Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale (10 page)

BOOK: Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale
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Chapter Sixteen

Sabine knew something was wrong the instant they exited the carriage. When she'd received the note from Aiden, she'd leapt at the chance to spend one last day with him. Father was due back within the next two days, Faith cried every night about losing her, and Reddick had continued to insist she learn how to please him.

Reddick had not, however, paddled her again. Nor had he continued with the lesson of sexual deprivation. Sabine had learned more of his wants, how to arouse his flaccid cock, and had practiced taking first the phallus, then him deeper into her throat.

It surprised her he hadn't taken her virginity. Not that he knew she wasn't a virgin any longer, but that he insisted on waiting for their marriage. There was an odd honor in that, one she couldn't reconcile with the man who raged at her for her own arousal.

In coming here, to Aiden's estate and in his carriage, she had expected another delicious afternoon of enjoying both him and Faith.

“Don't remove your bonnet,” she ordered Faith as they were escorted to the house.

Faith looked at her as if she'd lost her mind, but retied the ribbon. Sabine didn't know what this visit now entailed, not with the formality of the butler, the bustling air of the household, but a deep-seated feeling told her it was not another sexual adventure.

They didn't enter the parlor, but continued through the house into the gardens.

“I'm perplexed,” she whispered, careful not to let the butler overhear her. “This rings more as a formal call than our previous visits.”

“Perhaps we're meant to be taken somewhere else?” Faith asked.

Sabine nodded but didn't believe that to be the case. The servants prepared for something, but she couldn't fathom what.

Her footsteps faltered when she saw the garden arranged for an elaborate affair. Linen-covered tables held a variety of foods; another held drinks. Chairs sat under umbrellas with footmen standing stiffly by at the ready with gleaming silver trays filled with a variety of refreshments. Across the lawn, two more tables stood, but Sabine couldn't make out what the cards said. A complicated array of wooden structures holding bags was set up on those tables.

She recognized Reddick's valet readying a set of pistols, and her stomach clenched in fear. There was another man doing the same with a second set of pistols, and she could only assume it was Aiden's valet, though she'd never see the manservant.

“A duel?” Faith's question barely broke through the fear freezing her veins.

Her lips were numb and she couldn't say a word in response to either her friend's question or the footman offering her a beverage. Shaking her head, she gripped Faith's wrist and took a step forward.

“Miss Sabine.”

Whirling, she saw Aiden bowing to her. He wore a dark blue coat and breeches, cravat intricately tied, sweeping his hat off his head as he grinned impudently at her.

Stepping forward she demanded, “What is this?”

Her voice cracked and she swallowed. It did nothing to clear her throat. Her fingers were cold in her gloves despite the heat of the afternoon, and her dress clung to her clammy skin.

“Tell me you don't intend to duel this afternoon!”

“It's a duel of sorts,” he allowed.

“No!” she said before he could continue. “I don't want you dueling. What need is there for you to take on this barbarous tradition? There has been no affront of honor! I'm to marry Mr. Reddick—if you've said anything to him, apologize and be done with it!”

Sabine hadn't realized she reached out for him, hand shaking until Aiden moved to take it. She withdrew it and gripped her reticule tightly, though it did naught to steady her. The look he gave her was hot enough to break through the ice gripping her heart. She took another step closer.

“There will be no apology between us,” he said. Taking her shoulders, he kissed her lightly on the forehead.

Stunned, she watched him nod to Faith and walk toward the tables. Without realizing what she did, Sabine lifted her skirts and had moved after Aiden before Faith stopped her.

“You must not interfere!” Faith hissed, hand bruising her flesh.

Reddick was there now, examining his pistols, his valet and apparently second helping him to remove his coat. He spotted them, pointed to the chairs, and returned to his pistols. Sabine obeyed, though she barely remembered walking to the chairs, sitting under the umbrellas.

They took their positions, but Sabine couldn't tell if they stood for dueling or not. Reddick faced her, and she consciously tore her eyes from Aiden to look at him. She must not let on she felt anything for Aiden, whatever this madness was.

The valet held out the pistols, but Reddick didn't take one. Instead, he smacked one hand against the other. She instantly fell to her knees, mortification heating her face as Faith, Aiden, and at least a dozen servants watched. Unable to make eye contact with any save Reddick, she felt herself growing wet at her submissive pose.

