The ETA From You to Me (22 page)

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Authors: L Zimmerman

BOOK: The ETA From You to Me
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“You said I could top!” Grant whined, squirming because this was completely unfair. They had a deal, okay. Grant did not like being coerced out of the things he was promised, and what he was promised was a nice one-on-one session with Clayton’s gloriously well-rounded derriere.


Clayton went still, rocking against Grant for a second before he let out an amused huff and pulled away. Grant had half a second to register the loss of bodily contact before Clayton flopped gracelessly onto Grant‘s bed.


Staring, Grant watched as Clayton played with the hem of his towel, pushing it down a little and then spreading his legs. "Well? Get on with it," he teased.


“Oh, I will.” Grant affirmed, kneeling onto the bed and then climbing on top of Clayton. He pressed a hand against Clayton’s chest and tapped his collarbone, watching the way Clayton’s nostrils flared for just a second and his tongue darted out to lick his lips. “I’m going to make you
for it.”


Clayton snorted, which was like silently issuing a challenge that Grant felt obligated to uphold. He bent down and pressed his mouth right over Clayton’s adam’s apple, mouthing gently and then flitting his tongue out to lick a hot stripe up against the underside of Clayton's chin. Clayton froze, and Grant could feel his breath hitch the second Grant bit down gently, and then dragged a series of sloppy, sweet kisses to Clayton’s collarbone. He only paused every now and then to give a good, sharp nip, until he reached the curve where Clayton’s neck met his shoulder. That’s when Grant pressed his hands down, forcing Clayton against the bed and rocking their hips together with a quick, sharp bite.


Clayton gasped, and Grant did again, harder, pleased when Clayton gave an aborted jerk. His body was soft, firm warmth beneath Grant's. He smelled like bar soap and sweat and Grant could feel the way their hearts thundered unevenly together. All of this made him want to do anything and everything in his power to completely take Clayton apart, to worship him and memorize each and every inch of his body.


Grant nosed up under Clayton’s ear, biting the lobe and sucking it between his teeth, hearing and feeling the way Clayton struggled not to groan softly. Each time it happened, it made Grant want to do it more and more until Clayton was a completely wrecked mess.


Clayton brought a hand up to Grant's hip, but Grant caught onto his wrist before it could make contact, shoving Clayton’s arm against the mattress and pinning it down. Clayton inhaled sharply, and Grant felt the muscles in his hand and arm shift and then relax. Good boy. Grant grinned into Clayton’s jaw, kissing the hinge and then taking his other hand and shoving it up under Clayton’s shirt.


“How long do you think it would take for me to kiss your whole body? I wouldn’t mind getting my mouth all over your Adonis self at any time of day--”


“You’d complain about pubic hair in your mouth.” Clayton blurted. Grant jerked back with wide eyes. Did he just--


“It’s the truth.” Clayton added, because, well. It was. It was kind of scary that Clayton already knew him that well. Grant couldn’t help but laugh, loud and long, and bent down to press his smile against the curve of Clayton’s amused smirk.


“You should work on your manscaping, then,” Grant muttered, and Clayton snorted quietly. Grant kissed him again, and then again and again until he couldn’t tell where one kiss ended and the other began.


At some point, he was able to wrestle the both of them out of their towels until the only thing between their bodies was heat, sweat, and the tiniest bit of precum. Grant rocked their hips together, groaning when the head of his dick got caught in the dip of Clayton’s belly button. Clayton didn’t seem interested in doing anything about it, he was too busy trying to bite a hickey into Grant's bottom lip, hands clutching the back of Grant's head to keep him from pulling away.


Grant fumbled for the night stand, and Clayton pulled back enough to give him a few seconds to loot around in it. His hands wrapped around his half-emptied bottle of lube, mentally cheering in triumph. Sitting back, ass nestled comfortably on top of Clayton’s thighs, Grant fumbled with the cap, making sure not to get too overzealous like Clayton had done last time.


Clayton shifted, sliding one leg out from under him and laying back against the bed to watch Grant with half-opened eyes and a curl of a smile on his mouth.


