The Echoes of Destiny - the Beginning (7 page)

BOOK: The Echoes of Destiny - the Beginning
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“I am not
that kind of person,” he said, the warning note in his voice turning me on. “I
think we really need to do this.”

your voice is great for phone sex, but at the moment I have an appointment with
my vibrator.” I was supposed to
up the phone
immediately for the ultimate effect, but I was curious to hear his reaction. I
was glad that he could not see how my hand was shaking like a leaf.

“What will it
take for me have you, do you want me to get down on my knees Dina?”

I ignored
the question. “See you on Monday Jason.” I hung up.

I went into
the bathroom for a shower, and when I was done dressing I made my way to the
living room. Shane had come back, and he was seated on the couch with a
magazine and a mug of coffee in his hands. He looked up as I walked into the
room, his face lighting up into a grin, as he raised his brow to look at me.

sleep well?” he asked.

“I did
Jason, you were up early.”

“Yeah, I
told you I had some errands to run early in the morning. You did not look too
bright yesterday, come on, out with it.”

“Yeah, I
was pretty stressed yesterday.”

Donovan, isn’t

“I guess
so, but I don’t
talk about him right now.
Tomorrow we are meeting mom for the thanksgiving dinner. But today we are going
to the spa as her treat. She will send over a car in a couple of hours to pick
us up.”

“That will
be wonderful, Dina, what time?”


“Now, that
is something to look forward too.”

“Can you
believe that my parents found out about our dinner in Brooklyn, and they

“How in the
world did they find out, because I haven’t told anyone about it?”

“I know you
haven’t. Can you believe mom convinced daddy, and they have been tracking my

“What, are
That is very creepy,” Shane asked,
looking shocked.

“Yeah, that
is what I told daddy. I can’t believe those guys.”

“Well then,
what do you intend to do about it?”

starters, I need to get me a new phone, and then I would like to meet up with
Dr. Silverstein. He is her shrink, and should be able to talk some sense into

“I think
that is the best move, let her shrink deal with it. So, about the new job, you
still enjoying

“Right now
the only things that are keeping me sane are my work and you.”

“What about
prince charming, I am dying to hear more about him. What happened between you

I wanted to
know what Shane thought about it, and so I went ahead and told him everything
that had happened between Jason and I. when I was finished with the story, I
lifted my head to face him, and he looked bright
and deep in thought.

“Well, what
do you think?”

“That is
one hot story, can you believe that it has made me become hot,” he laughed, the
sound of his laughter chasing my irritation away. “I can bet he is very
confused right now.”

“He wanted
to fuck me right there on the couch right there in the boardroom, we were
completely compatible.”

“That is so
I’m trying to picture the scene.”



We spent
the day lazing around the apartment. I watched movies to take my mind away from
Jason, and in the evening, we decided to hit the clubs. I went at it like it
was a new fashion in town, and we bounced from club to club downtown. We wasted
a lot of money paying the entrance fees, and moving on to other clubs after a
short while. I danced like mad until Shane said that his feet were killing him.

We then
decided to go out to
and get us some flip
flops, when we came across an ad that was promoting a new lounge a few blocks
away. The ad read, ‘A great place to get off your feet’, and it seemed like the
perfect place for us to go and relax.

“I think
this place looks like what we need right now,” Shane said. “It looks pretty
classy, wouldn’t you say, and you might find the perfect guy there.”

“My feet
were on fire by the time that we arrived at the lounge, but I quit complaining
when I saw the entrance. There was a long queue waiting to enter, but on the ad
I had seen that if you owned a luxurious
card, you skipped the cover. I had one of those cards, as my parents had
insisted that I carry it around, and like magic, we were let in.

A beautiful
hostess took us upstairs to a quiet room which overlooked the dance floor
below. There were small groups of people seated by the terrace, and she led us
to an empty spot. She gestured at the beverage menu and said, “The drinks are
on the
just raise your hand should you need

“Looks like
we scored it this time,” I said to Shane, marveling at the place.

“Yeah, I
feel like I am on top of the world.
Hanging out with my best
The only person missing is my hunk,” Shane was gay, and had
a new relationship with a guy named
Eric. “I think I would like to see where my relationship with Eric goes.”

I was happy
for Shane, for I cared for him like a brother. “Has he asked you out on a date

“Not yet, I
think he is just buying time. I think he is trying to figure out what the
relationship between you and I
. He is trying to
check out if I am a bi or not. I’m sure it will work out sooner or later.”

“I hope
so.” I wished that there was a way that I could help him out. My own life had
taken so much of my time, I had completely forgotten about Shane’s life, and
yet he was always so concerned about my own.

As we
continued chatting, two guys stopped by our table. One of them, addressing both
Shane and I, asked, “Is it okay if we join you?”

I looked
over at Shane, and then back at the two. They looked pretty handsome, and they
both looked friendly. I was just about to say ‘Yes’ when I felt a hand wrap
around my shoulder. Spinning around quickly, I saw Jason.

Sorry folks, this one is

looked on in surprise as Jason Donovan came around the couch to the front and
stretched out his hand to him. “Jason Donovan.”

Reynolds.” They shook hands, Shane beaming a wide smile, “I have heard so much
about you.”

