Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale (9 page)

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“I'll always serve you,” Faith whispered.

Chapter Fourteen

Why did Severn want the chit? Reddick couldn't think of a logical answer to the one question that plagued him. He knew all about the marquess's attempts to gain control of his munitions business, even of him buying the bank loans. But Severn wanted Sabine and Reddick couldn't understand why.

Besides the obvious.

His servant girl, hands clasped obediently behind her back, mouth working eagerly on his cock, continued to suck him. He fisted a hand in her hair, forcing himself deeper down her throat. He'd trained her well, and she didn't gag.

Sabine was beautiful, exceptionally so, and possessed an innocence that radiated from her even after she'd been on her knees, mouth opened wide to accept him. Was that it? Until his arrival here, Reddick had had no transaction with Severn, business or otherwise. Could the other man simply desire the girl?

Releasing himself into the maid's mouth, he dismissed her with a flick of his hand and righted himself. Prowling around his study, he tried to puzzle out the Marquess of Severn and his connection to Sabine. She was exquisite when she knelt before him, and ever so obedient to his every whim.

Young and malleable, the real question was not what Severn wanted with her, but how much Sabine meant to him. She truly was a lovely creature, and subjugating that innocence was highly intoxicating. However, there were other opportunities such as her to be had. Other maidens without the attention of so powerful a marquess.

“My lord,” the butler said, holding a silver tray with a single note on it.

Grabbing the missive, Reddick tore through the seal, already anticipating what it held. “Severn works quickly,” he mumbled.

The banknote was cancelled and payment was expected immediately.

Typical. Tossing the note aside, annoyed at the hassle, he stalked around his desk and poured a glass of brandy. Draining it in one swallow, he poured another.

“Is this worth my time?” he wondered, staring blankly at the wall.

However it ended, he'd tasted Sabine's innocence, and that would always belong to him, not Severn.

* * * *

Sabine closed her eyes as the sun beat down on them, warm in the small glen. She'd dismissed the servants, ignoring the disapproving frown of cook. She didn't want them hovering, listening to her conversation with Faith. Not that she intended to speak of Reddick, Severn, or even what lay between her and Faith, but Sabine needed privacy.

The meal was simple, cold chicken, wine, and strawberries. Biting into one luscious berry, she remembered that afternoon with Aiden. Who knew a simple piece of fruit could be so erotic? The flavor of the strawberry burst on her tongue, but instead of tasting it, she tasted Aiden's kiss.

“When does your father return?” Faith asked, interrupting her memories.

“Next week.” Sabine tossed the half-eaten fruit away. Remembrance soured with the thought of her father and his meeting with his solicitors on behalf her marriage contract. “I expect,” she said even though she'd sworn to herself not to talk about it today, “when he returns, the marriage contract will be signed.”

“Have you spoken to Mr. Reddick?”

Despite the tentativeness of the question, Sabine knew Faith had waited all morning to ask her that. Sighing, she glanced at the sky. It was a clear blue day, and yet she felt as if a cloud hung black over her. Could she not have a simple hour of peace?

“Yes.” Then, seeing Faith's eager look, she elaborated. “He's agreed to allow you to be a frequent visitor to our estate.”

Crestfallen, Faith nodded. “I see.” Smiling as if this was the best news she'd ever heard, she added, “I'll exist solely for my next visit.”

Tenderness swelled within her, thankfulness, too. Touching her cheek, Sabine looked for the right words to express herself, but couldn't find them. Nevertheless, the touch seemed to be enough for Faith.

Horses hooves pounded on the ground, and Sabine dropped her hand and stood in one fluid motion. The afternoon's interlude was not how she envisioned, and she knew it would be weeks before she could hope for another. How would the stranger interpret the gesture between her and Faith?

Aiden sat on the horse. Seeing him, she relaxed. He seemed to have sought them out, for he expressed no surprise at coming upon them.

“You've picked a lovely private nook,” he said, swinging out of the saddle and letting the animal roam freely.

Smiling up at him, she took a step closer before she realized what she'd done. Before she could say anything, greet him or scold him, his mouth possessed hers. Surrendering to that kiss, mind blank, she felt alive. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Sabine pulled him closer, hungry. His hands ran down her sides, pulling her hips against his.

Devoured her and all she could think was that she needed this. Him.

Aiden pulled back, surprising Sabine. Struggling for breath, she blinked to bring him into focus. His eyes were dark with desire and he looked like he wanted to take her right there. Shivering, pressing her hips against his, she ached for that. For the completion as well as the comfort found in his arms.

His hand was warm on her cheek, the briefest of touches more tender for that. Cupping the back of her head, he kissed her again, tongue sweeping her mouth, igniting the spark that always burned for him.

