The Endless Knot (21 page)

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Authors: Stephen Lawhead

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BOOK: The Endless Knot
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“Llew?” Tegid placed a hand on my shoulder.

“There is a beacon on the ridge.” I turned to regard him. His dark eyes were intense, but he showed no other sign of alarm. “It is on the ridgeway above the mill.”

“Did you see anyone?”

“Not a soul. But I heard a sound—wood thrown onto the heap, I think. And I saw footprints: three men at least, maybe more. Someone has gone to a great deal of effort, Tegid.”

Bran arrived just then, and I repeated what I had just told Tegid. The bard stared at the flames, stroking his chin. Bran scowled as he listened and, when I had finished, said, “I will take the war band and search the woods and ridge. If the footprints are fresh, the men cannot have traveled far. We will find those who have done this and bring them back to face you.”

The Chief Bard continued to gaze into the flames. Bran was waiting for an answer. “Yes,” I told him. “Raise the war band at once. We will begin at the beacon—”

Tegid raised his head. “It is not for you to go,” he said softly. I started to object, but he gave a slight shake of his head; he did not like to contradict me in front of Bran. Recalling our previous discussion about kings chasing criminals, I understood his hesitation and relented.

“Ready the men,” I commanded and told him where to find the beacon. “You can start there.” The Chief Raven gave his assent and made to turn away. I caught him by the sleeve. “Find them, Bran. Track them down, and bring them to me. I would know who has done this and why.”

A moment later Bran's voice resounded through the hall as he chose the men who were to accompany him. A group numbering twenty or so left the hall at once—to startled speculation all around.

Turning once more to Tegid, I said, “I will ride with them only as far as the beacon.” The bard turned his eyes from the fire and regarded me with a skeptical look. “What are you thinking?” I asked.

“You say it is a beacon,” he said. “Why?”

“I know a beacon pile when I see one, brother.”

“That I do not doubt,” he replied quickly. “But you assumed an enemy had made it.”

“You think otherwise?”

“I think you have not told me all.” He had not raised his voice, but his gaze grew keen and accusing. “If there is something I should know, tell me now.”

“I have told you all I know—just as it happened,” I began, but he cut me off with an impatient twitch of his mouth. I stared hard at him. Why was he behaving like this?


thinking, Tegid!” My voice echoed in the hall. I bit back the words and clamped my mouth shut. Why did I assume an enemy? A beacon is a signal made to be seen from a distance; a beacon is . . . I looked at my silver hand almost touching the flames and felt the chill still tingling there. And I remembered the last time I had felt such a chill . . .

Raising my eyes, I said, “You are right, Tegid. It happened so long ago I had forgotten. I did not think it important.”

“Perhaps you are right. Tell me now.”

With that, I told him about the beacon fire I had seen on the night we camped on the plain below Druim Vran. “I am sorry, brother,” I told him when I had finished. “I should have told you then. But the next day we were home, and I guess I assumed the beacon had been lit for our return, and I forgot about it—until now.”

“That is not the reason you did not tell me,” he stated flatly. “You allowed your impatience to obscure your judgment. In your eagerness to see Dinas Dwr, you did not want to believe anything could be wrong, so you hid this from yourself, and from me.”

My Chief Bard was most astute. “I am sorry. It will not happen again.”

He dismissed my apology with an impatient gesture. “It is done and cannot be undone.”

“So you think we have been watched since our return?”

“What do

“I think it likely.”

“I think it certain.”

“But why?”

“That we will learn when Bran returns with those who have been watching.”

So we settled back to wait, and I found the waiting hard. I wanted to be out on the trail with my men, dealing directly with the threat instead of sitting in the hall doing nothing. One day passed, and then another. I kept my misgivings to myself. As the third day waned— and still no word from the tracking party—I voiced my mounting anxiety to Tegid. “They should have returned by now. It has been three days.”

He did not look up from the basket of leaves he was sorting into a bowl. “Did you hear me?”

