The Endgame (10 page)

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Authors: Cleary James

BOOK: The Endgame
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‘Please – more?’ he asked with a wicked grin, sliding the control on the remote.

Lisa whimpered helplessly as the vibrations intensified, stimulating her sensitive nerve endings relentlessly and pushing her over the edge. She bent her head, tears stinging her eyes as her body shook uncontrollably. All she could hear was the pounding of blood in her ears as she lost control. She kept her head down, her hair hiding her face. She couldn’t look at any of them. She felt so humiliated. She was vaguely aware of Isabel’s voice telling Mark to stop, and Mark joking that it would be cruel to stop now. But their voices sounded far away and muffled.

Then she felt Grayson’s strong arms around her, pulling her into his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, and she clutched his shirt, burying her face in his shoulder as her orgasm ripped through her.

‘Ssh,’ he whispered, running his hand up and down her spine, and stroking her hair soothingly as the spasms finally subsided. As her body went limp, she burst into tears. She couldn’t help it – she was too overwrought. But she quickly regained control of herself, blinking away the tears and wiping her eyes before she lifted her head. She kept her eyes downcast, too embarrassed to look at anyone.

‘That was hot,’ Mark said. ‘Would anyone else like a turn?’ He waved the remote in the air.

‘Don’t be such a jerk!’ Isabel snapped at him.

‘She enjoyed it,’ Mark protested. ‘Didn’t you, Lisa?’

She nodded dumbly. She knew better than to contradict him.

But Isabel had no such compunction. ‘She didn’t seem to be enjoying it to me.’ Then, her tone softening, she asked ‘Are you okay, Lisa?’

Lisa raised her eyes then. Isabel looked mutinous, and Lisa could tell she was ready to call Mark out on his behaviour. ‘Yes, I’m fine,’ she said, trying to sound as cheerful as she could. Isabel’s concern was touching, but she would pay for it later if Mark was made to look bad in front of their guests.

‘Are you sure?’ Isabel asked uncertainly.

‘Yes, really,’ she insisted.

‘We’re working on breaking down her inhibitions, aren’t we, baby?’ Mark said.

‘Yes. I’m trying to be more … adventurous.’ She smiled shyly at Isabel.

‘Maybe I pushed you too far,’ Mark said to her, his tone all loving concern. He stood and came around to her side of the table. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he dropped a kiss on the top of her head. ‘Sorry if I upset you, baby. You okay now?’

Lisa gulped. ‘Yes,’ she said, giving him a bright smile.

‘I should have seen that it was too much. But you were so sexy, I got carried away. I’ll pay closer attention in future, okay?’

She nodded.

‘Good. Well, why don’t I show you the rest of the house?’ he said to Isabel, holding out a hand to her. ‘There’s some more artwork upstairs I’d like you to see.’

‘Really?’ Isabel said with a smile as she stood. ‘You want to show me your etchings?’

Mark laughed. ‘You two might like to play with this,’ he said, handing the remote control to Grayson. Lisa saw Grayson’s jaw tighten as he took the device from Mark, and she was shocked at the barely concealed hostility in his eyes. But he said nothing.

‘Well, Lisa may have let you off the hook,’ Isabel said to Mark as she came around the table and took his hand, ‘but I still think you were an asshole. I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.’

Mark grinned. ‘I’ll accept whatever punishment you see fit,’ he said as they left the room.

‘Are you okay?’ Grayson asked her softly when they were gone. He was still holding her and his hand rubbed her back soothingly.

She nodded, hanging her head as mortification flooded through her.

‘I don’t think we’ll be needing this.’ Grayson tossed the remote onto the table. ‘Hey,’ he said, taking her chin in his hand and lifting her face. ‘Please don’t be embarrassed.’

She looked at him shyly from under her lashes. But how could she not feel awkward after what had just happened? She squirmed in his lap, gasping as she suddenly felt the hardness of his erection against her leg. ‘Sorry,’ she mumbled, pulling away.

‘Now I’m the one to be embarrassed,’ he said with a rueful smile as Lisa climbed off him.

At least there was something she could do about that, she thought – something she knew she was good at. When it came to blow jobs, she was confident that she could give even Isabel a run for her money. She dropped to her knees in front of Grayson.

‘Let me take care of that,’ she said, reaching for his zipper.

