The Extended Phenotype: The Long Reach of the Gene (Popular Science) (59 page)

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This book is primarily intended for biologists who will have no need of a glossary, but it has been suggested to me that it would be worth explaining a few technical terms to make the book more widely accessible. Many of the terms are well defined in other places (e.g. Wilson 1975; Bodmer & Cavalli-Sforza 1976). My definitions are certainly no improvement on those already available, but I have added personal asides on controversial words, or on matters of particular relevance to the thesis of this book. I have tried to avoid cluttering up the glossary with excessive numbers of explicit cross-references, but many of the words used in the definitions will be found to have their own definitions elsewhere in the glossary.

A technical term which has evolved somewhat away from its common usage as a near synonym of ‘modification’. From sentences like ‘cricket wings are adapted (modified from their primary function of flying) for singing’ (and by implication are well designed for singing), ‘an adaptation’ has come to mean approximately an attribute of an organism that is ‘good’ for something. Good in what sense?, and good for what or for whom?, are difficult questions which are discussed at length in this book.

(short for
Each gene is able to occupy only a particular region of chromosome, its locus. At any given locus there may exist, in the population, alternative forms of the gene. These alternatives are called alleles of one another. This book emphasizes that there is a sense in which alleles are competitors of each other, because over evolutionary time successful alleles achieve numerical superiority over others at the same locus, in all the chromosomes of the population.

A disproportionate relationship between size of a body part and size of the whole body, the comparisons being made either across individuals or across different life stages in the same individual. For example, large ants (but small humans) tend to have relatively very large heads; the head grows at a different rate from the body as a whole. Mathematically, the size of the part is usually taken as being related to the size of the whole raised to a power, which may be fractional.

allopatric theory of speciation
The widely supported view that the evolutionary divergence of populations into separate species (which no longer interbreed) takes place in geographically separate places. The alternative,
sympatric theory
gives rise to difficulties in understanding how the incipient species can separate if they are continuously in a position to interbreed with each other, and therefore to mix their gene-pools (q.v.).

Biologists use the word in a restricted (some would say misleadingly so) sense, only superficially related to common usage. An entity, such as a baboon or a gene, is said to be altruistic if it has the effect (not purpose) of promoting the welfare of another entity, at the expense of its own welfare. Various shades of meaning of ‘altruism’ result from various interpretations of ‘welfare’ (see page 57).
is used in exactly the opposite sense.

That phase of the cycle of cell division during which the paired chromosomes move apart. In meiosis (q.v.) there are two successive divisions and correspondingly two anaphases.

A sexual system in which fusion takes place at fertilization between a large (female) and a small (male) gamete. Contrast with
in which there is sexual fusion but no male/female separation: all gametes are of roughly the same size.

Protein molecules, produced in the immune response of animals, which neutralize invading foreign bodies (antigens).

Foreign bodies, usually protein molecules, which provoke the formation of antibodies.

The phenomenon whereby distasteful or dangerous organisms like wasps ‘warn’ enemies by bright colours or equivalent strong stimuli. These are presumed to work by making it easy for the enemies to learn to avoid them, but there are (not insuperable) theoretical difficulties over how the phenomenon might evolve in the first place.

assortative mating
The tendency of individuals to choose mates that resemble (positive assortative mating or homogamy) or specifically do not resemble (negative assortative mating) themselves. Some people use the word only in the positive sense.

A chromosome that is not one of the sex chromosomes.

Baldwin/Waddington Effect
First proposed by Spalding in 1873. A largely hypothetical evolutionary process (also called
genetic assimilation)
whereby natural selection can create an illusion of the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Selection in favour of a genetic tendency to acquire a characteristic in response to environmental stimuli leads to the evolution of increased sensitivity to the same environmental stimuli, and eventual emancipation from the need for them. On page 44 I suggest that we might breed a race of spontaneously milk-producing male mammals by treating successive generations of males with female hormones and selecting for increased sensitivity to female hormones. The role of the hormones, or other environmental treatment, is to bring out into the open genetic variation which would otherwise lie dormant.

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