The Escort Series (2 page)

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Authors: Lucia Jordan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Sagas

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“It’s not about the money,” Bea said with a sigh, then looked into
Lisa’s pleading face. “You really think I can pull this off? You really want me
to do this?”

“Yes,” Lisa said, her tone firm as she gazed into Bea’s face. “This just
might have happened for a reason. Maybe this is your chance to just…enjoy a new
experience. Have some dinner and drinks – maybe some dancing, with two
very gorgeous and debonair men. Something to giggle with the girls about over
coffee later.”

Bea smirked humorously. “Lord knows I never have anything to give them
to giggle about.”

Lisa laughed. “After tonight, you certainly will. And I’ve got just the
outfit to suit your lovely curves and coloring. I bought it a month ago in
Italy. I knew it wasn’t the right fit but I couldn’t resist the dress. It
looked so gorgeous in the shop. I always thought I’d have it fitted for me
– but now I’m glad I didn’t. It would be your perfect size. And then your
hair, make-up…baby, I’ll make you look and feel like the amazing beauty you
are. And my clients – your clients – are going to be blown away.”


Now, sitting with the two men known as Ryan and Jason Wallace, Bea was
getting the funny feeling she was the one feeling the blown-away sensation.

She’d been shown to the table just a few minutes earlier, and she’d
instantly wanted to run right back where she’d come from.

Not that Bea was frightened of being faced with not one, but two
blindingly gorgeous guys – no. But she suddenly had the feeling of
getting into a deep-end situation that she just might not be able to swim out
of in time. Why oh
had she let
Lisa talk her into this?

Somehow, she’d managed to smile and take the seat they offered.
Something about the way they’d looked at her, in pleasant surprise and
appreciation, had somewhat strengthened her resolve to stay. One thing she was
was that she’d allowed Lisa to primp and
pomp her up to Lisa’s content. Now, Bea did feel every inch as sophisticated
and elegant as she hoped she looked to her dashing companions.

“I’m Ryan,” the gorgeous one on her right said, holding out his hand.
“And this is my brother Jason.” He indicted the gorgeous other on her left. Bea
swallowed. Damn, they were freaking hot if looks were anything to go by. And
! Heavens above. It was
Scottish indeed. Just deep enough to jumble up the meager contents of her
belly. It was a good thing she’d been too anxious to eat all day thanks to the
prospect of going through with the dinner appointment.

Ryan, whom she knew was the elder, looked just above thirty, with a
devilish smile to go with his blond good looks. In fact both men were
deliciously blond, though Ryan’s golden locks were a lot more tamed and
conservatively styled than his rakish-looking younger brother Jason, who was
roughly thirty.
With their soft
golden curls and square, handsomely tanned faces, they could easily pass for
very sexy, very grown-up Cupids just waiting to plunge their pair of arrows
into an unsuspecting female breast such as hers.
the very allusion made her shiver inwardly. But why the heck
was she letting her mind wander? Barely five minutes into the “job” and she was
already all aflutter.

They both had equal lashings of virility just rushing at her like a
tide, and she felt dizzy just looking from one to the other.
Focus, Bea.
. What would Lisa do?

Well, Lisa probably met hunky CEOs like these two on a daily basis.
Heck, Bea knew she did. But still…

She drew in a deep breath and told herself to get into the mood. Just a
few hours of playing the professional and glamorous escort to two hot
billionaires, and she could scurry back into her warm and safe little hole.
Free from the very wicked and wild thoughts that came to mind as she looked
into their piercing eyes. Ryan’s a startling blue, and Jason’s an equally
remarkable green. They smiled at her knowingly, as if well aware of the effect
they were having on her. Dredging up some of her hard-won poise gained from working
in a male-dominated IT environment, she smiled elegantly.

“Nice to meet you…both,” she said with feminine demureness, shaking
their hands lightly in turn. How was it possible that just that casual gesture
of a handshake from both of them had equal whippings of electricity?