‘No.’ He frowned, batting her hand away so suddenly that she reeled back.

‘Sorry,’ she breathed, stricken by his rejection and wishing the ground would open up and swallow her. ‘You don’t want ...’ Her eyes slid away.

‘Lisa,’ he said, reaching for her, ‘of course I want you. God, I would have thought that was obvious,’ he said with a wry smile.

She blushed.

‘How could I not want you?’ he continued with a pained expression. ‘You’re an incredibly sexy woman. You’re beautiful, you have an amazing body, you’re so responsive–‘

‘Then why–‘

‘But I don’t want you to do that because you feel you have to.’

‘I’m not. Last week was different. I didn’t know what to expect. But tonight I’m prepared.’

‘Lisa, I didn’t come here tonight to have sex with you. I know it’s not what you want.’

‘Why did you come, then? If you knew ...’

He smiled crookedly. ‘I was hoping maybe a game of chess?’

Lisa couldn’t help smiling.

‘You don’t have to worry about Mark – I won’t tell him what we really get up to when we’re alone together. So what do you say?’

Lisa grinned. ‘I would like a chance to get you back for the other night.’

‘Great!’ He stood, taking her hand and helping her up. ‘Lead the way.’




Lisa took Grayson to the little study at the back of the house. She knew there was a chess board in one of the cupboards there. Mark used to play with her occasionally when she had first moved in, but he didn’t really care for chess himself and he hadn’t indulged her by playing for a long time. The study was Lisa’s favourite room in the house, and the only one where she didn’t feel out of place. Decorated in a style reminiscent of a gentleman’s club, the deep greens and browns gave it a feeling of cosiness and warmth that was lacking in the rest of the house. It didn’t have the charm and comfort of Grayson’s library, but it was a lot more relaxed and homely than the stark, minimalist style that Mark usually favoured.

She quickly found the chess set, her eyes darting anxiously to the door as she set it on a little inlaid table between two armchairs upholstered in rich brown leather. What if Mark were to catch her playing chess with Grayson?

‘May I?’ Grayson asked, pointing to the lock.

‘Yes, please,’ Lisa said gratefully. It was as if he’d read her mind.

‘Now we don’t have to worry about being disturbed,’ he said, turning the key in the lock.

Lisa smiled at him, relaxing. He was so considerate, so kind to her. If only she could have met someone like him instead of Mark, she thought wistfully – how different her life would be now. She dismissed such fanciful thoughts as she set up the board and Grayson settled into the armchair opposite her.

They were a little more familiar with each other’s style of play now, and they were less tentative with each other. Grayson surprised Lisa by adopting a more risky strategy than he had last week. He kept her guessing, constantly forcing her to raise her game, and she found it exhilarating to play with someone who could challenge her. Once again, she lost her shyness as she became absorbed in the game, and they chatted easily between moves.

‘Was it your grandmother who taught you to cook like that?’ Grayson asked.

‘She taught me the basics. She was an amazing cook, but more of the plain home cooking variety. The fancy cheffy stuff I learned myself. I took some courses.’ That had been Mark’s idea. The simple hearty food that she had loved as a child wasn’t refined enough for his taste.

‘You can’t beat plain home cooked food,’ Grayson said.

‘Especially home baking.’ Lisa thought longingly of her grandmother’s scones, pies and cakes. ‘My grandmother was a great baker. She’d always push the boat out on my birthday and make me a really elaborate cake, decorated according to whatever my current obsession was.’

‘Did you have a Little Mermaid cake?’ Grayson asked with a smile.

‘Seventh birthday,’ she answered.

‘So it was just you? You were an only child?’

‘Yeah. My parents died when I was just a baby, so …’ It occurred to her that she knew nothing about his background. ‘Tell me about your family. Do you have brothers and sisters?’

‘Three sisters. I was completely outnumbered,’ he said with a roll of his eyes, but there was an unmistakeable fondness in his voice. ‘All older than me too, so I was pretty much their slave.’

‘It must be nice having a big family,’ she said wistfully. ‘I’d love to have had a brother or sister.’

‘They’re all married now, so I have lots of nieces and nephews too – and brothers-in-law, so there are some more men in the family.’

‘Do you see a lot of them?’

‘Yeah, we’re pretty close. My parents moved to Cornwall when they retired, so we don’t see them as regularly, but we all get together as much as we can.’