Once more, it was he who broke off, and this time he stepped back. Turning to the side, he nodded and Sabine remembered Faith stood there. She looked at her friend, saw the blush of embarrassment and desire color her cheeks, wondered if jealously lay there too. But no, Sabine saw none of that when Faith looked up and smiled at Aiden.

“Lord Severn,” she said and curtsied.

He smiled at her and gestured for her to come closer. Faith did so without hesitation and Sabine was pleasantly surprised to see Aiden kiss Faith, a quick and gentle kiss even as he held her close. Aiden's arm curled around her and she rested her head against his shoulder, content.

Yes, she wanted him, yes she needed to feel the desire he had for her, but standing here, Aiden holding her close, felt just about perfect. She'd never feel this again, certainly not with Reddick. Closing her eyes, she missed whatever Aiden said to Faith and didn't care.

Her hand drifted over his coat, his erection, and she trembled. Her body clenched in desire, blood racing hot through her. Her heart sped in anticipation for him, for his cock deep within her, but she was unwilling to move.

Afraid that if she did, this moment would be lost and she'd never feel another one like it.

Faith's nimble fingers on the back of her gown had her opening her eyes. Aiden, face inscrutable, watched her. His arm moved as he stood before her while Faith disrobed her. They were in the middle of the glen, a very private spot deep in the Beauchamp estate, but certainly not altogether secluded.

“Trust me,” Aiden whispered.

And she did.

Faith's hands glided down her back, following the opening of her dress. Pushing it forward, she kissed along Sabine's shoulder, fingers toying with her breasts. Eyes locked with Aiden's Sabine gave herself over. Faith rolled her nipples between her fingers, tongue teasing the spot just behind her ear.

Stays and chemise joined the gown on the ground, and Sabine stepped out of it, watched Aiden pick it up and lay it flat. Amazed he'd think of such a thing, her wrinkled gown, she smiled. He undressed, tossing his clothes to the side until he stood naked before them. Taking Faith's hand, he quickly undressed her, tweaking her nipples as he did so, but watching Sabine the entire time.

No other thought intruded, only sensation. Faith knelt before her now, and Sabine loved the sight of her there, mouth on her inner thigh, hands roaming over her buttocks and hips. Submissive to her desire.

Spreading her legs to allow Faith access, Sabine held her head there, gaze finding Aiden's. Faith's tongue flicked over her nub, tasting her core. Aiden stepped forward, trapping Faith between them, and took her hand. He guided her to his cock, beautiful and hard, the tip glistening just slightly.

Sabine felt another rush of moisture at the sight, wanted to taste him. Wanted to erase the taste of Reddick with Aiden. She licked her lips, dragging her gaze up his body. Closing her hand around his cock, she stroked, one hand holding Faith's head securely between her legs.

Circling the tip of his cock with her thumb, Sabine forced her knees not to weaken, to hold herself up.

She wanted to experience every moment of this, feel Faith's mouth on her, Aiden's rough fingers on her breast, his cock in her hands. In her mouth.

Something changed in his gaze, and he released her hand on his cock. Sabine didn't stop, continued to caress the pulsing hardness. She moaned when he kissed her, swept higher as Faith continued to lick her nub, tongue thrusting deep inside her.

Aiden slipped a finger into her, and Sabine almost climaxed there. Eyes flying open, she whimpered, jerking her hips against his hand, Faith's mouth, tightening her fingers around his cock, desperate for release. But then he removed his finger and slipped his hand around her.

“Aiden,” she begged, nails digging into Faith's scalp.

But she didn't care and felt Faith's teeth scrape over her nub, her fingers entering her wet core. Bringing her closer, but not enough. Not Aiden.

His finger circled the puckered opening in her backside, and she jerked in surprise. Her hand clenched on Aiden's cock, and he growled. Loosening her grip, Sabine realized the pleasure his touch caused and looked at him curiously.

He continued to circle the opening, and flicks of pleasure raced through her, coiling higher through her. She never knew…never would have thought…should probably be appalled with his touch, but could only feel the pleasure. Only see his eyes as he teased her.

Panting, hips rough against Faith's mouth, she screamed when Aiden inserted his finger into her. She'd never felt anything like it. Head thrown back, the beginnings of her orgasm licking through her, she pressed against his hand.

He removed his finger, and she cried out in frustration.

“Patience,” he whispered, gently removing Faith from between her legs.

Sabine held back a sob of frustration, knees weakening, body throbbing for release.

He tilted the other woman's head up, kissed her lightly, licked her lips of Sabine's juices, tugged her nipples. Sabine's knees buckled at the sight, the pleasure racing through her, but Aiden was there to catch her.

Lying her on the rug, he covered her body with his. Bending her knees to her chest, he motioned to the side. Faith was there, and without thought, Sabine took her breast into her mouth, the still-wet nipple hard against her eager tongue.