She drew in an inaudible breath. It would really have been much easier
if there’d been someone else to pair along with these doubly delightful devils.
Seriously, which two guys booked a date with just one escort? Bea remembered
asking Lisa this same question as Lisa had put finishing touches to pinning up
Bea’s lustrous dark brown hair.

“It must simply be their personal preference. Perhaps, like some men,
these brothers enjoy the idea of lavishing their attention on one woman. Just count
yourself lucky and enjoy,” Lisa had teased.

Bea had made a face at her flat mate then, but she wasn’t being so
disdainful now. Oh, no way.
Because these two guys were more
than ample distraction for any right-thinking woman.
Individually they
had their special masculine appeal – but together, they were quite
utterly overwhelming.

However, Bea remembered the part she was to play. Save the day, leave
with dignity and a sense of fulfillment that she had at least, done something
spontaneous for a change…


“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Miss Hamilton. Bea,” Jason said with a
small smile, as he slowly withdrew his hand from hers. “I must confess you’re
very much different from what we expected. From your photos, you were
distinctly blonde.”

Bea resisted the urge to bite on her lip. “Well…I’d like to start off by
apologizing. I’m not Lisa Kendrick whom you were expecting to meet tonight.
I’m...I’m Bea Hamilton. I had to fill in at the last minute for my um…colleague
who had an urgent emergency.” She saw their eyes narrow, and added quickly,
already taking up her purse, “Look, I’ll understand if you don’t like the idea
of me taking her place. I’ll leave right away and perhaps you both can
reschedule her when…”

“You misunderstand,”
said, a slightly lifted
hand making her pause in her rush. “What I meant is that, I find you a pleasant
surprise. Quite honestly, far preferable to what we imagined.”

“Oh,” Bea said quietly, settling back slowly into her seat and fighting
down the pink from her cheeks.

“Jason is right,” Ryan drawled, and her eyes flew to his. “Your
colleague, Lisa came highly recommended from one of our business contacts. In
fact, it was he who insisted on making an appointment for us with a
professional escort. Something about giving us both a “treat”.” Ryan smiled,
and just that simple gesture was enough to make Bea blink as somewhere deep in
the juncture of her thighs, she quivered. Bloody hell what were these guys made
from? Pussy magnets? They were dangerous to her very much neglected hormones.

Ryan added smoothly, “I can assure you that suddenly, my brother and I
are quite glad we changed our mind about refusing the kind offer. You see
we don’t really do escorts.”

I can tell
; Bea almost blurted. Looking at these two, they’d never need to pay a
dime for female companionship. If anything, they’d be batting off the ladies
left and right. And not just due to
billions. Even
Bea could tell that they gave out that special aura that appealed to the
deepest and darkest needs in a woman’s soul. Thank goodness, Bea thought with
an inner sigh, that she was virtually immune to such tendencies. Oh, they were
desirable no doubt, but knowing they were beyond her reach and could never be
anything but her charming dinner companions, made her feel somewhat secure and
relieved. Since she knew there was no chance in hell she could have them, she
could rest easy.

“I understand, and I’m glad that we’re getting to share this lovely
evening together,” Bea heard herself say with a courteous, very escort-ish smile
and demeanor. Once again, she noticed both their gazes narrow speculatively, as
the brothers sent each other a brief, unfathomable look.

At last, Ryan turned to her with another of his gorgeous smiles. “Well,
shall we order?”


Chapter Three

In time, Bea was beginning to relax and actually act normal. The food
and wine was impeccable. Enjoying such a fabulous repast with two charming and
quite divinely handsome Scots was enough to mellow any normal girl down. She
still quivered when they sent her those strange, hooded looks of theirs, but
she managed to ignore the sudden chills and heat waves she felt alternatively
each time she looked up and met either man’s stirring gaze.

