The End of Imagination (51 page)

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Authors: Arundhati Roy

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  1. Carlotta Gall, “In Afghanistan, Violence Stalls Renewal Effort,”
    New York Times
    April 26, 2003, A1. See also Rohde, “U.S. Rebuked on Afghans in Detention,” A6.
  2. Scott Lindlaw, “Accommodating TV-Friendly Presidential Visit Caused a Few Changes in Navy Carrier's Routine,” Associated Press, May 2, 2003.
  3. Walter V. Robinson, “1-Year Gap in Bush's Guard Duty: No Record of Airman at Drills in 1972–73,”
    Boston Globe
    May 23, 2000, A1.
  4. David E. Sanger, “Bush Declares ‘One Victory in a War on Terror,'”
    New York Times
    May 2, 2003, A1.
  5. James Harding, “Bush to Hail Triumph but Not Declare a US Victory,”
    Financial Times
    (London), May 1, 2003, 8.
  6. Quoted in John R. MacArthur, “In the Psychological Struggle, Nations Wield Their Weapons of Mass Persuasion,”
    Boston Globe
    March 9, 2003, D12.
  7. General Tommy Franks,
    Sunday Morning
    CBS, March 23, 2003.
  8. “‘Non' Campaigner Chirac Ready to Address French,”
    Daily Mail
    (London), March 20, 2003, 13.
  9. Robert J. McCartney, “Germany Stops Short of Saying ‘I Told You So': Opposition to War Vindicated, Officials Say,”
    Washington Post
    April 3, 2003, A33: “Although Germany formally opposes the war, it is supporting the U.S. effort through such steps as overflight rights and special security at U.S. bases in Germany. Officials say Germany is doing more for the war than any country except Britain.” See also Giles Tremlett and John Hooper, “War in the Gulf: Clampdown on Coverage of Returning Coffins,”
    (London), March 27, 2003, 3.
  10. Judy Dempsey and Robert Graham, “Paris Gives First Signs of Support to Coalition,”
    Financial Times
    (London), April 4, 2003, 4.
  11. Interfax, “Putin Wants US Victory,”
    Hobart Mercury
    (Australia), April 4, 2003.
  12. Morton Abramowitz, “Turkey and Iraq, Act II,”
    Wall Street Journal
    January 16, 2003, A12.
  13. Noam Chomsky,
    Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance
    (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2004), 131.
  14. Angelique Chrisafis et al., “Millions Worldwide Rally for Peace,”
    (London), February 17, 2003, 6,
  15. Richard W. Stevenson, “Antiwar Protests Fail to Sway Bush on Plans for Iraq,”
    New York Times
    February 19, 2003, A1.
  16. David McDonald and John Pape, “South Africa: Cost Recovery Is Not Sustainable,” Africa News, August 30, 2002; David McDonald and John Pape, eds.,
    Cost Recovery and the Crisis of Service Delivery in South Africa
    (London: Zed Press, 2002). See also Ashwin Desai,
    We Are the Poors: Community Struggles in Post-Apartheid South Africa
    (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2002).
  17. “Africa's Engine,”
    January 17, 2004.
  1. Betts, “Ciampi Calls for Review of Media Laws,” 8. For an overview of Berlusconi's holdings, see Media Profiles:
  2. Frank Bruni, “Berlusconi, in a Rough Week, Says Only He
    Can Save Italy,”
    New York Times
    May 10, 2003, A1.
  3. Tim Burt, “Mays on a Charm Offensive: The Clear Channel Chief Is Seeking to Answer His Group's Critics,”
    Financial Times
    (London), October 27, 2003, 27. See also John Dunbar and Aron Pilhofer, “Big Radio Rules in Small Markets,” Center for Public Integrity, October 1, 2003,
  4. Douglas Jehl, “Across Country, Thousands Gather to Back U.S. Troops and Policy,”
    New York Times
    March 24, 2003, B15.
  5. Frank Rich, “Iraq around the Clock,”
    New York Times
    March 30, 2003, 2.
  6. Bagdikian,
    New Media Monopoly.
  7. Tom Shales, “Michael Powell and the FCC: Giving Away the Marketplace of Ideas,”
    Washington Post
    June 2, 2003, C1; Paul Davidson and David Lieberman, “FCC Eases Rules for Media Mergers,”
    USA Today
    June 3, 2003, 1A.
  8. David Leonhardt, “Bush's Record on Jobs: Risking Comparison to a Republican Ghost,”
    New York Times
    July 3, 2003, C1.
  9. Robert Tanner, “Report Says State Budget Gaps Jumped by Nearly 50 Percent, with Next Year Looking Worse,” Associated Press, February 5, 2003.
  10. Dana Milbank and Mike Allen, “Bush to Ask Congress for $80 Billion: Estimate of War's Cost Comes as Thousands March in Protest,”
    Washington Post
    March 23, 2003, A1.
  11. Sheryl Gay Stolberg, “Senators' Sons in War: An Army of One,”
    New York Times
    March 22, 2003, B10. See also David M. Halbfinger and Steven A. Holmes, “Military Mirrors a Working-Class America,”
    New York Times
    March 30, 2003, A1.
  12. Darryl Fears, “Draft Bill Stirs Debate over the Military, Race and Equity,”
    Washington Post
    February 4, 2003, A3.
  13. David Cole, “Denying Felons Vote Hurts Them, Society,”
    USA Today
    February 3, 2000, 17A; “From Prison to the Polls,” editorial,
    Christian Science Monitor
    May 24, 2001, 10.
  14. See Cole, “Denying Felons” and sidebar, “Not at the Ballot Box.”
  15. Kenneth J. Cooper, “In India's Kerala, Quality of Life Is High but Opportunity Is Limited,”
    Washington Post
    January 3, 1997, A35; Amartya Sen,
