The Enforcer (3 page)

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Authors: Nikki Worrell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Enforcer
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One of the reasons Lacey rented her cabin, rather than having bought a house, was because she wanted to spend her money on her dream car instead of a mortgage. Fortunately, she made a good living, but let’s face it – nobody could afford everything they wanted right away. So she chose her car over her home and never had regret.

Her 2010 black Audi R8 was the most gorgeous car on the planet. By using some of her inheritance as a down payment, she was able to buy that two-year-old beauty for a reasonable … well … she could afford it, okay? Yes, it was a bit elaborate, but good Lord … that baby had a V-10. That was 420 horses. They should call ‘em kittens because Rosie sure did purr. With her six speed manual transmission and all-wheel drive, she was great in the snow. Okay … not so much. But where her gas mileage was concerned … well, that didn’t need to be mentioned either. Yes, okay, she did have a beat up old SUV in the garage that she drove whenever it
sunny and warm. But sometimes a girl had to do what a girl had to do. As for the SUV – that wouldn’t be going with her. That vehicle would be donated.

Lacey had a decision to make. Her baby only got about fifteen miles per gallon in the city, but hey, she could get up to nineteen on the highway. So, did Lacey ship her car out there? Sell her? Absolutely not. Or should Zoe and Lacey cruise to beautiful California in her awesome Rosie? Yes! Option 3. Lacey added ‘save plenty of money for gas’ to her list of things she must have on their road trip. It would be fun. Really, how much trouble could two gals traveling across the country get into?
Thelma and Louise anyone?

Right in the middle of checking lists, the phone rang. The caller ID said ‘unavailable.’ Normally those calls went unanswered, but since Lacey applied for a new job, she figured she should answer it.


“Hey Lace. Are you packing yet?”

“Zoe, where are you calling from? Your number is coming up unavailable.”

“Oh, uh, well, I’m just … eh, doesn’t matter. So, are you packing yet?” Doesn’t matter? What does that even mean? That’s suspicious. Did Zoe have a new guy she was keeping a secret? And why wouldn’t she use her cell phone? Interesting.

“What do you mean, doesn’t matter? Why don’t I believe that? Whose phone are you using? Where’s your cell? What’s his name and is he wearing pants? Come on. Details!”

“Okay, well,
I’m at a friend’s house and
he’s in the shower. And
I can’t find my phone...or my panties...woohoo! This guy is a total neat freak, and I’m pretty sure that he put my purse away with my phone in it. Come to think of it, my panties have probably been washed, dried, folded and are in a drawer somewhere. You’d love him; he’s got OCD worse than you do. His place is so modern it’s almost sterile, but it suits him. This guy is prime beefcake. I love athletes. He doesn’t have an ounce of body fat on him, and he’s hard in all the right places, if you know what I mean. Did I mention how big …”

“ENOUGH! I haven’t had a man in … wow, I can’t even remember. You’re killing me. An athlete? What are you doing, Zoe? You can’t sleep with your clients.”

Sounding more defensive than Lacey had ever heard her, Zoe said, “Did I say he was a client, Lace? I meet a lot of guys that aren’t players. There are coaches, trainers, equipment managers, not to mention other men who aren’t even associated with hockey. Being an athlete doesn’t automatically mean they’re a hockey player.”

Not put off by Zoe’s tone, Lacey questioned her again. “So what’s his name?”

Zoe quickly replied, “It doesn’t matter. Bottom line is that
need to get laid, and I think you should start with a casual fling with one of the guys. They don’t take things too seriously, and they won’t spread your name around. Give a player a chance.
not held accountable to the ‘no client relationship’ rule. Honestly, hockey players are not the devils you make them out to be, and they have a lot of energy in the sack … so I’ve heard.”

Zoe was constantly trying to convince Lacey that relationships were just as hard outside of hockey. Well that didn’t make her feel warm and fuzzy either. Men cheated everywhere; it was what they did. So then you took a
hot man built like a Greek God and put him in a situation where women were carte blanche? Even
men would have a problem with that. Men just couldn’t be trusted to be in a monogamous relationship. Men couldn’t be trusted period.

“Okay, whatever. Next subject. Yes, I’m packing. I was trying to decide if I’d ship Rosie or not.”

“Hell no, you won’t ship Rosie! I’m only agreeing to drive back with you so that I can have a chance to drive her a bit. You promised. I wanna drive, I wanna drive, I wanna drive!”

“Zoe! Good Lord, how much coffee have you had today? Breathe...“ Lacey had tried teaching Zoe how to drive a manual transmission in her little Honda years ago. That Honda was the easiest car in the world to learn on … unless you were Zoe Millis. The girl ran marathons, was freakishly good at fixing stuff around the house and could probably
a car, but (and it’s a big but) she could NOT drive a stick shift. So Lacey just told her, “We’ll see.”

On the other end of the phone, Zoe could be heard pouting. “I know what that means; that means no, and I think you’re a weenie.”

“A weenie? Seriously Zoe? You just called me a weenie?”

“Yes, yes I did. You can’t make promises and then not follow through. It makes you a weenie. Speaking of weenies, you should see this guy’s. That man is fine. I gotta tell you about the way he uses his tongue on my …”

“Whoa! Okay, back to business. I’ve ordered the moving truck to be here on Thursday. That gives me three days to pack. I gave my notice at the office, and they said they were okay with Friday being my last day. They’re going to promote my top assistant to my position. She just finished with her degree. She’ll do great.”

“That doesn’t give you much time to pack. How will you get it all done if you’re still working? You need to be here for that interview. Kyle’s going out of town the day after you’re supposed to interview with him.” Kyle, the CFO, was nice enough to schedule Lacey’s interview for the following Sunday evening. That gave her time to drive out there and allowed him to fit her interview in before leaving for his business trip.

