The End of Imagination (49 page)

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Authors: Arundhati Roy

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  1. Quoted in Seymour M. Hersh,
    The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House
    (New York: Summit Books, 1983), 265.
  2. See Pilar Aguilera and Ricardo Fredes, eds.,
    Chile: The Other September 11
    (New York: Ocean, 2002); Amnesty International, “The Case of Augusto Pinochet.”
  3. Clifford Krauss, “Britain Arrests Pinochet to Face Charges by Spain,”
    New York Times
    October 18, 1998, 1; National Security Archive, “Chile: 16,000 Secret U.S. Documents Declassified,” press release, November 13, 2000, nsarchive.gwu
    .edu/news/20001113/; and selected documents on the National Security Archive website,
  4. Kissinger told this to Pinochet at a meeting of the Organization of American States in Santiago, Chile, on June 8, 1976. See Lucy Kosimar, “Kissinger Covered Up Chile Torture,”
    February 28, 1999, 3.
  5. Among other histories, see Eduardo Galeano,
    Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent
    2nd ed., trans. Cedric Belfrage (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1998); Noam Chomsky,
    Turning the Tide: U.S. Intervention in Central America and the Struggle for Peace
    2nd ed. (Boston: South End, 1985); Noam Chomsky,
    The Culture of Terrorism
    (Boston: South End, 1983); and Gabriel Kolko,
    Confronting the Third World: United States Foreign Policy, 1945–1980
    (New York: Pantheon, 1988).
  6. In a public relations move, the SOA renamed itself the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) on January 17, 2001. See Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer,
    School of Assassins: Guns, Greed, and Globalization
    2nd ed. (New York: Orbis Books, 2001); Michael Gormley, “Army School Faces Critics Who Call It Training Ground for Assassins,” Associated Press, May 2, 1998; and School of the Americas Watch,
  7. On these interventions, see, among other sources, Noam Chomsky,
    American Power and the New Mandarins
    , 2nd ed. (New York: New Press, 2002); Noam Chomsky,
    At War with Asia
    (New York: Vintage Books, 1970); and Howard Zinn,
    Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal
    2nd ed. (Cambridge, MA: South End, 2002).
  8. See Samih K. Farsoun and Christina E. Zacharia,
    Palestine and the Palestinians
    (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1997), 10.
  9. The Balfour Declaration is included in ibid., appendix 2, 320.
  10. Quoted in Noam Chomsky,
    Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians
    , 2nd ed. (Cambridge, MA: South End, 2000), 90.
  11. Quoted in “Scurrying towards Bethlehem,” editorial,
    New Left Review
    10 (July/August 2001), 9n5.
  12. Quoted in Farsoun and Zacharia,
    Palestine and the Palestinians
    10, 243.
  13. Ibid.,
    111, 123.
  14. Ibid., 116.
  15. See Chomsky,
    Fateful Triangle
    103–07, 118–32, 156–60.
  16. From 1987 to 2002 alone, more than two thousand Palestinians were killed. See statistics from B'Tselem (Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories) at
  1. See Naseer H. Aruri,
    Dishonest Broker: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians
    (Cambridge MA: South End, 2003); Noam Chomsky,
    World Orders Old and New
    2nd ed. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996).
  2. In addition to more than $3 billion annually in official Foreign Military Financing, the US government supplies Israel with economic assistance, loans, technology transfers, and arms sales. See Nick Anderson, “House Panel Increases Aid for Israel, Palestinians,”
    Los Angeles Times
    May 10, 2002, A1; Aruri,
    Dishonest Broker
