The Erotic Motorcycle Club Collection (3 Hot Biker Stories) (2 page)

BOOK: The Erotic Motorcycle Club Collection (3 Hot Biker Stories)
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After he pulled the condom on, he kissed me again, this time harshly, his desire overcoming his gentleness. I responded with equal force. I wanted him. I needed him. My biker pushed himself between my legs and pressed his hardened cock against my wet opening.  My body strained slightly against his girth before he slid deeply inside me. We both groaned with a pleasure that was indescribable as he entered me. I stared deeply into his eyes and saw a need in him that was as sharp as my own. I felt the sweat covering his back as I gripped his body towards mine and he thrust deeply into me, over and over. The pleasure rippled over my body, and I lost myself in an intense wave of pleasure that shook me from my head to the tips of my toes. I cried out loudly as I came. When I was in the final shivers of my orgasm,  Aaron finally let himself release as well and I heard him groan and cry out as his body bucked against mine. He leaned heavily against me as his heart beat rapidly and his breath came in short bursts. Finally, we both relaxed, spent and satisfied from our hot fuck session.  I smiled up at him as he gently withdrew his softening cock from me. He smiled back and kissed my forehead.

“Um, that was fun. Thank you,” I finally said with a laugh.

“That was fucking hot. And yeah, it was fun,” Aaron replied.  “I really like you. We should probably shower...I think we just ruined my earlier one.” I followed him into the shower and relaxed as the  warm water gently pounded against our exhausted, satisfied bodies. Aaron soaped me up and let me rub soap all over his washboard abs. “Let me take you on another ride tomorrow,” he said as we finished rinsing off.

“Which kind?” I asked. “I really enjoyed both rides I had today.” Aaron laughed.

“Well, then we must repeat both. I would laugh to take you on my bike up to this beautiful area where no one ever goes. Then maybe we can see about another one of those other types of rides as well.” We agreed to our plans as we toweled off and finally got ready for bed. I borrowed a large t-shirt from Aaron to wear to bed and snuggled up, enjoying his scent as it lulled me to sleep. I knew I had gotten myself into a predicament by getting so involved with the subject I was investigating, but I didn't care. The exhilaration I felt around Aaron was unlike anything I had ever felt before. All my preconceived notions were flying out the window. I couldn't wait for my next adventure in the morning. I drifted off to sleep  and my dreams were filled with crazy rides on a motorcycle as I caressed Aaron's hard muscles and he drove us off into the night sky.


I awoke to  the sunlight pouring into my tiny room.  I lay in bed and stretched lazily, wondering how long I had slept. The first few nights in my room at the Burning Woods Outlaws' lodge had been fitful as I tried to adjust to my new life undercover. I had finally settled into the routine though and I was coming to love my new surroundings. The one thing that bothered me was that Aaron, the Burning Woods VP, never stayed the night with me. I frowned, wondering why he always slipped away after I had fallen asleep. But my moodiness quickly disappeared as I remembered our naughty little sex session the night before. Aaron knew exactly how to press all my buttons and make me explode like no man ever had. We had fucked against the dresser last night, Aaron holding me up with one muscular, tattooed arm and gripping my breast with his free hand. I remembered wrapping my legs around him as he thrust into me over and over and how we both came so hard we had knocked the dresser over. The memory was already causing my panties to grow damp. I sighed, wishing Aaron had stuck around for some hot morning sex.


I was getting used to the routine at the lodge, but when I went out into the common area, I immediately noticed something was amiss. The room was filled with the members of the MC, but no one was laughing or horsing around like usual. Instead, everyone was somber, talking in hushed voices or shouting angrily. I looked around until I saw Jess, an older woman who was as close to being a friend as I had here. I walked over and asked her what was going on.


“Jasper's dead,” she said flatly. “And now everything's about to turn to shit.”


“Wait...what?” I asked incredulously. “How?” Jasper was the leader of the Burning Woods Outlaws. He was only in his forties, so it wasn't like anyone was expecting the power to change hands so soon.


