The Earthrise Trilogy (24 page)

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Authors: Colin Owen

Tags: #sci-fi

BOOK: The Earthrise Trilogy
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"I found it back in the trees behind the cabin Dave, a small plane of some kind, and made out of some very shiny metal. It had obviously crash-landed, but there isn't a scratch on it. They must have come in it, how else could they have found us all the way out here?"

"I don't know Mary, but I'm sure glad they did. We can ask them in the morning over breakfast."

The Thomas family were glad to have their cabin to themselves again. Sharing with strangers had been fine for a short time, but their cabin was small even for five, nine had been no joke.

Breakfast time did eventually arrive, and Betty and Martha were up first and had a dip in the lake.

"Sure wakes you up," Martha said, shivering.

The lake water was very cold, though clear. When they got back to the cabins, the boys were up and making coffee.

"That smells good," Betty said, sitting down by the fire.

"You look a little blue," Jake remarked.

"So would you if you'd been in the water, it's freezing."

Betty shivered as she said it, and Martha was just too cold to comment.

"Listen guys," Betty began, "before the others wake up, we need to talk."

Her body language said volumes.

"Did we make a big mistake coming back to Earth?"

She stopped and looked at both of them. They didn't speak straight away which spurred her on.

"Me and Martha want to go back."

Jake smiled, "See I told you it wasn't just us." Zeek couldn't contain himself at this and burst out laughing.

"Shush," Betty gestured, "you'll wake the family."

"Too late," Martha said, as Sarah came out of the cabin and planted herself on Zeek's lap.

"Me and my shadow," Zeek said, softly giving her a hug. "What do we do about this?" He asked, nodding towards Sarah. The group went silent knowing exactly what he meant.

Just then the remaining Thomases came out of the cabin and sat down by the fire.

"Morning folks," Jake said, "want some coffee?"

Coffee was handed round but there was an uneasy silence. Everyone felt it, but no one seemed to know how to break it.

"Can I go see the plane now dad?" little Paul asked, in a voice loud enough to wake the dead.

"Out of the mouth of babes," Dave said, with an embarrassed smile. "We found your plane in the trees."

"Yes, it's a beaut' isn't it," Zeek replied.

"Where are you from?" Mary asked soberly.

Jake looked at the other three and said, "We're from a long way from here, much further than you think."

Mary was bright and knew that the glider was not made from anything she'd ever seen before. "Just how far?" she asked.

Jake turned and looked into the early morning sky, he pointed to the moon, just setting on the horizon. There was a stunned silence as Jake turned back to face the group.

"That's right," Zeek said, "we're the men in the moon."

The children laughed. Zeek was known as the joker, but David and Mary just looked at him open mouthed.

"It's really true then?" Dave asked.

"Yes, it is," Jake replied, "we really did come from the Moon."

"Then there are people living up there, away from the radiation and sickness," Mary said, turning to Dave and grabbing his arm.

"Yes, it's all true," Betty said, smiling, "it's wonderful up there."

"Then why did you leave?" Danny asked in typical teenage fashion.

"We volunteered to come when we heard your radio message, you needed help, and we wanted to see Earth again."

Danny was satisfied with this answer, but not so Mary.

"How did you get there in the first place, and how did you survive up there?"

"Look," said Jake, "let's have some breakfast and we'll tell you the whole story."

They did just that, and breakfast lasted way into the afternoon that day.

When the story was over, Mary looked up into the sky and said,

"So that's why it turned green. We always thought it was due to a change in the atmosphere."

She laughed along with everyone else. It was the first time she had really let go and laughed, but when it was over she asked, "Is there any way to get back there?"

There was a long pause before Jake spoke, "We don't know, this was planned as a one-way trip. Our plane is a glider, it can't take off, it has no engines."

There was another pause, and then Sarah spoke up. "You know a way, don't you Zeek!"

It was another glorious day in Eden, and Steve was up early enjoying the peace. The sudden happening with John and Lisa had given him food for thought. He could see how happy they were at being free from their accepted workaday roles. He had also noticed how easily Tristran had replaced John. There were lots of other youngsters coming up behind the old guard now, so maybe it
time for a change. These and other things were going through his mind when..."Steve, are you there?" It was Bill's voice coming out of the radio.

"Bill, you're up early this morning, what can I do for you?"

"Southgate have made contact, they want to talk to you when you have time."

"Hmm sounds a little ominous Bill, I'll be there directly. Out."

"What is it Hun?" Clare asked as she entered the room.

"It's Southgate Sweetie, they've made contact and want to talk to me."

"Sounds ominous," Clare said, straight faced, causing Steve to smile.

They decided to walk to Moon Base as it was such a pleasant morning. Birds were singing, and the air was still enough so that they could hear the distant lowing of cattle and baaing of sheep.

"I think I know what's coming," Steve said, as they walked.