To her relief, there was so much they found to talk about, and many
times, she knew she surprised them with her contributions to certain topics.
She was no airhead; she definitely knew how to make good conversation. And
wasn’t that what a true professional companion was all about, she thought,
feeling quite happy with herself. As she relaxed, her smiles grew warmer, and
her face shone brighter.

This escort thing wasn’t so bad after all, Bea mused. She began to see
the benefit to be had in such a vocation. Without a doubt, it was quite a
thrill being able to finally meet men of like minds. They were cultured and
truly delightful. Jason was the quieter of the two, she noticed. He liked to
listen and watch more, while Ryan was the more outgoing, more inclined to draw
Bea out of her shell with his questions that were sometimes even teasing. All
in all, they were quite friendly, likeable chaps if she could just get over the
fact that they were just too beddable to be borne.

At last, the last of the courses were cleared away, and suddenly Bea
began to realize the evening would soon draw to a close at some point. Why did
she feel such a twinge of disappointment? Lisa had mentioned something about
dancing, or even end the evening with some cocktails at the bar. But Bea
wondered if she’d enthralled them enough to make the brothers wish to spend more
time within her charming presence?

Suddenly needing a reprieve, she smiled and rose with her purse as she
excused herself to go to the restroom. They both rose immediately, and she felt
impressed by their gallantry. She strode away and resisted the urge to put more
than a usual sway to her walk as she secretly wondered if the brothers were
watching her go.

Inside the empty, classy ladies room, she slumped against the door, for
the first time being able to draw a proper breath. She pressed the back of her
hand to her forehead for a moment, before turning to the mirrors lining the
marbled room. Staring at her reflection, she almost didn’t recognize herself.
The make-up made her look more mature, more womanly, as did the flattering
dress. Her hair was still perfectly in place, and she couldn’t help smiling as
she thought she didn’t look too bad for an evening with the two most eligible
bachelors ever. She chewed on her bottom lip as she finally remembered why
she’d escaped to the bathroom. Quickly, she hunted in her purse for her cell
phone as she hurried made to call Lisa. She had asked her before she’d left to
make sure she called to let Lisa know how things were going.

But when she rang her friend’s number, it was switched off. And then she
remembered that by now, Lisa would be well on the plane to Vegas. Bea really
should have excused herself ages ago to let Lisa know there was nothing to
worry about; the two Scottish gents were quite happy with their replacement
date and the evening had gone splendidly so far…

Giving up after three more tries, she did some minor touch-ups to her
appearance, drew in one last deep breath, and left the silent haven of the
ladies room.

Bea’s relief at having made it so far on the date without embarrassing
herself or her “clients”, shattered the minute she returned to the table to
join her two dashing companions.


“Now that you’re back, Bea; there’s something we’d like to ask you. Do
you do outcalls?”

Surprised by Ryan’s sudden question and the hooded glint in his eyes,
Bea looked to him and echoed, “Outcalls?” She was a bit lost; was that some
kind of escort term she should know about?
Lisa really should have briefed her better.

“Yes,” Ryan said slowly. “Do you do visits? For example, would you
follow us back to our hotel?”

Oh, now she got it. Bea might be somewhat green but even she knew the
universal language of, would you fuck?

“I’m sorry, but that wasn’t part of the arrangement,” she said primly.
What the hell!
She was thinking in alarm
and more than a little jolt of excitement.

“We know this,” Ryan told her calmly. “But we’re also aware that
whatever acts the escort finally chooses to share with the client – or in
this case, clients, would be her choice and nothing to do with what’s been
arranged with the agency. So I ask again, Bea. Will you accompany us to our
hotel suite? We’re at the Waldrof, and we have a very discreet, extensive and
charming suite. We could order a bottle of wine, get to know you better.”

Bea was caught between fury, arousal, embarrassment, and dismay at
herself for even for a millisecond considering this. “
,” she gasped, fingers tightening on her napkin. “I’m not a call
girl, Mr. Wallace – “

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