Read The Earl and the Governess: An Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Alison Shaw

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #sex, #bisexual, #threesome, #menage, #regency, #historical 1800s, #servant and master

The Earl and the Governess: An Erotic Romance

BOOK: The Earl and the Governess: An Erotic Romance
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The Earl and the Governess

By Alison Shaw

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2013 Alison Shaw


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The Earl's Morning Glory

The Earl's Second

The Earl's

The Earl Falls

The Governess is

The Earl Begins the

The Governess is

The Earl's

The Governess is

The Earl's

The Governess

The Earl's

The Governess

The Earl is

The Earl's New

The Earl Reaches
his Limit

The Earl Requires

The Earl's

The Governess

The Governess

The Earl

The Earl Loses
his Composure

The Governess is

The Earl is

The Governess is
Almost Found Out

The Governess is

The Earl is

The Governess is

The Earl is

The Earl’s Eyes
are Opened

The Earl’s
Wedding Day

The Governess has

The Earl





Chapter 1


The Earl's Morning Glory


In which a
wicked regency rake has his way with the upstairs maid.



Rafe's prick
leapt as the girl's tongue flicked out and licked the smooth head.
Hurriedly grabbing a handful of her thick blonde hair, he pulled it
away from her face so he could see her mouth close around his wide

Normally, after
a night's gambling, Rafe Gaines Fairburn, The Earl of Langham liked
to shove his meaty cock into his manservant’s tight arse and gain
quick release by feeling his sphincter grip his length, but this
morning he fancied a change and by luck he had stumbled on his
uncle's curvaceous maid laying the fire. Her blue eyes had widened
when he had pulled out his cock. It had been a struggle to get it
out he had been so hard, and when he had finally tugged his huge
prick out of the opening of his breeches and stood stroking it for
her inspection, she had given a little gasp and her hand had
covered her mouth in an exaggerated way that had made him grow even

“That is the
biggest cock I have ever seen,” she said in a delightful West
Country accent, her cheeks blushing pink.

“Would you like
to lick it?” he asked, as he ran his thumb over the swollen head
already oozing with a drop of pre cum under her amazed stare.

She didn’t wait
for an answer, she just dropped the coal shovel she still held in
her hand and shuffled towards him on her knees. Damn, he loved
these country girls; cock loving sluts, every one of them!

He stood with
his hands on his hips, his prick sticking out of his breeches at a
sharp angle as she knelt below him and stared. Her hand came up and
one finger uncurled and lightly touched his painfully swollen head.
His whole cock bounced and she giggled.

“It is so
hard,” she sighed and touched the bead of moisture that leaked from
the slit, making him groan.

enough,” he growled roughly. “Lick me now.”

She opened her
red rose bud of a mouth and closed it around the head of his cock,
making him jerk with the sudden overwhelming heat. Grabbing her
head he pulled her off and gasped, “Just a minute there!” then he
sank back into the chair behind him and undoing the waistband of
his breeches tugged them down slightly to release his aching balls.
He beckoned her closer and expertly unpinned her hair so it fell in
golden sheaves over her shoulders. For a moment he imagined her as
a maid in the fields and he as her randy village swain, just
desperate to take her virginity after weeks of begging. He ran his
finger along her full bottom lip and she sucked it into her mouth
making him moan and his prick swell and his balls tighten. He could
feel his cum churning. He was just about ready to shoot his load
and she had barely touched him.

He guided her
head down to his cock and she obligingly licked his full length,
making hungry little noises as she wetly laved his shaft with the
whole surface of her tongue. The sensation was excruciatingly good,
and when she kept going all the way down to his balls he had to
squeeze his eyes shut and press his arse cheeks together to stop
himself from releasing the cum already starting to rise. As she
wetly tongued his balls and sucked them into her mouth he looked
down to see his prick rising massive and thick against his belly
above her pretty blushing face and he wrapped his fist around it
and growled, “Suck it into your mouth now. I want you to swallow
all my cum.”

She was good at
following orders this one. She immediately wrapped her lips around
his weeping head and slipped his full shaft into her hot wet mouth,
easing in his vast thickness all the way to the back of her throat.
He thrust his hips until he was in further and gripping the back of
her head pulled her onto him until he could feel his sensitive tip
touch the back of her throat. He gave an ecstatic grunt and then
slowly pulled out again so she could take a gasping breath. Cum was
already leaking out of him and he rubbed the cream over her lips
before thrusting back into her mouth with a deep groan. His fingers
grabbed handfuls of her hair as his hips pumped into her, his balls
rubbed against her chin, her mouth stretched to capacity around the
thick base of his cock. He gave one last rolling surge and his
balls leapt and burst, rivers of boiling cum shooting up through
his cock and down her throat.