Wanting to hang her head, she forced herself to do as he commanded. Her heart raced in anticipation; her stomach clenched. Shamed, Sabine blinked to clear images of Aiden before her, his cock in her mouth, his fingers rough on her breasts as she tasted his thick length still wet from her orgasm.

“Should you win,” Reddick's voice carried over the lawn, “you'll win a well-trained maiden.”

* * * *

Aiden's jaw clenched as Sabine immediately fell to her knees. He was hard at her pose, he couldn't deny that. Tearing his gaze from her, her flushed face, the slight tilt to her head, the hands hanging open and lax at her side, he faced Reddick.

He had only himself to blame; if he'd stepped in sooner, he could have been the one to teach her. Train her in this seductive art. What else had Reddick taught her? What else had he forced her to do? However she denied it, had Reddick hurt her?

Tearing his eyes from her, he knew he'd protect her from all save him. Glancing at Faith, Aiden included her. But that held a different connection, and Aiden could allow her friend to join them.

Reddick nodded at Sabine, and Aiden felt another flare of fury. Sabine was his. The past meant naught, not how many women he had nor even what she'd done with Reddick. She was his and he intended to claim her this day.

Well aware of Reddick's proclivities, Aiden wanted Sabine to submit to him always, but didn't wish to quench her rebellious spirit. It was her fire, her adventuresome nature that drew him to begin with. That had him continue to find chinks in Reddick's armor, to find a way to have her.

Picking up the pistol his valet held out to him, Aiden bowed to Reddick.

“While this is farther than twenty paces,” Reddick drawled, “I've still dispatched my share of men.”

Offering a smug grin, he countered, “As have I, and all without ever spilling my own blood.”

Reddick's jaw tightened at the reminder of his own less than fortunate duels. It was true the other man had always won; it was not always because he killed his opponent first.

Bowing again, Aiden said, “For the fair Sabine.”

He glanced at her, clearly saw the shock on her face even from this distance, and grinned. She hadn't known. But as he risked another look at her, he saw her studying the setup. No, she hadn't known but now he knew she realized how he wanted her. What lengths he'd go to, to have her.

Aiden's footman stood off-center before them, Reddick's footman right next to him. “Ready your arms,” his own man intoned. “Take aim.” Aiden cocked his pistol. “Begin!”

Aiden fired his pistol, but knew immediately he missed. Exchanging it for the second, he didn't look around. The first man to pierce the water-filled burlap bag moved to the next challenge.

On the third ball, he hit the water bag and raced to the next marker, nearly directly in front of the first one. Earle, his valet, rushed beside him. Aiden heard a fourth shot as he aimed at the second table, also holding two water sacks these smaller than the first. Reddick appeared next to him, just as his second ball pierced the burlap.

At the third table, holding two even smaller burlap bags filled with water, Aiden aimed and fired. He heard Reddick firing behind him, taking two shots to pierce the second table. Aiden needed four shots to pierce the third bag, and cursed himself.

He didn't look at Sabine, so lovely as she knelt before her chair. However, he did have a second plan. It wasn't honorable, went against the rules he himself set up for this afternoon, but he found he didn't care. If he lost, Aiden planned to abscond with her. Blanking his mind, he thought only of this competition. Reddick had just pierced the third bag.

They were even now, as they raced to the fourth table. Earle stumbled next to him, unused to running as he was. Scooping down, he grabbed the pistol from where his man held it out to him and hit the bag. Taking another pistol, he left his valet and raced to the fifth and final table. This table held the smallest sack. Aiming, and not seeing Reddick beside him, he pulled the trigger.

Reddick's pistol ball released before his own and punctured the sack.

Dumfounded, already planning how he'd take Sabine, Aiden jerked to the side. Reddick, red faced and cursing, had missed the fourth sack, hitting the fifth instead. He still had one more sack to go.

Aiming at the final target Aiden fired. His ball sliced through the bag.

Relief washed through him more profoundly than he believed. He had niceties to attend to with Reddick, including a small monetary recompense they'd agreed upon. However, all he wanted to do was take Sabine into the house. Schooling his features, he turned and bowed to Reddick.

The other man handed his pistol to his valet. Furious, he seemed to take a moment before bowing in exchange.

Walking back to where Sabine continued to kneel, Aiden watched as Reddick gestured for her to stand. Without faltering, she did so, smoothing her gown but not looking at the grass stains.

“A gentleman's game,” he said, taking Sabine's hand and kissing the back of it. “I shall honor my wager.”