“I heard you.” He stopped sifting the leaves and raised his head. He was bothered by Bran's absence too; I could tell. “What would you have me say?”

“They have run into trouble. We should go after them.”

“They are twenty worthy warriors,” the bard pointed out. “Bran is more than a match for any encounter. Leave it to him.”

“Three days more,” I said. “If we have heard nothing by then, I am going after them.”

“If we have heard nothing in three days,” he agreed, “then you can go after them. And I will ride with you.”

Nevertheless, I rode to Druim Vran the next day, just to learn if there was anything to be seen from the high ridgetop. Though cold, the day was bright, the clouds high and white. Goewyn rode with me and, though we pursued the ridgeway east a fair distance, we saw no sign of any trouble.

Before starting back, we paused to rest the horses. Sitting together on a rock overlooking the valley below, a fresh wind stinging cheeks and chin, I draped my cloak around us both and held her close as we watched the mist flowing down the hillsides to blanket the glen.

“We should be getting back,” I said, “or Tegid will send the hounds after us.”

We made no move, however, content to sit and watch the valley fill with thick, gray mist. The light began to fail at last and, although luxuriating in Goewyn's nearness and warmth, I nevertheless forced myself to stand. “It will be dark soon,” I said. “We should head home.”

“Mmmm.” Goewyn sighed and drew her feet under her, but did not stand.

Moving to the horses, I pulled the tether pegs and gathered the reins. “Llew?” Goewyn said. Her voice struck a note that made me turn at once.

“What is it?”

“There is something moving down there—along the river . . . in the mist.”

In three strides I was by her side and gazing into the quickly fading glen. “I do not see anything,” I said. “Are you certain?”

She stretched her arm to point out the place. “There!” she said, without taking her eyes from the spot.

I looked where she was pointing. The mist parted somewhat and I saw what appeared to be three dark shapes moving along the riverbank. Whether afoot or on horseback, I could not say. I saw only three swarthy, shapeless bulks moving along the riverside . . . and then the mist took them from my sight.

“They are coming this way,” I concluded. “They are coming to Druim Vran.”

“Is it Bran, do you think?”

“I cannot say. But something tells me it is not Bran—or any of those with him.”

“Who, then?”

“That I mean to find out.” I reached a hand down to Goewyn and pulled her to her feet. “Ride back to Dinas Dwr and alert Tegid and Scatha. Tell them to assemble a war band, and show them where to come.”

Goewyn clutched my arms. “You are not going down there.”

“Yes, but only to keep an eye on our visitors.” I squeezed her hand to reassure her. “Do not worry, I will not challenge them. Go now— hurry.”

She did not like to leave me alone, but she did as I bade her. I returned to the lookout and gazed into the valley. I caught a fleeting glimpse of the invaders making their way along the river, before the mist closed over them once more.

Mounting my horse, I rode back along the ridgetop the way we had come; since the trail was high, it remained light enough to see well ahead, but Goewyn was already out of sight. I rode until I reached the main track leading down into the glen and started down, encountering the swirling mist about halfway to the valley floor.

I continued on—almost blind in the shifting, all-enveloping vapor—until I reached the bottom, whereupon I stopped to listen. Everything was dead still, the foggy murk muffled all sound—and yet, I thought that if there was anything to be heard I would hear it quite plainly.

Absolutely motionless, I sat in the saddle, straining forward to catch any stray sound. After a while, I heard the light jingle of horses' tack and the hollow clop of horses' hooves, moving slowly. I could get no sense of the distance, but the sound did not seem very close. I lifted the reins and urged my mount forward, very slowly, very quietly.

No more than ten paces further on, however, the mist swirled away and I saw a horseman directly in front of me. Ice water trickled down my neck and spine.

A distance of a spear's throw separated us. I halted. Perhaps he would not see me.

The rider came on; I saw him raise his eyes from the track in front of him. His face was but a shadow under his cloak, which was pulled up over his head. His hands jerked the reins and his dark mount halted. He called something over his shoulder to unseen companions behind him. I heard his shout, sharp and urgent, but could not catch the words.