    ; and Anthony Arnove and Ahmed Shawki, foreword to
    The Struggle for Palestine
    ed. Lance Selfa (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2002), xxv.
  3. Article 27 of the Charter of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), quoted in Farsoun and Zacharia,
    Palestine and the Palestinians
    appendix 13, 339.
  4. George H. W. Bush, “Text of Bush's Speech: ‘It Is Iraq against the World,'”
    Los Angeles Times
    September 12, 1990, A7.
  5. See Glenn Frankel, “Iraq Long Avoided Censure on Rights,”
    Washington Post
    September 22, 1990, A1.
  6. See Christopher Dickey and Evan Thomas, “How Saddam Happened,”
    September 23, 2002, 35–37.
  7. See Anthony Arnove, introduction to
    Iraq under Siege
    , 20.
  8. Arnove,
    Iraq under Siege
    , 221–22.
  9. Ibid., 17, 205.
  10. See Thomas J. Nagy, “The Secret behind the Sanctions: How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply,”
    65, no. 9 (September 2001).
  11. See Arnove,
    Iraq under Siege
    121, 185–203. See also Nicholas D. Kristof, “The Stones of Baghdad,”
    New York Times
    October 4, 2002, A27.
  12. Leslie Stahl, “Punishing Saddam,” produced by Catherine Olian,
    60 Minutes
    , CBS,
    May 12, 1996.
  13. Elisabeth Bumiller, “Bush Aides Set Strategy to Sell Policy on Iraq,”
    New York Times
    September 7, 2002, A1.
  14. Richard Perle, “Why the West Must Strike First against Saddam Hussein,”
    Daily Telegraph
    (London), August 9, 2002, 22.
  15. See Alan Simpson and Glen Rangwala, “The Dishonest Case for a War on Iraq,” September 27, 2002,; Glen Rangwala, “Notes Further to the Counter-Dossier,” September 29, 2002,
  16. George Bush, “Bush's Remarks on U.S. Military Strikes in Afghanistan,”
    New York Times
    October 8, 2001, B6.
  17. See Paul Watson, “Afghanistan Aims to Revive Pipeline Plans,”
    Los Angeles Times
    May 30, 2002, A1; Ilene R. Prusher, Scott Baldauf, and Edward Girardet, “Afghan Power Brokers,”
    Christian Science Monitor
    June 10, 2002, 1.
  18. See Lisa Fingeret et al., “Markets Worry That Conflict Could Spread in Area That Holds Two-Thirds of World Reserves,”
    Financial Times
    (London), April 2, 2002, 1.
  19. Thomas L. Friedman, “Craziness Pays,”
    New York Times
    February 24, 1998, A21.
  20. ———,
    The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization
    (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 1999), 373.
  21. Statistics from Joseph E. Stiglitz,
    Globalization and Its Discontents
    (New York: W. W. Norton, 2002), 5; Noam Chomsky,
    Rogue States: The Rule of Law in World Affairs
    (Cambridge, MA: South End, 2000), 214; and Noreena Hertz, “Why Consumer Power Is Not Enough,”
    New Statesman
    April 30, 2001.
  1. Among the many treaties and international agreements the United States has not signed, ignores, violates, or has broken are the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966); the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC); the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW); agreements setting the jurisdiction for the International Criminal Court (ICC); the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia; the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT); and the Kyoto Protocol regulating greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. See David Cole and James X. Dempsey,
    Terrorism and the Constitution: Sacrificing Civil Liberties in the Name of National Security
    (New York: New Press, 2002).
  3. Luke Harding, “Elusive Mullah Omar ‘Back in Afghanistan,'”
    (London), August 30, 2002, 12.
  4. See Human Rights Watch, “Opportunism in the Face of Tragedy: Repression in the Name of Anti-terrorism,”
  5. See “Power Politics,” 151–76, above, and related notes.

