Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale (3 page)

BOOK: Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale
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Chapter Four

The closer they got to the manor house, the more nervous she became. Sabine watched the landscape roll past, alternatively glad Lord Severn sent his plush, gilt-edge carriage and wishing she'd insisted they'd walked. But she feared that if they'd walked, she would have changed her mind and convinced Faith to forget about this mad adventure.

This was more than sneaking out from their dormitory or playing pranks on her townhouse neighbors.

She smoothed her fingers down her gown, striving to unclench them from the material. She'd agreed to this because she wanted to know the sensuality of passion as well as to thumb her nose at Mr. Reddick—and her father.

But with each rotation of the carriage's wheels, her resolve failed her, and Sabine wished she hadn't accepted Lord Severn's invitation.

“What did the footman say?” she asked Faith again, for possibly the fifth time since her friend had returned from her errand yesterday, flushed, excited, and whispering incessantly about today's escapade.

“Nothing,” she said, and Sabine swore she bounced in her seat. “He nodded, bowed, and disappeared. If what Lord Severn promised us at the picnic is true, this will all be as silent as the grave.”

Sabine nodded and as they pulled up the long drive, the house came into view. It was a beautiful structure, large and equally proportioned. Curtained windows sat evenly spaced, and not a soul stirred in the open courtyard. Not even a dog, Sabine thought as she stepped out of the carriage.

The carriage pulled away, the driver and footman not looking in their direction. Eyes closed, Sabine turned to the entrance, praying she wouldn't lose her nerve. It was far too late now. There was a note pinned to the highly polished oak door.

In strong, clear writing across the front read
Miss Sabine Stanton


The servants have been discharged and we've the house to ourselves for an afternoon of games and merriment.

We shall begin with a hunt. Through the house, into the gardens, make your way to the statue of Hermes. There you'll find your first instructions.


Sabine opened the door and stepped into a lovely foyer. Marble floor led to a wide staircase where portraits of his ancestors hung. Interspersed, she noted with a flutter of anticipation, were colorful depictions of ancient maidens, scantily clothed in gossamer dresses so sheer as to render the wearers all but naked. These maidens drew water from the well, ran from equally scantily clad men, or frolicked amongst themselves with wood nymphs looking on.

Her fingers curled into her dress, but she moved on. Faith ignored the décor, walking quickly down the hallway, past the bouquets of flowers offering their beautiful fragrance from every available surface.

The wide glass doors to the garden were suddenly before her, and Sabine hesitated only a heartbeat before opening them.

They quickly discovered the Hermes statue, and she spent a moment studying the messenger of the gods. The symbolism wasn't lost on her.

This is the start of our game. Remove your bonnet and gloves and leave them at the base of Hermes. Further on, you'll find the goddess of wisdom.

Sabine glanced around, searching for Lord Severn, but saw no one. Nonetheless, she knew he watched and removed her hat and gloves and placed them at Hermes's feet.

They walked farther into the garden laid out in the traditional style, though there were more varieties of flowers here than she recalled seeing in most English gardens. Hera, Apollo, ah, Athena, but she still didn't see their host—for that matter she heard not a sound but those she and Faith made.

A large ostrich feather lay nestled between the goddess's bare toes, with another note.

Here you begin your collection. Take the feather and find Poseidon.

Taking the feather, she ran it along her cheek. What could it be for? She had no idea, couldn't imagine, but knew Lord Severn placed it there with a purpose. Suddenly her stomach didn't jump with nervousness, but with excitement. She wanted this, no matter what she told herself earlier, no matter how she reasoned out her decision.

The fact of the matter was very, very simple: she wanted Lord Severn.

“Do you see Poseidon?” Faith asked, turning in a slow circle.

Sabine was about to admit that she did not when the tinkling of water caught her attention. “By the house.” She pointed to the left, though she couldn't see the statue. “He has to be by the water fountain.”

Sure enough, the god of the sea stood proud and naked above the fountain, water coming from the three prongs of his trident. A bright blue silk pillow leaned against the walls of the fountain, and a green silk cloth lay draped over the rough stone.

Kneel before the other and remove her stockings, garters, and shoes. Leave them as a tribute to Poseidon before wading into his domain.

“Sit,” she said, pushing Faith onto the edge of the fountain.

Grinning up at her friend, she took the pillow and knelt before her. Slowly she lifted her dress, ran her hands up her thighs to untie the garter. With equally slow movements, she rolled the stocking down Faith's leg, just barely resisting the urge to kiss the dimple above her knee. Removing her shoe, Sabine placed all three items onto the green silk. She repeated the sensual act on Faith's other leg, watching her the entire time.