Aiden felt a small prick of dishonor over his thoughts of taking Sabine should he lose, but it was quickly gone. Reddick had naught to lose; this was a woman he wanted to train for his own desires, no more. As Reddick formally handed Sabine's hand to him, Aiden knew he'd do much more than shoot a few targets to keep her—he'd lie, cheat, even kill for her.

Taking her hand, he resisted the urge to push her behind him, away from Reddick. Instead, Aiden kissed her fingers and faced his opponent. Aiden wanted him gone, off his estate and out of Sabine's life. But he needed to complete the formalities of the wager first.

Whispering into Sabine's ear, he said, “You shall be my wife.”

Chapter Seventeen

In their monthlong honeymoon, they'd visited the Brighton Promenade often. However, Sabine didn't think she appreciated it as much as she did today, their last full day here. She angled her parasol against the noonday sun and leaned closer to Aiden.

“I'll miss our time here,” she admitted. Barely resisting her need to touch her beloved husband, Sabine instead tilted her head to smile coyly up at him.

He laughed and kissed her on the temple, his lips warm as they caressed her. Sabine shivered and couldn't believe she wanted him even now. She never thought herself such a fiend when it came to sex, but the more time she spent in Aiden's bed, the more she wanted him. Even now, she could feel the smooth silk of the scarf as he tied her to their bed, blindfolded her eyes, spread her legs wide open so she lay vulnerable before him.

Swallowing against the sudden surge of lust, she went to turn into the ribbon shop when her husband stopped her.

“A summer rose for the lady?” the woman sitting under the awning asked.

But Aiden had already selected one and gave a coin to the old woman. The perfect red rose he presented her smelled fragrant in the heat of the day, and she raised it to her face, breathing deeply.

“It's beautiful,” she whispered as they moved away from the flower seller, touched at his gesture. “Thank you, love.”

“What an attentive bridegroom you are, Lord Severn,” a man's voice cut into her revere.

Sabine looked up to find a couple they'd met at the many balls they were forced to attend while in Brighton, Mr. James Hall and his wife, Grace. They were pleasant enough, but Sabine didn't want to socialize on their last day here. She selfishly wanted to spend it with Aiden.

“Let us hope,” Grace said with a smile, “you're as attentive on your tenth year.”

Aiden, seeming to sense this, only smiled and tipped his hat at the couple. She smiled but didn't wish to enter into a prolonged conversation with them.

Undeterred, Hall said, “Pity you leave tomorrow. I'd hoped to win back my guineas.”

“I'm sorry, Hall,” Aiden said with a bow, “but all you've lost shall return with me to Gloucestershire, where my wife will no doubt find use for them.”

Sabine laughed with Grace Hall but subtly tugged on Aiden's arm. “If you'll excuse me,” she said, “I need to pick up gifts for a friend.”

For a moment, she feared Grace would try to shop with her, but noted how she tugged her husband away. It was only then Sabine wondered what type of relationship they shared, and if it was anything like what she and Aiden enjoyed.

They entered the ribbon shop, and Sabine scanned the shelves. Aiden, good-natured about this but clearly disinterested, stood by the windows. She supposed she could have met up with him some other place but didn't wish to be away from him at all.

Spotting a net of hair jewels, she picked up the pearls. Faith would love these. With a wicked grin, Sabine turned toward her husband. He watched her cross, face blank of all emotion, though his eyes burned hot as they held hers. She could read his mind all too easily and knew what he wanted to do to her.

Swallowing, Sabine held up the ostensibly innocuous gift. Very slowly she whispered, “Would these not look lovely in Faith's dark tresses as her head lay nestled between my spread legs?”

He offered a devilish smile, one hand brushing her breasts as the shop attendant hovered several steps away. “I'd rather see them in
hair as your lips close over my cock.”

She sucked in a sharp breath and couldn't help when her tongue licked her lips. She could already taste him, feel his cock slide into her mouth, the saltiness of him as he came. Heart speeding, her breath stopped in her chest.

Without taking his eyes from hers, Aiden waved to the attendant. “We'll take one of each set.”

“And the ribbons,” Sabine added, not turning from her husband. She could picture Faith in the colors, one for every day of the week. “Seven different colors.”

“Eight,” Aiden added with a wicked smile. “Eight different colors.”

The girl eagerly bobbed and wrote down the address of the house they rented for the month.

