The Earthrise Trilogy (30 page)

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Authors: Colin Owen

Tags: #sci-fi

BOOK: The Earthrise Trilogy
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Hope settled a little at the seriousness of the question.

"Well, he's a nice boy mom, but I've never thought of him in any other way, but now you mention it, he is rather dishy."

Now it was Clare's turn to giggle.

"Well, have a think about it and let us know what you'd like us to do. It would be good to have Tris along though, after all, your father is not a pilot, he doesn't even know where the start button is."

They both laughed. "Point taken mom, I'll give it some thought."

They heard a noise in the hallway, "It's all right, you can come in now daddy."

Steve popped his head sheepishly around the door and saw them both grinning at him. "It went well then?" he asked timidly.

"Yes, daddy, it went well. I'll let you know what I decide."

"Wonderful, now what's to eat, I'm starved."

Hope went to visit her big sister for some advice. "He wants to take Tris along so I'll not be lonely."

Shelley smiled at her little sister. "Look at you," she said, "you're all grown up."

"I should think Tris would jump at the chance." Jimmy added, "Does he know yet?"

"No, dad is waiting for my answer before he asks him."

"So, what's it to be then?" Shelley asked, excitedly.

"I think it's a yes," Hope said, blushing a little.

"That's my sis," Shelley said, giving her a hug, "Tris is a great guy, I'm happy for you."

"Me too," Jimmy said, "I'm sure you'll get on like a house on fire."

"Well, I'd better go and tell the old folks then," Hope said, and made her exit. She made her way back towards her own house and was met by Rufus, who took a flying leap and landed in her arms licking her face. "So, you approve too do you?"

"Yap," barked Rufus in confirmation.

"I'm sure she went to see Shelley Hun, maybe she went for advice, shush, she's just come in."

"It's all right you two, I can hear you whispering."

Hope walked into the room to see her parents behaving like naughty school children.

"The answer is yes," was all she said, and Steve and Clare pounced on her. Together, they all danced around the room, very happy bunnies.

"Now it's up to you daddy."

"That's right Hun, now it's your turn."

"Ok, Ok, I get the message," Steve said, "I'll go and see him straight away."

A few more hugs and he left the house to find Tris. He found him at the ship, deep in the bowels of the Trion drive.

"Tris," Steve shouted, his voice echoing through the empty ship, "got a minute?"

"Be right with you Steve, just give me a second to climb out."

A few seconds later Tris appeared, covered from head to foot in soot from the engines. It was all Steve could do to keep himself from laughing.

"What?" Tris said, seeing Steve's expression.

"Sorry Tris, but you look like one of the kids from a Dickens novel."

Tris smiled, which made it worse, his pink gums and white teeth showing up against the blackness of his face. He took a look at his reflection in a piece of Kerasite, and they both had a laugh while Tris wiped his face.

"So, what can I do for you?"

"Hmm, it's a little delicate Tris, so I'll just come right out with it. How would you like to come on the trip with us? Clare and I both agree that we need you along, and...I think you'd be good company for Hope."

Steve stopped to see his reaction.

"Wow," Tris said, slowly, "Hope is, erm, is, well, she's quite something. Does she want me to come along?"

"Yes, Tris, she does. We asked her before asking you, and she wants you to come with us."

"Then count me in," he replied, without hesitation. "Wow, she actually wants me to come along too!"

Steve could see that he wasn't going to get any more sense out of Tris, so he just waved and left the lad walking on air.

"He was that excited eh?" Hope said, when Steve told her about it.

"Yes, he was Hops, I'll bet he gets the ship finished in half the time now."

Privately, Steve had been hoping for just such an outcome. Time had been going slowly for him, and he wanted to get started on the trip. Now he was sure that things would speed up.

The following day, Steve and Clare paid a visit to the Thomases.

"Come in," Mary called, on hearing them knock, "it's so good to see you."

They all went and sat in the big room.

"We wanted to see how you've settled in," Steve said.

"And to ask if there's anything you need?" Clare added.

"You're so kind," Dave said, as he entered the room, "we have everything we need, and more."

Steve had been looking around the room as Dave came in. He noticed a photograph on a shelf and went over to look at it.

"Is this you?" Steve asked.

"Yes, that's us when we were younger," Dave replied.

The picture was of Dave and Mary standing by an old church. Dave was dressed in the garb of a vicar.

"So you're a man of the cloth Dave."

"Yes, well I was, but it was a long time ago, and in a different world."

"Did you lose your faith?" Clare asked.

"No, my faith is fine, I just lost my church, and congregation!"

Steve looked at Clare and knew exactly what she was going to say.

"Dave," she said, "we could do with a minister in Eden, how about it?"

Dave was visibly moved.

"I'd almost forgotten what it was like," he said, "but I'd love to take on the post, to have a congregation again would be just wonderful."

Mary smiled at him.

"That's settled then," Steve said, "there are some weddings coming up, I'm not very good at doing weddings."