“Oh my God.” Grant groaned, bringing one slicked up hand down between Clayton’s legs to grab his dick. Clayton jumped, eyes wide as he watched Grant squeeze and stroke him. Clayton had an amazing cock, okay. It was thick and hard in all the right places, and Grant really, really needed to suck on it. Only he would have to wait until another time when he hadn’t just covered it in lube. Mostly because lube was not tasty. At all.


“Grant.” Clayton snapped almost breathlessly. Grant looked up, one eyebrow rising high because yeah, he did feel a little cocky knowing that he was the reason Clayton sounded like that.


“Did you need something?” Grant asked, smiling innocently. Clayton’s nose twitched in unison with his lip curling just the tiniest bit, brows pinching in an adorable pissy-faced expression. Clayton huffed through his nose, but kept quiet, which was not what Grant wanted. He squeezed the base of Clayton’s cock, dragging his fist up and down and then easing his hand to Clayton’s balls, cupping and massaging them with a pressure just shy of firm. Grant visibly saw Clayton’s right leg twitch at the knee and fall to the side the tiniest bit, like he was instinctively wanting to open himself for Grant.


That was just the way Grant liked it, actually.


Setting down the lube, Grant climbed off of Clayton’s other thigh, just so he could grab the meat of it and push until Grant had plenty of room to work with. He could see the skin of Clayton’s hips and groin stretching from the spread of his legs, his cock red and swollen where it rested on crease of his pelvis. .


With a soft noise, Grant grabbed him underneath of each knee and hoisted them up onto his shoulders. He ignored the cry of surprise that came from Clayton, instead dragging Clayton’s upper body close enough that he could nose his way up under his balls. A bit of lube smeared across his nose, but it didn’t matter because when Grant licked a big, wet, flat line right up the seam, Clayton’s thighs clamped around his head like a vice.


"Uunnh--" Clayton's groan cut off, muffled through his clenched teeth.


Clayton’s scent was heady, the skin of his balls soft as they shifted under his tongue. He even made sure not to complain about any pubic hair, just because proving Clayton right was always a mood ruiner. Instead he licked a second time, sucking on each one long enough that Clayton’s thighs started to quake. Clayton’s hand grabbed onto his wrist, making the bone creak and Grant's grip on Clayton’s knee weaken just the tiniest bit.


Relentless, Grant gently tugged the skin along the underside of Clayton’s balls between his teeth, nipping and then releasing it to lick and kiss the abused skin.




Taking Clayton's shout as encouragement, Grant nuzzled up until he could press loud, wet kisses against the skin behind Clayton’s balls. He blindly reached around to Clayton’s stomach, arm wrapping around his hips--Clayton’s cock bumping against it and smearing precum all along his forearm--and pulled until Grant had easy access to press his face in and run his tongue along the pucker of Clayton’s hole.


It was like someone electrocuted Clayton, because Grant had to hold tight to his stomach just to keep from getting whiplash from the force of Clayton’s full-body jerk. Pulling back after one last flick of his tongue, Grant didn’t give Clayton time to even complain. With a twist and shove, he flipped his lovely, manly, utterly fuckable boyfriend right onto his stomach.


“Grant!” Clayton yelped, "a little warning?" 


“You like it.” Grant shot back, and then, just to test his limits he brought his hand up and slapped Clayton right on his left asscheek. Clayton jerked and Grant could actually hear the sound of the bed sheets wrenching. “Good, huh?”


Clayton looked over his shoulder and gave Grant the most annoyed, filthiest glare of all time. His face was beet red, and a total giveaway to the fact that he was most definitely enjoying it.


Grant swatted his ass again, right on top of the faint red mark. Clayton howled, and Grant grabbed a handful of each cheek and spreading him wide. He ducked down, flattening his tongue right on the center of Clayton’s exposed hole and dragging it up to his crack.


The muscles of Clayton’s back twinged, so Grant's set his hand at the base of Clayton’s spine and started to massage in unison with each swipe of his tongue. He’d never really rimmed anyone before, but he’d been on the receiving end enough to know just what he liked, and hopefully Clayton would like it too.


Grant teased the pucker of Clayton’s entrance, pushing against the resistant muscle with every pass. He could feel the way the skin would tighten and twitch, and loved it even more when Clayton finally let out a low breath and Grant physically felt Clayton loosen up enough to let the tip of his tongue slide in. Of course, that made Clayton tense up again right away, clenching around Grant's tongue like a clamp. Grant brought both hands up to Clayton’s as cheeks, pulling them apart so he could press his face in and wriggle his way inside of Clayton.