Aiden entered her, and she climaxed, felt the crest break, and she cried out, releasing Faith's breast, raking her nails down Aiden's back. He kept moving, and the sensations built again. White-hot need, her blood racing through her, body craving this, him.

Sabine closed her teeth on Faith's nipple, bit hard, and found her wet core. Aiden's fingers joined hers as they fingered Faith, who moved with abandoned over their joined hands.

He thrust faster now, harder each movement of his hips sending sparks through her. Beside her, Sabine heard Faith climax, the wordless shout of desire. Removing her fingers, she tasted them, watched Aiden as she did so.

His fingers found her, pinched her nub, and her orgasm crashed over her. Aiden withdrew, his own climax hot on her belly.

Too exhausted to move, she allowed Aiden to roll them over and rested her head on his chest. His heart pounded beneath her ear, somehow soothing, his hands on her hips. Neither said a word, just lay there, Faith by their side. Sabine allowed exhaustion to overtake her, and slept.

Chapter Fifteen

Much later that afternoon, Sabine lay curled around Aiden. He slept again, hand cupping her breast, breath warm against her shoulder. Faith faced her but didn't touch them. Close yet not a part of her and Aiden. Tired as she was, sated as she was, Sabine couldn't rest, and thoughts of today, of her future with Reddick, raced around her mind.

Unbidden tears fell down her cheeks, and she quickly wiped them away. Crying was useless—hadn't the other day proven that? Shown her that no matter her tears, Reddick wouldn't care?

Still they fell, and she allowed despair to intrude on her perfect afternoon.

“Why do you cry?”

Aiden's voice startled her, and she looked over her shoulder.

He leaned his head on one hand, the other still cupping her breast, fingers lightly teasing her nipple. His face was serious, but his eyes held secrets. Not just the passion he clearly felt for her, but something deeper.

Annoyed with herself, she wiped away her tears. “I wish things were different,” she admitted. Then wanted to bite her tongue for such honesty. “I wish we were free to continue what we share here.”

“We are free to continue.”

Frowning up at him, she wondered. Reddick's estate was close by, only a couple hours’ journey on horseback.

“We could continue,” she supposed, “to meet in secret. So long as we were careful as we were today.”

Aiden didn't say anything to this, merely tugged her hand until they stood, naked, in the middle of the glen. Somehow, this was far more wanton than making love in the open, and she tried to cover herself. Laughing, he grabbed his shirt and tugged it over her head.

“My shy minx,” he said, nipping the side of her neck.

Sabine smiled and slipped her hand into his, reveling in this closeness. Faith stirred then, making to stand and approach them.

“You are to follow my instructions, Faith,” Aiden commanded. She instantly stilled. “Do not approach until I give you leave.” He released Sabine's hand and stepped the few paces separating them. Caressing her cheek he said, “Do as I wish, pet.”

Faith nodded, and Aiden turned and held out his hand for her. Sabine twined her fingers with his and smiled down at Faith. He led her closer to the wood, where his horse grazed on the tall grass there.

“Pet?” she asked, once they were out of earshot of Faith.

“That's what she is to us, our pet.”

It was a much more tender way to look at Faith than Reddick looked at her. Pleased, Sabine leaned her head against Aiden's shoulder, uncaring what the future held, too happy in the moment.

“How has that man treated you?” The question, while it shattered her idyllic thoughts, was asked gently. Aiden didn't have to say who he meant.

Looking away, missing the warmth of his bare flesh, she said, “He's to be my husband. He's teaching me how to be a proper wife to him.”

“Teaching you? How so?” He stopped, turned her to face him.

Sabine couldn't read his expression but needed to be honest anyway. He compelled it of her without force.

“How so?” she repeated, confused. “As any man teaches the woman he is to bed.”

“Have you given your body completely to him already?” His voice was hard, demanding, but his fingers were still gentle on her shoulders.

Sabine swallowed, tried to look away, but he caught her chin. “No,” she whispered, “but I've done things with him I have not with you.”

He didn't say anything, and she swallowed again. It was no use; the dryness in her mouth at the thought of Reddick wouldn't abate. Telling Aiden in the bright sunlit glen made the acts she performed with Reddick tawdry.

“He sees me as a servant, a woman to bow only to his pleasure. Has taught me how to kneel before him at a signal and has shown me how to take him into my mouth.” Her voice dropped further. “To please him in that way.”

Even now, the memory of kneeling before Reddick aroused her. Not the beating, but the helpless arousal at the submissive pose.

“And you enjoyed this, did you not?”

Nodding, she admitted that much. Unable to look at him, to admit her shame to his face, Sabine turned away. Aiden caught her and held her chin. Forced to look at him, she licked her dry lips. His gaze flickered to her mouth, then captured her gaze. Helpless to resist him, she nodded again.

