The Elfmaid's Curse (The Elfmaid Trilogy Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: The Elfmaid's Curse (The Elfmaid Trilogy Book 1)
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            "Yes, she was born a mage. She is of the Druigh caste, or so she said," Talar said. He shrugged. "I've had her checked by mages and she does have some latent magical abilities, but they were magically suppressed before I got her."

            "Excellent. If she is of the ruling Druigh caste then for all practical purposes she is Forest Elf royalty. I might actually be able to sell her to the High Elves for quite a bit more than humans would pay."

            "I agree."

            "Do you know her real name? The name Danica is definitely not elven in form," Mikem said.

            She hadn't realized that elves would have a different way of naming themselves. Taara, on the other hand, looked undisturbed.

            "Her elven name is Anu Ó Deorain."

            "Really?" Mikem said. "Interesting, since Ó Deorain translates to 'exiled person' I think."

            Talar nodded. Danica glanced at the guards between her and the door, hoping to see them relax.

            "Excellent. I think I will return her elven name," Mikem said, an evil smile played on his lips. "It will make Anu sound more exotic, and bring me a greater payoff."

            "She's also much older than she claims," Talar said. "Twenty is a mere child for an elf, so I think she lied about her age to hopefully be treated more gently. Anu is at least four hundred years old, probably a little older. Truth is, I think whoever enslaved her suppressed her magic and her memory, so I don't think she even knows her true age."

            "So she's more like in her thirties or forties, in human years," Mikem said, not looking pleased. "Still, elven beauty doesn't fade the way human beauty does. She'll remain fuckably beautiful for centuries to come."

            "You're a pig," Danica said, scrunching her nose at him. That shocked her more than it did the slaver.
Gods Almighty! That's just the sort of thing a real woman would say!

            Mikem stood and slowly circled Danica. Stopping before her, he lifted her long golden hair to study her pointed elven ears. He pulled her to her feet and cut her bindings off. She quietly accepted it and tried to ignore the men and their scrutiny as she rubbed feeling back into her hands. When he ran his fingers through her hair, down her back, and, then, began caressing her buttocks, it took all her self-control to keep from bolting for the door. She did her best to accept his "examination" as stoically as possible.

            "A rare treasure, no doubt about it. Her ears are small and point straight up, not large and canted slightly forward like the lower elven castes. She has excellent bone structure and muscularity, and is unusually shapely for an elfmaid. She might even have a little human blood in her. Her muscles aren't as firm as a dancer's, but that'll soon change and, of course, she isn't a virgin," he said, finishing his examination and leaving Danica ashen-faced and swaying. "I'll give you two crowns silver."

            "She's worth ten times that," Talar protested.

            "Not if I want to make a profit," Mikem said. "There will be expenses to get her ready for auction. She's worth two crowns silver to me."

            They haggled a moment. It went quick, but in the end Talar sold her for three crowns silver. Both men looked pleased.

            Danica watched in shock as Mikem paid Talar, and then as the sorcerer departed without a look back. She had known it was coming, but the act itself still shook her. Sold! A slave. Her knees almost buckled.

            Mikem gave her a wry smile, which didn't help her rising panic.

Now what?
Danica's mind filled with all kinds of wild and wicked sex acts. Everything Danic ever did with a woman came to mind. She couldn't stop her mind from flashing visions of her with Mikem, performing every imaginable act. Her body reacted profoundly. With her belly trembling and a-tingle with butterflies, her sex throbbed and ached. Worse, she felt her juices flowing, felt herself getting wet for what her mind and body knew was next.

            He lifted her chin and studied her face with an ever widening smile. He caressed her cheeks, then dropped to her exposed bosom. She was shocked and horrified by the reaction his explorations of her breasts were causing within herself. The pleasure she felt was humiliating. And so damned wonderful.

            "Oh, my Gods."

            She gasped as his hand dropped lower, much lower. This time two fingers were thrust into her. She rose up on her toes, body bowed and eyes wide. It felt as incredible as a woman going down on her lost cock. Then his thumb found her sensitive nub, and started rubbing.             Her eyes closed and her head rolled back as Danica struggled to suppress her impending orgasm. She thought she could hold it at bay, until he kissed her. Mikem's tongue pushed into her mouth, exploring. Then it hit her.