“I don’t have that much to pack. It’s mostly just my personal items. I rented this cottage furnished. The only big things that are mine are my bed, dresser and the TV. That’s about it. It’s a small truck. Oh, and my soaps of course.”

“You and your smelly soaps. You know they sell them here, too.”

Lacey was passionate about her ‘smelly’ soaps. She rarely wore high heels or skirts. She didn’t wear much makeup and kept her hair long because it was easy. She was definitely not a girly girl, but Lacey loved her soaps. She used a different scent just about every day.

“Again … whatever. When will you be here?”

“That’s why I’m calling, Lace. I hope you can manage this, but I need to be back almost two days earlier than we expected, so we’d have to leave there on Saturday. Do you think that’s possible? If not, maybe I could drive with you part of the way and pick up a flight in the middle somewhere so that I’m back in time.”

Taking in her boxes, lined up against the wall like good little soldiers, Lacey thought,
of course I can be ready early
. Most of them were already packed, since there wasn’t that much to pack up to begin with. Books and DVDs took up most of the boxes, and there were a couple of suitcases full of her clothes. It was kind of pathetic really. As for her bigger items in storage, surely she could hire someone at the storage place to send that stuff to her when she was ready for it. “Sure, no problem. But why so early?”

“We have a new player coming here from San Jose. His name is Jody LaGrange. He’s their fighter … I mean, enforcer.”

Lacey had always had a soft spot for enforcers and didn’t like it when they were referred to as fighters. Their role on the team was not always understood or respected. People were hard on enforcers, because they didn’t score a lot. But here’s a news flash … they weren’t supposed to! It wasn’t their job. Their job was to protect the star players, and if that meant bashing some skulls now and then, well so be it. As soon as an enforcer lost a couple of fights (which would happen), fans seemed to forget how those same enforcers had saved their star players by taking charge and challenging those who would hurt them. It drove Lacey nuts. “Jody LaGrange, huh? Jody? Sounds a bit soft for an enforcer.”

“Yeah, he’s soft all right. He’s six-foot three-inches and packing two hundred and thirty pounds of muscle. He’s pretty good, too. Great guy in the locker room, and he doesn’t bitch if he’s benched when they don’t need him. He wins more than fifty-percent of his fights, and that’s not too shabby for a thirty-six year old. He’s getting up there for an enforcer.”

Lacey usually knew all about the enforcers but was not as familiar with the West Coast teams. She knew the name, but that was about it. Zoe however, seemed to know quite a bit about him. “Seems like you know quite a bit about this Jody LaGrange.”

“I always do research on my boys before they come see me. I think it’s important that they know I’m truly interested in them. Especially the enforcers. How many fights can they get into before it takes a toll on their brain? I also see a correlation between being a protective person before their hockey career and transferring that into their job as an enforcer. It’s not just fighting to them; they’re out there to protect their teammates.”

“Okay, okay, I get it, but if you truly believe they are protectors, WHY do you insist on calling them fighters?”

“Because it’s fun to screw with you, and I know how you have a thing for enforcers. I know, I know-they can’t be trusted either. Seriously though, I just want to do the best job I can with them. These guys aren’t perfect, but they’re mine, you know?”

“I get it Zoe, I really do. You’re a great psychologist – the best. You help me out all the time, without even knowing it, and I love you for it. Now get your ass out here so I can start having some fun again.”



Picking Zoe up at the airport was the start of their adventure. She was, as usual, as excited as a newborn pup. When she got in the car she bounded over the console to give Lacey a hug. “I’m so excited! This is going to be so much fun driving all the way to California together.” Hmmm … it could be a long drive indeed.

Zoe wanted to drive right from the airport, but that obviously wasn’t going to happen. “Zoe, there’s just too much traffic here; you’ll have to wait until we get somewhere a little more remote.” Every time Zoe asked, Lacey had another excuse. Finally, somewhere in Utah, she finally agreed to let Zoe try to drive Rosie.

“Okay Zoe, you can have
chance to drive my girl without killing her transmission. But you have to promise to do it exactly like I say. Deal?” Her face lit up like the Fourth of July. “Really?” she said. “You’re going to trust me with your baby?”

“Trust you? No. But I’m going to let you try it anyway.”

Lacey found a road that was nice and straight, with nothing around as far as the eye could see, and pulled over. Before they were even fully stopped, Zoe was out of the car. That made Lacey feel like a bitch for not letting her drive earlier. Zoe was so excited, it was kind of cute. It would be interesting to see if that feeling lasted. They switched seats, and Lacey started instructing. “Okay, now you’re going to push the clutch in and before you do anything, I want you to feel the gears.” Lacey demonstrated the pattern of the gears for her. “Okay, you think you’re ready?”

“Yes! Yes, I’m ready.”

“Push in the clutch, put it in first, and
let out the clutch while
giving her some gas.” At that, they proceeded to fly about ten feet before the car jerked to a halt. “Okay, okay … not too bad; you just stalled her. Push the clutch back in, start her and try again. That’s it – now clutch in, gas off, shift to second. Good. Okay … no Zoe … NO ZOE… NO MORE GAS! You have to shift again. You can’t do fifty in second gear. It’s not good for Rosie. STOP!” Zoe didn’t look so cute anymore.

At that she looked at Lacey with puppy dog eyes and said, “I’m done, aren’t I?”

“Why yes, yes you are.” Zoe broke out into a huge smile and told Lacey how much fun it was. Lacey didn’t agree, but she was glad Zoe enjoyed it because it was
going to happen again. Phew … at least that was over with.

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