The Enforcer (4 page)

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Authors: Nikki Worrell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Enforcer
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When they finally got to the California border on Thursday morning, they were both looking forward to being done with driving for a while. They had driven almost ten hours a day and made good time. Zoe had plenty of time before her Friday meeting with the new enforcer. Lacey was thinking about this Jody.
Jody LaGrange. Name’s kinda sexy. Nope, nope, not going there. Wonder what he looks like? I like big guys. Yeah, I really do need a man; but NOT a hockey player.



The last time Lacey visited Zoe, she was still living in an apartment. Since then, Zoe had bought a house at the beach. It was easy to see why Zoe chose that house. Located only a block from the beach, the waves could be heard crashing against the shore. Lacey loved it at first sight.

Like most beach houses, the first floor was raised so that the only thing at ground level was the garage. The siding was steel blue in color, and it was trimmed in white. Planter boxes, also in white, hung from the porch railing. They were filled with Lacey’s favorite flowers; white and yellow daisies. The planters completed the look like icing on a cake.

They pulled into the driveway and emptied out the car. Harwood floors greeted them when Zoe opened the door. The hardwoods ran throughout the entire first floor, except in the kitchen, which boasted neutral ceramic tile. The granite counter tops were light brown with green and blue specks in them to give off a bit of sparkle. The light maple wood cabinets fit in with the color scheme perfectly. It was a warm, comfortable kitchen that Lacey could envision friends standing around in, drinking a glass of wine and chatting about everything and nothing.

The living area was just as nice. Zoe had plants everywhere, which made the house feel alive. The couches were overstuffed and definitely there for comfort – they weren’t there just to look nice. There was a decent-sized flat screen TV above the gas fireplace, with bookcases on either side that were filled with books and movies.

After Lacey was done oohing and aahing over the first floor, Zoe showed Lacey the room she would be using. All of the bedrooms were on the second floor. Zoe’s master bedroom suite, which was off to the left, had an ocean view. There were two additional rooms to the right, along with the guest bathroom. Lacey’s room didn’t have an ocean view, but it was spacious and had a door to the bathroom that the two guest rooms shared. It was perfect for her. Zoe had never gotten around to furnishing that room, so the only thing she had had to do before Lacey got there was relocate some boxes she had been storing there.

Lacey’s furniture hadn’t arrived yet, so she just left her suitcase on the floor. She was relieved to see that her oversized furniture would fit just fine. She didn’t plan on living there forever, but it was nice that she wouldn’t have to put her bedroom furniture in storage.

There was no food in the house, but Zoe volunteered to go grocery shopping. Jokingly Lacey offered her the use of Rosie.

“Holy shit! Are you serious?”

Silly Zoe. “Hell no, I’m not serious. Did you already forget what you did to my sweet girl?” She must be insane if she thought she’d ever drive Rosie again. That ship had sailed. Right before she stomped down the stairs Lacey heard a muttered, “weenie.”

While Zoe ran out to the grocery store, Lacey finished unpacking what she could and then decided to check out the ocean view. On the way to the porch, she passed the beer fridge and snagged a cold one. Gotta love a gal who has a beer fridge.

Sitting on the porch was the best idea she had that day. As soon as Lacey opened the door, an ocean breeze came in. There were plenty of comfy places to sit. Lacey chose the porch swing, sat down and pulled her feet up under her. What an awesome way to relax – gently swaying on the swing, an ocean breeze and an ice cold Molson.

After she finished her beer, Lacey started drifting off when the phone rang. It sounded like it was coming from Zoe’s office. She debated whether she should answer it or not. Actually, she debated on whether she felt like getting her butt up, but it kept ringing, so she got up and answered it. “Hello, Dr. Millis’s office.”

“Hi, is this Dr. Millis?” Jody LaGrange was sitting on his deck looking out at the ocean when he realized he hadn’t rescheduled his appointment with the psychologist yet. If he were to be honest, he’d admit that he wasn’t completely comfortable with counseling. There was just something unmanly about talking about his feelings. And besides that, it really wasn’t anyone’s business what he was feeling, was it? But it came with the job so he did it … reluctantly.

“No, this is Lacey. She’s not in right now, can I take a message?” The guy’s voice sounded like warm honey. It was all hot and sweet, but at the same time it had a deep, sexy rumble.

“Sure Lace, thanks. This is Jody LaGrange. I have an appointment with Dr. Millis tomorrow at noon but coach called a meeting for the same time. I wasn’t sure if she knew about it. Could you reschedule me for later?”

Lacey couldn’t help but wonder what kind of guy would match a voice like that. He sounded like a laid-back, friendly guy, but since he was a tough guy on the ice, she assumed he’d seem tough off the ice too. And she liked how he shortened her name to Lace.

“I’m sorry, I don’t have Dr. Millis’s appointment book. If you give me your number, I’ll have her call you back to reschedule. She should be back soon.”