Her dark brown eyes deepened, closed as Sabine ran her fingers over the back of her knee. Laughing as she finished, she helped Faith stand and took her place on the fountain.

The look Faith gave her froze the laughter in her chest. The hunger had returned.

With exquisitely slow movements, Faith undressed her. She pushed her gown high, much higher than Sabine had with Faith's, so that it draped around her hips, falling in swathes along the rough stone. Exposed, open, Sabine didn't move. Could barely breathe as Faith untied the first garter.

No area on her legs remained untouched as Faith removed her stockings. When she was finished, Faith pressed a lingering kiss to her inner right thigh.

Sabine forgot to breath.

Clearing her throat, body tense with the same sensations from the other day, Sabine stood and gathered her dress, lowering it somewhat to preserve whatever modesty she had left. Wading into the fountain, she searched for whatever it was Lord Severn wished them to find.

“Got it,” she said, dipping into the deliciously cool water to retrieve the brass key.

“There's another note.” Faith pointed to Poseidon's trident. Without waiting for Sabine to respond, she climbed onto the pedestal and reached for the parchment.

“Faith!” she scolded, clutching her dress and the key with one hand as she steadied her friend. Faith's dress slipped from her fingers to fall over Sabine's shoulders.

For the first time in her life, Sabine was all too aware of the feel of Faith's bottom in her hands, of the curves of her hips. How close she was to her womanly secrets.

It's time to come inside and seek out my library. Find the ivory figurine.

Retreating back into the house, feeling naked without her bonnet, gloves, and stockings, Sabine silently led the way. It took her a moment to regain her bearings, but they eventually found Severn's library. In no time at all, she discovered the figurine he spoke of.

“Oh my,” she breathed, drawn to the figure of three naked Chinese—a man inside a woman, while a second woman sat, legs open wide, on her face, massaging her own breasts, head thrown back in clear enjoyment.

With tentative fingers, she touched the delicately carved ivory. They moved, and for a panicked moment she feared she broke it. But no, they only separated. Removing the male, she could see his large erection. Wetness clenched her womb and she licked her lips.

That was when she saw the note. With fingers that trembled slightly, Sabine removed it.

Here, ladies, I want you to leave your outer gowns, remove one from the other. When you're properly undressed, find your way to my kitchen and the prize hidden there.

“What does it say?” Faith asked, leaning close over her shoulder.

Sabine started to show her the note, then stopped. “Turn round,” she whispered. With a mischievous smile, she flipped the note over and forcibly turned her confused friend around. “Stay still,” she said, brushing her fingers across the soft skin of Faith's shoulders.

Unbuttoning the back of the gown, she was suddenly grateful they'd worn simple clothes for this visit. Oh, Sabine had debated wearing a fancy or provocative gown, but she couldn't arouse the suspicions of her maid. The girl would've gone to her father before Sabine had finished dressing.

“What are you doing?” Faith demanded. But her voice was breathy and she didn't move from Sabine's grasp.

Leaning closer, lips all but touching her ear, Sabine said, “Undressing you, of course.”

So saying the gown fell from Faith's body to pool around her bare feet. She whirled, arms crossed across her breasts. But she breathed heavily, chest rising and falling in rapid movements that told Sabine she wanted this…wanted

Tossing her head with delighted satisfaction, Sabine turned and waited for Faith to undo her gown. It seemed to take forever, but she felt more keenness for this arousing adventure than anxiety and wished Faith would hurry up. Her friend's fingers brushed her bare skin, so lightly she shivered. Wanted more.

The gown fell to the floor, and she picked it up to lay it over a chair. Changing her mind, Sabine spread it across his desk, careful not to knock the figurine. Eyes drawn to it, she wondered if he had more of the arousing forms. And what other imaginings those other figurines showed.

“Now we must go to the kitchen,” she said, taking Faith's hand and leading the way.

It didn't take them long to walk the length of the house, and when they entered the kitchen, instead of the smells of food cooking, a delicious fruity scent greeted them. On the middle of the large wooden worktable lay a dish of strawberries, a bowl of chocolate, and another bowl of heavy cream nestled in a wide basket.

Bring my basket of treats with you and go upstairs. You'll find a swathe of silk in the eastern alcove near the painting of the forest nymphs.

“Strawberries?” Faith asked, lifting the basket and carefully holding it before her. “What are these for?”

Sabine shrugged, but her imagination ran wild. “I don't know,” was what she said, but she couldn't wait to discover what Lord Severn had in mind for this.

Up the stairs, they turned east and Sabine had no difficulties finding the forest nymph painting. The scrap of black silk was easy enough to spot, but before reading the note, she studied the painting.

