Read The Earl's Desire Online

Authors: Alexia Praks

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Regency Romance, #virgin heroine, #alpha male hero

The Earl's Desire (30 page)

BOOK: The Earl's Desire
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He kissed her forehead and said, “Hmm, so she chose the materials and styles for you. Tell me, what other colors were there?” He had finished unbuttoning the shirt and shifted the hem aside, revealing her creamy thighs.

Well, there was orange, pink, green, and blue as well. I think there was also violet too. Merrick, there were too many. I can’t seem to remember all of them.”

He made an agreeing sound similar to that of a groan and lightly shoved the shirt aside at her hips.

Yes, so what did you do after we returned from the village?” he asked as he shifted the shirt away from her breasts lightly. He could feel his member hardening with desire.

Well, when we got back—now let me see. What did I do?” She bent her head to one side, in thought. “Oh, yes. I went to see Mrs. Ross and—oh, Merrick!” she exclaimed as a bolt of thrilling sensations thundered through her nerves. Her body jerked in surprise. “Merrick!” she whimpered.

Now, love, tell me what you went to see Mrs. Ross about,” he said casually while his fingers were stroking and caressing her woman’s flesh.

Merrick, how could you?” she cried while her hands gripped tightly on his forearm. She held on to him for dear life as she gave out whimpers of pleasure. “How could you—” She brought her mouth to his neck, breathing in his masculine scent.

Now, love, tell me what you went to see Mrs. Ross about,” he urged as his other hand cupped her backside. He then proceeded to caress and stroke it.

Merrick how could—” She couldn’t go further, for his stroking and fondling her flesh turned her brain into mush. She couldn’t think, let alone register what he wanted her to do.

How could I what, love?” He smiled at her. He saw her stormy eyes mounting with desire. Her breathing was thick and laborious, and her naked breasts were rising and falling with the rhythm of her breathing. His hand stopped their drawing then and started stroking her from her bellybutton up to her rib and then along the valley of her breasts.

How could I what, my love?” he asked again, teasing her. His fingers made one full circle around one breast, and then he cupped it. At the same time, with his other hand, his fingers invaded her womanly flesh.

Christine moaned and whimpered, her body jerking up against him.

He laughed at her reaction.

Oh, the arrogant beast, she thought. How unkind he was to have taken her by surprise.

How could you, Merrick!” she managed to say.

How could I what, my love?” He laughed again as he stroked and fondled her breast. His head came down to her throat. He kissed and stroked her skin with his hot mouth and tongue.

Christine moaned and bent her head to one side, allowing him more access. He lowered his kiss down to her shoulder, and at the same time, his fingers and thumb were molding and squeezing her nipple. The finger on his other hand was thrusting deeper within her woman’s flesh.

Christine moaned as her body jerked up and down against his large body beneath her, dancing along the rhythm of his finger thrusting into her secretive woman place.

Merrick—” She snuggled to him, loving what he was doing to her body. “I—” she managed as she gripped his arm.

You?” he urged between kisses as he moved his mouth down along the length of her back then around the side of her breast. There he started to lick and taste her honey skin with his tongue. He shifted her body ever so slightly so that his head was below her left arm while one of his hands was cupping and fondling her breast, and with the other his finger was thrusting deeper into her woman’s place. Merrick could feel the wetness within her. She was tight and hot around his finger. He loved it.

I… I can’t,” she groaned while her hands were stroking his thick hair.

Merrick licked the side of her breast and then around it. He opened his mouth and savored her breast.

Merrick!” She jerked with fright, for the sensation he gave her at that moment was so powerful.

Merrick stroked, caressed, and played with her breast with his mouth, tongue, and teeth. He gave out whimpers of pleasure from his throat for she was magnificent. He released his finger from her womanly flesh then and rotated her body around to face him. He stopped his kissing at her breast, and hungrily, he took her mouth.

Christine allowed the penetration of his tongue into her mouth. They kissed passionately, then Merrick released his mouth from hers and hastily began to undress himself. With her shaking hands, she tried to help him undress. Merrick managed to take his shirt off and then unbutton his breeches. Once done, he caught Christine’s head and brought her down to his mouth, where he kissed her again. At the same time, he positioned her about his waist, where he spread her legs apart so that she could saddle him.

His man root rubbed against her woman’s flesh as he cupped her backside and urged it up and down against his body, giving them intense pleasures. Merrick trailed his hot mouth down to her throat and lower to her bosoms, where he kissed and stroked her hot skin with his mouth.

Christine brought both her arms up and wrapped them around his head, pulling him closer to her, pushing his head against her breasts. As she did this, Merrick’s erect man root thrust powerfully into her.

She moaned as he pushed into her. Their bodies jerked with the rhythm of their lovemaking.

Christine rode him up and down with the rhythm of his thrusting. She bent her head back, breathing deeply the warm night air. The pleasure he was giving her was pure ecstasy. She whimpered in her throat, singing to him their lovemaking song. Her song exploded Merrick’s blood. He groaned as his man root drove deeper within her. He gritted his teeth for her tightness increased his pleasure immensely.

He shifted his head from her cleavage and captured one rosy nipple into his mouth. He then proceeded to suckle it.

