Read The Endgame Online

Authors: Cleary James

The Endgame (16 page)

BOOK: The Endgame
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Lisa started fumbling with the buttons of his shirt, surprised by the intensity of her desire. She wasn’t just playing a part. She wanted Grayson. Seemingly just as impatient as she was to feel his bare skin against hers, he helped her with the buttons and shrugged out of his shirt. Lisa ran her hands over the planes and hollows of his chest, loving the warm, solid feel of him. He pulled her into his body as he deepened the kiss, the touch of skin against skin setting her nerves tingling. He made a guttural sound in his throat as her fingers brushed across his taut stomach and she reached for his zipper.

She felt the tension in his body as he broke the kiss, his movements urgent as he quickly removed the rest of his clothes. Then he stood before her naked, and for a long moment she just gazed at him. He was beautiful – lean and muscular, his golden skin lightly dusted with dark hair. His cock was already hard and thick, standing proud against his taut stomach. Waves of heat washed over her as she drank in the perfection of his naked body, while his eyes devoured her in turn.

He bent and scooped her up into his arms, and Lisa kicked off her shoes as he carried her to the bed. He pushed her down onto it and crawled over her, and she stifled a gasp as he hovered above her, feeling momentarily overwhelmed by him and what was about to happen.

Then he lowered his mouth to her, kissing his way down her neck, along her collarbone to her breasts. She whimpered as he flicked his tongue lightly across one nipple before sucking it into his mouth, while his fingers teased the other until she writhed beneath him. His mouth moved lower, kissing and nuzzling along her sides and across her stomach, his tongue dipping into her belly button while he continued to caress her breasts. She dug her hands into his hair as his mouth travelled down her body, the softness of it in her fingers contrasting with the rasp of his stubble on the soft skin of her thighs. His groans of pleasure were interspersed with whispered praise, telling her how beautiful she was and how much he wanted her. He tugged down her panties, and she lifted her hips to help him. He slid them off and dropped them on the floor.

‘You’re so wet.’ His voice was husky as he buried his head between her legs, his words exciting her as much as his touch. She got even wetter as he licked along her folds, simultaneously stroking her with two fingers before sliding them inside her. Her body arched towards him reflexively and she curled her hands around his head, clamping him to her. The heat that was building inside her became almost too intense as his mouth latched onto her clit, sucking and licking mercilessly while he pumped his fingers inside her. She clutched at the sheets, whimpering helplessly as she came, her body bowing off the bed as the waves of pleasure consumed her. Still he didn’t stop, keeping up the relentless onslaught until he brought her to another juddering climax and she cried out with a raw, primitive sound.

He knelt up and grabbed a condom from the nightstand, his eyes burning into hers as he slid it on. She knew the fire in her eyes matched his, silently communicating to him that she wanted this as much as he did. He bent to kiss her as he hovered over her again. Then in one swift movement he grabbed her hands and held them over her head as he drove into her. Lisa felt suffocated, and tried to stifle her panic at the feeling of helplessness as the weight of his body pinned her to the bed, his hand holding hers immobile. But she couldn’t help the instinctive jolt of fear, the hitching of her breath or the panicked widening of her eyes.

‘Sorry,’ Grayson whispered, instantly releasing her hands, frowning in concern as he withdrew, his body stilling over hers.

‘No, it’s okay,’ Lisa reassured him, clasping her hands together over her head where he had placed them. She had said she would let him do whatever he wanted. If he wanted to hold her down, she would just have to tough it out. She waited for him to grab her wrists again. But instead he put his arms around her and flipped them over so that she was on top.

‘Okay?’ he asked, bringing her down onto his cock and settling her so she was sitting astride him.

She nodded hesitantly, worried that she had displeased him. But he didn’t look remotely unhappy, his eyes appreciative as they raked over her body.

‘This is better, actually,’ he said with a smile, his hands stroking along her thighs and over her bottom, pulling her tighter into him. ‘I can see you better when I’m inside you. I can touch more of you.’ His hands came up to cup her breasts, teasing the nipples as he pushed up into her.