15. An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire

  1. CNN International, March 21, 2003.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid. See also Dexter Filkins, “In the Field Marines: Either Take a Shot or Take a Chance,”
    New York Times
    March 29, 2003, A1. Filkins interviewed Sergeant Eric Schrumpf, aged twenty-eight, of the Fifth Marine Regiment. “‘We had a great day,' Sergeant Schrumpf said. ‘We killed a lot of people.' . . . ‘We dropped a few civilians, . . . but what do you do?' . . . He recalled watching one of the women standing near the Iraqi soldier go down. ‘I'm sorry,' the sergeant said. ‘But the chick was in the way.'”
  4. Patrick E. Tyler and Janet Elder, “Threats and Responses—The Poll: Poll Finds Most in U.S. Support Delaying a War,”
    New York Times
    February 14, 2003, A1.
  5. Maureen Dowd, “The Xanax Cowboy,”
    New York Times
    March 9, 2003, 4, 13.
  6. George W. Bush, joint statement with Tony Blair after the Azores summit. See “Excerpts from Remarks by Bush and Blair: ‘Iraq Will Soon Be Liberated,'”
    New York Times
    April 9, 2003, B7.
  7. “You Cannot Hide, Hoon Tells Saddam,”
    Birmingham Evening Mail
    March 20, 2003, 2; Charles Reiss, “We Had No Option But to Use Force to Disarm Saddam, Says Straw,”
    Evening Standard
    (London), March 20, 2003, 11.
  8. General Vince Brooks, deputy director of operations, United States Central Command Daily Press Briefing, Federal News Service, March 27, 2003.
  9. CNN International, March 25, 2003.
  10. Remarks by President George W. Bush to Troops at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, FL, Federal News Service, March 26, 2003.
  1. See David Cole,
    Enemy Aliens: Double Standards and Constitutional Freedoms in the War on Terrorism
    (New York: New Press, 2003).
  2. Charles Lane, “Justices to Rule on Detainees' Rights; Court Access for 660 Prisoners at Issue,”
    Washington Post
    November 11, 2003, 1; David Rohde, “U.S. Rebuked on Afghans in Detention,”
    New York Times
    March 8, 2004, A6. See also Cole,
    Enemy Aliens
  3. Jeremy Armstrong, “Field of Death—Total Slaughter: Amnesty [International] Demands Probe Be over Bloody Massacre of Taliban Prisoners,”
    (London), November 29, 2001, 6.
  4. “Injustice in Afghanistan,” editorial,
    Washington Post
    March 21, 2004, B6.
  5. Bill O'Reilly, “Talking Points Memo,”
    The O'Reilly Factor
    Fox News, March 24, 2003. See also Bill O'Reilly, “Unresolved Problems: Interview with Kenneth Roth,”
    The O'Reilly Factor
    Fox News, March 27, 2003.
  6. See Rageh Omaar,
    Revolution Day: The Human Story of the Battle for Iraq
    (London: Viking, 2004).
  7. Martin Bright, Ed Vulliamy, and Peter Beaumont, “Revealed: US Dirty Tricks to Win Vote on Iraq War,”
    (London), March 2, 2003, 1.
  8. Marc Santora, “Aid Workers Fear Dangers of Delay: Basra, without Power and Water, Is at Risk,”
    International Herald Tribune
    March 25, 2003, 1; John Pilger, “Gulf War 2: Six Days of Shame,”
    (London), March 26, 2003, 14.
  9. Patrick Nicholson, “The Cans and Buckets Are Empty and People Are Desperate,”
    (London), April 5, 2003, 8.
  10. Agence France-Presse, “Iraq's Weekly Oil Production Reaches New Levels,” July 23, 2002.
  11. Mark Nicholson, “Troops Prepare to Deliver Supplies,”
    Financial Times
    (London), March 27, 2003, 2.
  12. Nick Guttmann, “Humanitarian Aid—Wanted: 32 Galahads a Day,”
    Independent on Sunday
    (London), March 30, 2003, 26.
  13. Quoted in Noam Chomsky,
    For Reasons of State
    (New York: New Press, 2003), 67–69.
  14. Juan J. Walte, “Greenpeace: 200,000 Died in Gulf,”
    USA Today
    May 30, 1991, 1A.
  15. Kim Cobb, “Vets Warn of Risks to Soldiers' Health: Critics Fear Repeat of Gulf War Illnesses,”
    Houston Chronicle
    February 9, 2003, 1.
  16. James Meikle, “‘Health Will Suffer for Years,'”
    (London), November 12, 2003, 17.
  17. Joel Brinkley, “American Companies Rebuilding Iraq Find They Are Having to Start from the Ground Up,”
    New York Times
    February 22, 2004, 11; Tucker Carlson, “Hired Guns,”
    March 2004, 130–38.
  18. Felicity Barringer, “Security Council Votes to Revive Oil-for-Food Program in Iraq,”
    New York Times
    March 29, 2003, B7.
  19. Dan Morgan and Karen DeYoung, “Hill Panels Approve War Funds, with Curbs: Most Restrictions Aimed at Pentagon,”
    Washington Post
    April 2, 2003, A26.
  20. Lou Dobbs,
    Lou Dobb's Moneyline
    CNN, March 27, 2003.
  21. Greg Wright, “French Fries? Mais Non, Congress Calls Em Freedom Fries,” Gannett News Service, March 12, 2003,
  1. Serge Bellanger, “Of Wal-Marts, BMWs and Brie,”
    Chicago Tribune
    April 27, 2003, 9.
  2. George W. Bush, Camp David, Maryland, press briefing, September 16, 2001: “We're going to do it. We will rid the world of the evildoers. We will call together freedom-loving people to fight terrorism. And so on this day of—on the Lord's day, I say to my fellow Americans, thank you for your prayers, thank you for your compassion, thank you for your love for one another, and tomorrow when you get back to work, work hard like you always have. But we've been warned. We've been warned there are evil people in this world. We've been warned so vividly and we'll be alert. Your government is alert. The governors and mayors are alert that evil folks still lurk out there.”