"Me too," Clare answered, "what are you going to do about it?" Steve didn't speak for some time, but just walked on with the sound of the grass under their feet.

"I'll have to go fetch them I suppose," he said, eventually.

"I knew you would," Clare said, squeezing his hand, "you're just a big softy really."

He laughed, because she was right, he had become softer as the years had passed.

"Wanna' come with me doll face," he said, in his best Humphrey Bogart voice. Clare jumped on him almost knocking him over,

"Do you mean it? I'd love to come with you."

Steve couldn't get another word in after that.

They reached the base where Bill was waiting for them.

"Did they say what they wanted Bill?"

"No, not to me Steve, they want to talk to you, it must be serious I guess."

Bill left them at the entrance to the old command centre and went about his business. Steve took the mic, "Hello Southgate, this is Eden, come in, over." He waited, and several moments later Jake came on line.

"Hi Steve, thanks for getting back to us, we've a favour to ask."

"I know what it is Jake, you want to come back, is that it?"

"No Steve...We want to come home."

Steve was touched by the correction, and if he had had any doubts before about going to get them, they were dispelled now.

"Sure thing buddy," he said, "we've missed you guys too. You'll have to leave it with us whilst we figure out how we're going to pull it off, but we'll put all our efforts into it right away."

"Thanks Steve, it's good to hear you say that. By the way, there'll be nine of us if that's OK by you, young Sarah Thomas has attached herself to Zeek and wild horses won't make her let go."

"Understood Jake, tell the Thomas family they'll be welcome here in Eden. Over and out."

Clare had been silently listening to all this and said, "It must be really bad down there."

"I know Sweetie, I felt it too."

The walk back to the settlement was much quicker than the outward trip. It seemed they both had a new purpose now, and somehow, they knew it was urgent.

On reaching the settlement, Steve went straight to talk to Tris in engineering. "I don't want to have to land the main ship on Earth Tris, so we need a solution, something like the glider, only powered. And it needs to hold nine, or make two trips."

Tris just smiled, enjoying the challenge. "OK Mr. Forester, I'll get right on it."

"Tris, did you call John Mr. Hammond?"

"No, I called him John."

"Then call me Steve...OK?"

"Sure thing Steve," Tris replied and Steve left.

Jake returned to the others, gathered around the fire, and they all looked at him in anticipation. Jake sat down and deliberately looked at them in turn, "It's OK folks, we're going home."

He had to wait for the noise to subside before going on. "They are starting work on it straight-away, but it may take some time before they can build the ship. Steve won't want to risk landing the big ship here, so my guess is they'll make something smaller that can carry us all into orbit. In any case, they'll let us know as and when things happen."

The group remained very excited and chatted away about the forthcoming adventure. Zeek seemed best able to tell the children what it might be like, he seemed to have a way with them that the others lacked.

Jake and the other adults got together later to discuss how they would spend their time whilst waiting for the ship to arrive.

"We could take a trip and see if there are any other survivors," Betty said, "after all, we have the berries...It would be a shame to waste them."

"Nice thought Betts," Martha said, "but we couldn't do a very thorough search in the short time we have."

"We could split into two groups," Jake interrupted, "that way we could search in two directions at once."

The Thomases were not keen to go looking for other humans after what they had seen, so it was decided that they would stay and maintain radio contact with Eden, and begin packing up their things. The search would start as soon as supplies could be put together, and would last for two weeks. One week out, the other back. Zeek and Betty would go south, and Jake and Martha would go north. They would make a circular route ending back up at the cabins. Everyone agreed the plan, and Jake radioed Eden to let them know.Two days later they set off on their respective journeys, Jake having the radio from the glider. Sarah cried as she waved goodbye to Zeek, they were soon out of sight and lost in the trees. Jake and Martha marched around the edge of the lake until they too were lost form sight in the forest. The Thomases settled down to their normal daily routine. "Seems odd without them," Mary said, "I hope they'll be all right, they really don't know what's in store for them out there."

"Don't worry," Dave replied, "they can take care of themselves."

Mary smiled, but she was not convinced. Memories of what she had seen in their travels began to flood her mind. No, she was not convinced at all that they could take care of themselves.

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter 10.


The Search

The walk around the edge of the lake was pleasant enough, although it was very cold. The water was crystal clear, much as you'd expect from a lake high in the mountains. The peaks were still as beautiful as ever, capped with snow and reflecting in the stillness of the water.

"You don't see sights like that on the Moon," Martha said, pointing up.

Jake nodded, "It sure is pretty up here, but I miss the constant warm climate of Eden, maybe I'm getting old."

This last comment brought a smile to both their faces. Since the berries had come on the scene, everyone seemed to be getting younger, not older. Perhaps they just felt it, but Jake was certainly aware that Martha seemed to be looking more radiant every day. He made a mental note to keep this trip professional, at least until they got back to Eden.

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