The Escort Series (6 page)

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Authors: Lucia Jordan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Sagas

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can’t do it,” Bea said decisively, rising once more to her now steady feet. She
saw Lisa’s crestfallen expression, and sighed angrily. “Do you have any idea
what you’re asking me?”

it be so bad?” Lisa asked in a quizzical tone. “You told me they were nice
guys. Obviously, you made a great impression on them. My agency assured them
they could get me to make the appointment this time – or any of the
agency’s most exclusive escorts. But no, the Wallace brothers stood firm that
it was you they want. And they offered to pay the agency a
generous fee.”

Ah, the
money angle again, Bea said with inner anger.
The brothers
hadn’t changed their tactics at all
she fumed

not even about the money,” Lisa said quietly. “And trust me, I’m not getting
anything out of talking you into this. I just…it sounds
exciting, Bea. I just knew you’d be a hit with them – and
I was right. These guys are so rich they can shower you with tons of fabulous
gifts. You’ll be spoiled within an inch of your life. This is such a wonderful
opportunity, girl! Have you ever considered – you know, taking up this
kind of pursuit for real?”

eyes snapped. “You mean, like becoming a

chuckled. “Yeah, sure.
I’m one too
It’s a respectable occupation as any. It’s not like you’re getting paid for sex
or anything. That’s a different chapter entirely. And you get to keep your day
job, too. It’s just that your evenings and weekends will get a lot more
exciting from now on once you become an escort.” Her grin widened. “I know many
girls at my agency who hold down fulltime professions in addition to their
escort work. I’m talking accountants,
school teachers
fashion models – and even dentists. This is just a great way to have fun
and also make some cool cash that a sensible woman can’t say no to.”

“I can’t
believe you want me to become a professional escort,” Bea said tightly.

raised her shoulders in a shrug, her eyes twinkling. “Okay, let’s keep to baby
steps. Let’s just stick to trying to get you through this Wallace
episode. So will you do it?”

Bea said firmly. “I don’t care if they chose me specially. That favor I did for
you? Well, that was a one-time event. I’m not going through that again.”

sighed deeply. “Why do you keep thinking I’m asking this because of
? Bea, I want you to do this for
. Somehow, you’ve got this chance to
really get to start living
acting your age. You’re
twenty five
but you insist on living like
some…schoolmarm spinster! You shy away from involvements, and you don’t even
like to date. I’m not trying to mother you or anything but girl, I think this
is another great opportunity for you to actually start experiencing life, and
not just existing.”

Bea let
out a ragged breath. “You don’t understand,” she said through gritted teeth. “I
told you; this is not me
at all
Sure, the first time might have gone well, but you have no idea what I went

was true, at least, Bea added wryly to herself. Lisa may never get to know how
Bea’s first night as an “escort” had gone – and how she hadn’t even been
able to keep her composure – and chastity – where the two brothers
were concerned!

A frown
crossed Lisa’s forehead. “What do you mean? Did they mistreat you in any way? I
thought you said they were perfect gentlemen.”

Bea shoved
her hands through her dark hair. “Oh sure, they were. But I won’t
, Lisa…I’ve never met guys like them before. They’re a
Especially since there’s
of them.
They’re just a lot
for an everyday girl like me to handle.” She had a rueful smile on her face as
she added, “And I understand that you think it’s time I grabbed life in my
hands – but one night with the Wallace billionaire brothers was more than
enough for me.”

In more
ways than you can ever imagine, thought Bea with a tiny blush stealing up her
neck that she hoped Lisa wouldn’t notice.

Lisa was too busy feeling disappointed. “Well, okay. I guess I’ll have to
respect your opinion. I’ll never push you into something you weren’t really
comfortable with. I mean, just because I think it’s a fantastic opportunity and
these appear to be a couple of really great guys…”

sighed heavily, her smile self-deprecating. “I have to stop trying to mold you
into what I think you
be. But
you’re cool just the way you are, Bea. I wouldn’t change anything about you.
You’re shy, yet serene nature, your sweet personality. There’s no cause for me
to wish you could suddenly push yourself out of your comfort zone, or test your
own limits. That’s not for me to call. So…just do you, honey. I totally respect
that about you; the way you stand your ground for what you believe in. So you
know what? I’m calling the agency and telling them you’re not interested. The
Wallace brothers will have to forgo the pleasure of your company this time.”


Chapter Three

Bea was
standing there in her sexy high-heeled pumps and designer frock, her hair done
up in a fashionably messy
top knot
her heart in her mouth.

so she’d let herself get talked into this –

Just as
Lisa had been about to make the call to the agency to tell them Bea was not
interested in making the appointment with the Wallace brothers, Bea had stopped

Bea had said, when Lisa picked up the phone. Bea had wanted to kick herself for
this, and she was rolling her eyes at herself for being so easy to maneuver –
not that she thought Lisa’s speech had been a deliberate tactic to stir Bea’s
conscience – but…she
the sincerity in Lisa’s words and Bea had felt bad about making such a big deal
about this.

was the fuss about meeting the brothers again anyway? At least this time, Bea
would be far more prepared than she had been when they’d first met.

that she knew how sensually lethal they were, she’d be more on her guard. It
was just some club-opening event after all.
Very public, very
this could be
her chance to give them a piece of her mind about that two hundred thousand
dollars check.