            "Uuggh!" Danica cried into his mouth.

            It was pleasure in its purest form. Danica had never felt anything like it before. Her whole body convulsed as Mikem continued to masturbate her. Continued until she came again and again.

            Mikem pushed Danica to her knees, and then to all fours. She started panting hard when he moved behind her and unfastened his pants. Danica looked around, at all the other slavers watching with wicked glee. They looked ready for her to bolt. Eager, even. She'd never reach the door.

            "Oh Gods," she whispered when Mikem dropped to his knees behind her.

            He caressed and squeezed her butt a long moment, before spreading her butt cheeks. Her belly was still quivering from the orgasms he forced upon her, and her pussy throbbed. She felt her face heating up. And then his cock pressed against her nether lips, and pushed in.

            "Uuggh," she grunted, feeling so full. Over-filled. He was bigger than she realized, and he was stretching her out. "You sorry excuse for…aagghhh."

            Breathing through her teeth, Danica closed her eyes. Despite the pain, despite the humiliation, despite everything…it felt so damned good. She's never felt anything like it. It felt even better than when Talar fucked her. Maybe it was because Talar
them halfway through it. Maybe Mikem was just bigger and better at fucking.

            His left hand slipped around her, and started fondling her breasts. Hating how good it felt, Danica bit her lip. She detested how much she was enjoying it. Mikem grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her head back.

            "Ugh! Please," she gasped. He was all the way inside her, and really started pumping hard and fast. Her entire body suddenly trembled, her mind began to spin. Then another slaver dropped his pants and knelt before her face. "Oh no."

            The second slaver pushed into her mouth. Danica thought about biting, but couldn't even imagine the horror that would cause her. Slavers had well-earned reputations for cruelty and spite. So he slipped in without resistance.

            "Hmmm. Ngh," she groaned. He pushed his entire cock into her mouth, which thankfully only went to the back of her tongue. It was still enough to make her gag reflex kick in. Pure misery for a long moment as she coughed and gagged on him, while Mikem happily fucked her from behind. "Ack! Hgh! Mmmmm."

            "Suck it, elf, or I'll make you suck off every man in this building, free and slave alike," the second slaver said.

            With a miserable groan, Danica started sucking. It wasn't easy with Mikem continuing to work up her body. Her insides were a fluttery, hot mess. She felt herself moving closer and closer, and was beside herself with shock. How could she enjoy what they were doing? Was the room enchanted to make slaves enjoy sex?

            "I'm going to fill your mouth with cream, elf. You better not let a single drop escape, or I'll make you lick it off the floor."

            Her eyes popped open. That aspect hadn't occurred to her. Now she had no option. Danica steeled herself as both men began to hump more frantically. Knowing they were about to come pushed her to the brink.

            "Oh…yes," Mikem groaned, thrusting into her all the way and holding it as he emptied himself inside her.

            Danica trembled. She was ready to explode, but was trying with all of her might to not come. She didn't want to give them the pleasure of forcing her to orgasm. Then the other slaver came.

            Danica's grunted with surprise as hot, viscous cum filled her mouth, flowed over her tongue to the back of her throat. Her master, the slaver, wanted her to swallow it. She wanted to spit. Danica swallowed.

I'm doomed
, she thought. Intense tingling heat flowed into her thighs, and then her loins exploded. "Uuugghh. Hmmmmm."

            They continued to slowly thrust into her, front and back, until they were milked dry and going limp. Danica sighed and crumbled into a heap when they finally released her. She struggled to regain control of her wits and body as they pulled their pants back up and discussed her "performance."

            "She's very responsive," Mikem said. He pulled Danica to her feet by her hair, forcing her to arch her back as he looked her over, his free hand exploring her intimately. "I think we'll give her a little training. If she continues to respond so well, I'll send her to be trained as a Silk Slave."

