up.

He would take his last breath.

Nobody fucked with Sebastiano Morassi or my family.

“Did you hear me, sweetness?” I prodded as I ducked down and peered into her distant eyes. 

She blinked back tears and nodded in acknowledgement. At least I knew she was in there somewhere. I grabbed her jeans off the bed and passed them to her.

“Cover yourself up now, sweetness.” She pulled them on silently.

Catching Vincenzo’s eye, I waved him over while I tugged Sierra into a hug once she was dressed. “I need you to go stand with Vincenzo so I can deal with Antonio. He can escort you out anytime if you change your mind about watching.”

“NO!” She panicked. “I want to stay.”

I grinned. “It’s okay. I’m not going to make you leave,” I said before giving her a kiss on the head and handing her over as if she was a precious jewel, to Vincenzo, waiting patiently behind her. 

I walked across the small room to where Riccardo was holding Antonio and noticed two of his guys were tied together in the corner with a rope. They were bleeding from their gunshot wounds but obviously not enough to have killed them. 

Good, that gives me more fuckers to play with.

Antonio’s pants were unzipped and his cock was still hanging out. Just the thought of what he was planning to do with it had my rage flaring again. I pulled my rosary beads out of my pocket and rolled my fingers over them. I needed grounding. I couldn’t do this too quickly. I had to drag Antonio’s torture out and make him suffer.

The beads cleared my head enough to come up with a plan, so I placed them around my neck, tucking them under my shirt for easy access if I was in need of them again. I removed my jacket and methodically hung it on the door handle. My deliberate delay only enhanced Antonio’s terror. 

Remembering the flip-knife in my jacket pocket, I pulled it out and flicked it open. It was exactly like the one my father used to carry. I made my way back to the bed. Riccardo had deftly tied Antonio’s hands to the headboard and his ankles together at the foot of the bed. I tried to contain my anger. The rope on his ankles ran under the bed and around the legs; he was completely and utterly restrained.

Antonio wasn’t going anywhere.

He was now in almost the exact same position Sierra had been in when we first entered the room. Oh, how the tables had turned.

I dragged the knife along his dick, not enough to break the skin but enough to have him concerned. Looking in his eyes, I could see he was fucking petrified. In fact, he was just about shitting a brick.

I paused.

“Who’s hungry?” I asked suddenly as I looked around the room at my men and Sierra. They all glanced at each other, wondering what I was up to, but no one answered me.

I focused once again on Antonio. “You love pasta, don’t you?” I asked him. “What Italian doesn’t? How about these two dickheads?” I asked again, gesturing to his two men. I turned and nodded at Riccardo. “Go find them some pasta, Riccardo. I’m sure I smelled some sauce cooking downstairs in the kitchen as we came in.”

“Please, I beg you, Sebastiano.
Per favore,
don’t kill me. Don’t end me like this, by cutting it off, please.”

“Oh, so now you beg me! You fucking beg me after I catch you trying to rape my woman? Don’t be so pathetic, Antonio. I should have ended you years ago,” I snarled at him in disgust.

I wanted him to suffer the most intense pain imaginable. 

going to cut the fucker off, Antonio. Then I’m going to fucking cook it and feed it to your men.”

“No! No! Noooo!” Antonio begged. 

Riccardo entered the room carrying a large, cast-iron pot full of aromatic, bubbling Italian sauce in his gloved hands. He stopped before me. 

“Is this what you wanted, Boss?” The sauce continued to bubble within its self-contained heat. Antonio kicked and bucked against the ropes. 

I eyed Dante, Vincenzo and particularly Sierra, hoping she was bracing herself for whatever was to come next. To my relief, Sierra nodded at me, signalling her approval to continue. That nod was all I needed.

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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