The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles (31 page)

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Figure 8.7
The life cycle of function calls. An arbitrary function p calls function fact, which then calls mult several times. Vertical arrows depict transfer of control from one function to another. At any given point in time, only one function is running, while all the functions up the calling chain are waiting for it to return. When a function returns, the function that called it resumes its execution.
Figure 8.8
Global stack dynamics corresponding to figure 8.7, focusing on the call mult event. The pointers SP, ARG, and LCL are not part of the VM abstraction and are used by the VM implementation to map the stack on the host RAM.
8.3.3 Design Suggestions for the VM Implementation
The basic VM translator built in Project 7 was based on two modules: parser and code writer. This translator can be extended into a full-scale VM implementation by extending these modules with the functionality described here.
If the basic parser that you built in Project 7 does not already parse the six VM commands specified in this chapter, then add their parsing now. Specifically, make sure that the commandType method developed in Project 7 also returns the constants corresponding to the six VM commands described in this chapter: C_LABEL, C_GOTO, C_IF, C_FUNCTION, C_RETURN, and C_CALL.
The basic CodeWriter specified in chapter 7 should be augmented with the following methods.
Translates VM commands into Hack assembly code. The routines listed here should be added to the CodeWriter module API given in chapter 7.
8.4 Perspective
The notions of subroutine calling and program flow are fundamental to all high-level languages. This means that somewhere down the translation path to binary code, someone must take care of the intricate housekeeping chores related to their implementation. In Java, C#, and Jack, this burden falls on the VM level. And if the VM is stack-based, it lends itself nicely to the job, as we have seen throughout this chapter. In general then, virtual machines that implement subroutine calls and recursion as a primitive feature deliver a significant and useful abstraction.
Of course this is just one implementation option. Some compilers handle the details of subroutine calling directly, without using a VM at all. Other compilers use various forms of VMs, but not necessarily for managing subroutine calling. Finally, in some architectures most of the subroutine calling functionality is handled directly by the hardware.
In the next two chapters we will develop a Jack-to-VM compiler. Since the back-end of this compiler was already developed—it is the VM implementation built in chapters 7-8—the compiler’s development will be a relatively easy task.
8.5 Project
Extend the basic VM translator built in Project 7 into a full-scale VM translator. In particular, add the ability to handle the program flow and function calling commands of the VM language.
(same as Project 7) You will need two tools: the programming language in which you will implement your VM translator, and the CPU emulator supplied with the book. This emulator will allow you to execute the machine code generated by your VM translator—an indirect way to test the correctness of the latter. Another tool that may come in handy in this project is the visual VM emulator supplied with the book. This program allows experimenting with a working VM implementation before you set out to build one yourself. For more information about this tool, refer to the VM emulator tutorial.
Write a full-scale VM-to-Hack translator, extending the translator developed in Project 7, and conforming to the VM Specification, Part II (section 8.2) and to the Standard VM Mapping on the Hack Platform (section 8.3.1). Use it to translate the VM programs supplied below, yielding corresponding programs written in the Hack assembly language. When executed on the supplied CPU emulator, these assembly programs should deliver the results mandated by the supplied test scripts and compare files.
Testing Programs
We recommend completing the implementation of the translator in two stages. First implement the program flow commands, then the function calling commands. This will allow you to unit-test your implementation incrementally, using the test programs supplied here.
For each program Xxx, the XxxVME.tst script allows running the program on the supplied VM emulator, so that you can gain familiarity with the program’s intended operation. After translating the program using your VM translator, the supplied Xxx.tst and Xxx.cmp scripts allow testing the translated assembly code on the CPU emulator.
Test Programs for Program Flow Commands
■ BasicLoop: computes 1 + 2 + ··· +
and pushes the result onto the stack. This program tests the implementation of the VM language’s goto and if-goto commands.
■ Fibonacci: computes and stores in memory the first n elements of the Fibonacci series. This typical array manipulation program provides a more challenging test of the VM’s branching commands.
Test Programs for Function Calling Commands
■ SimpleFunction: performs a simple calculation and returns the result. This program provides a basic test of the implementation of the function and return commands.
■ FibonacciElement: This program provides a full test of the implementation of the VM’s function calling commands, the bootstrap section, and most of the other VM commands.
The program directory consists of two .vm files:
● Main.vm contains one function called fibonacci. This recursive function returns the
-th element of the Fibonacci series;
● Sys.vm contains one function called init. This function calls the Main.fibonacci function with
= 4, then loops infinitely.
Since the overall program consists of two .vm files, the entire directory must be compiled in order to produce a single FibonacciElement.asm file. (compiling each ● vm file separately will yield two separate .asm files, which is not desired here).
■ StaticsTest: A full test of the VM implementation’s handling of static variables. Consists of two .vm files, each representing the compilation of a stand-alone class file, plus a Sys.vm file. The entire directory should be compiled in order to produce a single StaticsTest.asm file.
(Recall that according to the VM Specification, the bootstrap code generated by the VM implementation must include a call to the Sys.init function).
In order for any translated VM program to start running, it must include a preamble startup code that forces the VM implementation to start executing it on the host platform. In addition, in order for any VM code to operate properly, the VM implementation must store the base addresses of the virtual segments in selected locations in the host RAM. The first three test programs in this project assume that the startup code was not yet implemented and include test scripts that effect the necessary initializations “manually.” The last two programs assume that the startup code is already part of the VM implementation.
For each one of the five test programs, follow these steps:
1. Run the program on the supplied VM emulator, using the XxxVME.tst test script, to get acquainted with the intended program’s behavior.
2. Use your partial translator to translate the .vm file(s), yielding a single .asm text file that contains a translated program written in the Hack assembly language.
3. Inspect the translated .asm program. If there are visible syntax (or any other) errors, debug and fix your translator.
4. Use the supplied .tst and .cmp files to run your translated .asm program on the CPU emulator. If there are run-time errors, debug and fix your translator.
Note: The supplied test programs were carefully planned to unit-test the specific features of each stage in your VM implementation. Therefore, it’s important to implement your translator in the proposed order and to test it using the appropriate test programs at each stage. Implementing a later stage before an early one may cause the test programs to fail.
Same as in Project 7.
High-Level Language
High thoughts need a high language.
—Aristophanes (448-380 BC)
All the hardware and software systems presented so far in the book were low-level, meaning that humans are not expected to interact with them directly. In this chapter we present a high-level language, called Jack, designed to enable human programmers write high-level programs. Jack is a simple object-based language. It has the basic features and flavor of modern languages like Java and C#, with a much simpler syntax and no support for inheritance. In spite of this simplicity, Jack is a general-purpose language that can be used to create numerous applications. In particular, it lends itself nicely to simple interactive games like Snake, Tetris, and Pong—a program whose complete Jack code is included in the book’s software suite.
The introduction of Jack marks the beginning of the end of our journey. In chapters 10 and 11 we will write a compiler that translates Jack programs into VM code, and in chapter 12 we will develop a simple operating system for the Jack/Hack platform, written in Jack. This will complete the computer’s construction. With that in mind, it’s important to say at the outset that the goal of this chapter is not to turn you into a Jack programmer. Instead, our hidden agenda is to prepare you to develop the compiler and operating system that lie ahead.
If you have any experience with a modern object-oriented programming language, you will immediately feel at home with Jack. Therefore, the Background section starts the chapter with some typical programming examples, and the Specification section proceeds with a full functional description of the language and its standard library. The Implementation section gives some screen shots of typical Jack applications and offers general guidelines on how to write similar programs over the Hack platform. The final Project section provides additional details about compiling and debugging Jack programs.

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