“Don't know. Some sort of accident while he was riding, they say. Some members suspect foul play. And now there has to be an election. It is going to get pretty dirty around here. The factions are already lining up.” Jess shook her head in disgust. “They've got no respect.”


“So Aaron isn't a shoe-in, then?” I asked. Aaron was the VP, so he was the logical choice for the next leader. But in my investigation so far, I had learned that there was a growing division in the MC. Some people thought Aaron was trying to change the direction of the group for the worse. I thought guiltily about how I should have been investigating further. I was undercover as an investigative reporter to get the real scoop on this local motorcycle gang and I had let myself get distracted by a sexy, muscular man  instead. I vowed to pay closer attention to the group's politics and worry less about why Aaron wouldn't stay the night in my room or make any indication that he wanted to publicly acknowledge our relationship.


I looked around the room and saw that a distinct line was starting to form down the middle. One group was amassing over on the side where Jess and I were standing, along with several other bikers I had become friendly with, and on the other side were mostly people I would only recognize in passing but didn't really know very well. Just as I was about to make a remark to Jess about this, Aaron and a group of several other leaders walked into the room. The noise died down and the hushed crowd looked over at the leadership for some type of answer to their unspoken questions.


“By now I'm sure you've all heard about what happened to Jasper,” Aaron said in a tired voice. “I know that you all grieve with me. He was a great friend to all of us and a true leader. There is no use right now in speculating about what happened to him. The police will investigate. We should focus on remembering our dear friend and honoring him. Next week, we will hold an election and decide how to move forward. I hope that we will all stand together.” Aaron stepped back, his face solemn. I looked around the room and saw that many people were nodding, agreeing with Aaron, but some people on the far side of the room were whispering angrily and shaking their heads.


A tall, dark haired man in his early thirties stepped forward. I knew that he was in the leadership as well, but I wasn't sure his position. He walked over to where Aaron had been standing, but I noted that he did not make any eye contact with Aaron.


“I want to thank our current VP for his words, but I must respectfully disagree with his conclusions. Our president was murdered and we cannot just stand around and let the murderer get away with it. We all know that this is coming from the Snakes and they need to be taught a lesson,” he finished with an angry growl. I saw Aaron shaking his head but several of the other bikers were calling out their agreement.  The meeting ended on that divisive note. I tried to get to Aaron through the crowd but he was standing in a circle of his supporters and didn't meet my attempts to catch his eyes.


I wandered out of the room and went to sit on the porch. The sun was climbing higher in the sky and the warmth felt good on my skin. I closed my eyes and leaned back, unsure of how I should proceed. My feelings for Aaron were complicated, but I had to remember why I was here. I had a job to do. And Aaron clearly did not share my feelings. He was probably only interested in a clandestine sexual relationship and I was just wasting my time by hoping for anything more. As these thoughts buzzed through my head, I heard footsteps on the porch and someone sat down next to me. I opened my eyes and blinked against the glare of the sun. Next to me was sitting the dark haired man who had just given his speech. I noted that he was very attractive, in a different way from Aaron. They were both muscular, tattooed bad boys, but this man was darker and more mysterious looking. While Aaron was all open smiles and sun bleached hair, the man next to me looked like he was filled with secrets.


“Hey, I'm Marcus,” the man said, extending his hand to me. I shook it. “Sorry for intruding on your tranquility out here.”


“It's cool,” I replied. “I'm Kate. I'm new around here.”


“I know. I've heard a bit about you,” Marcus said with a coy smile. “It's a shame that Aaron has been keeping you all to himself. You are even more beautiful than they described.” I blushed hotly at his comment. Maybe it was my frustration at Aaron not publicly acknowledging me, but Marcus's compliment made me feel warm.


“Thanks,” I replied with a little laugh. “But Aaron definitely hasn't been keeping me to himself.” I immediately regretted saying that, feeling like a whiney schoolgirl with a crush.