He gave Lacey his cell number and told her she could call anytime. “Thanks Lace. Are you Dr. Millis’s assistant?”

“Oh no, I’m just Lacey. Benoit. I’m staying with Zoe for a while … I mean Dr. Millis. I just moved out here from Maine. Zoe flew out to Maine and drove back with me. We just got in today.” Why was she telling him all of this? She laughed at his silence and said, “Guess you didn’t need to know all that, huh?” Giving another small laugh, she continued, “Sorry, I get chatty when left alone too long.”

Jody didn’t mind her chattiness at all. It was nice to talk to a woman so casually, with no hidden agenda. Too many of the women he met were just interested in his status as a hockey player. They had no interest in just chatting. It was refreshing. “Just Lacey, eh? Well just Lacey, it’s been nice talking with you. Thanks again for taking my message.”

“Yuppers.” He chuckled at her choice of words. After he hung up the phone, he thought ‘just Lacey’ might be worth the effort of getting to know. There was something in her voice that just sounded … fun. If she was staying with the doctor, maybe he would run into her. Surely he could make that happen. He was tired of being alone. Who knew? Maybe Lacey would be different from the usual women he met. He needed a challenge – not someone who begged him to sleep with her. It was pathetic.



Zoe came home with groceries and pizza, which was a good thing because Lacey was starving. They pigged out on pizza and beer while putting the groceries away. Lacey saw a major problem right off the bat. Where the hell were all of the veggies?

Zoe was one of those annoying creatures who could eat whatever she wanted and not gain an ounce. She was a runner and had a trim, athletic body. Yes, Zoe was a lean, mean calorie-burning machine. Lacey? She was nothing but curves. Everywhere. There was nothing about her that screamed athlete. Her body screamed “EAT THAT DONUT, AND YOUR PANTS WON’T FIT!”

Everyone had things about themselves that they’d love to change. Lacey’s biggest (no pun intended) issue with her body was her chest size. She was a 36DD. Big boobs were most guys’ dream, and that was great, but they didn’t have to carry those girls around. It also got tiring when men tried to engage them in conversation. Lacey gave them a pass the first time, but after that she informed them that boobs weren’t capable of conversation.

So, moral of the story? She was not going to eat that … oh my, would you look at that. The Doritos seemed to be open. Huh, how did that happen? Well, waste not, want not. And was that … why yes it was. That
dip. She was so screwed. But hey, it was a celebratory night, right? It wasn’t every day a girl moves across the country. She’d do some extra stomach crunches or something tomorrow. Right …

By around midnight, the pizza was gone. Most of the twelve-pack of beer, and about a quarter bottle of Grey Goose vodka seemed to have disappeared too. It was a fun night, but it was going to be a shitty morning. Good thing morning was still hours away.

“Zoe! I totally forgot to tell you to call Jody LaGrange. He called to see if he could reschedule for a later time tomorrow.”

“Jody called?“

“Yeah, when you were out. He said to call him back anytime. Let’s call him now. His voice is dreamy.”

“Absolutely not! You’re drunk.” Looking at the glass of wine in her own hand, she added “I may be, too.”

“Oh come on Zoe, what’s the big deal? We’re just celebrating. I’ll text him instead, okay? That way if he’s asleep, I won’t wake him up. We wouldn’t want him to think you’re unprofessional if you don’t get back to him before tomorrow. If he gets mad at me, so what? He’s nothing to me. Hockey player, remember? I have rules.” She had to admit – at least to herself – that she wouldn’t have
to hear his voice again, but texting was safer anyway. Drinking was not her friend, which is why she didn’t over imbibe too often. She tended to get flirty … possibly even a bit more than flirty.

“Well, okay. But be nice, and reschedule for whatever time he wants. I’m free all day.” Looking at her drink again and thinking about all the previous ones, she added, “Later might be better though. Morning could be ugly.”



Jody hadn’t slept well in years. Several doctors had suggested that his concussions could be the reason for that. They said his brain waves were different now since he started taking so many shots to the head. In any case, he was up and flipping through cable channels when he heard his phone play the goal horn indicating he had a text.
Huh, someone else who can’t sleep.
Jody didn’t recognize the number but opened the text anyway.


Lacey: This is Lacey. Dr. Millis can reschedule for anytime tomorrow, preferably later in the afternoon, but she will be available earlier if that fits your schedule better.


Ah, it’s ‘just Lacey,’
Jody thought, wondering what she was still doing up.


Jody: Great. How about 3:00 pm?


Lacey: That’s fine. I’m glad I didn’t wake you. That’s why I texted, just in case.


Jody: I appreciate it. Tell Dr. Millis thank you, and I’ll see her tomorrow.


Lacey: Will do. Good night Jody.
Lacey thought,
I can be a good girl.

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