It all sounded so normal and uncomplicated, and Lisa found herself thinking how lovely it would be to be Grayson’s girlfriend, to be part of his life. But even if that were possible, she felt unworthy of someone like him now, tainted by her twisted relationship with Mark. Grayson may be infinitely more worldly than her, but he had an integrity and purity that she had lost and would never get back.

‘How long have you and Isabel been together?’ she asked him. He was contemplating his next move, his dark lashes lowered as he studied the board, his thumb stroking absently over his mouth.

He glanced up at her. ‘We’ve known each other for about five years,’ he said before returning his attention to the board. ‘We’ve been lovers, on and off, for most of that time.’

Suddenly the silence was shattered by a high-pitched squeal from somewhere upstairs. Lisa blushed, but Grayson just chuckled.

‘Sounds like Isabel’s enjoying herself,’ he said as he moved his knight.

‘Don’t you mind?’ Lisa asked. She bit her lip, regretting the words as soon as they were spoken. She shouldn’t have asked.

But Grayson just looked at her calmly. ‘No,’ he shrugged. ‘Why should I mind?’

‘Well, because … she’s your lover.’

‘I’m not jealous. We don’t have that kind of relationship.’

She nodded, pretending to understand, but she didn’t. She couldn’t get her head around these cool, sophisticated people with their open relationships. How could you be so intimate with someone and yet remain so detached? She didn’t think she’d ever comprehend it.

‘Isabel and I are friends. We’re not exclusive – never have been. We’re not in love.’

‘So you’re friends with benefits?’

He smiled. ‘I suppose you could call it that.’ He moved a pawn into a vulnerable position, and Lisa bent her head to the board, considering how to respond.

mind?’ She looked up to find Grayson watching her closely. ‘Does it upset you that Mark’s with another woman?’

‘No,’ she answered. It was true. She was actually relieved that he had turned his attention to someone else, if only for a short while. She didn’t care about him being unfaithful, with or without her knowledge. But if she was committed to him as she pretended to be, if she was still as in love with him as she had been in the beginning, she would be devastated by what was happening now. She didn’t understand Mark wanting her to be with Grayson when he claimed to love her so completely and exclusively.

‘You don’t look so sure,’ Grayson said.

She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. ‘I would have minded … once.’ She shrugged. ‘I guess this is all just new to me. But I’m getting used to it.’ She bent her head to the board again.

‘Have you had many lovers, Lisa?’ he asked quietly. She looked up to find him still watching her.

‘No.’ She took his pawn.

‘How many?’

‘Three.’ Then an image of his head buried between her legs flashed into her mind. ‘Four since, um … last week,’ she amended, feeling herself blush.

Grayson took her meaning. ‘Oh, I don’t think I count,’ he said with a small smile. ‘Was Mark your first?’

She shook her head. ‘No,’ she said, her voice barely audible.

‘But he’s the last? There’s been no one since him?’

‘No. Not if you don’t count.’ For some reason she felt a little pang at the thought that he didn’t want her to think of him as one of her lovers.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said with a rueful smile. ‘I’m being rude and making you uncomfortable. I just want to get to know you better. You fascinate me, Lisa. I wish–‘

‘What?’ she asked, her throat feeling suddenly dry.

He sighed. ‘So many things. I wish we could have met under different circumstances.’

His words echoed her own thoughts so exactly she felt a little spooked.

‘I wish we had more time,’ he continued. ‘I wish you were coming home with me tonight instead of staying here with him.’

She watched his fingers, mesmerised, as he picked up his rook and moved it across the board. She felt stifled suddenly, trapped. Something was happening between them, some chemistry that made her feel hot and cold, frightened and excited all at once. She watched his fingers as they rubbed against his beautiful mouth, remembering the touch of them against her skin, the heat of his mouth on her body, the slippery wetness of his tongue ...

‘I wish I could kiss you again. I wish you wanted me to touch you,’ he said, looking up at her through heavy-lidded eyes. ‘I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since last week – how soft your skin is, how sweet you taste, how responsive you are. I wish – I wish I counted.’

Her breath caught in her throat, and her heart raced. She flicked her eyes up to his and their gazes locked, captivated.

‘That’s a lot of wishes,’ Lisa said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. But her laugh sounded hollow and false.