Christine gripped his head. They drove faster and faster, each panting and climbing and still wanting more. Their pleasure was high and powerful. When they climaxed together, their bodies exploded with the sheer ecstasy of pure pleasure. Merrick released his seed into her womb. They were limp with the powerful exertion of their lovemaking. His hand came up to her head. She stared at him, smiling. God, he loved her. His heart swelled with happiness.

You can’t what, my love?” he asked her breathlessly, smiling at her with mischief. His eyes twinkled devilishly.

Christine widened her eyes, and her mouth opened in the form of an O. She blinked twice. She closed her mouth again, seeing that arrogant grin on his face. She poked his shoulder.

You arrogant beast,” she said, her lips in a thin line.

You can’t what, my love?” he repeated.

I… I can’t think when you are around me. There, happy now? And stop asking me questions again when you are planning to do that to me,” she scolded.

He boomed out a shout of laughter. His chest rumbled.

What’s so funny?” she asked, annoyed now.

Nothing, my love, perhaps it is time for bed now.” He stroked her cheek.

Yes, I suppose so. I must admit, Merrick, you’ve drained all my energy away,” she teased him.

Did I really? If I can remember it rightly, you are quite wanton and very wild too,” he said, nodding his head seriously.

Oh, Merrick, how could you?” She poked his shoulder again.

Was I wrong there, you little wildcat?” he commented as he lifted her up in his arms and walked to the bed.

He laid her between the sheets, and then he took the rest of his clothing off. Once he was naked, he laid next to her. He wrapped her in his arms, with her body molding against his naked one. Her back was against his chest, her naked buttocks were against his male member, and her head was under his chin.

Good night, Merrick,” she yawned.

Good night, my love,” he replied, pulling her closer to him. A little while later, Christine was asleep. Merrick was awake for a long time. He lay there, hugging her close to him, keeping her warm in his strong arms.










Emma hesitated at the door. She didn’t know whether her decision was right or wrong. But this was for the earl. He needed to know everything before it was too late.

She felt a hand behind her back, squeezing her for encouragement.

You’re doing the right thing. I’m so glad you told me what happened that night about Claire, and now you must tell the earl.” Betty nodded her head, encouraging Emma to go forward and open the door.

I was so blind, Betty, and I think so is everybody else, even his lordship. We have to tell him,” Emma said, still feeling very weak and very sick. “You will be there with me, won’t you?” Emma asked, feeling unsure.

Oh, yes,” Betty said.

Emma nodded and opened the door. They both peeked inside. No one was there. It was very quiet. They turned to look at each other.

He is not here,” Emma whispered.

Come now, Emma.” Betty dragged the other girl toward the master bedroom door.

All right, Betty, stop dragging me. I can walk,” Emma complained.

They stared at each other and then nodded in agreement to go in together. The girls marched forward, and Emma grabbed for the door handle. Slowly the door opened wider. Both girls walked in, they looked around, and—

They were shocked. Their bodies froze, their brains—well, they just couldn’t accept what their eyes saw!

Emma tried to breathe. She really did, but it didn’t work so she just blinked twice and everything went black. She collapsed to the floor.

Betty didn’t know that her friend had just crumbled to the floor. She was still staring at the woman. Betty blinked twice, and her legs weakened.

Christine was unbuttoning Merrick’s nightshirt down to the waist, revealing the whiteness of her chest to her midriff, when she saw the two girls come in. She was getting changed into her boy clothing.

She thought she was going to die of humiliation. Then she realized that she was going to be the third in line to die when she saw first Emma fall to the floor, and Betty would soon as well. She quickly covered herself and rushed toward the girls.

Oh, Betty, please don’t faint!” Christine shouted.

Betty opened her eyes again.

Oh, Betty, please don’t faint. Tyson, please come out. I think we need help here,” Christine shouted. The boy poked his head from behind the curtains. His young eyes widened with horror when he saw the two women in their odd positions. One was on the floor, looking as white as a ghost and probably half-dead, and the other was staggering around dizzily. She too was very pale and leaning on Christine for support.

My God, what is wrong with them?” he shouted, trying to lift Betty’s heavy weight onto his small one. Christine pushed Betty off her. Betty’s body hit Tyson, and they both crashed to the floor. Christine rushed to them, her face concerned.

Tyson, are you all right? Betty, please get up,” Christine said.

I’m fine, really,” Tyson lied. He was breathless due to the heavy weight on top of him.

Betty stared up at Christine. God, she was so lucky to have an angel looking down on her, she thought happily, and slowly she shut her eyes with a smile.

Betty, don’t faint. Betty, come back. It’s me, Chris!” Christine shouted.

Instantly, Betty’s eyes flew open. She stared hard and long up at Christine.

Master Chris?” she asked.

Yes, it’s Chris, Betty. I’m sorry,” Christine said, holding out her hand for the other girl to take. Betty stared at it long and hard.

My God, I should have realized. I was so blind,” Betty said.

Christine wrapped her arms around Betty, laughing now. “I’m sorry, Betty.”

Nay, that’s all right, Master Chris,” Betty said.

Hmm, I would hate to stop this lovely reunion, but as you can see, we still have a girl down here that needs our attention,
,” Tyson reminded them logically.

BOOK: The Earl's Desire
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