Lisa felt powerful as she began to move up and down on him, the naked desire in his eyes emboldening her as he held her waist and thrust up to meet her. He groaned as Lisa wiggled her ass, grinding her hips into his, and his thrusts became faster and more urgent. His breathing was heavy and ragged as he put his hands on her shoulders, bearing down so he could push deeper inside her, his face contorted with tension as his cock began to twitch. Then, with a ragged moan, his whole body shuddered as he came inside her.




When his body went limp, Lisa collapsed on top of him, and he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her softly as his breathing returned to normal. Then he pulled out of her, easing her onto the bed beside him. They lay side by side, their bodies slick with sweat, just gazing into each other’s eyes. Lisa wondered what Grayson was thinking. Did he regret spending so much money on her? Was he disappointed that she’d shown fear when he held her down? Would he want to do it again? He’d paid to have sex with her as many times as he wanted until she had to leave at midnight. But maybe he’d had enough of her already.

‘Grayson?’ she began in a small voice.

‘Hmm?’ He traced a finger lightly along her cheek.

‘I didn’t mean to stop you – when you were holding me down. I’m sorry.’

sorry.’ He frowned. ‘It scared you.’

‘You took me by surprise, that’s all. But you shouldn’t have stopped. It’s okay if you want to restrain me–‘

His eyes narrowed. ‘Why would I want to do that? You clearly don’t like it.’

‘I said you could do whatever you wanted. If that’s what turns you on–‘

‘You think dominating you and overpowering you excites me? That doing something that scares you is a turn-on for me?’ He seemed almost angry, his jaw tense.

She shrugged. ‘I don’t know ...’

‘Well, it’s not. I don’t want to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. I want to please you.’

‘But ... why?’

?’ he asked, aghast, his eyes widening. ‘Isn’t that what sex is about – mutual pleasure and satisfaction?’

‘Well ... yes.’ She did know that in theory at least that was what sex was meant to be about. She wasn’t so naive as to think the way Mark treated her was how it should be. ‘But this is different.’

He tilted his head to the side, regarding her curiously through narrowed eyes. ‘Why?’

‘Because ... you’re paying me.’

‘Ah, the money.’ He gave a wry smile. ‘I wish we could just forget about that. It’s not part of the equation for me – and frankly, I’d rather not be reminded of it.’

‘Why not?’ Did he regret paying so much money to have sex with her? It was hardly surprising. He was almost bound to be disappointed.

‘Because I’d rather not be reminded of the fact that I had to pay you to sleep with me. It’s not very good for my ego.’

‘That’s not personal,’ she said, keen to reassure him. ‘When I said I wasn’t interested in having sex with you for its own sake, I meant it. But that’s not just with you. The same goes for anyone.’

‘Still, I’d rather indulge in the fantasy that you like me for myself,’ he said with a crooked smile.

‘I do like you, Grayson. But you don’t have to seduce me or try to please me. I’m not your girlfriend or your wife. I’m just a– a paid whore in this situation.’

He frowned. ‘Don’t say that,’ he snapped.

‘It’s what I agreed to. You’ve kept up your end of the bargain, and I’ll keep up mine. I said you could do whatever you wanted. So if you want to be rough with me or hold me down, that’s fine. You took me by surprise, that’s all. I wasn’t prepared.’

‘I don’t want to be rough with you. I don’t want to do anything you don’t like. I just want to make you feel good.’

‘I don’t understand why.’

He shrugged. ‘Call me old-fashioned. It’s how I was raised.’

‘Your mother taught you how to treat women in bed?’ she asked, eyebrows raised.

He chuckled. ‘No, of course not! Thank God.’ He mimed a shudder. ‘But she taught me to be considerate and sensitive to other people’s feelings. And she taught me how to treat a guest in my home – to make them comfortable and put them at ease.’

She looked at him curiously. ‘Is that how you see me? As a guest in your home?’

‘You’re here in my home, aren’t you? What else would you be?’

‘I don’t know,’ she shrugged. ‘A paid worker?’

He huffed in exasperation. ‘Even if that were true, do you think the fact that I’m paying you gives me the right to intimidate you and push you around? To make you do things that obviously freak you out?’