A nameless god, muscular, virile, naked, ran through the woods. He chased equally naked wood nymphs whose large breasts and rounded hips gleamed in the sunlight. One even cupped her own breasts enticingly, the large nipples prominently displayed for any and all to see. Or touch, she thought, her own nipples hardening.

The nymphs looked as if they wished to be caught by the god, if the looks they gave him over their shoulder was anything to go by. Wished to be caught by him and devoured, as that was exactly what it looked as if the god wanted to do. Take the nymph—or more than one of them—and have his way until neither could stand, let alone run away.

Swallowing against the flare of desire, Sabine tore her eyes from the painting and fumbled with the note. She'd wondered why Lord Severn hadn't ordered them to strip entirely, but was grateful now. She knew her thighs gleamed with the moisture of her desire and ached to be relieved of this…this unnamed need. To embrace it.

To be taken and devoured by Lord Severn, breasts in her hands as he did wicked things she could all too easily picture.

Miss Faith, wrap this around Miss Sabine's eyes, securely tying it in the back. Lead her to the fourth door on the left wall and use your key.

Holding both the note and the silk to Faith, Sabine took the basket and turned around to wait. The silk felt divine against her face as blackness enveloped her. Faith's hand ran lightly down her arm, raising goose bumps along her skin, to take her hand.

Faith led her along the silent hall, carefully guiding her bare feet across the hardwood floor. Anticipation thrummed through her; a breeze came from an open window someplace and caressed her skin. What would it be like to feel such a caress against her wet core?

They stopped before what Sabine presumed to be the door. She heard the brass key she'd found in Poseidon's fountain scrape into the lock and felt the whoosh of air as the door swung open.

Heart pounding, desire racing through her veins, Sabine blindly stepped across the threshold.

Chapter Five

Another breeze wafted through the room, and Sabine shivered as it raced over her. Beside her, Faith gasped, the sound magnified since she couldn't see. But her imagination could all too easily picture Lord Severn's broad shoulders bare, his tight breeches outlining the hard muscles of his thighs…and other hard parts of him.

The Chinese figurine flashed through her mind, and she tried to picture Severn with an erection that prominent. She shivered again, trying to stand still while her body clenched in need.

She felt Faith's fingers lightly run along her wrist, sending little flames along her sensitive skin. Faith took the basket, leaving Sabine alone, blind, and all too vulnerable before Lord Severn. Her heart pounded, breath came in short gasps. She wanted to rip the blindfold off. Wanted to know what he'd do to her. But something stopped her.

A small part of her waited to see what he wanted of her next, what pleasure he'd offer—and take—blindfolded as she was.

She heard movement in the room, felt a shift. Then Severn's hard lips caressed the skin between her shoulder and throat, sending flickers of desire racing through her. Sabine gasped, reaching up to hold his head close, felt his soft, close-cropped hair beneath her fingers, his bare warm skin.

His teeth nipped her skin and he pulled away.

“No, no, no,” he whispered against her ear. He stepped back and she moaned. But then his fingers rolled her hard nipples between them, and Sabine gasped, pushing her breasts farther into his hands. “Allow us to enjoy you.”

Sabine barely had time to register his words when her shift ripped open and fell to the floor. Exposed, heart racing, she waited, torn between fleeing and indulging. But then Severn touched her, his fingers soft as they moved between her breasts, down over her belly, to her wetness.

She wanted to shy away, but he must have anticipated that and pressed harder, one finger slipping into her for just an instant. Sabine bucked against his hand, a whimper sounding in her ears.
whimper, and she wanted to feel that surge of pleasure again. But he removed his hand, the slick digit circling her nipple. She could smell herself and wondered what she tasted like.

“Delicious,” he whispered against her ear, teeth tugging the lobe. “Just as ready as I wanted.”

He slid his finger into her again, too fast. Sabine spread her legs slightly wider in the hopes he'd repeat his teasing touch.

“Kneel,” he commanded. She could tell from the way he said it, the direction of his voice, that he didn't mean her but Faith. “Taste for yourself how delicious she is.”

Had he tasted her? Sabine caught her breath at that knowledge, wondered again what she'd taste like. Wanted to watch him lick his fingers clean from her wetness.

The rustle of Faith's shift echoed loudly in the room as she obeyed. Severn's strong hand cupped her sex, rubbing all too lightly against her, and pulled her back hard against his front. Sabine could feel his erection pressing insistently against her derrière and moved against it.

Severn growled against her ear, tugged harshly at her nipple. Sabine didn't know if that was meant to tell her to stop or not, but the feel was so exquisite, she moved harder against him. He chuckled, jerked his hips against her.

