Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale (4 page)

BOOK: Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale
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Chapter Six

Her shift lay on the floor, torn beyond repair. With a shrug, Sabine walked back to the bed, oddly comfortable with her nudeness, and found Faith's shift.

Her friend was still asleep—arms thrown wide, naked legs open slightly, the remnants of chocolate, heavy cream, and strawberries on her skin. Licking her lips at the memory of Faith's juices and strawberry, Sabine slipped the shift over her head. Taking a moment, she studied Faith.

Until that day by the stream, she had never thought of her friend as anything other than that. Certainly not a lover. And certainly not a woman who wanted her. Though she was sore, Sabine felt herself growing wet at the memories of Faith's lips on her, tasting her most intimate secrets.

Lord Severn had ordered Faith to do things—kneel before Sabine, kiss her—but had not touched her. No, even as he watched Sabine kiss Faith's chocolate-and-cream-covered breasts, he had reserved that solely for her.

Leaving Faith to her sleep, Sabine silently exited the room. She wanted to know where Lord Severn was, when he had slipped from the bed, and why.

Wandering the hall, she took her time examining the paintings. Several were clearly of ancestors; the men had the same long nose and penetrating deep brown eyes as Aiden Merryck, Marquess of Severn. The women, hmm, no she couldn't detect any resemblance to the Merryck women's soft features and laughing eyes.

Maybe around the lips—they all had full, sensual lips. While Severn's lips weren't full, they
sensual. And oh, how he knew to use them!

Shaking her head at her thoughts, she moved on, past the ancestral paintings to the pastoral settings. She skipped the wood nymphs and their teasing flight from the aroused god, but stopped before a girl pumping water from the well. Her master stood in the doorway of his house with a look so hungry, so sensual on his face, Sabine shivered.

She understood that now, understood that look and all it promised. Licking her lips, barely aware of the movement, she remembered Severn inside her. Taking her virginity, making her feel things she was unaware existed. She wanted him again, despite her body's tenderness.

Unable to stop herself, she wondered what it would be like with Mr. Reddick. Would there be the intensity there was today? Her mind wandered to what her marriage bed entailed, but before she could reconcile today's pleasure with that future unknown, an arm wrapped around her waist.

“So this is where you escaped to,” he said, lips against the side of her neck.

Severn pulled her against him, and without looking, Sabine knew he was clothed. She could feel his cock press insistent against her through the material of his breeches. His arm rested just beneath her breasts, which suddenly felt heavy with desire. Begged for his touch.

Tilting her head to allow him to continue his pleasurable act, eyes half closed as desire raced through her, Sabine smiled. “I was curious about your art.” Gesturing to the painting before her, then to the wood nymph one, she admitted, “It's rather…intriguing.”

“That's precisely how I felt when I first saw them,” he said. His lips stopped their homage, but he still kept her pressed to him. Drawing a deep breath, Sabine tried to stop her body from melting into his. “It's not merely the subject matter, though it does spark the imagination.”

Looking over her shoulder at him, she agreed. “It's the feeling behind their expressions. It contrasts with their innocent actions.”

She felt him smile against her skin. “Yes. Exactly. It's like peering at something we weren't supposed to see.”

“Like today,” she said, eyeing the painting again. Feeling his hand wander over her body to press against her wetness. Sucking in a breath, she arched against him. “A day I was never supposed to have.”

Extracting herself from Severn's embrace with some difficulty, she walked to the staircase, down the steps, though her legs shook. He followed, walking easily next to her as she wandered the long halls off the foyer. They didn't say anything for a bit, until she stopped before another painting, this of a shepherd and his lass, alone on a knoll save for his sheep.

“Tell me,” he asked as she studied the painting, “have you enjoyed this day?”

Cocking her head to the side, she studied
for a heartbeat. She didn't know what he wanted, but could sense his interest in her response so answered honestly. She did trust him not to reveal what transpired between them, the three of them.

“Very much, my lord,” she said, blood racing at the memories. “Very much indeed. I shall treasure it for a lifetime.”

The grin he offered her was pleased, but utterly wicked. Sabine felt her knees buckle and knew she blushed despite her words. He took her hand and kissed the back of it, letting his tongue slowly trace her knuckles.