“What's the eighth for?” she whispered as the girl rattled off the different colors for their purchase.

“For a special day, a treat if you will,” Aiden replied, fingers brushing her throat as if he could envision her wearing the ribbon. “Our pet will be allowed to make her own requests.”

Aiden took her hand and slipped it through the crock of his arm, waving the girl away with an “Any eight colors will do.” He turned for the door, leading her out of the shop. “Before we leave, let's take one final swim?”

“I do not think,” she said as they exited the shop, “it's bathing you have in mind.”

When he'd first suggested they use the bathing house, she was shocked. She'd heard of such things, of course, and had even taken the waters in Bath. But until Aiden, Sabine never seriously considered wading into the English Channel.

Naturally, Aiden's idea of wading into the water involved two bribes and near-complete privacy as he took her against the wall of the bathing house and made her climax in the cold waters of the channel while others frolicked farther down the beach.

Today, he paid the same attendants and handed her into her private bathing house before climbing into his. Sabine quickly undressed with the help of the young girl who was paid for such things, then tipped her heavily and shooed her out.

Eschewing both the linen and flannel chemises, Sabine felt the house begin to move, a gentle swaying sensation as it was wheeled into the water. Holding onto the strap for balance, she cupped her breast and tweaked her nipple. Already hard, the sensation speared to her core and she sucked in a breath.

Water lapped inside the house, the coolness rising to her calves as the house rocked to a stop. Releasing the strap, Sabine unpinned her hair and shook it about her shoulders. In the weeks they'd been married, she grew bolder both in and outside of the bedroom. He wasn't anything like Reddick had been—Aiden wasn't as demanding of her servitude as he was encouraging of her wickedness.

And intrigued with her mind, an equally arousing sensation she never would have discovered without him. Who knew talking could be so erotic?

Kneeling in the rising tide, Sabine wet her fingers and combed them through her hair:
Venus Rising from the Sea

The current surged higher, and the cold water made her shiver as it lapped her shaved pussy. As she waited for Aiden, her fingers slipped inside her slick body, quickly bringing her climax closer. Just a little, she thought as her other hand found her breast, nails scrapping over her aching nipple. Just enough to take the edge off until Aiden's cock filled her.

The canvas curtain flung open, sunlight bouncing off the choppy channel waters. Aiden stood in the waist-high tide, hair slicked back, droplets of water beading his chest.

Fingers buried inside her, one hand toying with her breast, Sabine froze. What a sight she must look, she thought, but then Aiden's fingers joined hers, stretching the walls of her pussy, just brushing her nub.

She whimpered but didn't move.

“It's no wonder you obsess me,” Aiden said as he withdrew their fingers from her body. Tugging her hand, he pulled her against him and into the water. “I've never encountered a temptress as beguiling as you.”

His mouth was hot on hers, demanding as they floated in the rough waters. Sabine clung to him, legs tight on his waist as the tip of his cock teased her opening. She tried to push down, to draw him into her, but he held her tight. His hand slid between her derrière, one finger slipping into her tight opening. Sabine gasped and pushed harder. She broke the kiss and cried out, body reaching for her climax, needing that delicious peak.

Aiden removed his finger and set her on the rough wooden step.

Far off, Sabine could hear the laughter of other bathers. Knew there were others walking on the beach and promenade who could see her save for the thin canvas of the bath house that blocked their view. Opening her eyes, she looked at Aiden and arched into him, excited with the knowledge that others were close enough to see her, know what she and Aiden did here, should they look hard enough.

He kissed down her neck, over her collarbone, teeth nipping her skin, hands holding her thighs wide apart so the icy water aroused her further. Aiden took her breast into his mouth, biting on her nipple, and Sabine cried out, uncaring who might hear her.

Holding him closer, hands buried in his wet hair, she arched into him. Opening her eyes, she looked down and remembered Faith's dark head against her breast, the other woman's smaller body between her legs.

Aiden pulled back, and she moaned. His cock was hard against his belly, and Sabine wanted him inside her. Wanted to taste him, to feel him as he took her. Licking her lips, she leaned forward, the water lapping her sensitive breasts. Kissing him, she tasted down his neck, to his nipples, and bit hard as she so enjoyed.

He growled, and she smiled up at him, body desperate to feel his. Two of his fingers entered her mouth, and Sabine almost came there. It wasn't his cock, but as he slid them in and out, she licked them, brought them deeper down her throat.

