The Echoes of Destiny - the Beginning (3 page)

BOOK: The Echoes of Destiny - the Beginning
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I almost
bumped into him in the elevator car, and swayed sideways just in time. He
looked amused seeing me the way I looked confused, and the smile curving on his
face made me blush deeply, every sense in my body coming to life.

ponytail was neatly tied behind his head, and he had one of his hands in his
pockets while the other one was on a rail in the carriage. His sexy manly smell
filled the whole car, and it took all my might not to reach out and touch him
as she stumbled into a corner of the carriage.

“We meet
again beautiful, you the new girl working here?” he asked looking me straight
in the eyes.

“Maybe,” I
said looking straight ahead at the lift doors as it started to make its
descent. My hands clenched tightly to my purse as I fought off the urge to go
into his arms and kiss him, before undressing and letting him do whatever he
wanted to do with her right there and then in the carriage. I could feel the
heat from his body radiating in the elevator, and I could swear that it almost
made me cum in my pants.

He looked
successful, and what was even better was the fact that he had a sexuality that
could melt the nerves of any woman without even touching her. I felt like I was
a bar of chocolate, and he was heating me up, making me
as he prepared to lick and bite me erotically. I had never felt that way
before, it surprised me.

I work in the same company. You must be with
I’m with Garnett on the 32
floor. I heard
that Sean and my boss are going on a trip, maybe we could work together
tomorrow,” he said. From the corner of me eyes I could see him undressing me
with his eyes, letting them rest on my breasts, before letting them travel
further down. God I was dying for the sex god to just take me into his arms and
fuck me right then and there. Through the corners of my eyes I looked at his
crotch and imagined just how big his cock was, and how it would feel inside of
and the thought made my heart to quiver in excitement, wetness
flooding my thong.

“I can
handle my business pretty well,” I replied, my head facing ahead. The door of
the elevator soon opened, and I made my way out of it in a quick exit. I was
glad that he could not remember me from Stanford although slightly disappointed,
and I was sure that he had a crush on me. I knew the look men always had on
when they had a crush on somebody, and his was pure lust and desire.

I dashed
out of the elevator, quickly making my way to the door of the building and
leaving the doors of the building spinning as I mingled into the walking into
the crowd to head on home. I knew that I had to control my feelings over Jason
now that we would probably be meeting more often, being that we worked
together. I had to somehow get used to seeing him without my body reacting to him
so intensely. I knew that it would not be easy, and I wanted by all means to
tell him to just get on with it and fuck me the next time that we met, but I at
the same time was afraid of him.

I was so
lost in thought, I had not realized that Shane had been running after me
shouting my name, and when he grabbed a hold of my hand is when I finally got
back to reality.

“Dina, you
okay, you look flushed, and you did not even see me in your lobby? Oh wait a
minute, was the guy who came out of the elevator after you the prince in
question?” he said out of breath as I turned around to look him in the eyes.

“That is
the sex god who is driving me crazy, can you believe we work for the same
company. God, I need a shower before we go out Shane, I am totally wet and
frustrated,” I replied giving him a brotherly hug.

“Okay, it
looks like something interesting could be brewing here,” Shane said linking his
hand in mine as we began walking home. I did not pay attention to Shane as my mind
lingered on how I would really put my electric toy into use later on that night
as I thought of Jason. Seeing him was so difficult I could not even think
straight when I saw him, but I would never give him the satisfaction of
thinking he can take over my mind the way he did.
So I put all thoughts of
him aside and
and Shane went out on the town for
drinks and a good time. I am more than just
another women
who wants to fuck Jason Donovan.


I got to
the office early, checking my make up in the bathroom mirror, before putting my
hand bag away into a drawer of my desk. Nobody else on my floor had come in
yet, and I decided to go through the days
just ensuring that everything would go smoothly. I had a couple of meetings in
the morning hours with some of their major clients in New York City and it’s
environments, and I went through their company profiles just to get a hands on
before the meetings. The morning began going as planned, and I had Terry manage
all of her calls while I was at the meetings, most of them in the boardroom
which was located on the top most floor with an aerial panoramic view over the
whole city.

At lunch
time, I went out for a quick bite, feeling ravenous after such a busy morning.
New York was definitely busier than Chicago and it would probably be a week or
so before she got used to the pace of life there. I bit into my pizza, gulping
it down quickly as my mind drifted to my morning at the office. It mind
subconsciously went to Jason. God! I could not get that dangerous sex god out
of my mind, and wondered what he was doing. I actually wondered we would meet
that day, or if he too was having a crazy day like mine. I could not believe
how Jason had actually just popped from nowhere and into my world again, just
when I thought that I had actually forgotten him. I snapped back to reality,
and draining my coke, I got up and went back to the office. A week in New York,
and I already felt like I had actually lived there all my life. It actually
felt good enjoying my freedom away from my mother’s watchful eyes.

afternoon was a lot slower than the morning, and I had only one meeting. I
asked Terry to accompany me to the meeting, so that she could take notes on her
laptop, and we made our way to the elevators. The meeting was in the company
boardroom, and we got into the elevator car and headed upwards.

When we
arrived the venue of the meeting, I was the first one to be gestured into the
room, and the moment that I stepped into the room, I felt my heart skip a beat.
I did not even have to look up, but I could feel his presence in the room. I
could feel the heat of his manliness vibrating in the room, and as I stepped
into the room, I came to an abrupt stop, making Terry bump into my back as I
stumbled forward. Jason grabbed me as I fell forward and pulled me by the waist
into his embrace, the pressure forcing the breath out of my lungs.