addition, she might get the chance to come clean and tell them she wasn’t an
escort at all. It may get the agency in hot water, but Bea couldn’t see the
brothers causing any trouble over something that had been mainly an innocent
mix-up and an equally innocent replacement had been made. Sure, the brothers
didn’t get the professional escort they’d expected but Bea had a feeling they’d
enjoyed the alternative well enough.

do it,” Bea had finally told Lisa, and Lisa’s gleeful reaction had made up a
lot for Bea’s inner worry. Lisa had jumped on her with a hug and once again,
promised to spend the whole day with Bea in order to prepare her for the upcoming
evening’s engagement.

that you’ve agreed,” announced the gleeful Lisa,
“I can give you more details. They made
certain…requests as to how you should dress. This is normal for a client
– or in your case, clients. Depending on where they plan on taking you,
they’d prefer your attire to suit the occasion or venue. For example, if you
all were going to the theater or some elegant restaurant, there’d be a certain
kind of outfit they’d like you to wear. Casual, formal or smart – or
very, very sexy.”

sighed deeply, already feeling like she was sinking in deep again. “So what’s
it going to be this time?”

this occasion, the Wallace brothers want sexy,”
said with a wide grin. “And I know just the place we can go to shop for the
perfect outfit…”

couldn’t believe how into it Lisa really was. She took the whole day to make
sure they found the perfect clothes. Lisa was tireless when it came to shopping
and she could scour a hundred stores for the exact one item that met her
approval. At last, she selected a dress that she felt would fit the
requirement. Bea, on her part, was more concerned
them again. The appointment had been booked for Friday night,
which was tomorrow. She knew she’d have zero sleep till then.

* * *

She was
picked up from a specified location by a black stretch limousine that was to
take her to meet them at the venue.

inside the luxurious car, the chauffeur offered her champagne, which was
already chilling in its bucket, with the fluted glass in evidence. Bea politely
declined, and instead asked for more details about their destination.

will be joining my bosses at the Pirata Domingo, ma’am. It is a newly opened
BDSM club,” the uniformed driver said lightly.


carefully collected demeanor almost shattered at that revelation. Why on earth
would…what in the world would they be…She couldn’t even process; she needed to
tell the driver to turn the heck around.

But she
didn’t. Instead, she swallowed her panic and stared out of the tinted windows with
a heart beating more wildly than ever.

She had
to admit she was terribly curious. Why a BDSM club? She’d certainly never seen
the inside of one but she did have a faint idea of what could go on there. That
they’d want her to meet them at such a venue did not look reassuring to the
nervous Bea…

* * *

On her
arrival inside the club, she was shocked to see that it was nothing like she’d
expected. No, it didn’t look like a den of debauchery, and neither did it look
like a brothel or anything. Sure, there were some eye-popping erotic art
hanging all over the walls, and there was a lot of black marble going on, but
it was streaked magnificently with gold. The dim lighting and the overall
ambience was one of iconic cool, what with the fantastic looking mirrored bar
gleaming from across the room. The place was far from crowded but then it was
still quite early. There were tables and booths as well as a dance floor, just
like any other club.

As she
strode in deeper, she caught sight of the medium-sized platform in the middle
of the room, which had a lot of weird looking machinery and equipment placed on
it, including chains and ropes hanging from the ceiling. Those things looked
more like they were meant for torture than pleasure, and Bea couldn’t help but
wonder fleetingly in amazement if folks were really into this kind of stuff! In
its pride of place was a bed, and Bea had to keep from stumbling as she made
her way to where two men suddenly rose from their seats beside the bar.

concern about her environment faded to the back burner when she met the
admiring eyes of both Ryan and Jason. She reached their side with steps as
steady as she could muster though she was quaking inside.

Ryan. Hi, Jason,” she said calmly enough.

It’s great to see you again,” Ryan said as she took her seat between them. She
tried not to start when Ryan took her hand and kissed it, his lips falling like
butterfly wings onto her skin. Jason, to her surprise, was a lot more forward.
It was he who leaned close to place a whisper of a kiss on her cheek. Both
gestures from the two brothers were warm and even possessive, yet lighthearted.
Still, it sent large bolts of arousal shivering through her.

Oh no
. She was in trouble. She knew
this in a second.

look…breath-taking,” Jason said, as he drew back from her cheek. He had the
same look of heated approval his elder brother had. Bea shifted on her stool.
She thanked him lightly while she took the chance to view them both without
showing her emotions. Damn, they were
That was all she could say to herself. They were dressed less formally than
last time, yet with far more swag to their masculine hotness. And their accents
sounded even spicier after not hearing them for so long.
, thought Bea with an inner pang as she strove to keep her
expression neutral.

moment they took their seats, a very sexily dressed waitress wearing nothing
more than a black leather thong and corset over knee-high boots appeared to
take their order of drinks. Bea let them choose something for her though she
swore she wasn’t going to be taking more than a glass. She needed her wits
around these two, she knew.

“How do
you like the place?” Ryan asked with a teasing smile, the music playing in the
background helping to ease Bea’s inwardly nervous mood. She found herself
relaxing without meaning to, as she got over the jolt of seeing them again. One
things for sure, their attraction hadn’t waned. They still had that
“fuck-them-in-a-heartbeat” appeal but Bea reminded herself there’d be
fucking anyone tonight. No way.

quite tame from what I’d expected,” she murmured, refusing to let them see how
nervous she was when she’d found out about their chosen venue.

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