    Development as Freedom
    (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999). See also Fareed Zakaria, “Beyond Money,”
    New York Times Book Review
    November 28, 1999, 14.
  16. Linda Villarosa, “As Black Men Move into Middle Age, Dangers Rise,”
    New York Times
    September 23, 2002, F1.
  17. Amy Goldstein and Dana Milbank, “Bush Joins Admissions Case Fight: U-Mich. Use of Race Is Called ‘Divisive,'”
    Washington Post
    January 16, 2003, A1; James Harding, “Bush Scrambles to Bolster Civil Rights Credibility,”
    Financial Times
    (London), January 21, 2003, 10.
  18. Elizabeth Becker and Richard A. Oppel, Jr., “Bechtel Top Contender In Bidding over Iraq,”
    New York Times
    March 29, 2003, B6.
  19. André Verlöy and Daniel Politi, with Aron Pilhofer, “Advisors of Influence: Nine Members of the Defense Policy Board Have Ties to Defense Contractors,” Center for Public Integrity, March 28, 2003,
  1. Laura Peterson, “Bechtel Group Inc.,” Center for Public Integrity,
  2. Ibid.
  3. Bob Herbert, “Spoils of War,”
    New York Times
    April 10, 2003, A27.
  4. Quoted in ibid.
  5. Karen DeYoung and Jackie Spinner, “Contract for Rebuilding of Iraq Awarded to Bechtel: U.S. Firm 1 of 6 Invited to Bid for $680 Million Project,”
    Washington Post
    April 18, 2003, A23. In December 2003 the contract was raised by $350 million, to $1.03 billion. In January 2004 Bechtel won a contract worth another $1.8 billion. See Elizabeth Douglass and John Hendren, “Bechtel Wins Another Iraq Deal,”
    Los Angeles Times
    January 7, 2004, C2.
  6. Stephen J. Glain, “Bechtel Wins Pact to Help Rebuild Iraq: Closed-Bid Deal Could Total $680M,”
    Boston Globe
    April 18, 2003, A1.
  7. Robin Toner and Neil A. Lewis, “House Passes Terrorism Bill Much Like Senate's, but with 5-Year Limit,”
    New York Times
    October 13, 2001, B6.
  8. See Cole,
    Enemy Aliens
    , 57–69.
  9. Evelyn Nieves, “Local Officials Rise Up to Defy the Patriot Act,”
    Washington Post
    April 21, 2003, A1.
  10. See Cole,
    Enemy Aliens
  11. Amnesty International, “India: Abuse of the Law in Gujarat: Muslims Detained Illegally in Ahmedabad,” November 6, 2003, AI index no. ASA 20/029/2003, See also “People's Tribunal”; Sanghamitra Chakraborty et al., “Slaves in Draconia: Ordinary Folks—Minors, Farmers, Minorities—Fall Prey to POTA for No Fault of Theirs,”
    Outlook India
    March 22, 2004.
  12. Greg Myre, “Shootout in West Bank Kills an Israeli Soldier and a Palestinian,”
    New York Times
    March 13, 2003, A5.
  13. Wayne Washington, “More Opposition to Detentions in Terror Probe,”
    Boston Globe
    May 13, 2002, A1; Tamar Lewin, “As Authorities Keep Up Immigration Arrests, Detainees Ask Why They Are Targets,”
    New York Times
    February 3, 2002, 14.
  14. Neil King, Jr., “Bush Officials Draft Broad Plan for Free-Market Economy in Iraq,”
    Wall Street Journal
    May 1, 2003, A1.
  15. Naomi Klein, “Iraq Is Not America's to Sell,”
    (London), November 7, 2003, 27. See also Jeff Madrick, “The Economic Plan for Iraq Seems Long on Ideology, Short on Common Sense,”
    New York Times
    October 2, 2003, C2.
  16. David Usborne, “US Firm Is Hired to Purge Schools of Saddam's Doctrine,”
    (London), April 22, 2003, 10; Steve Johnson, “Scramble to Win the Spoils of War,”
    Financial Times
    (London) April 23, 2003, 27; and Paul Richter and Edmund Sanders, “Contracts Go to Allies of Iraq's Chalabi,”
    Los Angeles Times
    November 7, 2003, A1.
  1. Heather Stewart, “Iraq—After the War: Fury at Agriculture Post for US Grain Dealer,”
    (London), April 28, 2003, 11.
  2. Alan Cowell, “British Ask What a War Would Mean for Business,”
    New York Times
    March 18, 2003, W1; “Spoils of War,” editorial,
    San Francisco Chronicle
    March 29, 2003, A14; Jan Hennop, “S. African Apartheid Victims File Lawsuit in US Court, Name Companies,” Agence France-Presse, November 12, 2002; and Nicol Degli Innocenti, “African Workers Launch Dollars 100bn Lawsuit,”
    Financial Times
    (London), October 13, 2003, 9.
  3. John Vidal, “Shell Fights Fires as Strife Flares in Delta,”
    (London), September 15, 1999, 15; Vidal, “Oil Wealth Buys Health in Country within a Country,”
    (London), September 16, 1999, 19. See also Ike Okonta and Oronto Douglas,
    Where Vultures Feast: Shell
    Human Rights
    and Oil
    (New York: Verso, 2003); Al Gedicks,
    Resource Rebels: Native Challenges to Mining and Oil Corporations
    (Cambridge, MA: South End, 2001).
  4. Tom Brokaw, speaking to Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn,
    NBC News Special Report: Target Iraq
    March 19, 2003.
  5. Bryan Bender, “Roadblocks Seen in Sept. 11 Inquiry,”
    Boston Globe
    July 9, 2003, A2. See also Josh Meyer, “Terror Not a Bush Priority before 9/11, Witness Says,”
    Los Angeles Times
    March 25, 2004, A1; Edward Alden, “Tale of Intelligence Failure Above and Below,”
    Financial Times
    (London), March 26, 2004, 2.
  6. Zinn,
    A People's History of the United States
    . See also Anthony Arnove and Howard Zinn,
    Voices of a People's History of the United States
    (New York: Seven Stories, 2004).