I would
have killed Jason, but I was kind of happy that he had actually bumped into us.
I felt the blood drain from my face, as that feeling that I felt when I was
around Jason came over me.

“Good to
know that,” Jason said seating on the couch next to me. He put his arms around
me possessively, and I felt like throwing my arms around him. “Maybe there is
still some hope for me.”

my waist in his grasp, I span around to face him, “Jason, what are you doing?”

“He looked
at me long and hard. “Whatever it takes baby, whatever it takes.”

looked at me mischievously and stood up, “I’m
hit the dance floor and leave you two to talk.” He completely ignored my
pleading look and drifted off to the dance floor, with the other guys close
behind him.

Left alone
with Jason, I knew that we could not just sit there and ignore one another. I
had to at least make an effort to socialize with him. After all, I was
seriously attracted to him, and I could barely keep my eyes from his gaze. I
let my gaze slide over him. He was in Sexy jeans and a V-necked sweater, and my
mind wondered what the body underneath the clothes looked like. I knew that I
was madly in love with him, and I was even turned on by his
lets-go-to-bed-right-away attitude, skipping the let’s get to know each other
stage. If I did not get him into my panties soon, I was going to go mad.

“You look…”
I kept quiet for a moment. There were so many things that I wanted to say so
many things.
… but in the
end I ended up saying,
“ good

He arched
his brow upwards. “Finally, I thought that there was nothing you liked about
me. I suppose you like everything about me, or is it just my clothes.”

His raspy
voice was going to drive me insane someday. It was so damn sexy, and just
hearing it, I felt a tingle in my crotch. I could not believe the effect that
he had on me, and if he had commanded me to come, I would have come without
second thought. My hands moved restlessly on the couch as I tried to put my
thoughts in order. Something about him always made my mind go haywire, and I
could not think straight when I was around him.

“How was
your date with your vibrator?” he asked, piercing me with his blue eyes.

Why did he
have to ask me such a
It was a lot easier
talking about it on the phone, but he was right there
of me. I felt blood draining into my cheeks. “You are blushing.” He smiled at
me. I would give anything to see that smile every day.

“So,” I
said, changing the topic, “you come here a lot?”

I have to.”
His hand dropped onto the couch, touching mine, and he wrapped his fingers
around my palm. I felt a tinge of jealousy coming over me as I wondered if he
met other women at the joint.

“What do
you mean by ‘when I have to’?
you are looking for

“My dad
owns this club Dina, and I come here when decisions need to be made.” I felt
stupid having asked that question.

A waitress
came up
of us and set two drinks on the
table. She then turned to Jason, smiling. “Here are the drinks that you asked
for Mr. Donovan.
Vodka with a dot of lime and coke.
Would you like anything else?”

“This will
do for now Linda, thanks.”

I looked at
drinks that she had brought us. It was the drink that I usually drank when I
was out clubbing, and it was what I had been drinking earlier. I wondered how
Jason had known what I drunk. He took a sip of his drink, swirling it around in
his mouth, before swallowing it. Just looking at him got me all hot, and
especially the intensity of his stare.

“Go ahead
and try it out,” he said to me, “I know that this is what you like drinking.
Here, let me give you the taste.”

He came in
fast, and within seconds his lips were on mine. As his tongue made its way into
my mouth, I could taste the vodka, lime and coke in his mouth. That combined
with his manly taste was more than I could take. My eyes became blurry as my
hands went behind his head and pulled him closer to me. I sucked on his tongue
hard like it was the last time that I was going to ever kiss.
I was in heaven. A heaven only Jason could take
me to. As he groaned erotically, I felt the flesh in between my thighs
tightening. I was hot, on fire. Only Jason could put out that fire that was
burning deep within me. All the energy that I felt whenever I was with him came
flooding back into me. I wanted him badly.

I pulled
away from him, gasping. Jason brushed his lips over my cheek, and then my ear.
It was clear that he too was just as hot as I was. I could see a huge bulge in
his pants, and I wanted to reach out and touch the erection. I wondered what
kind of wonders it could do to my pussy the day that it penetrated it. The
thought completely inflamed my senses.

fuck you Dina.” I loved the rough tone with which he
was whispering. “I am dying to be inside you.”

His words
brought a
of impressions onto my mind. I
was confused, and at the same time I wanted to tell him that I did not mind if
he fucked me right there and then. I wanted him inside me. My pussy was aching
for his cock to rub it up and down as it cooled it off. I felt his tongue
tracing my ear, and it brought a shiver to me. Every nerve in me wanted him,
and resisting his advances was the hardest thing for me to do. It drained me of
all of my energy.

He pulled
away from me, and put his knee on the couch so that he was facing me directly.
“I found out what you were drinking, because the club that you went to earlier
is also my parents. When you ran your credit card, I knew the drinks that you
were having.”

I could not
believe what I was hearing. Jason and my parents made me feel claustrophobic. I
felt like they were all tracking me down.
My cell phone, and
now my credit card.
I felt the room spinning.

“Dina, are
you okay, you have turned white? Drink this.” He handed me my drink, and I
tossed it all down my throat. Jason then got up and sat on the table
of me. He took the glass from my hands and set it
beside him, taking my cold hands into his.

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