            Danica's head spun. Silk Slave training was six months of intense sex, mental conditioning, and magic. The magic was to ensure she had the right frame of mind, and to make the mental conditioning stick. If they had her trained as a Silk Slave, Danica knew it was the end of her. She'd never get her male body back and be Danic again.

            "Bugger your ass, pig," Danica said.

            He burst out laughing and shoved her into the arms of another slaver.

            "Throw her in a cell," he ordered and departed, still laughing.

            Through narrowed eyes Danica watched him leave. She was going to get her revenge on all who hurt her. Mikem was first on her list, right after Talar.

            The burly slaver left holding her lifted her blonde hair to look at her ears and said, "Anu, me and you are going to have a little fun." His other hand roughly fondled her. "I like introducing women to their new life of submission and domination. You'll be my first elf."

            He pushed her toward the door.

            First, she was taken to a back room where two men waited. Her hair color was checked to ensure it was natural. Blondes being rare among the desert folk, she would bring a good price. A barrage of questions were hurled at her, which she answered in rising confusion as she was probed and prodded, measured and weighed. They were brutal in their evaluation, shameless in their examination of every inch of her body. Everything was noted in a large leather-bound ledger. An hour later they finished, handing a very flustered and shaking Danica back to her leering handler.

            The dark, burly slaver took her by the wrist and dragged her, cursing and kicking, out the door. The look on his ugly face told her more than she wanted to know about what was coming next. They soon arrived in the entrance foyer, the wizened old doorman sitting in a chair alone.

            "Hajir, you want some of the elfmaid when I'm finished?" her handler asked.

            Hajir gave him a gap-toothed grin and nodded eagerly. Danica's groan of misery sent them both to laughing in wicked pleasure.

            Pointing at a side door, Hajir said in his raspy voice, "Use the display room, Aaron. We can take turns on the girl and at door guard."

            "Good thinking, my friend. What about the others?"

            "If they want a piece, then they'll be back to get it."

            "Please don't..." Danica whimpered, then stopped herself as she flushed bright red.
Gods, now I'm begging
, she thought angrily. "I'll kill you. If either of you touch me, I'll gut you both and leave your stinking carcasses out for the buzzards to feast on."

            "Ha! She found her backbone at last," Aaron said. Then his face twisted in anger and he backhanded her . This time her knees did buckle. "I see your lessons in slavery will have to entail more than just lovemaking."

            Hajir chuckled as Danica slowly picked herself off the floor. She kept her eyes downcast as much to avoid looking into their triumphant, leering faces as to hide the rage and self-loathing in her own. As yet, she hadn't put up any real fight against any of the many men abusing her. Never in her life has she been so docile.

            Chuckling, Aaron interrupted her reverie by seizing her left wrist in a viselike grip, "It's time for — "

            "No!" Danica cried, punching him in the groin.

            She jerked his belt knife out of its sheath and thrust in deep into his lower belly, just below the protection of his mail shirt. Slicing sideways, she opened him up from hip to hip. His strangled scream caused Hajir to bolt for a back door, calling the alarm.

            Aaron stepped back a step and pulled his heavy scimitar. The slaver glared at Danica in pain and hatred. He knew as well as she did that his wound was mortal. He didn't intend to die alone.

            Danica didn't intend to die at all.

            Hearing booted feet stomping towards the entrance foyer, Danica screamed all her rage and humiliation and charged the dying slaver. He quickly fell back, opening the way for her to escape. Racing to the door, she then threw the bolts and hefted the thick oak beam out of its bracket as Aaron slowly slid to the floor across the room. Pulling the door open, she paused just long enough to lock triumphant eyes with the slaver. She vowed he was only the first to pay for abusing her.

            Slipping out the door, she turned left and ran for all she was worth. The cobbles stabbed at her bare feet, but the pain was nothing compared with what the slavers would do to her if caught. She turned into the first alley she came to, sprinting for the far end. Running out of the alley, she found herself in the middle of a well-lit street. Several rowdy taverns and brothels could be seen to either side of her, their patrons spilling out in drunken revelry as they went from tavern to tavern in their celebrations. Several began calling to her.

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