Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale

BOOK: Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale
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Wickedly Wanton
A Ménage Regency Tale
A Ravenous Romance™ Original Publication
Kristabel Reed
A Ravenous Romance™ Original Publication
Copyright © 2010 by Kristabel Reed
Ravenous Romance™
100 Cummings Center
Suite 123A
Beverly, MA 01915
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher, except by reviewers who may quote brief excerpts in connection with a review.
ISBN-13: 978-1-60777-374-0
This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Chapter One
Gloucestershire, England 1804
Beauchamp Estate

Aiden Merryck, Marquess of Severn, had no interest in talking with anyone at this picnic. No, all he could think about were her luscious breasts—and leaving her numb in the wake of a proper education. An education that included piercing that ever so innocent virginal façade. All morning, she'd teased him with hints of her pale décolletage, coy smiles, flashes of temptation as she tilted her blonde head to laugh with her friends. And while one friend in particular was a dark-haired beauty, she didn't seem quite as alluring as the blonde.

Aiden could easily picture himself pressing her against the brick wall of the house well within sight of any who cared to watch, buried in her heat. Taking great pleasure in introducing her to all the ecstasies of the flesh. It had been a long time since any woman, especially one as innocent as this one appeared, had captured his interest so completely.

Scanning the crowd for Harvey Beauchamp, he intended to arrange an introduction to the golden-haired temptress—to smell the scent of her skin, hear her laugh…imagine how her voice sounded agreeing to anything he wanted to do to her. His host stood some distance away, laughing boomingly with a group of men Aiden didn't recognize.

Just as he turned in that direction, he spotted the girls slipping away, toward the wood. It took only a moment for him to dispense with any notion of alerting others to his intention for an introduction.

With practiced discretion, he set about following the beguiling young woman. Leaving the laughing horde to their own, positive they barely noticed either the girls’ escape or his own, he nonetheless kept an eye on the brightly dressed mass as he skirted the edge of the lawn. No one gave him a second look.

Entering the cool shade of the trees, he stayed far enough behind so the pair couldn't detect his approach. The blonde said something and the brunette laughed, a shy, skittish sound that echoed along the path. He regretted being unable to overhear their chatter.

They settled on a large rock near the stream, the mid-afternoon sunlight shining directly upon them in the small clearing. The early summer air held a tang of vegetation, the only other sounds from birds high overhead.

“Are you frightened, Sabine?” the brunette asked as the girls placed shoes and stockings nearby. “Of what he'll do to you? Make

Sabine's legs were all slim muscle, and Aiden grew hard imagining them wrapped around his waist, spread open for him to see all her secrets. Or better, kneeling before him as she sucked his cock. The friend placed her hand on Sabine's knee, giving it a light caress. A suggestive caress, he noted, at odds with the shy laughter of before. His interest in the other woman was piqued slightly.

“Of course, Faith!” Sabine said, standing and gracefully lifting her dress as they waded into the stream. She shivered at the contact but hiked the material higher and walked deeper into the water. Aiden had a nice view of her thighs now, pale against the soft green fabric of her gown. The fingertips of one hand brushed her skin, and he had a sudden vision of her with those fingers buried deep within her core, pleasuring herself as he watched.

As she turned to face her friend, and hence Aiden, her blue eyes blazed defiance. “He's…he's ancient! I've never even
another, and now I'm to marry. I don't know why Father is so insistent on this match, but he won't hear a word against it. I'd prefer someone closer to my own age, my own temperament.”

“They tell us nothing,” Faith said, hovering at the edge of the stream, not entering the water yet not retreating either. “Nothing of relations with men, and yet they expect us to make a proper match.”

“Very true,” Sabine said as her friend inched cautiously in, stopping only ankle deep. “I'd like to know I can kiss properly, that I'm not a clumsy fool.”

Even from the shadow of the copse, Aiden could sense the excitement from Faith, could see her shoulders straighten as she inched another step closer, could see her entire being brighten with Sabine's unknowing invitation.

Aiden inched closer to the clearing as well and wondered. Did Sabine know what she was doing? Had she purposely encouraged her friend? His cock stiffened further, throbbing for Sabine's first touch, for those innocent lips to close over him.

“Kiss me.” The words traveled clearly to where he leaned against a large oak tree. His cock ached, and Aiden brushed his hand over his stiffness as he watched Sabine look at her friend closely, head tilted in thought.

