The Earl Next Door (20 page)

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Authors: Amanda Grange

BOOK: The Earl Next Door
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‘And you, Henri, see to the guns and ammunition.’

Marianne shivered slightly. Mention of guns and ammunition brought home to her just how dangerous the venture was.

‘And now,’ he said, turning to Marianne as he shrugged himself into his coat, ‘you will have to pretend you know nothing about this. I expect you to make idle conversation this evening as though nothing has happened.’

‘You needn’t concern yourself,’ she said, throwing her head back. ‘No one will learn of this venture from me.’

‘I didn’t expect you to announce it over the dinner table,’ he said harshly. ‘Just make sure no one can tell by your face or by any fit of abstraction that something untoward has occurred. And now, we had better go out into the hall separately, or we will give rise to gossip of another kind. After you.’

She could have protested, but instead she decided to show him that she knew the value of co-operation when it was needed, and she preceded him out of the room.

Chapter Eight


Dinner was a difficult meal for Marianne. Knowing that her brother was hurt she did not feel like eating, but she forced herself to do justice to the meal. Lord Ravensford was right, no one must suspect that anything untoward had happened. Even here in
, Jacobins were not unknown, and although Mr Windham had gone it was better if no whisper of Kit’s situation got out. Therefore she praised the turtle soup, did justice to the sole, forced down a helping of  loin of mutton and finished off with a syllabub, all the while talking over the latest neighbourhood gossip with her fellow guests.

The tables were then set up for cards. Whilst her partners frowned and considered over their play, Marianne played by instinct. Unlike Kit, she had always been fond of games, and now that she was sitting down to whist she knew that she could afford to let her thoughts wander. She was so used to playing that she need pay only the most cursory attention to the game.

Although Lord Ravensford had forbidden her to join the rescue attempt, she was still uneasy. If Kit was hurt then she wanted to be on board the ship that put out for
. He may well have need of her medical skills before the ship returned to
. Although the return trip should take only a few hours, those hours could prove vital. And if the ship should be delayed, by storms, say, it would be even more necessary for her to be on board. Whatever Lord Ravensford said, she was determined to be there. She still carried the hurt from losing one brother. She did not intend to lose a second.

‘Beat that!’ said Jennifer eagerly as she played the ace of clubs.

‘Oh, I’m sorry Jennifer,’ said Miss Stock gaily, laying down the two of trumps. ‘I believe the trick is mine.’

Marianne returned her attention to the game, playing well enough for her wandering thoughts to go unnoticed, but it was a relief when it was finally time for her to retire.

‘You did that very well.’ Lord Ravensford spoke to her softly as she waited for Figgs to bring a candle to light her to her bedchamber. ‘No one would have suspected you had other things on your mind.’

‘But not as well as you,’ she remarked, hiding the pain she had felt at watching him hanging over Mrs Kilkenny all evening.

‘Jealous, Marianne?’ he asked.

It was the amusement in his voice which led her to make a sharp retort; one which hid her true feelings entirely. ‘Not at all. I think you suit each other very well.’

‘If I thought you meant that . . . ’ he said tightly.

But could say no more. Miss Stock was coming towards them, a smile on her kindly face.

‘Lord Ravensford. I must add my thanks to Marianne’s,’ she said, mistakenly believing Marianne to be thanking him for a most enjoyable day. ‘That was a wonderful evening. I have not enjoyed my cards so much for years.’

Lord Ravensford bowed graciously and the two ladies, lighted by candles which Figgs had now brought, made their way upstairs to bed.

‘Such a charming man,’ sighed Miss Stock happily as she bid Marianne goodnight.

Charming? thought Marianne, as she went into her own room. Confusing was more the word she would have used. Having spent all evening deliberately courting Mrs Kilkenny, why had he then been so angry at her retort that they suited each other very well?

She gave a sigh and put the candlestick down on the little table next to her half-tester bed. Impossible to understand him, so better not to make the attempt. But try as she might she could not stop herself thinking about him. What were Lord Ravensford’s feelings for her? Were they simply the protective feelings of a man for his friend’s sister, coupled with a strong desire? Or were they something deeper? Something, perhaps, that matched her feelings for him?

Chiding herself for wishful thinking she rang for Nell and, once undressed, she blew out the candle and climbed into bed.


The party broke up after breakfast on the following morning. As Marianne waited for Tom to bring the carriage, Lord Ravensford managed to get a few minutes alone with her.

‘Don’t worry about Kit,’ he said in an undertone, as Miss Stock admired the Billingsdale family portraits which hung in the hall. ‘We’ll get him out of
, I promise you.’

‘I’m sure you will.’

Her voice was cool, her manner was composed.

‘You’re taking this very calmly,’ he said, perplexed.

‘There is nothing to be gained by having a fit of the vapours,’ she remarked blandly.

‘True.’ He frowned. ‘Even so . . . ’

‘I have perfect confidence in you,’ she said.

He looked at her uncertainly, and she realised that for once the tables had been turned. It was usually he who was in control of the situation, but now he was the one who was perplexed.