Dave just beamed, "Why, they're my favourite," he said, with a laugh, "I'll start making the preparations."

The big day came. There were three weddings taking place simultaneously, and Dave was like a cat with two tails. The arrangements had all been made, and the rehearsals done. The weather was glorious, though there were a few small clouds in the sky. Everyone in Eden had gathered for the occasion. Paul and Sarah were suitably dressed and nervous. Steve took the platform.

"My dear friends, this is both a sad, and wonderful day. Sad because Clare and I are to retire, but wonderful because of the three new families that will be created here today. As you all know by now, I've had a yen for quite some time to go on a trip, a trip that may well keep us away from you all for some considerable time.

"If I may, I'd like to tell you of our plans before we get on with the serious business of the day. Clare, Hope, Tris and I are going to see if we can find another solar system like our own. If we do, there may be life there. It's an open ended trip, but if we can achieve the speed of light, which I'm sure we will."

He gave Tris the thumbs up and winked.

Tris just smiled, but thought, 'Years with Hope, and no competition.'

"It shouldn't be too long before we return, but at light speed, time may play some funny tricks on us, so we don't know when that will be. We will be leaving just as soon as the ship is ready."

Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Sweetie, come and help me, you too Hope, and bring Tris with you."

They all joined him on the platform.

"Many years ago, I was designated leader over you all. I said then, that I would be your encourager more than your leader. I hope I have lived up to the privilege bestowed upon me, I can certainly see that you have grown as a community, and together we have taken many strides forward. As a remnant of the human race we can be proud of our success, I'm sure that General Hammond would be. So now, it's time for us to fulfil that greatest of human traits, to strive to go on, and reach out to the stars, but we leave you in good hands, our new found friends the Reverend David and Mary Thomas, who will now perform the weddings. Farewell my friends, and thank you all for your love and support throughout this wonderful adventure of ours."

They made to step down from the platform, but were greeted with cheers, and a standing ovation that lasted a full twenty minutes.

The Reverend Thomas eventually took the platform and waited respectfully for the clapping to subside. The three couples came forward as planned, and David addressed the assembly.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together in the sight of God...

Chapter Twenty-Three


Book Three - Beyond Eden

Chapter 1.


New Blood

Both Steve Forester and John Hammond had retired from their working roles in Eden, much to their wives' delight. Steve had also stepped down as leader of the Edenite community, this meant a new leader had to be elected. Eden had functioned well under Steve's direction, his laid back style had suited everyone, and his fatherly demeanour was both friendly and reassuring. Eden had been comfortable in his safe hands, but now it was time to pass on the baton to those who were younger and sharper; those who would take Eden forward into the next phase of its existence. Steve had shepherded them all through the difficult years of establishing a new life in a strange and hostile place, a place they had managed to tame. A place that had become home for the old guard from Earth, as well as those who had never known Earth and its peoples, or its ways. History was not a popular subject in the school, Eden was forward looking, and Earth was far behind them now in just about every way imaginable.

As a family based society, everyone was delighted to welcome three new families into the fold. The day of Steve's retirement was also a day with three weddings, conducted by a fourth new family, the Thomases, who had been rescued from Earth. David Thomas was, by chance, a vicar, much to Steve's delight. Steve was, 'not good at weddings,' according to him at least, and Dave was therefore, a God-send. That day, above possibly all others, was the single most memorable day since their first landing on the Moon. There had been many others, of course, like the time when Jimmy had looked up to not see Earth hovering overhead, the day they discovered that the moon was rotating, and therefore had increased gravity that would sustain an atmosphere. Like the day they first set foot outside of Moon Base, and walked on the grass, breathing the freshest air possible. There had been many such pivotal days in the life of Eden to date, but the three weddings would stand out among them for a long time to come.

The Thomases had established themselves as valued members of Eden. As Clare had prophesied on the return journey from Earth, Eden had become the richer for their presence. Dave was every bit the father figure that Steve had been, his kindly ways, and deep wisdom had blessed everybody greatly. Mary too, had become a stalwart in the new society, she had strength and tenacity in bucketfuls, and was very well liked in much the same way as Clare was. As Steve had told her,

"See Hun, we've been replaced, and by good people. We're free to go now, Eden is in good hands."

Clare had felt it more than Steve had, at least it looked that way, but women always show their feelings more than men, so the assumption was probably unfair. Clare had not said as much, but she had felt like she was losing a child. Eden, and its people, were so much a part of them both, that it was hard, even now, to let go.

Inwardly, she had said her goodbyes already, but she knew that the day was coming when those goodbyes would be for real, and there would be many tears. That day too would take its place in the annals of Eden's history.

Now that she had much more time on her hands, Clare spent much of it just sitting in the central square, watching Eden's everyday life. So much was going on, now that the population had increased; there were more than three times the original compliment. 'How General Hammond would have loved to see all this,' she would think to herself, whilst sitting by his monument. 'His vision has become our reality,' was another of her pet sayings.

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