She does know, the minx

“Kiss me,” Faith said stronger, “and we'll see if either of us are clumsy.”


Sabine nodded and moved closer to Faith. There was more there than curiosity, he thought, at least on Faith's behalf. Faith was utterly tender as she brushed a curl from Sabine's brow, cupped her cheek tenderly. There was no hesitation in that kiss, even though it was a gentle first kiss. Nothing hungry or demanding about it. His decision was made, but before he could join them, Sabine pulled back.

Her breasts heaved as she gazed at her friend, and just as Aiden wondered if she was going to race out of the stream, spoiling his afternoon of fun, she kissed Faith again. This kiss was hungrier, and Sabine cupped the other woman's face, pulling her closer.

When the kiss broke this time, Aiden could see the blush of arousal stain Sabine's cheeks, could see her swallow, her small pink tongue peek out to caress her lips. Taking her friend's hand, she led them back to the rock.

“That was delicious,” Faith said, voice hoarse. “But I kissed only your lips, not the rough lips of another.”

“Yes,” Sabine sighed, sitting back on the rock. She stretched out, breasts thrust forward, an enticing invitation. “The roughness of another”—she shivered here, piquing Aiden's interest—”the rough treatment he will give me.”

“When we touch,” Faith said, kneeling on the ground before her friend, “it's soft.”

“As it is between friends,” Sabine agreed, standing, the material of the gown falling to conceal her beautiful legs. Aiden could all too clearly envision Faith's head disappearing beneath Sabine's gown as she pleasured her with fingers and mouth. “I wonder if it'll hurt, that first night.”

Unable to take more, Aiden walked out of the shade. Cocky smile on his face, arrogant walk, he silently came up beside Sabine. “Yes,” he said softly, watched her whirl in surprise and fear. But her cheeks were still stained with the flush of arousal. “Yes, it will hurt. The first time. But a skilled lover can lessen that pain.”

“Pardon, sir,” Sabine said, tossing her head slightly. The fear in her blue eyes was now masked by indignation. He liked that. “Our conversation was private.”

“What privacy is afforded here in the open?” He grinned and watched her eyes drift to his mouth. “I merely strolled along the stream and overheard you…and”—he lowered his voice—”saw your delightful curiosity.”

She glanced at Faith, the blush of arousal deepening to embarrassment, but he stepped closer, fingers barely touching her lips. They were full and pink, smooth beneath his fingertips. “Don't concern yourself, my dear. Your curiosity will remain our secret.”

“Thank you,” Faith said in a crisp voice.

Ignoring her, he leaned closer to Sabine. She didn't shift away, held her ground. Oh, but he'd enjoy teaching her to obey him. “If you wish, I could answer so many of your questions.”

Moving his fingers lower, he traced down the slender column of her neck, touched the warm skin just above her neckline. She shivered, breath catching.

“Oh,” Sabine breathed.

He heard Faith step backward, the rustle of her skirts along the undergrowth. He turned slightly to offer a wolfish grin, and she ducked her head, refused to meet his gaze.

“It appears to me,” he said, returning his gaze to Sabine's rapidly darkening blue one, “as if your young friend would care to instruct you in the sensual arts as well.”

From the corner of his eye, Aiden saw Faith's head jerk up, eyes wide. Rarely wrong when it came to sex, he was gratified to know he'd nailed this right.

“I hardly know what to make of you,” Sabine whispered. Though she tried to sound resentful, it came off more inquisitive. And her eyes didn't lie. They burned with blue fire.

“What is there to make?” Aiden asked. “What I'm offering is anonymous instruction.”

Straightening, he dipped his fingers beneath her bodice, watched Sabine's eyes close to mere slits as she arched slightly in his hand. Her nipple was already hard beneath her stays, and he scraped a nail over the peak. A soft whimper escaped her tightly closed lips, and she arched further into his touch.

“An afternoon's instruction,” he continued in a low voice as his nail scraped the nipple again. “For the three of us.”

“Three?” Faith said, losing all shyness now.

Removing his hand from Sabine's tempting breast, he smiled at her moan of disappointment and turned to Faith, cupped her chin. “It's all too obvious,” he said, looking over his shoulder at Sabine, who watched him with hooded eyes, “that you'd like to touch the tender spot between your friend's legs. And I'd very much enjoy watching you.”