“Fuck!” he
yelled loudly as he pumped and pumped into her, his cock leaping in
her mouth, squeezing out every last drop, his whole body

When he finally
pulled out, a drip of thick cum escaped from her mouth and trailed
down her chin. Her tongue flicked out and caught it as if it was
ice cream and she grinned at him.

He sat in the
chair caressing his still hard cock, his brain foggy with sated
pleasure as she pinned her hair back in place. Just as she was
about to bend down and retrieve the fire making implements he
reached out and grabbed her skirts. “Is your quim wet?” he

“Oh yes sir,”
she replied.

Shoving his
hand under her skirt and pulling her closer, he tugged at her under
drawers. She opened her legs to give him better access and he
discovered with delight that she was right. She was indeed wet. Her
lips were sodden with her juices and swollen with arousal. His
fingers slipped in easily and he found her bud, huge and distended.
She gasped and twitched as he pinched it. “Sir!” she pleaded as he
rubbed her, his other hand going round her hips as her legs started
to give way. Then he roughly sank two fingers into her quim, which
pulsed deliciously and leaked cream that ran onto his hand. “Oh
Sir!” she cried desperately.

He was rock
hard now, and all he had to do to achieve another release, was drag
her onto his cock and pound into her tight cunt. But sometimes he
was a fan of anticipation and this time he was going to make
himself wait for it.

He pulled his
hand out of her slippery quim and dramatically licked her juices
from his fingers. She stared down at him, her little rose bud mouth

morning,” he slurred. “I will be here again. And if you are a good
girl, I might fuck you.”

He stood up and
pushed his rigid prick back into his breeches. As he slowly did up
the buttons he added, “If you are a really good girl, I will fuck
you until I run out of cum.” And then with some difficulty, he
stalked out of the room.




Chapter 2


The Earl's Second

In which our
randy rake delivers on what he promised.



The Earl of
Langham sat in a chair lazily watching his uncle’s maid laying the
fire once again. There was a spectacular view of dawn just breaking
over rolling hills through the window to his left, but he preferred
the view of the maid’s tiny waist and big arse sticking up in the
air as she knelt down on all fours to rake out the ashes.

He stretched
his long legs in front of him and unhurriedly pulled at the buttons
on his crotch to release his hard cock. It sprung out eagerly,
thick and engorged and already weeping pre cum from its slippery
head. He had been half hard all night, stroking himself under the
card table. At one point, he even slipped his hand in his breeches
and thumbed his knob, so fucking desperate for it he had a hard
time concentrating on his game. It would have been easy enough to
sneak off into the gardens and whack one out, shoot his big load
into a rosebush. It was not the first time he had felt the need to
do that in order to sharpen his mind. In fact, the way some of the
ladies had been looking at him tonight it probably would have been
perfectly possible to take one of them off to the conservatory, and
shoot his churning cum into one of their well bred quims. That
shapely widow, Mrs Rawlings was particularly keen. But no, since
this morning he had been looking forward to stroking the maid’s
plebeian pussy. There was something about her rosy cheeks and thick
blonde hair and West Country accent that made him harder than hard.
He wanted a country cunt, he thought to himself and laughed.

The maid looked
round and saw he had his huge cock in his fist. Her eyes widened in
the gratifying way they had done the previous morning, and this
time she actually licked her lips.

“You finish the
fire while I stroke my cock,” he said.

She went back
to work but she arched her back a little and swayed her hips,
making his mouth water as he fantasised about how and where he was
going to ram it. Surely she was no virgin? God, he hoped not.
Virgins were well and good when you were up for a challenge but
this morning he needed a quick and willing fuck. And would she let
him roger her up the arse? That would be a capital way to start the
day. He loved the tight fit of an unpractised sphincter more than

She had a fire
roaring in no time and was standing grinning at him, her weighty
tits bouncing above her corset. How the menservants got any work
done with her around, he had no idea; their pricks must be
permanently at attention. She had such a naughty look on her face,
he wanted to shove his hungry phallus up her immediately and with
no preamble.

“Come here,” he
growled, and the minute she was in grabbing distance he reached up
and pulled her bodice down revealing deliciously plump nipples, the
areolas obscenely large and distended. His mouth immediately closed
round one, sucking and biting and tonguing it like a man who hadn’t
eaten in days. She writhed in his hands and pressed his head closer
to her and made very unladylike suggestions as he sucked on her,
his cock twitching and weeping with desperation.

BOOK: The Earl and the Governess: An Erotic Romance
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