16. The Loneliness of Noam Chomsky

  1. R. W. Apple, Jr., “Bush Appears in Trouble despite Two Big Advantages,”
    New York Times
    August 4, 1988, A1. Bush made this remark in refusing to apologize for the shooting down of an Iranian passenger plane, killing 290 passengers. See Lewis Lapham,
    Theater of War
    (New York: New Press, 2002), 126.
  2. Chomsky would be the first to point out that other pioneering media analysts include his frequent coauthor Edward Herman, Ben Bagdikian (whose 1983 classic
    The Media Monopoly
    recounts the suppression of Chomsky and Herman's
    Revolutionary Violence: Bloodbaths in Fact and Propaganda
    ), and Herbert Schiller.
  3. Paul Betts,“Ciampi Calls for Review of Media Laws,”
    Financial Times
    (London), July 24, 2002, 8. For an overview of Berlusconi's holdings, see Media Profiles:
  4. See Sabin Russell, “U.S. Push for Cheap Cipro Haunts AIDS Drug Dispute,”
    San Francisco Chronicle
    November 8, 2001, A13; Frank Swoboda and Martha McNeil Hamilton, “Congress Passes $15 Billion Airline Bailout,”
    Washington Post
    September 22, 2001, A1.
  5. President George W. Bush, Jr., “President Bush's Address on Terrorism before a Joint Meeting of Congress,”
    New York Times
    September 21, 2001, B4.
  6. Dan Eggen,“Ashcroft Invokes Religion in U.S. War on Terrorism,”
    Washington Post
    February 20, 2002, A2.
  7. President George W. Bush, Jr., “Bush's Remarks on U.S. Military Strikes in Afghanistan,”
    New York Times
    October 8, 2001, B6.
  8. President George W. Bush, Jr., remarks at FBI Headquarters, Washington, DC, October 10, 2001, Federal Document Clearinghouse.
  9. See Howard Zinn,
    A People's History of the United States: 1492–Present
    20th anniv. ed. (New York: HarperCollins, 2001).
  10. Bob Marley and N. G. Williams (aka King Sporty), “Buffalo Soldier.”
  11. Noam Chomsky, “The Manufacture of Consent,” in
    The Chomsky Reader
    ed. James Peck (New York: Pantheon, 1987), 121–22.
  12. See Jim Miller, “Report from the Inferno,”
    September 7, 1981, 72; review of Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings
    (New York: Basic, 1981).

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