Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
Hopeless (9)
“Hopeless” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is re-
sponsible for all the incredible achievements seen in the
previous century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999
had at least one 9 in their date of birth. In the negative,
the 9 sees things in black and white. With this mindset,
things can seem impossible or hopeless; “It’s hopeless. I
don’t think I’ll ever get in.” In the positive, the 9 is ambi-
tious to change the impossible or the hopeless into ideal-
istic potential; “She’s not a hopeless case. I can see the
glimmer in her eye and that’s enough for me to believe.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
Top Positive and Negative Words 259
Horrible (6)
“Horrible” vibrates to the 6, the number of creativity, the nurturer, and the visionary. The judgmental
and critical energies of the negative 6 make “horrible” a
harsh and over-the-top label; “She’s just a horrible, horri-
ble person!” In the positive, the balanced, optimistic, and
greater vision energy of the 6 allows for more flexibility
and possibility; “I have a feeling she’s not as horrible as
she seems.”
Positive: creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurtur-
ing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.
Negative: pessimistic, judgmental, critical, worry-wart,
people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.
Hurt (4)
“Hurt” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. With the loyal 4
as the base vibration, “hurt” is offended or wounded en-
ergy in the negative, playing the role of victim; “I’m
hurt that she would leave me out.” In the positive,
“hurt” shows the enduring, progressive, and balanced
side of the 4; “He hurt me deeply, but I’m not going to
let it stop me from loving again.”
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
260 Top Positive and Negative Words
Ignorant (8)
“Ignorant” vibrates to the 8, the number of wisdom, independence, confidence, and manifestation. As
the most active soul-plane number, 8 has a direct link to
the spiritual realm, creating a sense of wholeness and
completeness. In the negative, the 8 is bossy, selfish, and
attention-seeking, fitting with the word “ignorant”;
“Can you believe how ignorant he was to her? He’s so
self-centered!” Even in the positive, “ignorant” can have
an overtone of selfishness as the number of wisdom can
make 8 seem like a bit of a know-it-all who is occasion-
ally wrong; “I’m sorry if I came across as ignorant. I
jumped to conclusions.”
Positive: wise, confident, assertive, independent, mani-
festing, assured, and loving.
Negative: detached, selfish, greedy, dominating, bossy,
and attention-seeking.
Top Positive and Negative Words 261
Impossible (2)
“Impossible” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In
the negative, the dualistic energy of the 2 creates a sepa-
ration between what you want to do and what you be-
lieve you can do; “My boss is impossible to deal with; I
give up trying to get through to him.” Where 1 is the
isolated stand-alone number, the double 1 make the
number 2, which is a pair or team. In the positive, the in-
tuitive, harmony-seeking, and cooperative 2 stresses
nothing is impossible if you work together; “It’s not im-
possible if you allow me to help you.”
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
Incomplete (4)
“Incomplete” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. The negative 4
tends to lose momentum easily, being the impatient,
self-absorbed, and instant gratification-seeking number. In-
complete goals are common with the negative 4 energy;
“My book is still incomplete. I’ve been picking away at it for years, but can never manage to finish it.” In the positive, the enduring, progressive, balanced, and organized 4 doesn’t
leave much of anything incomplete. “I don’t want to see
this project remain incomplete and collecting dust. It’s a
much-needed concept.”
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
262 Top Positive and Negative Words
Indecisive (9)
“Indecisive” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is responsi-
ble for all the incredible achievements seen in the previous
century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999 had at
least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most active
mental number, the highest change vibration, and consid-
ered the “big dreamer.” In the negative, “indecisive” is fo-
cused through the idealism of 9, but from a critical and
narrow-minded perspective. Instead of the open, big-
dreamer energy, uncertainty is formed from the black-
and-white vantage point; “I just don’t know what the
right answer is, I’m so indecisive.” In the positive, “indeci-
sive” turns humanitarian and less closed-minded, creating
hesitancy only because you want to do the right thing for
all involved; “I’m indecisive about taking the job that re-
quires extra travel because I want what’s best for the
whole family.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
Top Positive and Negative Words 263
Inferior (8)
“Inferior” vibrates to the 8, the number of wisdom, independence, confidence, and manifestation. As
the most active soul-plane number, 8 has a direct link to
the spiritual realm, creating a sense of wholeness and
completeness. In the negative, the 8 can feel inferior. Even
though it is the number of wisdom, it has lost sight of the
innate wisdom it carries; “I secretly think I’m inferior to
the other scientists on the team because I came from a
family of high-school dropouts.” In the positive, the wise
8 knows better and “inferior” is nothing more than a fleet-
ing moment of negativity; “He tried to make me feel infe-
rior but I could see it was his own insecurities shining
through his words.”