‘That’s good,’ he returned slowly. ‘I don’t know how long it will take. We should be in
by the early hours of tomorrow morning, but we’re not sure what we’ll find. When Adèle sent the message, she and Kit were holed up in a farmhouse just south of
, but they may have been forced to move on.’

‘I understand.’

‘Oh, here is Tom now,’ said Miss Stock, as she caught sight of the Travis carriage rolling past the window. ‘Marianne . . . ’

‘Just coming, Miss Stock.’ Marianne turned to Lord Ravensford and said formally, ‘Thank you for a delightful weekend, my lord. It was most enjoyable.’

‘Thank you for coming, Miss Travis,’ he replied. Adding, ‘Oh, by the way, I’ve been meaning to thank you for allowing me to borrow Henri. It was good of you to let him come over here last night and lend a hand with the dinner. Mrs Hill is an excellent cook, but it’s the little French touches that lift a meal out of the ordinary, wouldn’t you say?’

‘Oh, quite,’ breathed Miss Stock, remembering the excellent meal.

‘Would you mind if I borrowed him for a few more days?’ Lord Ravensford asked Marianne. ‘I’d like him to teach Mrs Hill how to make some of my favourite French dishes.’

Realising he needed an excuse to take Henri away from the Hall for the next few days so that the Frenchman could go with him to France, Marianne said, ‘No, of course not. You’re very welcome.’

‘Thank you.’

Their leave taken, Marianne led Miss Stock out of the house. Once Miss Stock had been safely returned to the rectory, Marianne had time to think over her plan. She didn’t like deceiving anyone but her mind was made up. Julian had died because there had not been a doctor on hand when he had needed one, and Kit may be about to die for the same reason. But she did not intend to let that happen. She would have asked Dr Moffat to undertake the voyage if she had thought it would do any good, but she knew he would refuse, therefore she intended to go herself. She may not be a doctor, but she had a lot of experience in tending people who had had accidents on the estate, and had even seen a bullet removed when Tom had had an accident with his gun. She knew how to clean and bind serious wounds, and furthermore there were some laudanum drops in the medicine chest which she could use to ease Kit’s pain.

The carriage pulled up outside Seaton Hall.

‘Thank you, Tom,’ she said, sweeping into the house.

Now all she had to do was convince Trudie that she had been invited to visit the Cosgroves for a few days and her plan would begin to take shape.

‘There you are, Miss Marianne,’ said Trudie, coming towards her with a beaming face, for she was eager to hear all about Marianne’s enjoyable few days.

Marianne obliged her with an account of the party.

‘And I dare say you saw Henri there?’ asked Trudie. ‘Lord Ravensford sent for him yesterday. But still, you know all about that, I expect.’

Marianne agreed, and Trudie was satisfied. She was so impressed with Henri’s cooking herself that it did not seem strange to her that Lord Ravensford should want the chef to teach his cook how to make his favourite French meals, little suspecting that he had needed Henri to help him formulate a plan for Kit's rescue.

‘How has Papa been?’ asked Marianne.

‘Oh! Well enough. To tell you the truth, I don’t think he’s noticed you’ve gone.’

Marianne gave a sigh.

‘Now, don’t you take on so,’ said Trudie bracingly. ‘Your Papa is what he is. Well, your room’s all ready for you,’ she said more brightly as Marianne took off her cloak and bonnet. ‘After all the gaiety, you’ll be wanting a rest.’

‘Thank you, Trudie, but I won’t be staying long.’ Trudie looked at her in surprise, and she explained, ‘The party was so successful that Mr and Mrs Cosgrove have decided to host a gathering at their house, and I have said I will go.’

‘Ah!’ nodded Trudie trustingly; causing Marianne a twinge of guilt at her lie. ‘That’s a good idea. Once people get to enjoying themselves, they don’t want to stop. And why should they? You go, Miss Marianne. You’ve done enough work over the winter to run a colonel into the ground. You go and enjoy yourself. And don’t you worry about your Papa. If he asks for you, I’ll tell him you’ll be home by . . . . ?’

‘By the end of the week.’

Trudie nodded in satisfaction, glad Marianne was going to have a few more days of enjoyment.

But if she had known what Marianne was really going to do, she would have been up in arms.

‘Will you be wanting lunch, or are you going on to the Cosgroves’ straight away?’

‘I’ll have something to eat first – just something simple - and then when I’ve packed a few things I’ll be on my way.’

‘I’d better tell Tom to keep the carriage out.’

‘No, that won’t be necessary,’ said Marianne quickly. ‘I think I’d rather ride. It’s a lovely day, and as Mrs Cosgrove has kindly offered to lend me some of Susan’s dresses, I won’t need to take too many things – just a few personal items thrown into a small valise. I can take it with me, tied on to the saddle.’

Trudie nodded sagely. ‘She’s tired of seeing you in the same dresses day after day. You and her eldest girl were always much of a size. It will be the very thing.’

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