20. Do Turkeys Enjoy Thanksgiving?

  1. See André Verlöy and Daniel Politi, with Aron Pilhofer, “Advisors of Influence: Nine Members of the Defense Policy Board Have Ties to Defense Contractors,” Center for Public Integrity, March 28, 2003,
  2. “Strike Not Your Right Anymore: SC [Supreme Court] to Govt Staff,”
    Indian Express
    August 7, 2003; “Trade Unions Protest against SC [Supreme Court] Order on Strikes,”
    Times of India
    August 8, 2003.
  3. See “On Citizens' Rights to Express Dissent,” in the current volume.
  4. Michael Jensen, “Denis Halliday: Iraq Sanctions Are Genocide,”
    Daily Star
    Lebanon, July 7, 2000. See also the interview with Halliday and Phyllis Bennis in
    Iraq under Siege
  5. Arnove,
    Iraq under Siege
  6. Joseph E. Stiglitz,
    Globalization and Its Discontents
    (New York: W. W. Norton, 2002), 7, 61, 253–54.
  7. “World Trade Special Report,”
    September 10, 2003, 1; Thompson Ayodele, “Last Chance for Fair Go on Trade,”
    Australian Financial Review
    , September 11, 2003, B63.
  8. George Monbiot,
    The Age of Consent
    (New York: New Press, 2004), 158. See also UN General Assembly,
    External Debt Crisis and Development: Report to the Secretary-General
    , A/57/253, 2003, 2,
  1. The Fifth WTO Ministerial Conference was held in Cancún, Mexico, September 10–14, 2003. Sue Kirchhoff and James Cox, “WTO Talks Break Down, Threatening Future Pact,”
    USA Today
    September 15, 2003, 1B.

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