“At first, yes.” She said, for she had very much. “Until yesterday, when I realized how very different he is from you. You do not deny me my orgasm. Our pleasure is shared. Reddick does not care for me. He sees me as a slave to his every whim, not as…” Sabine trailed off, unable to voice what her heart knew.

“I see,” he said. “He doesn't see you as a passionate woman whose appetites rival his own.” His voice hardened. “
My own
.” His kiss silenced any further confession, deep and easy, the passion not long dormant reigniting between them.

“Will it continue between us?” she asked, breathless. “Beyond the visits from Faith, I will have very little for myself.”

His smile was enigmatic, but she could see his anger. What Sabine didn't know was whether that anger was directed at her or at Reddick. Or even at himself. She could accustom herself to an absentee husband, even a faithless one. What she could not adapt to was one who used her so mercilessly.

“As long as we can meet, there will be something between us.”

She smiled at that, went willingly into his arms, and allowed herself to forget anything outside this glen.

Tilting her head back, she urged his lips to hers, desperate to feel him one last time. Her father was due back within the week. Reddick hadn't ordered her to him in the last day, but she knew that wouldn't last. Right now, she needed Aiden, needed to feel her lover in her, his cock filling her, the pleasure of him, from him.

He lifted her to him, and Sabine wrapped her legs tight about him. The rough bark of the tree scraped her through his linen shirt, but she didn't care. In one thrust, he entered her, her orgasm already shuddering over her.

“Sabine,” he whispered.

Opening her eyes, she took his face in her hands and kissed him, lost in all that sparked between them.

The words were there—she could taste them on her lips even as she tasted Aiden—but she refused to utter them. Once said they could never be retracted, and her future did not join with him.

* * * *

Aiden had expected him, and Reddick didn't disappoint. Coolly sitting in his study, he waited while his butler showed Reddick in, took hat and gloves, and was announced. His smile was cocky as he sauntered across the floor, and Aiden didn't bother to stand.

Reddick had scrambled to meet his demands; Aiden had his bankers carefully watch the business. He'd brokered until nearly half his company lay with others, but now stood before the desk, paperwork neatly attended to.

Raising one eyebrow, he silently held out his hand. Reddick dropped the sheaf.

“Your love notes arrived,” he snapped. “The bank was kind enough to deliver them.”

“I assume it imparted the depth of that affection?” he asked, not bothering to look at the paid balance.

“It was abundantly clear,” the other man drawled. His blue eyes snapped annoyance but otherwise showed no emotion. “But it was a hollow gesture.” Nodding to the papers without looking at them, he said, “My response.”

“Impressive.” Aiden nodded, still sitting. “One must wonder what you had to give up.”

“What move have you contrived next, Lord Severn?” Reddick demanded, patience thinning.

“That was merely an opening shot—a warning cannon across your bow.” He leaned back, wolfish grin on his face. “I have many cannons at the ready.”

Turing, as if he dismissed Aiden, not the other way around, he said over his shoulder, “Very well, but I warn you I'm very skilled at maneuvering techniques.”

“Skilled enough to avoid His Majesty's inquiry into your smuggling routes?” Aiden didn't raise his voice, but Reddick stopped in his tracks.

Slowly turning, looking more inquisitive than angry now, he demanded, “Why so intense a game for this girl? She's a little wisp of a chit. You can bed any you desire, marry one if you so choose.”

Aiden rose and paced toward the other man as a predator would his prey. “I desire her,” he said. “And I'll do what need be to obtain all I desire.”

Reddick watched him in silence before nodding. “We could cause significant damage to each other during this hunt,” he said slowly. Aiden agreed, waiting. “In all likelihood, our competition will escalate into more than it should be.”

“Then withdraw from the field,” Aiden suggested, knowing he wouldn't and eager for the continued hunt to come.

He laughed. “I might withdraw, but never so easily. I offer the same opportunity for you.”

Narrowing his eyes, Aiden snorted. “Then we are to continue.”

“Not necessarily; let's indeed make this a sport,” Reddick offered. “Shall we arrange a game? With the wager being Miss Sabine, of course.”

He hadn't considered that, playing for her. Interesting. Ultimately, she was the prize, but he'd prepared to destroy Reddick in order to obtain her. Sabine was wild, she was inquisitive, and she was passionate. But she obeyed her father as girls were brought up to do. He couldn't blame her, indeed expected that obedience from her in society.

In bed, too, though never to the extent Reddick seemed to want. No, Aiden desired her response, her initiative. Her entire body.

What Reddick proposed was a way to settle this now, without prolonged chess moves and without the possibility, however remote, that Reddick would do something to cause Sabine harm.

In the moment, it took him to think all this, Aiden found himself nodding. “That's an interesting proposition.” Working through the disadvantages, knowing he couldn't possibly think of all of them, he said, “Accepted.”

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