‘Yes, if it’s in my job description,’ she said hesitantly, not wanting to anger him. ‘I mean, if it’s what I signed up for ...’

‘Well, I don’t agree. I wasn’t brought up to abuse my power over people, where I do have power over them. Have I ever done anything to make you think I would?’

‘No,’ she said quickly. ‘You’re a credit to your parents.’ She saw that he found the idea that he would treat someone badly insulting and she risked offending him. He had treated her with nothing but kindness and consideration, even though she was here as a paid whore. ‘You’ve been very sweet to me. Your mum would be proud.’

He gave a relieved smile. ‘Thank you. I’m glad to hear it.’

‘Though I’m not sure she’d be impressed with your table manners the first night we met,’ she teased.

He frowned. ‘God, I’m so sorry about that. But I’m not actually in the habit of stripping and groping my female guests at the dinner table.’

‘You’re not?’ She quirked an eyebrow.

‘If I’d known–‘

‘Hey, I’m just teasing,’ she said. He looked so pained, she was sorry she’d brought it up. She had only meant to tease him, to lighten the mood.

‘I want you to tell me if I do anything you don’t want, Lisa,’ he said seriously.

‘Okay. I will.’

‘You want to know what turns me on?’ he asked softly, tracing a finger down her neck and across her collarbone, so lightly it almost tickled.

She shivered, nodding.

‘Watching you come,’ he said, his finger brushing across her nipple, ‘and knowing I did that to you. Knowing that I’m giving you pleasure – making you wet,’ he said, his hand sweeping down between her legs. ‘Feeling you want me as much as I want you.’ One finger began gently stroking the soft flesh of her folds. ‘Hearing you moan and scream because of what I’m doing to you. That’s what turns me on more than anything, Lisa.’

Her breathing became jagged as she felt the heat building inside her again at his words, the touch of his hands working its magic on her.

‘I want you so much.’ He bent and gave her a soft kiss on the lips while his finger continued its stroking. ‘I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you.’ He was working her clit now, tantalisingly slowly and languorously, and she rocked against his hand in frustration, seeking more friction. He kept up the relentless torture, gazing into her eyes as she whimpered and clutched at him as she came.

This time when he reached for a condom, she urged him on top of her.

‘I like you on top,’ she said when he hesitated. ‘Just don’t hold me down.’

He supported his weight on his hands and drove into her, moving slowly at first, rhythmically, and then picking up the pace. She stroked his back, loving the feel of the muscles beneath his warm, smooth skin as he drove them both to another mind-blowing orgasm.

He rolled off her and they collapsed, panting side by side on the bed. Grayson reached for her, but she pulled away.

‘I should go,’ she said, glancing at her watch. It was almost midnight. She sat up and turned away from him, disconcerted by how much she wanted to stay – to let him wrap her in his arms and pull her close. This was just a business transaction, she reminded herself. She couldn’t get involved.

‘I wish you could stay,’ he said, echoing her feelings. She felt the bed give as he sat up behind her. He dropped a wet kiss on her shoulder.

‘I have to go.’

‘I’ll pay you double if you stay the night.’ He kissed her neck. ‘And I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.’ He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder. She felt the roughness of his stubble against her skin.

She longed to be able to say yes, but she shook her head. ‘Sorry. I can’t.’

‘Just sleep with me,’ he whispered. ‘We can just sleep.’

She sighed. ‘It’s not that. I need to be home when Mark calls.’ Tempting as the money was, she couldn’t risk missing Mark’s call. He mustn’t have any reason for suspicion.

He sighed. ‘Will you come again tomorrow?’

‘If you’d like,’ she said, pleased that he wanted her again. If he wanted her often enough, she could be gone by the time Mark came back. ‘I can come any night this week,’ she said, turning her head to look at him.

night this week,’ he said, smiling at her.


‘Absolutely. What about days too?’

She nodded. ‘Whenever you want me.’

‘Be careful what you agree to,’ he said. ‘Because I want you all the time.’