“While I am more than gratified that you accepted my invitation,” he said, not releasing her hand. His tongue was a wicked, wicked thing, and she wanted it back on her. In her. “I am a bit surprised you had the nerve to do so.”

Sabine laughed, a light, breathless sound that had his fingers tightening on hers, but answered candidly. She'd offered this man her virginity, had let him take her while her friend pleasured herself on the bed next to them. There was no other answer
a straightforward one.

“It wasn't an easy decision,” she admitted, curling her fingers around his, surprised at that familiarity. “And I have to trust you shan't ruin me completely. But there is this…” She paused and searched for the right word. “Demon,” she decided. “An inner demon which urges me to experience all I can. In many ways,” she said, seeing his eyes go black with desire at her admission, “not just in what we did today, pleasurable as I found that. But I'm hungry for knowledge, for more than what my gender allows.”

He didn't answer immediately, but studied her. Not her body, didn't remove her shift, but watched her as if learning about her through that look. Finally, he nodded, and Sabine wondered what he discerned.

“Yes. I can see that in you, because I'm the same. We both want to experience the fullness of life.”

Relieved he recognized what she had been so unable to articulate, Sabine admitted to some shock to have found one who understood her so completely. Not even Faith comprehended her passion for learning, for wanting to discover everything this world had to offer. It suddenly dawned on her that her friend had used that passion to get her to accept Severn's invitation. She chuckled—she'd have to thank her when they returned to the house.

“I can easily see you by my side, indulging in so many things. Not just travel or literature, and not only all the many ways to please me. To pleasure yourself as I watch.” He backed her against the wall. She could feel his cock against her belly, the pulsing wetness aching to be sated at his nearness.

Before she could answer, form a coherent thought, he dipped his head. Through the thin material of her shift, he suckled her breast, fingers digging into her derrière, teeth biting down on her nipple, tugging the sensitive point.

Her fingers gripped his head as a tremor rocked her. Once more adrift in sensation, she couldn't stop her response. Severn pulled back, but there was no look of the gentle lover now. He crushed his lips to hers, taking, taking. Again, he pulled back and whirled her around.

Pressed against the wall, she could feel a change. Sabine didn't understand it, but there was more to his ardor now. More intense, more immediate. Severn yanked the shift over her head and easily lifted her by the waist. Her breasts flattened against the wall; the rough silk of the wallpaper brushed against her tender flesh.

Gasping, she tried to find purchase, but he allowed no quarter. In one smooth, violent stroke, he entered her. Sabine screamed but knew even as her body adjusted to the feel of him within her, she didn't scream from pain.

Severn filled her, and her body loved it. Rejoiced in the feel of him thrusting in and out of her with such force. Lost, she succumbed. To the wallpaper abrading her breasts, sending sparks of desire to her core. To Severn's fingers against her nub, relentless in their movements. To his cock moving so brutally in and out of her, giving her such pleasure she wondered her body could withstand it.

Moans filled the hallway, and in some dim corner of her mind not overrun with this, Sabine knew they came from her. She didn't know she was capable of producing such sounds. Of her body enjoying such rapture.

Wrapping her hands around his wrists, she finally found purchase.

“Put your hands flat against the wall.” It was an order, but said in such as rasping tone, she knew he was as affected by their joining as she. Closer, he covered her hands with his, pounding up into her, keeping her flush against the wall.

Close, so close to the precipice she could taste it. Severn withdrew and Sabine felt his seed against her back, slipping between her derrière, down her thighs. She moaned, turned her head to beg him. He pulled back, arms still holding her.

Bereft now of all feeling—Severn inside her, his fingers against her, the delicious feel of the wall on her breasts—she cried out. But he only shifted her, laying her on the cold marble floor. The shock the cold marble on her heated back surprised her, but before Sabine could adjust, he'd taken her hand.

Guiding her fingers to her core, he bypassed her pulsating nub and slipped them inside her.

“Oh,” she gasped, straining for that peak.

“Feel yourself,” he rasped. “Can you feel your body beg for more?” She nodded, moving her fingers in and out, barely aware that he'd removed his own fingers. That he lightly scraped blunt nails over her sensitive nipples. “One of the lessons you should take away from our afternoon is the knowledge of how to bring yourself to orgasm.”