‘If you’re dreaming, might as well dream big,’ Grayson said with a smile. Then he became serious again. ‘If I were Mark, I’d mind very much about you being here with me. If you were mine, I wouldn’t want to share you with anyone.’

Suddenly the air seemed very still. Lisa realised she was holding her breath.

‘If only he knew he has nothing to be jealous about,’ Grayson said.

But that wasn’t true, Lisa thought. She couldn’t help feeling that what was happening between her and Grayson now was far more intimate and meaningful to her than if she’d simply fucked him.

Grayson looked away first, breaking the spell. ‘Sorry,’ he said, shaking his head as if waking himself up. ‘I’m being inappropriate.’

Lisa gulped, not able to speak.

‘Your move,’ Grayson said. She had a strange feeling he wasn’t talking about chess anymore.

As if in a dream, she moved her castle to seize victory. ‘Check,’ she said.

He looked at the board and then up at her and their eyes locked. He knew he had lost. He held out his hand to her, conceding defeat, and they shook, but he didn’t let go.

‘You’re shaking,’ he said, frowning in concern. He clasped her hand tighter, warming it. ‘Are you cold?’

She shook her head dumbly, confused and unnerved by the aching need that consumed her. She wanted him. The realisation took her by surprise. It had been a long time since she had felt the thrill of sexual desire. And the beauty of it was that she could act on it. She didn’t even have to feel guilty. It was what Mark wanted.

Their eyes met and held.

‘Your move,’ Grayson said hoarsely.

As if in a trance, Lisa leaned in and touched her lips to his tentatively. He sighed into her mouth, his eyes fluttering closed as he cupped her face and kissed her back; soft, sensual kisses, his lips clinging to hers. He drew back momentarily to push the table aside and pull Lisa into his lap. She went willingly, winding her arms around his neck as he pulled her into his body. His hand curled around the back of her head, his mouth opening over hers. His breath was hot, and he tasted of wine as his tongue met hers, softly probing and teasing, fanning the flames of desire that licked along her veins and feeding her hunger so she craved more and more. She moaned as his free hand ghosted over her breast, feeling her nipple harden under the warmth of his palm. She pushed into his hand, greedy for his touch as their kisses became more urgent, their tongues tangling erotically.

Grayson groaned deep in his throat as he tore his lips away, kissing his way down her neck and across her collarbone to her breasts. She arched her back, her fingers curling into the short hair at the nape of his neck as his tongue flicked across her nipple until it was hard and taut. Then his lips closed around it, sucking on it through the sheer material of her blouse, while his fingers teased and caressed the other one.

Rational thought receded, and Lisa became a purely physical, instinctual creature, driven by desire and need, solely focused on doing whatever felt good and feeding the hunger burning inside her. She felt Grayson’s erection against her hip and reached for it. He groaned as she pressed her hand against his hardness, grabbing her by the waist and moving her so she was straddling him. His hands slid up her legs and cupped her bottom as she ground her hips against his.

Suddenly there was a loud crash from upstairs, followed by a shriek. Startled, Lisa and Grayson broke apart. They stared at each other in silence, breathing raggedly. Then the sounds of laughter drifted down from above them. Grayson reached for Lisa again, kissing her while his hands roamed restlessly over her body. Lisa kissed him back, but the interruption had snapped her out of her trance and brought her back to reality. She tried to get back to where she had been, to empty her mind of everything but Grayson, the touch of his hands, the feel of his body against hers. But it was no use. She was aware of things beyond this room, of Mark and Isabel upstairs. Unwelcome thoughts crowded in to compete with the sensation of Grayson’s soft, wet mouth on hers, the smell of his skin, the heat of his body.

She still wanted him desperately. She still wanted him to take off all her clothes and kiss her. She wanted to feel his mouth on her everywhere, the touch of his hands, the feel of his bare skin against hers. She wanted his weight on top of her, the heat and hardness of him inside her. But the rational part of her knew that it would only feel good for a short time, and then it would make her sadder than ever. Because when they were done, she would stay here with Mark and he would go home with Isabel. Nothing would have changed. She would have a lovely memory. But if it was good with Grayson – and somehow she knew it would be – it would only make her want more. And she could never have more.

As if sensing her withdrawal, Grayson’s kisses became lighter, more hesitant, his hands on her gentling.

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