“Hhhnnn--” Clayton stuffed his face into the closest pillow, shuddering.


Twisting his tongue, Grant couldn’t help but echo with a quiet groan when Clayton rocked into his mouth and forced himself to loosen up. Grant brought one hand down to wrap around the base of Clayton’s cock, tugging at it to pump him back to full hardness again. Clayton huffed, hips twitching, and Grant took it as his cue to lift his head up and look around for the lube. He used his thumb to flick the lid open, other hand still milking Clayton with a steady rhythm as he squirted a good amount of lube right on Clayton’s crack.




Grant was in control of the lube this time…


He lifted his arm, and squeezed the bottle into his fist. Lube gushed out in thick squirts, pouring all over Clayton’s lower back and ass in a glorious spray. Clayton jumped so hard Grant lost his hold on his dick, which was totally worth it.


“What the--”


“Payback!” Grant interrupted, and he couldn’t even control the wild-eyed grin he knew he was giving Clayton. It was entirely one of the most unforgettable moments of his life. Clayton on his knees, ass in the air and his skin wet and shiny with almost an entire bottle’s worth of lube gracelessly dumped all over him.


“I’m going to--”


Grant swiped his hand across the lube, pressing down on Clayton’s back to shove him into the bed. Clayton looked like he wanted to struggle--and he could, he was so much stronger than Grant it wasn’t even funny--but then he caught Grant's eye and he just… relaxed. Grant watched in detached amazement as Clayton clenched his jaw, forced himself to go limp, and then looked behind himself at Grant.


“Are you going to hurry up, or am I going to have to finish myself off in the bathroom?”


Well then.


Grant shoved his hand into the lube puddled in the small of Clayton’s back, taking a second to trace the puckered dip and then bringing his hand between Clayton’s legs. He didn’t even give Clayton any forewarning before he slipped his index finger in just a tiny bit.


Clayton hissed, and then the muscles around Grant's finger fluttered and practically sucked him in deeper. With each passing second, Clayton looked more and more uncomfortable until Grant twisted his fingers and grabbed Clayton’s cock at the same time he pushed right down against Clayton’s prostate. Clayton jolted, arched, and his left leg shot out like he wanted to pull away from Grant at the same time he rocked right back into his touch.


Grant did it again, spreading his three fingers and pressing in just enough to get his pinky in--he’d rather Clayton be too loose than too tight. He wanted Clayton to enjoy this.


“Like that?” Grant asked, because Clayton’s face was expressionless and his hands were flexing from where he’d gotten them pulled up by his face. Clayton darted his eyes down to Grant and frowned.


“If I didn’t like it I wouldn’t let you stick your fingers in my ass, Grant.”


“Ouh, touchy…” Grant grinned, rubbing up against Clayton’s prostate and watching in amazement as Clayton’s cock twitched from where it hung between his legs, and a spurt of precum dribbled out onto the bed.


Grant pulled his fingers out, scooping up more lube from Clayton’s back and slicking himself up. Clayton was watching him with that same stupid blank face that meant he didn’t want Grant to know what he was thinking. Grant lined himself up, shifting forward on his knees until the head of his dick was teasing against Clayton’s hole.


“Do you need help?” Clayton asked, looking at Grant like Grant didn’t know how to stick his dick in something.


“Haha. Fuck you.”


“I thought that was the entire purpose of this.” Clayton mused, pushing himself up onto his hands and knees and shoving himself back onto Grant's dick--good god Clayton was still so tight and hot and Grant's hips were cradled right up against his ass. He was going to die. He was going to die a very happy man, but he was going to die nonetheless.


“OhhhhhGod.” Grant stammered, his thighs shaking with the effort not to just start jackrabbit his hips and fuck into Clayton with reckless abandon.


Grant bent down until his forehead was resting against the knob at the base of Clayton’s neck. He kissed the skin there, licking up sweat just to distract himself from how close he’d come to losing it right then and there. One hand fumbled down between Clayton’s legs, fisting his softening dick and going about bringing back to full attention. Clayton grunted, and Grant gave him a squeeze as he started to rock his hips.

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