She moved faster now, scraping her thumb over her nub. Hips arching, aware only of her own hands, fingers deep inside her, the cold floor against her heated flesh.

“It'll make everything that much sweeter. Including”—and his voice lowered here, altered but Sabine couldn't think why—”your partnering with others.”

Opening her eyes just as she was about to orgasm, she saw a possessive look cross his face. But then the world crashed around her, and she was shouting incoherently as the coiled pleasure flooded her. No, she vaguely realized. She shouted Severn's name.

“Say my name,” he demanded, and she felt another wave wash through her. Those long fingers plunged deeper, joining hers, and Sabine whimpered, cried out, strained for more.

“Severn,” she managed, feeling her inner muscles tighten about her fingers. His fingers.

“My given name,” he demanded, fingers rough on her nub, bringing her to orgasm again.

“Aiden!” she shouted, unaware of anything save him, their fingers moving together in and out of her, this unbearable pleasure.

“I want to hear you scream my given name as we continue our afternoon.”

Spent, unable to move from the cool floor, the feel of his seed still sticky on her back, Sabine managed to look up at him. The possessive look hadn't faded and she wondered what caused it. Warmed at the look, wanted to wrap her arms around him and hold him close. But this was only a single afternoon together.

Her eyes closed, and she thought she drifted to sleep, but then she felt his hands on her, helping her to stand.

“Are you weak?” he asked, none of the harsh insistence in his voice.

“Yes,” she whispered, throat dry, naked in the hallway of his house, thighs sticky with release. His robe hung open, but she could see his aroused cock and knew she wanted him again.


The smug word hung between them, arousing. Promising. He led her up the stairs, back to his bedroom. Faith still slept on his bed, legs teasingly open.

This time, Sabine took the opportunity to study the room. A patterned rug hid the wooden floor, and she swore there were figures along the pattern, but couldn't focus enough to discern what they did. Dark blue bedding and curtains, a pair of chairs near the fireplace, and a settee by the window. Very masculine with deep rich blues and browns.

Severn left her standing by the bed as he went to Faith and gently pulled her legs apart. She swayed, tiredness tugging her limbs, body aching. But Severn—
—watched her as he ran a finger along Faith's nether lips. Once more arousal flooded her, and once more Sabine wondered how her body could stand it.

How she could want more. Crave more.

“Taste her,” he commanded, beckoning her closer.

“Yes,” she whispered, licking her lips. Yes, she wanted to taste Faith as Aiden watched.

Climbing onto the bed, she knelt before her. Aiden pushed her down so she lay flat, head between Faith's legs. Sabine breathed in, took a moment to look up, and saw Faith, dark heavy eyes watching her with unconcealed excitement, and tasted her.

Faith's slick cream, untainted by chocolate or strawberries, coated her tongue. Moaning, Sabine wrapped her hands around Faith's thighs and swallowed it. Wanted more. Moving her tongue around her nub, she circled it, suckled it into her mouth.

Without instruction from Aiden, she moved to insert two fingers inside Faith. The other woman bucked against her, and Sabine's other hand caressed her belly. Suckling the nub, teeth lightly scraping over it as her fingers went in and out of her dearest friend.

“Sabine!” Faith shouted, hands holding her close as she orgasmed.

Sabine eagerly sucked Faith, lapping her tongue to capture all her juices. The tangy spice of them, the musky scent. With one final kiss, she pulled back, fingers coated with Faith…and wanted to dip them into her, wanted to mingle their essence.

Kneeling on the bed, Aiden kissed her, tasting Faith on her lips. She wondered if he enjoyed it, since he hadn't touched Faith since their arrival. But then the kiss deepened, and that odd change she'd felt earlier had her wondering just why Aiden offered them this afternoon in the first place.

“You show no hesitation, no fear with the new. I've not known,” he said, fingers a soft caress over her breasts, “another maiden with such boldness. You've piqued my curiosity.”

He leaned closer, capturing her entire attention. The heat of his body permeated hers, and she inched closer. Wanted to feel his cock deep within her. Wanted to taste him as she had with Faith.

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