“Soon,” he promised, voice barely loud enough for her to hear. Louder, he instructed Faith, “Taste her honeyed moisture. Suckle her.”

Faith's lips on her wet core shocked Sabine. Her tongue delved into her, feeling as delicious as Severn's finger. Her teeth scrapped her nub and Sabine cried out, knees weakened, only to be caught by Severn's strong arms. He moved from behind her, capturing one of her hands. She willingly let him, legs threatening to buckle with Faith's tongue in her, lips on her, gliding over her wetness, and sending sparks of desire shooting through her.

Faith's hands dug into her derrière and she pushed against her harder. Just then, Severn closed her fingers over his hard manhood.

“Feel my stiffness,” he said, guiding her hand up and down the length. “You've done this to me, Sabine. You've aroused my cock.”

He moved her thumb around the top of him, felt a drop of moisture atop his cock. The forbidden word sent a shiver through Sabine.

“Just looking at you, seeing your beautiful breasts, your hard nipples, arouses me.” Releasing her fingers, he commanded, “Touch me, move your hand over my cock, imagine me in your mouth, inside your sweet, wet, body.”

All too easily, those images flashed through her mind, and she felt her desire coiling tightly through her. She was close, could feel an elusive edge of pleasure, but didn't know how to attain it. Her hand gripped his cock, memorizing him, swirling her thumb over the tip.

Severn titled her head back, mouth hard on hers, tongue unrelenting as he tasted her. She faltered, too much colliding within her, between Faith's tongue sweeping over her sensitive nub, Severn's demanding mouth on her, and his rigid cock in her hand. Something else, a tanginess she wouldn't have associated with the handsome and virile earl.

“Can you taste yourself?” he demanded, pulling back. “Can you taste your juices on my tongue?”

Sabine nodded, licking her lips to better savor the taste. “Yes,” she whispered, voice harsh as she tried to speak past the sensation spiraling tighter within her.

“And did you enjoy it?” he asked.

Before she could answer, the blindfold fell away. For a moment, she blinked in the suddenly bright room, but her eyes instantly focused on Severn. He stepped back just enough so she could see her hand still moving up and down his cock, the thick length of it, the moisture glistening on the tip. She wanted to taste him, feel that length—was shocked at her own desires.

“Look,” he ordered in a soft voice. His hand tangled in her hair and forced her to look at Faith.

Her eyes closed, oblivious to what happened around her, Faith moved up and down slightly, as if she enjoyed the same pleasure she gave to Sabine. Severn tugged her nipple, dark eyes watching her watch Faith.

The tension snapped then and encased Sabine in pleasure such as she never imagined, never expected to experience. She cried out, hand on Faith's head as she pressed her closer, fingers curling tightly around Severn's cock.

She could feel the moisture from her desire run down her legs, forced her eyes open to watch Faith. Her friend licked her thighs, fingers digging into the backs of her legs, and Sabine ground herself against Faith's face to prolong this bliss.

The sensations continued and she embraced them, let them rush through her. Eventually, they stopped, though her breath was still short and her body still sensitive to the barest touch. Severn's fingers continued to roll her nipples, and she moaned, trying to pull back. It was too much.

He refused and tugged harder. A sharp bolt of desire ran straight to her core, and Sabine was shocked to find herself wanting more.

Faith sat back on her knees, face wet with Sabine's pleasure, and she had an almost overwhelming urge to kneel before her friend and kiss her. She tried to move, but her legs buckled then.

Severn's strong arms swept her up, and he carried her to the large bed. She hadn't noticed it before, but now saw in the brief trip there that they stood in the master's suite. Severn's bedroom. Sabine turned to look at him, but he laid her on her back, fingers once again finding her core.

Despite her sensitivity, she arched against his hand, gasped. Severn buried his fingers deeper, and she twisted her hands into the bedding, body aching. He knelt on the bed before her, cock standing stiffly from his body, but just as she thought he'd take her, Severn pulled back from her and turned to Faith.

Sabine leaned up on her elbows, feeling delightfully wanton spread across Severn's bed as she was, and saw her friend watching her with a longing she'd never seen. Her face was flushed, lips swollen; her nipples were sharp peaks against the pure whiteness of her shift, and Sabine wanted to taste them, tug on them as Severn had hers.

“Join us,” he said, and Faith immediately rose. “Kiss her and let her truly taste how sweet she is.”

Sabine swung her gaze to Severn, who watched her with dark, unreadable eyes. He gave nothing away, face blank from all emotion, thoughts well hidden behind his hungry eyes. Those eyes, his attention focused solely on her, were her only clue as to his state of mind. Lord Severn planned to devour her.