“I've no idea,” Sabine said, clearly recovering her voice even as her eyes remained on his, “what kind of ladies you believe us to be. But this is not a conversation we'll have with a stranger.” She shook her head and added, “Or with anyone!”

Laughing, he bowed to her, capturing her gloved hand and kissing it. “Aiden Merryck, Marquess of Severn. There,” he said, caressing the inside of her elbow and watching her lick her lips, “we are no longer strangers. Now, since it's apparent you prefer we not remain anonymous…Miss Sabine and Miss Faith.”

Tossing her head, Sabine stepped back. “We prefer not to continue this talk.” So saying, she gestured for Faith, who stood rooted to the spot.

“Are you certain you wish to abandon Lord Severn?” Faith asked. Her voice was low, but the inquisitiveness in it could not be mistaken. The naked longing for his promised instruction. “It's a chance for you,” she continued earnestly, “for you to know more than that ancient with whom your father has matched you.”

“I can assure you,” Aiden said lazily, confident he had Sabine's full attention despite her words on leaving. Her blue eyes watched his, and her breathing had not quite evened out. “I'm quite skilled in eliciting erotic reactions from your bodies. From all parts of your bodies.”

Moving away, cock hard as a rock, already imagining Sabine's full lips sliding over him as she let him do whatever he wished, Aiden nodded. He could wait. “If you decide to indulge in an afternoon of…game play, come visit me. All you need do is send a missive to my estate. My servants are eminently judicious; I'll have a carriage discreetly escort you.”

Tugging Faith's hand, who willingly followed him, he returned to Sabine. Covering her breast with both their hands, he caressed her nipple, hating women's fashion for their many layers of fabric. Aiden wanted to taste that hardened nipple, capture it and bite until she orgasmed.

Sabine gasped, pressing closer to their hands, eyes half closed as they watched his. She swallowed but didn't move away. Grinning wickedly, knowing they'd both visit him before the week was out, Aiden, hand still covering Faith's, traced Sabine's waist, the curve of her hip, around to her ass.

“It'll be very intense,” he whispered into her ear, licking the side of her neck. “Every caress, every exploration. Every luscious orgasm.”

Sliding their hands along the round of her bottom, to the crease right there, he slipped their hands between Sabine's legs, squeezing just enough to elicit a gasp from her, a moan of desire.

Ever so gently pushing Faith's head onto Sabine's breasts, he ordered, “Kiss her there.”

Without waiting for Sabine's answer, Faith did so, gliding her mouth over the pale skin of her friend's breasts. One hand came up to hold the dark head closer, eyes closed, head falling back.

“Her skin is sweet and lush,” he whispered into Faith's ear as he forced her to continue their very willing caress of Sabine. He could smell the blonde's arousal, wanted to bind her to the bed and spend all afternoon tasting her. “Can you not imagine your lips curled about that hardened peak?”

Sabine stiffened at that moment, and Aiden leaned over her, saw her struggle with what was happening.

“Accept the pleasure,” he whispered as Faith continued to taste her breast, kissing along the neckline, tongue delving below the material. “Forget the conventions of others.”

His own lips kissed her jaw, the sensitive point where it met her neck, and she shivered again, relaxing. Sabine's fingers still curled into Faith's hair, her other hand bunching her skirts as she tried to control herself.

Aiden would have none of that. “Let go,” he whispered, promised.

She met his gaze, and he captured her lips, releasing Faith's hand, though the fingers of his left hand still tangled with Sabine's in the girl's hair, forcing her harder against Sabine's breasts. His kiss was neither soft nor sweet, but hard and demanding, and he was surprised she met him equally, opening her mouth to his, her other hand pressed against his head.

Sabine whimpered against his lips, but Aiden was ruthless, tongue slipping into the hot recess of her mouth, taking all she had to offer. She tasted of weak lemonade and hot passion, untapped need just now breaking free.

Pulling back, he watched her struggle for breath. She shook her head, puzzlement in her gaze both longing for more and wanting to retreat. Her look stirred something within him, a something Aiden was hard pressed to understand. She was beautiful, innocent, passionate, and the combination rolled deliciously into the woman before him.

“You confuse me,” she admitted, delighting him.

“Come to my home and I'll alleviate that confusion,” he promised, running the backs of his fingers down her cheek.

So saying, he stepped back, released Faith's head, though it took the woman a moment to realize this and pull away from Sabine. With a slight bow, he left the girls, no doubt wet for a man—and each other—for the first time in their lives.

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