“It sounds like there's a story there,” Marcus said. “And unlike Aaron, I wouldn't mind spending every single moment of today with you. Want to come have a small drink?” I nodded. I wasn't usually a day drinker, but my dark mood and the sexy biker's invitation were very good at convincing me otherwise. I hopped on the back of Marcus's bike and wrapped my arms around his muscular body. He revved the engine and we took off down the road at a dangerous speed. I felt the rush of wind against my face and the sun beating down on us and my worries were already fading. By the time we arrived at the bar I was grinning.


We started off with a round of Vodka shots. I tried to protest, but Marcus assured me that nothing chased away troubles like vodka. After the shots, I ordered a vodka soda to sip on while we chatted.  Marcus told me about how much he had admired Jasper when he was younger and how upset he was by Jasper's death. We drank another shot in  a toast to Jasper, then it was my turn to open up. I felt the alcohol loosening my inhibitions and Marcus's kind words made me trust him. I started rambling on about how I was worried that Aaron was only using me and how I wanted something more meaningful. Marcus nodded and put his arm around my shoulder.


“You are a beautiful, wonderful woman. You deserve so much better than the way he is treating you. That is what Aaron does. He uses people. I would never do that to you.” I looked up at his dark eyes as they gazed down at me and I couldn't help but believe him. His lips found mine and I kissed him back. He kissed me with a strength and confidence that made me melt. His warm mouth pressed hard against mine and I melted into his arms. When he drew back, I blinked up happily at him. I had found a biker that cared about me and wasn't shamed of me.


“You know the worst part about all of that?” I said to Marcus, my words slurring slightly as my vision blurred at the edges. “I didn't mean to get involved at all. I just came here to get the scoop. Not the dick.” Marcus laughed and told me that it was time to go. I nodded and tried to stand up, but my legs buckled under me and I fell to the ground. Marcus stood over me, looking down thoughtfully. Finally, I saw him walk over to the bar and have a short conversation with the bartender. I saw him handing the guy some money and then he walked out the front door. I tried to call out for him, but it was no good. 


“Hey, don't you worry girl. I'm driving you back to where you need to be,” the old bartender said as he walked over to me. He was surprisingly gentle as he helped me to my feet and walked me out to his car. I noticed through my blurred vision that Marcus's bike was already gone from the parking lot. The old man drove me back to the lodge, where I managed to stumble over to my room and collapse into my bed. I passed out quickly and slept deeply. When I woke up, I noticed that it was already getting dark. I had slept through most of the day. I sat up and immediately regretted it as my head was pounding. I felt ill. I managed to slowly get to my feet and walk over to the bathroom where I rummaged around until I found some advil and a glass for water. After gulping down several pills and a few glasses of water, I started to feel better. I decided to walk over to the living area and see what I had missed.


Out in the common room, the bikers were starting to gather again. This time I found a spot of the couch where I could sit and nurse the rest of my hangover as the group gathered to discuss their next course of action. Once everyone was assembled, I saw Aaron walk up to address the bikers. As he strode to the center of the room, Marcus walked up and cut him off, taking the position in the front. Aaron looked annoyed but did not engage. Marcus looked around at all the faces in the room but did not make eye contact with me. I had been so busy worrying about my hangover that I hadn't had the opportunity to think about what had happened with Marcus earlier in the day.


“Thank you all for coming here again. I have some more unfortunate news for you. I know we all want to believe that Aaron has the club's best interests at heart, but I have discovered evidence to the contrary. In fact, I've found out that he has brought a reporter into our midst to spy on us and reveal all our secrets,” Marcus said with an angry voice. He was now looking directly at me, pointing his finger in my direction. My face felt hot and I saw all eyes in the room turn towards me accusingly. I wanted to stand up and explain, but my head was pounding and I felt nauseated.  I didn't know how to respond. Aaron looked at me questioningly, but I looked down at the floor. I couldn't respond. I stood up and ran from the room, shutting myself into the tiny bedroom that I had started to think of as home. I curled up in my bed and the tears started to flow. How could I have been so stupid? I messed everything up. I realized that my tears were more for Aaron and the MC than they were for my botched investigation. I should have realized that Marcus was just using me to get to Aaron.  A half hour later, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and Aaron was standing there, looking at me with fury in his eyes.

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