His fingers glided along her inner thighs and, to her shock, Sabine realized she was lifting her hips when his fingers moved closer to her. She wanted him to enter her, wanted more of that mind-numbing sensation.

Faith sat on the bed beside her and stared down at her. Sabine tore her gaze from Severn and looked at her friend. She hesitated, then repositioned herself to lean over her, and Sabine saw the fingers of one hand disappear beneath her shift.

Lips warm with Sabine's juices, Faith was tentative even as Sabine opened her mouth, accepted the kiss, tangled her fingers in Faith's hair to bring her closer. Severn entered her then, and Sabine pulled back, crying out. Slight pain mixed with unbearable pleasure and she whimpered again. With forceful fingers, Faith returned to her lips and kissed her again.

Overwhelmed, she kissed Faith back hard, Severn pounding into her with such forceful thrusts she thought she'd break apart. But then he slowed, drawing out the feeling, allowing her a moment to steady herself.

Again breaking the kiss with Faith, she looked up at Severn. His face was a mask of concentration, hard and unyielding, hair damp with perspiration against his forehead. His hand moved beneath her head and brought her up for a kiss as unyielding and demanding as his body was pounding into hers.

Wrapping her arms around him, she held tightly, everything crashing through her at once. Severn broke the kiss, and Sabine watched as he tugged on Faith's shift.

The other woman needed no further instruction and yanked it, one-handed, over her head. Sabine caught her breath. Faith's beautiful nipples were dark points against her pale breasts, her fingers buried deep within herself, covered by curly brown hair. She moved them as if she knew what to do, in and out, and while Sabine watched, the fingers of her other hand tugged her nipples.

“No,” Sabine managed, unclenching one hand from Severn's shoulders to take Faith's hand. “No, allow me.”

Faith stilled for only a heartbeat before leaning over Sabine. Severn increased his thrusts, and no matter how tightly Sabine locked her legs around his waist, she didn't feel as if they were close enough. She moved with him, meeting each thrust, her body begging for more. Then Faith's breast was before her, and Sabine took the nipple between her teeth, running her tongue over the surface.

With an incoherent cry, Faith shuddered, fingers pumping in and out of her, head thrown back.

“Did you enjoy that?” Severn asked, clamping his teeth on her nipple. She could feel that ultimate pleasure hovering just out of reach and wanted him to bite her again.

“Yes,” she managed. Her hands clenched the bedding and she tried desperately to anchor herself, but it was no use.

Severn sped up, his thumb and forefinger rolling her nub, and before she could brace herself, it came upon her again, the exquisiteness. Biting her lower lip, she arched off the bed, controlling a scream. Her body shuddered, her mind blank, but she felt him withdraw from her. She opened her eyes, needing to know even in the midst of all this why he no longer moved within her, filling her until she thought she'd burst.

He spilled his seed on her belly, and Sabine watched fascinated, body still quivering. Without thinking, she dipped her finger into it and brought it to her lips. Before she could taste him, however, Severn shook himself and took Faith's hand, the one that had been buried within her, and placed it on her belly.

He'd mixed their juices, his seed and the wetness from Faith. Sabine licked her lips and looked up at Severn. With a wicked grin that tightened something deep inside her, he brought Faith's hand to her lips and pressed them there. Chest heaving, he collapsed next to her, one hand resting on her hip.

Sabine turned her head to watch him, even as she did what he'd silently commanded. Opening her mouth, she sucked Faith's fingers, tongue swirling over each digit, tasting both her lovers.

She heard a humming and realized it came from her. Looking at Severn's dark eyes, the knowing smile on his face, she knew he wanted her again. Wanted to watch her and Faith, wanted to tease her as he'd done throughout the house.

With a start, Sabine realized she wanted that too.

Turning to Faith, she saw her friend lying on the bed, eyes closed, fingers limp against Sabine's mouth. Gently releasing her fingers, Sabine smiled at Faith when she opened groggy eyes.

“How do you feel?” Severn asked. Almost too tired to speak, Sabine smiled at him and he frowned. “Are you all right?”

“Yes,” she managed.

Tiredness tugged her limbs and her body was sore where he'd entered her. Magnificently sore, and Sabine didn't care, reveled in the feeling.

“Good.” He nodded and scooped her next to him.

She settled against his warm body, licking her lips as she imagined tasting him inch by inch, as he had done to her. Severn's hand pulled Faith against them, having her rest her head on Sabine's stomach.

“We're not done,” Severn promised just as sleep overtook her.

Sabine's last thought was that she looked forward to the next lesson.

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