The fog moved in again on the fitful wind, and the rider was taken from sight. But just as the mist stole him from view, I thought I saw him turn his horse and bolt off the trail.

Drawing my sword from its place under the saddle, I took a deep breath. “Stop!” I shouted as loud as I could. “Stay where you are!” In reply I heard only the quick scramble of hooves as the horse galloped away.

Gripping the sword—and wishing I had brought a spear and shield with me—I rode forward cautiously and stopped at the place where the rider had appeared. He was not there, of course, and I could see but a few paces ahead in any case. I waited for a while, and when I heard nothing more, decided to return to the ridge track to await Scatha and the others. That way, I could guard the track if the riders tried to reach it by going around me.

Wheeling my horse, I made my way back to the place where the trail began to rise to the ridge and took up my position. Daylight had gone by now, and a murky twilight had settled over the glen. Soon fog and darkness would make it difficult, if not impossible, to ride at all. No doubt this was what the three intruders were counting on. I took some small comfort from the fact that what was difficult for one was difficult for all. Anything that would hinder me would hinder them as well; I was as much protected by the fog as they were.

I waited, watching and listening. I do not know how long I sat there—the fog, like damp wool, curled and shifted, obscuring and confusing all senses—but I gradually began to imagine that I heard the sound of horses once again. Because of the mist, I could not yet tell from which direction the sound reached me.

It might be the war band coming to join me, I thought, but they could not have had time enough to gain the ridgetop, much less descend. More likely, the invaders, having satisfied themselves that I had gone, were proceeding once more.

Listening with every fiber in me, holding my breath, I strained into the darkening murk for any sound that would tell me which way they would come. The sound of horses grew steadily louder as the intruders drew nearer. I turned my head this way and that, alert to any nuance of motion.

Then, swimming out of the fog: dimly glowing orbs of light . . . torches, two of them, no more than twenty paces away. I tightened my grip on my sword and shouted. “Stop! Go no further!”

At once the invaders stopped. The torches hung motionless in the air; I could not see anyone beneath the hanging lights, but I could hear their horses breathing and blowing, and the creak of leather as they waited.

Not wishing to show myself just yet, I continued speaking from where I sat. “Stand easy, friends,” I called. “If peace is your desire, your welcome is assured. But if it is a fight you want, you will receive a warmer welcome elsewhere. Get down from your horses.”

There was a moment's silence before the intruder replied. I heard the impatient stamp of a hoof and a voice: “We are peaceful men. But it is not our way to obey commands from any man we cannot see.”

“Nor is it my way to greet travelers with a sword,” I replied sternly. “Perhaps we both find ourselves in unaccustomed positions. I advise prudence.”

There was a further silence in which I heard the hiss and flutter of the torches. And then the voice said, “Llew?”



I heard a muttered command and then movement of a rider dismounting . . . quick footsteps approaching . . . then Cynan's foursquare, solid form looming out of the fog. His hair, moustache, and cloak were pearly with beaded mist, and his eyes were wide.

Clanna na cù!
” he muttered, relief washing over his ruddy features. “Llew! Is it you, brother?” He glanced around, looking for others. “
Mo anam
, man! Are you alone out here?”

“Greetings, Cynan!” I said, replacing the sword and swinging down from the saddle. In two steps I embraced him. “I am glad to see you.”

“A strange welcome this—if welcome it is.” He turned to those with him, a party of ten or so, waiting silently on the trail. “Tángwen! Gweir! It is Silver Hand himself come to greet us!” he called to them.

“If I had known it was you,” I told him, “I would have ordered a thousand torches to light your way.”

“Who did you think it would be?” he asked, concern quickly giving way to bewilderment. “And what do you think you are doing out on the trail alone, challenging travelers at sword point?”

I told him of the intruders Goewyn and I had seen in the valley, and I asked if he had seen anyone.

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