Positive: wise, confident, assertive, independent, mani-
festing, assured, and loving.
Negative: detached, selfish, greedy, dominating, bossy,
and attention-seeking.
264 Top Positive and Negative Words
Insecure (4)
“Insecure” vibrates to the 4, the solid, stable, practical, and balanced foundation number. In the negative, the 4 lacks the stability and balanced energy it uses
to be the grounded foundation number. The 4 can be in-
secure when working through the negative traits of im-
patience, materialism, and self-absorption; “I’m so
insecure around the popular girls. They’ll never accept
me—ever.” In the positive, the enduring, stable, and pro-
gressive 4 takes strides to move past the moments of in-
security; “I’m insecure around Ted because he’s so
competitive, but I can’t let that ruin our friendship.”
Positive: endurance, progress, foundation, practical, bal-
anced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative: materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant grat-
ification, and self-absorbed.
Top Positive and Negative Words 265
Jealous (2)
“Jealous” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In the
negative, the dualistic energy of the 2 creates a perceived
separation between
you and the cause of your jealousy;
“I’m so jealous of my sister’s relationship with Dad. We’ll
never be that close.” In the positive, the supportive and
cooperative 2 does not seek out the spotlight or demand
attention in the same way as the separated 2 in the nega-
tive; “I know I shouldn’t be jealous of her achievements.
My path is different and I have my own achievements to
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
266 Top Positive and Negative Words
Judge (2)
“Judge” vibrates to the 2, the number of intuition, sensitivity, cooperation, and dualistic energy. In
the negative, the dualistic energy of the 2 creates a per-
ceived separation between you and
whatever you judge;
“I don’t want to judge her too quickly, but she makes it
pretty clear she doesn’t like us.” In the positive, the bal-
anced, cooperative, and supportive 2, the number of in-
tuition, sees less of a separation, creating a softened
stance on “judge”; “I’m going to hold my judgment
until I meet her in person. I’m sure she’s different off
Positive: balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, sup-
portive, and harmonious.
Negative: contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive,
passive, and hypersensitive.
Top Positive and Negative Words 267
Lack (9)
“Lack” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is responsi-
ble for all the incredible achievements seen in the
previous century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999
had at least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most
active mental number, the highest change vibration, and
considered the “big dreamer.” In the negative, “lack” is
cloaked with the judgmental and critical side of the 9; “I
lack the support I need to do this right.” In the positive,
the ambitious and idealistic energies of the 9 step up to
the plate, turning “lack” into a tool or motivating factor
to move forward; “I may lack the know-how but not the
drive to learn.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
268 Top Positive and Negative Words
Limit (9)
“Limit” vibrates to the 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible humanitarian number. The 9 is responsi-
ble for all the incredible achievements seen in the
previous century; everyone born between 1889 and 1999
had at least one 9 in their date of birth. The 9 is the most
active mental number, the highest change vibration, and
considered the “big dreamer.” As the opinionated and
critical negative 9, placing a limit on anything is com-
mon; “I’ve got to limit my time with her; she’s a bad in-
fluence.” In the positive, the idealistic, ambitious
humanitarian sees a limit as a challenge to overcome;
“There is no limit on the things you can achieve if you
set your mind to it.”
Positive: humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, jus-
tice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative: driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black
and white, and narrow-minded.
Top Positive and Negative Words 269
Lost (3)
“Lost” vibrates to the 3, the intellectual number of imagination, memory, and inspiration. The 3 also
represents unity or coming together. In the negative, the
self-doubting and self-critical 3 makes it easy to feel lost
in ways big or small; “I’m lost. This new math concept is
way over my head.” In the positive, the intelligent and
inspirational will infuse optimism into “lost”; “All is not
lost. You’ll get it, I promise.”
Positive: analytical, intelligent, humorous, social, sensi-
tive, observant, unity, and inspirational.
Negative: critical, vain, grandeur, self-doubting, self-criti-
cal, overanalyzing, and indecisive.
Maybe (1)
“Maybe” vibrates to the number 1, with the isolated pioneer, new beginnings, and trailblazing energy.
The 1 is the only number not divisible by any other