She steeled herself to talk about money. She couldn’t let a few moments’ embarrassment stop her from getting what she wanted. ‘I’m sure I can handle it,’ she said with a shrug. ‘But it will cost you.’

She saw his slight flinch, though he tried to disguise it. But she couldn’t afford to feel bad for him. She had to be tough, businesslike.

‘Of course,’ he said. ‘But as you pointed out, I’m a wealthy man. I can afford it. How much?’

She tilted her head, looking at him questioningly.

‘How much for the whole week – all your available time, day and night? Unlimited access?’

Her breath hitched. She knew she should be ashamed to be negotiating like this for the use of her body, but her heart was already racing at the thought of all that money. She could tell he was desperate for her. She could name her price. She took a deep breath. ‘Ten thousand pounds,’ she said steadily.


Just like that. Grayson had just agreed to pay her ten thousand pounds in cash as if it was nothing! With one word, he had guaranteed her freedom, given her a future. She was reeling, but she struggled not to betray any emotion. She would absorb all this later when she was alone.

‘Unlimited access up to midnight,’ she amended, just to make sure everything was clear between them.

‘Done,’ he said. ‘My little Cinderella.’ He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

She was amazed at how easy it was – that he’d agreed so readily, without trying to negotiate or haggle. It was an obscene amount of money to pay for a few nights with her. She was just an ordinary woman – not particularly skilled in bed, nor especially beautiful – and nowhere near as sophisticated and experienced as the women she imagined he was used to. She couldn’t understand what drove him to it. He was kind, smart, drop-dead gorgeous – there must be plenty of desirable women who would be only too eager to sleep with him and wouldn’t charge for the privilege. And if he wanted to pay, he could find someone much more skilled in bed who would charge a lot less. Still, he was also very wealthy and could afford to indulge his every whim. If he wanted something, he could buy it. Fortunately, he wanted her.

‘You shouldn’t waste your money on me,’ she said, the words coming out of her mouth before she even realised what she was saying. Damn it, she didn’t want to talk him out of this. But she couldn’t help feeling guilty towards him. He was a nice man. He deserved to be with someone who wanted him for himself, not for what they could get out of him.

‘It’s not a waste,’ he said. ‘You’re worth it.’

She highly doubted it, but she refrained this time from telling him how deluded he was. ‘I’m glad you think so,’ she said simply.

‘I’ll have the money ready the next time you come – in cash.’

‘Thank you.’ She sat awkwardly on the edge of the bed, clutching the sheet to her, feeling very aware of her nakedness now. Considering everything she’d done with him, it was ridiculous to be shy of him now, but she suddenly felt very exposed. ‘Um ... could I have a shower?’

‘Yes, of course.’ He threw back the sheet and got out of bed. ‘Come on, I’ll show you where everything is.’

Reluctantly she dropped the sheet and stood. He was paying her a fortune for unlimited access to her body for a week; the least she could do was let him look at it. She would just have to get used to being naked around him.

Grayson had no such inhibitions as he took her hand and led her to the bathroom. When he had shown her how to work the shower and given her clean towels, he left her alone – though Lisa got the feeling he would have liked to get in the shower with her. She wouldn’t have minded that herself, if she had enough time. But she needed to get home quickly now.

As she washed Grayson’s saliva from her skin, she tried to dismiss him from her thoughts equally briskly. She liked him a lot, and he made her feel amazing, but he was just a means to an end, and he could never be more than that. It would be all too easy to fall in love with him, but she couldn’t let that happen. She had to remain detached – there was too much at stake to allow herself to give into feelings that might weaken her resolve and risk losing the freedom she had endured so much to achieve. She was here for one thing only – his money. She had to remember that. Still, she couldn’t help wishing that things were different – that she could have met Grayson under different circumstances. If only she’d met him before Mark. Maybe something would have happened between them. She could have allowed herself to have feelings for him ...

She was grateful that Grayson wasn’t there when she got back to the bedroom and she got dressed and dried her hair in privacy. Then she called a cab on her mobile and sat on the bed as she waited for it to arrive. Only when she heard the doorbell did she go downstairs. Grayson was in the hallway, dressed in a bathrobe.

BOOK: The Endgame
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