As I
breathed out deeply, the last bit of common sense that I had also seeped out of
my head. I could feel his body through the clothes that we were both wearing,
and it felt like heaven to me. His muscles pressed against me, and I wished
that it could stay that way forever, his masculine smell rubbing off onto my
clothes. I could feel his breathe on my cleavage as he breathed, and it made my
breasts tingle in pleasure. Oh how I wanted to feel more of his breathe against
my skin.

I could not believe it. I was on fire right
of the people there, and there was no denying it, I wanted Jason so badly, I
did not know whether I could control myself anymore. My senses were wild with
desire as I imagined a million and one ways that I would be bumping into him in
the future, just to feel myself in his arms.

Being in his arms was an unreal feeling. I felt completely secure
there, more secure than even my parents or their money could ever make me feel.
I felt complete.
I can’t be thinking this, it is crazy
. It might have
been crazy, but I was enjoying every crazy moment of it, and my mind had
completely blocked everyone out.

“Who else but the lovely Dina,” his voice rasped as I looked up and
realized that he had pushed me away, and was looking at my name tag, “you
okay?” I looked at him in embarrassment, my body filled with desire and not
being able to find the will to let go of him. The others in the room shuffled
uncomfortably as Terry came to my rescue.

“I’m sorry about that Mr. Donovan, I accidentally bumped into Miss
Garcia,” she stuttered as she also reached forward to help steady me. I wobbled
in the heels that I was wearing as Jason let go of me, as if reluctantly. From
the way that he had been holding me, I could feel a wave of feelings pass
between us, and I knew that he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. I
can not
even begin to describe how
made me feel
. Everyone wants to be desired, but knowing that the
you have spend countless nights fantasizing about, wants
you. It didn’t just feel great, I felt powerful with that bit of knowledge.

“That is okay Terry,” Jason said as his gaze rested on her hand on my
wrist, a certain jealousy creeping into it. We went into the room for the
meeting which lasted for a few hours. Throughout the meeting session, I tried
as hard as possible not to fidget or look clumsy as we went through the
proposals with the clients. Jason took every opportunity to look at me, and
even when I was not looking at him, I could feel his eyes digging into my skin
as I struggled to concentrate on the meeting. He was like a conductor to my
body, sending ripples through every bone in me. I could feel blood running
through my nipples, making them hot and ready to be sucked and touched by him
and only him.

In the past, when I was still in college, I would ran to my boyfriend
for a quick bang after seeing Jason, but right now, things were different. For
starters, I was new in New York, and I had no relationship with any man, and as
the meeting dragged on, I wondered what I would do that evening to quench my
surging desires. It would just have to be my vibrator, although I could buy a
bigger one off the internet. As much as I love pleasuring myself, I will need
something more than some quality time with my sex toys pretty soon.

The meeting finally came to an
end, and handing Terry my files, we all made our way to the elevators. We let
the clients take the first elevator that arrived, and as they left, the sexual
tension was high as it was just Terry, Jason and I.

“Well done Dina, we nailed it,” Jason said standing next to me. The
heat was searing through my whole body and driving my senses wild with desire.
My hands were trembling, and I had to hold them together so that the others did
not notice.
Get a hold of yourself Dina, he is only human, not god
, I
tried to calm myself.

“Excuse me?” I said absentmindedly.

“I said that we nailed the new contract,” Jason repeated.

“Oh yes we did,” I said. His coarse raspy voice was making me feel like
I would hit an orgasm if he continued talking. By then we had decided to take
the stairs down to the next floor on which Jason’s office was, the three of us
going down in a single file with Jason in the lead, and me next. There was no
way I would let Terry come in between me and the object of my sexual fantasies,
whose body I was admiring, and had already undressed with my eyes. As we got to
the next floor, Jason escorted us to the elevators. They had been busy as most
of the staff had been busy making their way out of the office, the work day
having ended. His floor was practically deserted and the moment that Terry
pressed the elevator button, one of them opened the doors. I stepped forward
with Terry in relief, an escape from this sexy man is something to set my mind
and nerves free.

“Hey Dina, a moment please,” Jason said smoothly, holding me back by
the elbow, “you go ahead Terry, she will be right down in a moment,” he said as
the elevator doors closed, I spotted an amused look on Terry’s face.”

Jason was quiet until the elevator was well on its way down. “Are you
sleeping with anyone?” he asked casually. I was more than surprised at the
question which took me by total surprise. My mind reeled in confusion, passion
and a dozen other things as I looked at him, my body wanting to say no, but my
mind would not allow that answer.

“What does it concern you?” I asked, inhaling sharply.

“Because I would like to fuck you really badly Dina, and I’d like to
know if another person is fucking you.”

“And just who told you that I am interested in doing it with you
Jason?” I asked, as a small smile crept upon his face. I could feel an ache
coming in between my thighs, and I had to touch the wall in order to regain my
balance. Jason came towards me as if to help steady me, but I lifted up one arm
to stop him.

dear God
, what was this that I was going through, maybe it was a dream, and I
would soon wake up. The next elevator soon arrived with a ding, making me jump.
I was feeling so aroused, wondering what kind of human being that Jason was to
get me so turned on. I was horny,
I had never felt so attracted to another man the way that I was to Jason. I was
lusting after him, although I was offended as I dashed into the elevator and
turned around to face him.

“I’ll see you some other time Jason,” I said to him, sagging on the
elevator walls as the doors closed.

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