Mentally promising herself she'd spend tonight sucking his cock as she brought herself to orgasm, Sabine took his other hand and brought it to her core. He easily entered her wetness but didn't move as she continued to taste his fingers.

With another wordless growl, Aiden lifted her from the top step, pushed her against the wall of the bathing house, and entered her.

Sabine screamed as her orgasm crashed over her. She felt Aiden shift and knew he found purchase on the lower step. With unrelenting thrusts, he pounded into her, dark eyes boring into hers, holding her to him as surely as his body trapped her against the wall.

Her nails scraped down his back, into his muscular ass to bring him closer, farther into her. Straining for her climax, she rocked against him, harder, faster. His finger found her nub, her nails sank into his back, and suddenly she came.

Black spots danced in her vision as such intense pleasure broke over her, she thought she'd pass out. Aiden groaned and withdrew, climaxing into the water.

Sabine held him tight, unwilling to let him go. Eventually she pulled back and kissed him softly on the mouth. “I love you.”

Aiden grinned against her lips, “And I you, my wife.”

* * * *

“I think we're overindulging in the medicinal benefits of bathing,” Sabine said some time later.

Aiden lifted her hand to his lips and caressed the inside of her wrist. She tasted of the channel waters, but he could still detect the intoxicating flavor of her. The water splashed against their waists, and it was nearly time to go back to the beach, but he resisted.

“It matters not. My only desire is to indulge in
,” he said, sweeping her into his arms and stepping deeper into the current. “I especially enjoy having you where any who care to can see how your delectable body responds to me.”

She laughed and moved away, just out of arm's reach. Aiden lunged for her, and she laughed again, a light sound that carried across the waters. Her breasts bobbed along the current, nipples hard in the cold water. He wanted to take her again, to watch her bring herself to climax, but found himself enjoying their playtime here.

Until Sabine, Aiden would never have admitted to simply enjoying spending time with a woman.

“I'm writing to Faith this evening,” she said, one hand cupping her breasts. “How soon before I invite her to visit us?”

“Faith?” He offered a wicked smile, one he knew excited his wife. “Am I not enough between your legs?”

Sabine blanched, looking worried.

He didn't mind Faith, knew Sabine enjoyed the other woman's body, and wouldn't mind watching the pair of them. However, in their month in Brighton, Sabine hadn't mentioned Faith more than a handful of times. Did she fear his reaction to the other woman? Or did she truly not think of her until now?

“She relies on me, Aiden.” Sabine fought against the current the few steps to him and pressed her cold body to his. She paused, and he thought she would say something else, but all Sabine said was, “She's my friend. I can't abandon her.”

“Don't worry,” he promised, kissing her softly. “I'll accept her as part of our household. But,” he cautioned and pulled back, “my intention is to ensure she's properly trained.” His beautiful wife looked confused, but before she could inquire as to his meaning, he said, “She'll not have the freedoms you enjoy, my love. You are my wife.
is our pet.”

“She's more than a pet to me, Aiden,” Sabine shot back.

Aiden caressed her cheek, moving them closer to the bathing house. He worried with the current and had no desire to have it carry them both out to France.

“Is she, Sabine? Is she more than a pet? Someone you feel obliged to in any way? Is she more than a companion? A friend or someone you care to coddle? Is Faith truly anyone more than a thing you'd like to spoil? Very much like a treasured…

Sabine was silent for a while, gaze on his as she thought of that. Eventually, she nodded slowly. “I care for her, Aiden. I suppose…I suppose you may be correct. She's a comfort and a pretty little pleasure.”

Sabine was the perfect wife. One who matched his wantonness, who was as desirous as he, and one he could watch with another woman. Faith was no more than a plaything to him, one for his wife. It was more than his perfect arrangement; Sabine was his obsession and he would possess her mercilessly.

“How will you train her?” she wondered.

Kissing her on the shoulder, he said, “Much as Reddick,” and here he spat the name, “began to train you, she will be supremely obedient.”

was a very—” Sabine paused, but when she spoke her former betrothed's name, it was with a detached sneer. “Is a distant bastard who took pleasure and gave none in return.” Her eyes darkened with distaste.

“Yes,” he interrupted. “Faith will learn. She'll learn to watch us and watch me enter you in any part of your eager body I wish, suck you until you come from my lips and fingers, do whatever I wish to you. She'll learn to please on command. This will be her duty if she wishes to continue to run her tongue along your pussy.”

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